Australian Professional Firefighters Foundation | Businesses
Australian Professional Firefighters Foundation
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25.01.2022 To wrap up National Volunteers Week, the APFF would like to thank all of it's volunteers for their support throughout the year - especially all of the amazing retired firefighters who take on the lion's share of work to make things all around our state! A special mention also to the nurses, SA CWA ladies, and community supporters who also volunteer to help us raise funds to provide support to burns and road trauma survivors, and our own firefighting family in their various struggles.
25.01.2022 This Thank You Thursday we'd like to thank the amazing Andrew Caire. Andy is passionate about his job, but even more passionate about helping his fellow Firefighters in any way he can. He regularly volunteers for not only the APFF, but also for organising social events and the annual Shake The Boot. To top it all off, he's just a lovely guy! Thanks Andy!
25.01.2022 This week's Thank You Thursday goes out on 'I Forgot To Do It Friday'... This week we'd like to thank board member and long time advocate of the APFF, Paul. He and his lovely wife Jo, who has also served on the APFF Ball Committee for many years, have both been strong supporters of the APFF. Paul has recently handed over the reigns of his board position, but we'd like to thank him and Jo for their years of service. Thanks guys!
23.01.2022 It is after much consideration that the APFF has decided to cancel the Coffee Club initiative until after the Easter weekend in April. In light of MFS risk management principles to keep cross-contamination between stations minimised, we have decided to assist in that by not providing an alternate avenue of spreading the virus outside of work. Instead, the APFF would encourage all members and supporters to participate in our interim strategy of Wellness Wednesday. Every, please pick up the phone and call someone you know that might have seemed a bit stressed lately, or that you haven't spoken to in a while. The simple fact of making contact can make all the difference to some people who are feeling isolated. Thank you everyone for the ongoing support, and remember to reach out if you need any help. We will be back better than ever in a months time (hopefully)! Until then, stay safe, and look after one another. See more
22.01.2022 What's your first dog's name? What's your favourite colour? When was the last time you called someone just to check if they are ok? ....... It's WEllness WEdnesday - Check in on your mates!!!
22.01.2022 Today is Thank You Thursday, and you know what that means! It's time to share a little love back in the direction of those who give to others. This week is a little different, because whilst our thank you recipient is an organisation, it's really a group of amazing people. The Fire Service Credit Union is a financial institution open to Firefighters and their families. They provide fantastic support to all of South Australia's professional firefighters and numerous charitable events throughout the year. So to Trish and all of your lovely staff at the Credit Union, thank you for all that you do!
22.01.2022 Looking for help. We need a poster to Distribute to within the APFF for the upcoming inaugural car and bike cruise. Details attached
22.01.2022 Costco are offering an exclusiveheros hour on the 22nd August 2020. All you need is proof of employment or membership to the relevant emergency service. Not a Costco member? You can join on the day!
22.01.2022 Due to a lack of volunteers, we have lost the fund raising opportunities for Friday and Saturday at the Bupa Challenge. WE STILL NEED 1 volunteer for Thursday, 0930hrs to 1630hrs at Ferryden Park, ... Can you help!?
20.01.2022 This week's Thank You Thursday goes out to Tom. Tom has made an amazing contribution towards his fellow firefighters already in his time within the MFS. He has coordinated the APFF's inaugural Car Cruise, written a children's book (soon to be released) and has taken over the role of Communications for the APFF which has already seen great improvements. Thank you Tom for your hard work! If you know someone who deserves a big thank you, message the page and we'll make sure they get the recognition they deserve!
19.01.2022 Today is National Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Awareness Day. In most instances following potentially traumatic events, people are naturally resilient ...and utilise their own adaptive coping strategies such as connecting with people close to them. Sometimes however, something about the event may prevent this natural healing from occurring and what can initially be normal symptoms may become persistent and debilitating. This may be a psychological injury like PTSD. PTSD does not need to be a life sentence and accessing the right treatment early may help prevent you from experiencing PTSD in the first instance or may result in complete recovery in which you may be stronger than before. For more information on PTSD head to
19.01.2022 Are any of our members or supporters photographers? The Foundation has some professional photography equipment that we no longer use and we need to work out what it is, and what it's worth so we can move it on. Please comment below if you might be able to help!
19.01.2022 Challenge Time! Whos done one of the push up challenges supporting mental health lately? We think theyre fantastic... so keep it up! But since our focus is more about checking in on your mates lets change it up a bit... ... Five for Five Challenge!! How does it work? We are going to start this off by tagging five mates... those five mates have 5 days to call five mates and ask how are you going? Once they have completed their challenge, share this post and tag those 5 mates to carry it on...and on....and on! Lets go!
