Anxiety Recovery Centre Victoria in Surrey Hills, Victoria | Mental health service
Anxiety Recovery Centre Victoria
Locality: Surrey Hills, Victoria
Phone: +61 1300 269 438
Address: 292 Canterbury Road, Surrey Hills 3127 Surrey Hills, VIC, Australia
Likes: 3587
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25.01.2022 We are proud to be part of a big community of organisations, charities and services who support people through their journeys with anxiety. Each organisation focuses on a different aspect of #livingwithanxiety and offers specific services around all the types of anxieties our community experiences. We collaborate with many different services and organisations to support each other and to make sure that we access the appropriate services to assist all of the people who reach o...ut to us for help. We'd like to give a big shout-out to some of our friends who are doing some truly amazing work in Victoria. PANDA supports women and their families who are suffering from perinatal anxiety or depression. @pandanational VMIAC is the peak Victorian organisation for people with a lived experience of mental health or emotional challenges. @theVMIAC Compassionate Friends Victoria operate grief support groups for bereaved parents and siblings. @TheCompasionateFriendsVictoriaInc #heretogether #mentalhealthsupport #arcvic #anxietyrecovery #mentalhealthcommunity #mentalhealthvictoria #anxietysupport #anxietyjourney #weunderstandanxiety
24.01.2022 Do you know someone who might need emotional support right now please share . No cost
24.01.2022 Usually on a Monday we share the stories of our volunteers or participants. But tonight, we just wanted to take a moment to send big hugs to all our volunteers. We have dozens of volunteers who share hours of their time each week to assist others who are struggling with anxiety. Some of our volunteers have #livedexperience with anxiety themselves, others are mental health professionals or students and others are simply those who have great big hearts. From online group sessi...ons through to our helpline and our one on one care programme - Cares4me, our volunteers are an integral part of everything we do here at Anxiety Recovery Centre. #weloveourvolunteers #livedexperience #bestteamever #mentalhealthvictoria #arcvic #arcvicambassadors #anxietysupport #caringforthecarers
24.01.2022 Looking forward to our meet-up this Wednesday. Join in to catch up on how everyone has been going this week.
23.01.2022 A reminder that our FREE online support group is running THIS TUESDAY. If you would like to join in, please make sure you download Zoom and register for the event via our website. Looking forward to welcoming you.
23.01.2022 Many of us want to reach out and help the community, but don't know exactly how to go about it. To help share the love, we have teamed up with @livingworksaus and @crisisheroes to provide a framework where people can help people. Head across to the crisisheroes website to register your skills or services to help those in need in your local community. Register how you can help someone in your community. This could include picking up groceries, running errands, a friendly call, offering produce or goods. No offer is too small! The programme also offers the opportunity to train in suicide first aid to provide support to those who are struggling mentally and emotionally. #livingworks #crisisheroes #peoplehelpingpeople #arcvic #anxietyrecovery #suicideprevention #suicidefirstaid #suicidefirstaidtraining #communitysupport #weunderstandanxiety #heretogether
22.01.2022 Hi! Our FREE online support group is running this Monday. If you'd like to join us, please download Zoom and then head across to our website to register.
22.01.2022 The best gift you can give this year is time. Each year it seems the holiday season just gets busier and busier. There's a lot of expectation around gifts, parties and finishing off tasks before Dec 25th. At the end of one of the most difficult years we have all faced, it's important to make sure you give yourself and others time to breathe. Share your time where you can with family and friends. Reach out to people who mean something to you and, if you have space, connect w...ith those who could use a little Christmas cheer. #givetime #taketime #arcvic #anxietyrecovery #selfcare
21.01.2022 You're welcome to join us each Friday for a FREE mindfulness session. Please head across to our website to reserve your place.
21.01.2022 Many people affected by obsessive compulsive disorder find it helpful to talk with others who share similar experiences. Discussing symptoms, self help ideas and strategies in a relaxed and understanding environment can be a great support to recovery. If you'd like to join in this online group, please head across to our website to register.
