Ellis Silas | Public figure
Ellis Silas
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22.01.2022 Patients are lying here just as they were when they left the trenches, with all the filthy and blood-soaked clothes still upon them. I must get them washed somehow, so I get the orderlies, who don't seem to have thought this was necessary, to discover all the basins they can and get to work washing the patients. A handsome looking fellow has lost his left leg up to the thigh; he tries to throw himself overboard but, taking the patients generally, they are displaying wonderful fortitude over their terrible sufferings. #AnzacLive
18.01.2022 I go to the Fo'castle to get one of the seamen to take the big nails out of my boots. I was rather taken aback when this was done for me without my having to pay anything. I might add, the behaviour of officers and crew, including stewards etc., had been splendid; short of orderlies, after they had done their nautical duties which were strenuous enough, they did everything in their power to assist in nursing the wounded, taking but scant time for sleep or meals. #AnzacLive
12.01.2022 Arrive at Alexandria. I wonder if I go into Hospital here or Cairo I hope it is the latter as I should like much to be there, as I have a number of friends made whilst training in Egypt. The order comes, Walking cases, Fall in whether I am considered one of these I know not, all the same I follow them to the Hospital train and get in. #AnzacLive
12.01.2022 After the ceaseless thunder of guns, the agony, filth and desolation of the battlefield, it was indeed like Heaven to be tucked between clean sheets in the silence of this ward the softly shaded lights, the Sisters gliding noiselessly about ministering to our many wants, the Eastern architecture and decoration, and, half lost in the dim shadows above, gold-beaten brass lamps of exquisite workmanship; without, a purple sky of an Egyptian night; all helped to give a sense of unreality. I half expected to find myself wafted away on a magic carpet. #AnzacLive
09.01.2022 Reach Heliopolis. The train is met by motor ambulances and we are carried off to Palace Hospital. #AnzacLive
06.01.2022 At last we can give the wounded some clean shirts, as some Red Cross stores have been opened up. One New Zealander received a whole batch of letters and is much envied by the rest of the patients. #AnzacLive