19.01.2022 "The APFF is looking for volunteers for a 'Bushfire Relief Shake the Boot' and the Bupa Challenge on Friday the 24th of January. All money raised from both events will go to SA Country Women's Association Emergency Relief Fund. 100% of money raised will go directly to SA bush fire victims. Get behind a great cause to help our fellow South Aussies". Mark Cunningham, Tom Hett or Scott Rouse at ... [email protected] use the subject STB Details - 7am Adelaide Railway Station. - All day Rundle Mall - Afternoon/evening Victoria Square. Can only give a few hours? Thats ok let us know what time you can donate!
19.01.2022 A big thanks to the Volunteers who turned up today for the float pushing!! Certainly felt the Christmas cheer today!!!!
19.01.2022 If a fleecy zip is more your style these are also available for $40. Mel is wearing a small, Simon an XL and Boyd an XXL. Free delivery available to your station. All sizes available small through to XXL.
17.01.2022 So today is the day! APFF members will be out and about in Adelaide CBD collecting for victims of the recent bush fires. Remember to Say hi to the guys and girls if you see us. All proceeds will be going via our partners at the SACWA ( south Australian Country Womens Association) directly those affected. If you wont be in the city and want to add to the cause, you can donate online through our website. ... Take a minute and make a difference!
16.01.2022 ICYMI, some of our members have recently been volunteering their time to support Team Rubicon Australia in the post-fire clean up of the Adelaide hills. We're pleased to support such a worthy cause, and the varied skills of our Professional Firefighter members are directly easing the burden of those locals impacted by the fires. There's still plenty of work to be done, so if you have time, check out their website and volunteer a spare set of hands yourself
16.01.2022 Can you spare a couple of hour to shake the boot at Norwoods Greek festival this Saturday (15-2-20) evening? Approximate times are 1730 to 2000hrs, if you can help contact Mark Cunningham on 0438 085 956.
16.01.2022 So the words out! Back in November a group of professional firefighters, nursing staff and country womens association members gave up their Friday and some Saturday night to don their PPE and shake the boot in support of our annual fund raiser for burns survivors at the womens and childrens hospital. Thanks to our efforts patients now have access to a second Dermamesher. This piece of vital equipment is used to perforate harvested skin grafts allowing for a relatively s...mall graft of skin stretch to cover a considerably bigger burn site. We are told that turn around times were in the region of 3 hours between usage, with this donation a full second set is now available cutting that time in half. We would also like to thank The Friends of the Womans & childrens Hospital for facilitating the purchase and transaction allowing the money we raised to the help people that actually need it. Keep an eye around November for our next fundraiser.
15.01.2022 Do you know what day it is? It's Thank you Thursday!!! It is important to recognise people when they go above and beyond to do things for others. Many members of the APFF do exactly this every day, helping their professional firefighter colleagues, and the community - with no expectation of anything in return. So we are going to spread a bit of love and recognise their amazing efforts. Today we'd like to thank Tom, who happens to be the Vice President of the APFF, and an Aviation firefighter at Adelaide airport. He quietly works away in the background coordinating events, attending meetings and giving equipment to the Women's and Children's Hospital... All of the little jobs that add up to be a mammoth task in making sure the APFF continues to do it's amazing work. Thank you Tom!
15.01.2022 Today’s thank you Thursday goes to the amazing Susie Leith. Susie has been in charge of the APFF merchandise since she joined the MFS 13 years ago. Over the years she has raised thousands of dollars through organising all merchandise sales, volunteering at the MFS open days, and purchasing gifts and items for the children in the burns unit at the WCH. She prefers to stay under the radar but does many wonderful things for the APFF to benefit her fellow firefighters and the kids at the WCH. Thank you Susie Leith for all you do!
14.01.2022 Today is Thank You Thursday, and given the current circumstances in SA, we can't think of anyone more deserving of our thanks at the moment than our unsung heroes of 2020, Pathologists. Without the amazing work of these professionals this year, processing hundreds of thousands of Covid19 tests, who knows where we would be. So to all Pathologists around Australia, Thank You!
