A.P.A.R.T. | Organisation
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24.01.2022 Unfortunately our upcoming investigation at Beechworth Gaol has been postponed. However we will be assisting with a residential investigation this weekend. What are your paranormal plans this weekend? We would love to hear what others are up to.
21.01.2022 I would like to send a heartfelt farewell to two of our founding members. After much thought they have decided to go on their own way. I will miss them greatly as they are fantastic investigators and have been great friends. - Christine
19.01.2022 A thank you to our friend Kath who invited one of our members along to help with a residential investigation tonight. Residences are always exciting to investigate and never fail to give a few surprises.
15.01.2022 Interesting doco I found on theage.com.au. Bit heavy on the spooky sound effects but that's expected. Around 38 minutes an intuitive states she caught spectral orbs in the light of her torch. Camera flare or unexplained? Also an interesting shadow caught and shown near end of the doco. Anyone have any thoughts on it?
11.01.2022 Things have been very quiet for APART recently, however we do thank our recent likers and our friends for their continuing support.
07.01.2022 We're pleased to have the opportunity to return to Beechworth Gaol later this month. Expecting to attend with a smaller team on this occasion and we're looking forward to seeing how this may change the results and any experiences we may have.