20.01.2022 Suicide and intentional self-harm are complex, often with many contributing factors. Right now one third of deaths in Australia from 15 - 24 are attributed to suicide. With timely and appropriate interventions many of these deaths may be preventable.... We encourage you to become a suicide alert helper and be better prepared to: - Notice and respond to situations in which thoughts of suicide may be present - Apply basic TALK steps (Tell, Ask, Listen, & KeepSafe) - Connect the person with thoughts of suicide to suicide first aid help and further community resources We regularly run suicide first aid courses and have a wealth of resources which may help. If you, or anyone you know may be interested in exploring suicide prevention, please head to our website for more information on courses. #suicideprevention #suicidefirstaid #understandinganxiety #anxietysupport #anxietyrecovery #arcvic #livingworks #suicideeducationandawareness
20.01.2022 We are big advocates of checking in on your overall wellbeing regularly. For some, the idea of wellbeing can be confusing - is it physical health, mental health, spiritual health or all of the above? Wellness is the complete integration of body, mind and spirit. The realisation that everything we do, think, feel and believe has an effect on our wellbeing Greg Anderson... Helping you to improve your wellbeing is a large part of what we do here at ARCVic. Here are some of the ways you can work towards a positive wellbeing. Connect by talking and listening to others and always living in the moment Be active partipate in what makes you happy Take notice pause, breathe in and explore the beauty in the world around you Keep learning embrace new experiences and stay inquisitive Give pay it forward and share acts of kindness, your words and your time with others Self-care is a big part of wellbeing. Every 2nd and 4th Monday of the month we run free online wellbeing support groups we would love you to join us for. Please head to our website for more details. #selfcare #wellbeing #wellness #kindness #anxietyrecovery #arcvic #wellnessgroup #onlinesupportgroups #mentalhealthcare #mentalhealthvictoria #anxietyaustralia #anxietyawareness #anxietysupport #heretogether #weunderstandanxiety #mentalhealthweek2020 #livedexperience
20.01.2022 Every Friday morning at 11am, we provide a FREE mindfulness session online. We'd love to invite you to join us. All you'll need to do is to download Zoom and head across to our website to register for your place.
20.01.2022 The VCE Can be a stressful time for any student. It's important to understand how this impacts students who suffer from anxiety too. Join us this Tuesday 23rd February from 7 - 8 as we present a workshop in collaboration with Whitehorse City Council. We'll discuss strategies around helping your child prepare to prepare!... VCE Thrive and Survive Tuesday 23rd February 7pm to 8.30pm ( Online via ZOOM ) Contact: [email protected] for the ZOOM link #whitehorsecitycouncil #arcvic #studentswithanxiety #adolescentanxiety #weunderstandanxiety #anxietysupport #studentsupport #vce2021
19.01.2022 Our groups give people the opportunity to connect with other another in a safe place where you can use pseudo names and don’t have to show yourself on the screen and don’t need to talk if they feel like it's too much. The aim of our groups is to provide a space for people with social anxiety to be listened, heard and understood while sharing personal experiences. If you'd like to join in, please head across to our website to register.
19.01.2022 Did you know that we have recently introduced a webchat service? Staffed by our amazing volunteers - it is available from 10 - 8:30 Monday to Friday. You can access this by heading to our website: where you'll see the little chat icon in the bottom right hand corner.... Of course our Phone Helpline 1300 269 438 is still running Mon - Fri 10am - 8pm. #anxietysupport #anxietyhelpline #arcvic #anxietyrecoverycentrevictoria #reachout #weunderstandanxiety #heretogether
19.01.2022 This year, in the midst of everything 2020 threw at us, we launched our one on one anxiety support programme - Cares4me. So far, we have matched dozens of people experiencing different forms of anxiety with dedicated volunteers who understand anxiety. These volunteers give their time to engage, support, listen and share strategies with the programme's participants. Each week, they speak directly with their matched participant, helping them to work through their challenges and... to celebrate their wins. The programme has been a major achievement for our team and a rewarding experience for our volunteers too. If you feel that this level of support is something you would like to access, please get in touch via our website: And our Helpline is open from Monday - Friday 10am - 8:30pm on 1300 269 438. #arcvic #anxietyrecovery #anxietyvictoria #livedexperinece #mentalhealthvictoria #mindfulnesspractice #ocd #trichotillomania #socialanxiety #cares4me #anxietysupport #anxietysupportgroups #heretogether #weunderstandanxiety #anxietyhelpline #oneononeanxietysupport #livedexperience
19.01.2022 There's a lot of pressure around this time to be social, be festive and merry. We just wanted to remind you that it's perfectly OK to just be YOU. #beyou #arcvic #anxietyrecovery #anxietysupport #mentalhealthmatters
18.01.2022 We love the positivity in this message and support thoroughly the idea that we can bring about change in our own lives. If you're in need of some additional support to help your journey through anxiety, we are here to help. With free regular online support groups, mindfulness sessions, a library of resources and one-on-one programmes, we have many ways to support you. And our Helpline is open from Monday - Friday 10am - 8:30pm on 1300 269 438.... #arcvic #anxietyrecovery #anxietyvictoria #livedexperinece #mentalhealthvictoria #mindfulnesspractice #ocd #trichotillomania #socialanxiety #cares4me #anxietysupport #anxietysupportgroups #heretogether #weunderstandanxiety #anxietyhelpline
17.01.2022 Our volunteers are truly magic! Through the most difficult of years, our team have worked their special skills to help Victorians navigate their anxiety recovery amazingly! We just wanted to send out a message of our gratitude to all of them. Your investment of time, emotional space and genuine caring has helped the lives of so many. Sending you the biggest hugs and wishing you and yours a beautiful Christmas.... #livedexperience #arcvicambassadors #volunteerlife #helpingvictorians #anxiety support #anxietyrecovery
16.01.2022 Just a reminder that this Monday we are running our FREE online wellbeing session. We'd love you to welcome you. If you'd like to join in, please download Zoom and then head across to our website to register.