13.01.2022 With Christmas fast approaching this years pageant is going to look slightly different, with that being said there’s still plenty of ways for volunteers to help. November 13, 14 and 15 Event wise are looking for assistance from truck drivers and able hands. All hours donated equate to money raised for the APFF. Times are below email [email protected] We need:... Friday 0900-1700 7 truck drivers 8 assistants Saturday 1200-1500 6 people in the warehouse to move floats Saturday 1300-1600 2 people to assist with traffic at the warehouse Saturday 1800-0200 7 truck drivers 8 assistants Sunday 1200-1500 6 people in the warehouse to move floats Sunday 1300-1600 2 people to assist with traffic at the warehouse
13.01.2022 SMALL Size HOODIE SALE Grab one for the Mum or the children!! Only $35.00
12.01.2022 Salisbury Station day has been postponed. Details will be posted when available.
12.01.2022 Hey, its Mens Health Week! Obviously men should look after their health every week but this week could be a great starting point to plan some changes in your! This could be physically, mentally or financially. A time to get out for a walk, go see your GP, catch up with some mates, check in with your partner and get some sleep! Theres no shame in struggling and getting help, being vulnerable and doing something for you! Take the first step.... See more
12.01.2022 Part of being a firefighter is being community minded, SAMFS recruit course 57 have raced out the blocks! A total of 12 gents including an instructor cultivated mos raising an astonishing $5441. Movember raises money, making a difference in mental health & suicide prevention, prostate cancer and testicular cancer. All that taken in to consideration the APFF added the incentive of a $200 meal for the individual that raised the single highest sponsorship, late last week it wa...s my pleasure to present recruit Tom Kluvanek with the grand prize. Also worth a mention, Adelaide A shift team of five making a respectable effort! It’s fantastic to see such great commitment from the fire service family.
11.01.2022 Hey! How are you? Scrolling Facebook? Got some time on your hands?... How bout scrolling though your contacts and calling a mate youve lost touch with of late? Its always nice to hear from a friend! #wellnesswednesday
11.01.2022 Last Friday (23rd) firefighters from SAMFS and ARFFS, accompanied by SACWA members, took to Adelaide's streets to raise money for South Australians affected by the recent bush fires. What a response from the South Australian public!
11.01.2022 With the cooler weather here grab yourself a hoodie. $40. Order through the website and they can be delivered to your station for free, or pay for postage elsewhere. Here Boyd on the left is wearing a XXL and Simon on the right an XL. *Please note we are currently waiting for an order of size large to arrive.
09.01.2022 Thursday thank you goes out to James & Nikki Harratt and our youngest fundraiser 6 month old baby Harratt who shook the boot at last week's Greek festival in Norwood, raising $850 towards bush fire relief. A massive shout out is also extended to Mount Gambier station crews that have raised a massive $1300 thats also going directly to those affected by the recent SA bush fires. Mental health issues can affect people post loss or challenging events. Seeking help is not a sign of weakness. If you are struggling reach out! Beyond Blue are on 1300 22 4636 or to your brigades support chains.
09.01.2022 Still looking for volunteers for the Bupa challenge Thursday Friday Saturday, this week. With low levels of interest we are getting close to losing the opportunity to raise any funds for Sa bush fire victims. Thursday ... 6 spots 0930hrs to 1630hrs Ferryden Park Friday 3 spots 0600hrs start to 1600hrs at Murray Bridge 6 spots 0830hrs start to 1600hrs at Murray bridge Saturday 6 spots 0800hrs to 1200hrs Ferryden Park POC Is Scott Rouse or Tom Hett, [email protected] use the subject bupa
08.01.2022 This years National Pharmacy has looked a little different from others, something that remains constant is selfless people giving up their time to get amongst it and help it run smoothly. So far 30 volunteers from the APFF, SAMFS, ARFF and their families have worked shifts moving and organising behind the scenes. Today they will be out again finalising the transport of the last floats back to their homes for the year. ... Thank you all!
07.01.2022 2019 has been a very eventful year for the APFF. We have supported a number of our members through difficult times in their lives, donated gifts and visited the children on the burns ward of the Women's and Children's Hospital, and supported some major events, such as the Adelaide Christmas pageant. We have also supported several victims who've lost everything in house fires. All of this is made possible by the generous donations of our Aviation and MFS Firefighters who contr...ibute not only their time, but also their own money to support these worthy causes. And let us not forget the invaluable contribution of our retired Firefighters who continue to show the true firefighting family community spirit by regularly giving up their time to help with all of these events and more. Some new faces on the Board of the APFF this year have brought with them some exciting new ideas and projects which are aiming to reach our goals of improving Firefighter's mental health outcomes. All that done and dusted, the Board of the APFF would like to thank ALL or our supporters, and wish you a safe and happy new year. We look forward to what 2020 brings and the continued support of you all for such an important cause. Our family looking after yours.
