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Anti-Poverty Week WA | Community

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Anti-Poverty Week WA


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25.01.2022 Domestic violence is the single largest contributor to homelessness. The social restrictions and financial pressures of COVID-19 have contributed to a sharp increase in this type of abuse. For women, in particular, poverty is yet another barrier trapping them in these situations. With limited resources available to them, it makes it difficult to leave their partners. Raising the rate of the Federal Government's support payments can provide a safety net for victims of domestic... violence and keep them out of poverty. Learn more, and how to take action at WACOSS | Anglicare WA | Foodbank WA | Communicare Inc. | End Homelessness in Western Australia | Mission Australia | Youth Affairs Council of Western Australia | Life Without Barriers | The Smith Family | Shelter WA | Ruah | Uniting WA #APW2020 #AntiPovertyWeek #AntiPovertyWeekWA #RaisetheRateforGood

20.01.2022 One of the realities of living in poverty is being unable to buy medication or eat a regular meal. 56% of people who are on JobSeeker were unable to afford these necessities in the past 3 months. Higher-income support payments were an effective intervention that alleviated the drastic income inequalities in our society. The decrease in these payments has caused a severe swing in the wrong direction and has increased poverty in our West Australian communities. Find out how y...our income compares to those who are doing it tough here WACOSS | Anglicare WA | Foodbank WA | Communicare Inc. | End Homelessness in Western Australia | Mission Australia | Youth Affairs Council of Western Australia | Life Without Barriers | The Smith Family | Shelter WA | Ruah | Uniting WA #APW2020 #AntiPovertyWeek #AntiPovertyWeekWA #RaisetheRateforGood #EverybodysHome #EndHomelessnessWA

18.01.2022 Did you know? WA had a social housing shortfall of 38,500 properties before COVID-19 and last summer’s bushfires. Poverty puts constant pressure on people and if left untreated, it can push them into homelessness. Creating affordable housing can help relieve this burden and empower vulnerable people like Gary to get back on their feet. By strengthening our social welfare system and ensuring all payments stay above the poverty line, we can help at-risk West Australians homelessness. Want to make a difference? Act now by supporting the campaigns below. Everybody's Home - Raise the Rate - End Homelessness in Western Australia - Anti-Poverty Week | WACOSS | Anglicare WA | Foodbank WA | Ruah | Uniting WA | Communicare Inc. | Shelter WA | Mission Australia | Youth Affairs Council of Western Australia | Life Without Barriers | The Smith Family #APW2020 #AntiPovertyWeek #AntiPovertyWeekWA #BuildSocialHousing #Everybodyshome #EndHomelessnessWA

17.01.2022 Poverty exists. Poverty hurts us all. We can all do something about it. This year marks the 18th anniversary of Anti-Poverty Week. Held between 11 17 October 2020, it helps to increase understanding of poverty and how we can end it. During these tough times, it is more important than ever to support struggling West Australians. Marginalised communities are the hardest hit by the health and economic impact of COVID-19 and we believe affordable housing and raising unemploy...ment payments are the best solution. That is why we have partnered with the Everybody's Home campaign and Australian Council of Social Service’s Raise the Rate campaign. Together we can empower and protect our community’s most vulnerable members. Act now, visit WACOSS | Anglicare WA | Foodbank WA | Communicare Inc. | End Homelessness in Western Australia | Mission Australia | Youth Affairs Council of Western Australia | Life Without Barriers | The Smith Family | Shelter WA | Ruah | Uniting WA #APW2020 #AntiPovertyWeek #AntiPovertyWeekWA #RaisetheRateforGood #EverybodysHome #EndHomelessnessWA

02.01.2022 All children deserve to grow up feeling safe and secure. They should have equal access to food and opportunities to fulfil their full potential. However, more than one in five West Australian children under the age of five are living in poverty. Most of these children are living in families who are dependent on government payments. A permanent increase in these payments including family, JobSeeker and single parent payments will make a dramatic difference. Our children deserv...e better. Act now, visit WACOSS | Anglicare WA | Foodbank WA | Communicare Inc. | End Homelessness in Western Australia | Mission Australia | Youth Affairs Council of Western Australia | Life Without Barriers | The Smith Family | Shelter WA | Ruah | Uniting WA #APW2020 #AntiPovertyWeek #AntiPovertyWeekWA #RaisetheRateforGood

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