15.01.2022 We'd love to welcome you to our group. This online group is here to support people who who are feeling stuck with having too many things, collecting too many things, have difficulty letting go or throwing out things that are no longer needed or wanted, or buying or acquiring too many things or need support with organisation, decluttering or can no longer maintain their home and keep it clean. This FREE online Support Group provides an opportunity for people to help one another, understand their anxiety disorder and the recovery process.
14.01.2022 So very true. It's not always easy to feel positive self worth, but it is important! At ARCVic, we're here to help you remind you of how amazing you are. Pleas...e know that our fantastic volunteers are only a call awway when you need additional support. We also encourage you to join our safe and friendly online support groups. Helpline: Monday - Friday 10am - 8:30pm 1300 269 438 #onlinesupportgroups #anxietysupport #anxietyhelpline #weunderstandanxiety #mentalhealthvictoria #arcvic #selfworth #selfcare #volunteerlife #community #livedexperience #anxietyawareness #supportingvictorians #brenebrown
14.01.2022 Each Monday we like to share stories and thoughts from our Volunteers and people who join us to assist them in their anxiety journey. 4 , . , . . ; ... These thoughts and stories from our participants are a great source of encouragement and motivation for our volunteers. #arcambassadors #arcvic #anxietysupport #anxietyrecovery #anxietyvictoria #heretogether #weunderstandanxiety #onedayatatime #cares4me #mentalhealthvolunteering
13.01.2022 We know that anxiety comes in many different shapes and sizes. This is why we don't believe in a one-size-fits-all approach to support. From our helpline which runs Mon - Fri on 1300 269 438, through to our online support groups and cares4me one on one program - we have developed many different ways to help you through anxiety recovery. Here are some beautiful words from one of our caes4me participants.... I was feeling very lonely. I tried to get support from other agencies, but they couldn’t understand. Everyone at ARCVic is very friendly, and they understand me. I look forward to receiving calls from my volunteer each week. - A #reachout #arcvic #cares4me #anxietyrecovery #arcvic #anxietysupport #heretogether #livedexperience #livingwithanxiety #weunderstandanxiety #mentalhealthvictoria #ocdsupport #trichotillomania #hoarding
10.01.2022 We all progress at different paces. At ARC, we enjoy celebrating our differences and the beauty that makes us unique. #arcvic #anxietyrecoverycentre #anxietysupport #onlinesupportgroups #weunderstandanxiety #heretogether #mentalhealthvictoria #arcambassadors #celebrateyourdifferences
10.01.2022 According to " , ’ , ’ . , ’ , ."... Each week we offer an online mindfulness session - Mindful Moments. It's a gentle guided way to discover strategies which can link you to the present. By focusing on the present, slowing down your thoughts, you are able to steer away unwanted thoughts and behaviours. We've found that taking these moments has benefits for both mental and physical health. We would love you to join us. If you're keen - please head to our website: to register. #arcvic #anxietyrecoverycentre #anxietysupport #onlinesupportgroups #weunderstandanxiety #heretogether #mentalhealthvictoria #arcambassadors #mindfulness #mindfulmomements #breathe
10.01.2022 If you are working your way through anxiety, you're not alone. At ARCVic, we have a brilliant team of volunteers and professionals who are here to assist you with your anxiety recovery. Each week we have a series of FREE online support groups and every day Mon - Friday 10am - 8:30pm we have our helpline running to provide assistance and support over the phone. 1300 269 438... Some of the support groups we facilitate include ones for: OCD, Trichotillomania, Hoarding, Student Anxiety, Parents Support, LGBTQIA+, Wellbeing and Mindfulness. We also have a wonderful program, cares4me which provides matched one on one support for those moving through their anxiety. Our website provides resources, details on our programmes and ways in which you can access support. We welcome you to be a part of the ARCVic family. #arcvic #anxietyrecoverycentre #mentalhealthvictoria #mentalhealthweek #weunderstandanxiety #anxietysupport #anxietyhelp #anxietyaustralia #anxietyawareness #copingstrategies #onlinesupportgroups #anxietyhelpline #positivevibes #mindfulness #selfcare #heretogether #livedexperience
10.01.2022 We'd love you to join us for our online parents group this Tuesday. It's a great space to learn coping strategies and engage with people who understand anxiety.