07.01.2022 Coming in to a new week its about time we gave a shout out to local SA companies that regularly support us. Langmeil Barossa are one of these very special companies, found on Para road in Tanunda make sure you drop in if your luck enough to be in our wine region this week.
06.01.2022 The APFF want to say a very big thank you to all that have volunteered over the weekend! Until next year!! Merry Christmas
05.01.2022 Check out our new purple T-shirts for kids! These are the same design as our navy ones. Size 0 through to youth 16. Only $15! Visit to purchase.
05.01.2022 Massive effort from Adelaide MFS crews, volunteer off duty firefighters(from the mfs and ARFF), and the SA Country Womens Association today. The boots have been firmly shaken and we are blown away with the generosity of the South Australian public, overseas visitors and interstate visitors that have dug deep and donated to assist those that have been affected. Our abacus are at the ready - stand by for the final total of todays campaign. ... ITS NOT TOO LATE! Donations are still being taken through our web site. Needless to say 100% of funds raised are going to those directly affected. Sincerely, from the APFF team, thanks for your generosity.
05.01.2022 Volunteers Needed!! Dont Delay! Contact Us now if you can help!!! Thursday: 6 spots 0930hrs to 1630hrs Ferryden Park ... Friday: 3 spots 0600hrs start to 1600hrs at Murray Bridge, and 6 spots 0830hrs start to 1600hrs at Murray bridge Saturday: 6 spots 0800hrs to 1200hrs Ferryden Park POC Is Scott Rouse or Tom Hett, [email protected] use the subject bupa
04.01.2022 Dont like approach people asking for change? Volunteers assisting the Bupa Challenge are earning $20 per hour for the same cause! The start point for the Thursday and Saturday will be the storage shed at Ferryden Park. The Friday however will be start and finish at Murray Bridge where the event is being held. We are assisting in setting up and marshalling Thursday 6 spots 0930hrs to 1630hrs Ferryden Park ... Friday 3 spots 0600hrs start to 1600hrs at Murray Bridge 6 spots 0830hrs start to 1600hrs at Murray bridge Saturday 6 spots 0800hrs to 1200hrs Ferryden Park POC Is Scott Rouse or Tom Hett, [email protected] use the subject bupa
04.01.2022 On International Firefighters Day, we would like to acknowledge the sacrifice of those who have come before us, and those who continue to risk their lives to protect their community. To all firefighters around the world, stay safe during these difficult times.
04.01.2022 Volunteers are beginning to come forward with Christmas cheer! Five positions have been filled on Friday, can you spare some time? We need:... Friday 0900-1700 5 truck drivers 5 assistants Saturday 1200-1500 6 people in the warehouse to move floats Saturday 1300-1600 2 people to assist with traffic at the warehouse Saturday 1800-0200 7 truck drivers 8 assistants Sunday 1200-1500 6 people in the warehouse to move floats Sunday 1300-1600 2 people to assist with traffic at the warehouse
04.01.2022 Beanies are in stock!!! We have all sizes of Hoodies. Order through the website, we can send them out in the stores run for you. Other options are to call in to the Fund Office and see Fiona or we can post out to you. Hoodies $50 Roll up And Grey Band Beanies $20 Merino Beanie( great for under bike helmets)$30 We have other stock available on the website
03.01.2022 Another Wednesday is upon us with the current situation there is no better time than now to reach out to friends and family. Taking ten minuets to pick up the phone can make the world of difference especially to those that are single or apart from their families at the moment. Offer a hand to those in your close communities, the elderly or high risk may need milk picking up or a new paper.....could you help out? ... Stay safe thoughts with everyone.
02.01.2022 The weather is freezing today, so don't leave your mates out in the cold. Pick up the phone and call them on Wellness Wednesday!"
02.01.2022 Ok, so we've been a bit slack with our Thank you Thursday the past few weeks. But this week, bearing in mind the festive season, we'd like to thank all SAMFS and ARFFS firefighters who are working on Christmas day. It's all part of the job, but missing Christmas day with one's family is always a sacrifice. Thank you for keeping us safe 24/7!
02.01.2022 Baby’s first Christmas? How about a onesie ready for a hot Christmas Day! Check out the website to order and see the other onesie style too
02.01.2022 In lieu of the normal coffee club, lets make it Wellness Wednesday! Take a moment today to reach out to a friend you wouldnt normally. A quick phone call, video chat or personal message could be just what the person on the other end needs. Social isolation is currently a necessary evil. People thrive on interaction, lets make it happen from a distance! ... Thoughts go out to everyone doing it tough!
01.01.2022 Anyone with a delivery truck/ van in Adelaides south provide a hand?
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