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Antique Resurrection

Phone: +61 419 983 898


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to load big map

24.01.2022 Took my new to me gorgeous #Red second hand connies (thanks to @flower.child.vintage for the great bargain) #converse out for a date with a friend to the city and enjoyed sharing a new experience with her at @luckychansbar. We ate many delicious dishes and went for a well needed walk with full bellies into the culture centre to see something exciting that didn’t quite happen due to the wind. Wasn’t a total loss as we had a great dinner, chat and walk. Thank you @jsmorandini for a fun day and night. @ Perth, Western Australia

23.01.2022 A stitch intime saves nine Doing some repairs to a second hand quilt to get it ready to sell. While I do do research and watch some YouTube. What are you doing this Saturday night? #repair #stitches #scrapsquilt #laprug #craftsofthepast #skillsofyesteryear #handyskillstohave #savetheworldbuysecondhand

22.01.2022 Hop hop not long till Easter... it’s just around the corner (not the Corona) we have a few little Easter trinkets for sale here at Antique Resurrection so if your in need of a little gift or some Easter decorations we can help. We also have baskets of many sizes and styles if you want to put together an Easter gift basket for loved ones filled with chocolates, hot cross buns and Easter trinkets. #easter #easterdecor #eastergifts #bunny #eastercontainers #egg #stoneegg #semipreciousstoneegg #giftbaskets #easterbasket

21.01.2022 Somedays it’s hard not getting caught up in the small stuff and the nitty gritty. Sometimes you just gotta let it all go and go with the flow. Inspirational quote of the day. Blackboard update. #inspirationalquotes #blackboardmessages #thoughtoftheday #drawing #chalk #itwillallbeok #thelittlethings #gratitudeworks

20.01.2022 Has anyone seen the available in Perth anywhere? We are needing some for a repair/restoration job?

20.01.2022 Not long now only two sleeps to go before the unveiling of all our treasures collected, gathered, sourced, cleaned spick and span valued, priced and packed up ready to join new families and homes. Come on down to the beautiful Vintage in the Vally this weekend and say hi and find some new treasures or future gifts for loved ones. #vintage #reuse #repurpose #welovevintage #community #familyouting #perthisokay #springsummer2019 #rustygold #oldschool #treasurehunting #passionatepeople

20.01.2022 Happy Finished project Friday! Lampshade dress up time. I fell for this lampshade not only for its cute size but the colour got me On closer inspection it was stained and just very tired looking. I gave it a clean first so the spots are water and they thankfully dried without leaving a mark then with some help from a friend @jsmorandini she painted the gold inside. I then peeled the trim off and wow what a colour difference! Check it out so bright. I found this awesome fabr...ic contact at Spotlight and on sale so me not being able to pass up a bargain bought it not knowing what I was going to do with it and put it aside. Yay it works for this project so learning as I went applied it and added some glue at the edge for extra measure. Reapplied the trim as it was perfectly suited with its colour and authenticity of vintage with new aesthetic that so appeals. Great photo at the end all styled up with other items in our shop for sale. Anyone interested in giving her a new home she is for sale. Please enquire about anything else you see in picks also as other items for sale too except plants as they are my babies. @ Forrestfield, Western Australia See more

19.01.2022 A little bit of shuffling! I sold the computer desk finally after advertising it for months on Facebook marketplace so I needed to do a clean up and find a new way to display some of my favourite things. We just happened to have this cupboard (see pic 5) from a verge pic up a few months ago and such a gorgeous colour that goes beautifully with the map of the world and before you ask the walls a prepped ready for paint we just need to come to a decision on the colour. The wine... bottle stand was a rescue from my wine delivery days and it finally gets to come in from the yard with a purpose to be pedestal for our beautiful vintage Underwood and my used Gin bottle collection. Any questions please post below. #welovevintage #reusereducerecycle #autumn2020 #peacockfeathers #underwoodtypewriter #ginbottles #mapoftheworld #silverware #indoorplants @ Langford See more

19.01.2022 Glorious sunny yellow Toy box or children’s clothing hamper you decide only $30 available in store message us if interested. #yellow #toybox #retro #sunshine #childrensclothinghamper #cheerful #popofcolour @ Forrestfield, Western Australia

18.01.2022 W.I.P Just for a tease and something new I’m going to share some of these from time to time. I would for you to let me know what you think. Have a great Friday all.

18.01.2022 Almost 100 followers on Instagram so thought I would show my face and say hi and thank you. Hope your all having a great Sunday in. #welovevintage #staysafe #havefun #reachout #keepintouch #dressupwithnowheretogo #enjoyinglife #sundayfeels #supportlocalbusiness #smallbusinessowner #buyprelovedsavetheplanet #savelandfill #wearingthriftedclothes

16.01.2022 Finally a glow! This baby salt lamp needed some love with a clean up and some new paint, cord and globe she is fulfilling her purpose again and is working wonders with my diffuser while I work away surrounded by technology. Do you have a Himalayan Salt Lamp or many? Shout out to Teresa from @findingbalanceinlife for the new cord and globe very handy and is working a treat. Check her page out for tips on all things self care, healing and relaxation. #saltlamp #saltlamptherapy #revamp #selfcare #protection #resurrection #antiqueresurrection #secondlife #secondhand #smallbusiness @ Forrestfield, Western Australia