10.01.2022 If you're a Uni student looking for some additional support, our FREE online support group can help. To join in THIS MONDAY, please download Zoom and then head across to our website to register.
09.01.2022 Let's spread that stuff around. #arcvic #anxietyrecovery #onlinesupportgroups #sharethelove #goodenergy #breathe #heretogether #mentalhealthmelbourne
09.01.2022 We invite you to join us at our annual AGM. Monday 16th November 2020 7pm to 8pm Due to COVID restrictions the 2020 AGM will be held online via zoom. Please phone the ARCVic Office on ... 03 9830 0566 or email [email protected] to register your interest and to receive the zoom link invitation. #arcvic #agm #anxietyrecoverycentrevictoria #anxietyrecovery #heretogether #weunderstandanxiety #mentalhealthvictoria #livedexperience
08.01.2022 Although we say "welcome" - it really is more like "thank you". Anubhav started his ARCVic journey volunteering with us for over 8 years, working part time for several years - as a Support Group Facilitator, Helpline Supervisor and now - as the Support Group Co-ordinator for our many online groups. His passion to assist others in their anxiety recovery is deep, informed by his lived experience with anxiety too.... We're so thrilled to have him co-ordinating our online support groups! #arcvic #arcvicambassadors #livedexperience #anxietyrecovery @anubhavphotography_au #anxietyrecoverycentrevictoria
08.01.2022 This FREE online chat group is designed for Social Contact and as an opportunity to check and see how you have been travelling over the past week.
07.01.2022 Every Wednesday we get together for an online chat to connect and share stories in a safe space. If you'd like to join in, please head across to our website to register and make sure you have Zoom installed on your device too!
06.01.2022 We'd like you to invite you to join us at this Tuesday's online support group. Make sure you have Zoom installed on your device and head across to our website to register.
06.01.2022 I’m grateful to have someone call me each week, and learn more about management strategies for my anxiety. It helps having someone to talk to These are the beautiful comments from one of our participants in the Cares4me programme which we launched this year. The programme offers one on one support for those suffering from anxiety. #cares4me #anxietyrecovery #arcvic #mentalhealthrecovery #anxietysupport
05.01.2022 . , . . . .... . . . . . . #arcvic #anxietyrecovery #volunteerstories #livedexperience #anxietysupport
05.01.2022 Merry Christmas. Breathe, share your love and enjoy the time you maybe spending with family and friends.
04.01.2022 Kindness is a wonderful and neccessary element to the world we live in. At ARCVic, we believe in "paying it forward". Essentially this is displaying random acts of kindness to those you hold dear and to strangers too. We encourage you, particularly as we head into the end of the year to be kind to others - and yourselves as well! #arcvic #anxietyrecovery #anxietyvictoria #livedexperinece #mentalhealthvictoria #mindfulnesspractice #ocd #trichotillomania #socialanxiety #cares4me #anxietysupport #anxietysupportgroups #heretogether #weunderstandanxiety #anxietyhelpline #selfcare #payitforward #randomactsofkindness
04.01.2022 We are so proud of our Cares4me programme and want to send a massive thank you to all of our volunteers and participants. Here are some words from one of our participants. It's a pleaseure to be able to share their stories and wins. I can speak to my volunteer about things I have been thinking about during the week. It’s nice to have a safe space to talk openly.... #mentalhealthmatters #arcvic #cares4me #anxietysupport #anxietyrecoverycentre #arcvicambassador #livedexperience
03.01.2022 This free support group offers information and self-help for people with Obsessive Compulsive, Social Anxiety, Panic & Generalised Anxiety Disorders, Trichotillomania/Hair Pulling, Hoarding, Body Dysmorphic Disorder, Agoraphobia & Phobias. Carers, Family Members and Friends also welcome. We would love you to join us. Please head across to our website to register.
02.01.2022 Every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month we host a free online support group. If you'd like to join us, please head across to our website to register and make sure you have Zoom installed on your device.
01.01.2022 Every first and third Wednesday of the month we have an online support group to support women who may have faced traumatic situations in their lives. If you, or someone you know could use some support - this group may be perfect for you. Make sure you have Zoom on your device and head across to our website to register.
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