15.01.2022 Work in progress more pics to come.

15.01.2022 Rainy days call for research time. Who else grew up with and loved their Barbie? Would love to find her original outfit but this may be an impossible task. She will be for sale at some point so stay tuned if you’re keen. Or DM #barbie #barbiedoll #barbieidentification #myfirstbarbie #barbiecollectors #fortheloveofvintage #80svintage #childofthe80s #blueeyedblonde ... Needed to have something other than computer shots on my feed

15.01.2022 When the wet weather cancels your outdoor plans stay indoors and have a cup of tea in your favourite vintage cup and saucer and get productive. Currently sorting my emails a job that’s way overdue! What are you up to today? #stayingindoors #cupoftea #staycalmandcarryon #vintagecupandsaucer #blues #apple #emaildeletingpartyofone #organisingchaos one step at a time.

13.01.2022 Less than two weeks and we at Antique Resurrection will be here selling some great treasures come on down for some great treasure hunting fun times. #vintage #vintagecarbootsale #markets #treasurehunting #newloot

10.01.2022 Oh so true you gotta have the good with the bad. Contrast is important to enjoy the good times and recognise them and be in the moment. Being present can be difficult but it truly is a gift hence why it’s called the Present. Hope your all having a great Sunday. . . . .... . . #quoteoftheday #chalkboard #deepandmeaningful #sunday #vintagesellerlife #stoptoappreciate #takingstock #lifeismeanttobeenjoyed #lifeslittlepleasures See more

09.01.2022 All rugged up wearing my favourite pair of #converse enjoying this Saturday morning sunshine getting ready to start my day productively just as soon as I finish my coffee.

09.01.2022 Finally our first item of many posted up for sale. If you haven’t already go over to to check out all our treasures available to buy. #buysecondhandsavetheplanet #sentimental #romantic #optimistic #rustygold #gardenart #potplantholder #tinygardenart #weldedmetalsculpture #solifelikeitsscary #haha #firstphotoshoot #photobooth

09.01.2022 Perth hotspots back in the day. Unsure of date but I’m guessing it’s late 70’s early 80’s. If anyone knows anything you can share with us in the comments please do. #perthhistory #perthnightlife #throwbacktothe80s #memories #sharinghistory #archeologylovers #anthropology #studentoflife #newspaper #newspaperadvertising #nightlifethrowback

07.01.2022 Yummy shepherds pie minus the pastry. Was soo delish and my best one yet said my love. To be fair I have cooked a great deal of them over the years but I too think it’s my best one yet. It’s not the prettiest restaurant quality playing up but it’s in vintage and that’s all the counts. #buypreloved #savethelandfills #comfortfood #oldschoolrecipes #loadsofveg #tasty #homecookedmeals #welovevintage @ Langford

05.01.2022 Price tag box part 1 - from broken farm find to mended purpose fulfilled gem........ Way back in March 2019 we were lucky enough to be given a private tour of an invite only pickers delight at one of our fellow collector friends childhood farm his dad worked on. This former working farm has now become a salvage yard and amongst the orange grove lies all sorts of gems of yesteryear. I was delighted when I saw this gorgeous teal painted box brimming with possibilities. She just... needed some TLC and after agreeing on a price she came home with us to be mended and repurposed. After a good clean up with some soap and water off to the workbench for some glue new old screws and a hinge repair - Good as not quite new which is exactly how I love her. Stay tuned for her new purpose. . . . . #repurposed #farmfind #tealbox #handmade #chippedpaint #glueandscrew #TLC #newold #wecandoit #goodasgold #patina @ Forrestfield, Western Australia, Australia See more

05.01.2022 New project - to give this large hand thrown vase a new lease on life. So I’ve got a few options but would love your thoughts. What colour or texture would you love to see? I’m thinking of making it look ancient. #upcycleproject #paintedpots #texture #chalkpaint #vase #handrhrownpottery

04.01.2022 Taking a moment to enjoy my favourite fruit MANGO on one of my favourite vintage plates. Loving what Mother Nature provides and appreciating the dainty designs of the past.

03.01.2022 My morning was spent like this not very productive but essential. The afternoon is now flat stick before work cleaning and meal prep. How have you spent your hump day? #stayhome #catcuddles #morningcoffee #gardentime #connection #breakfastalfresco #onlyvintagehereisme #enjoyingquietmoments #buypreloved #supportsmallbusinessaustralia #lookoutforeachother

03.01.2022 OOTD: some new op shop finds with some old treasures. New to me Diesel Industry jeans comfy as! Charcoal cardigan with the label Nicole in it so it just had to go home with me even though I wasn’t sure it would fit and the scarf with no label. Jewellery some gifted some secondhand some bought by me. #ilovefashion #ilovedressingup #iloveanewoutfit #opshopsrock #secondhandfashion #savetheplanetbuyvintage or #buysecondhandclothing #greys #silver #silverjewelry #pearlearrings #nomakeupselfie #supportsmallbusiness #feelingmyself #springinperth

01.01.2022 Wednesday work on the business day. Getting creative with @moo to make some stickers for parcel postage. So much fun being had today with my creativity. ... Listening to Spotify while I play. What are you up to on this gorgeous hump day? #wednesdayvibes #workingonmysidehustle #humpday #spotifyplaylist #copyrightfreeinstrumentalmusic #creativity #smallbusinessowner #havingago

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