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24.01.2022 ‘spinach & ricotta ravioli’ is always a good idea! #ravioli #pasta #pastaeveryday #seekthesimplicity #stayhome #isolationinspiration #inspiremyinstagram #myopenkitchen #tastesgood #eatmoremagic #italianfood #commontable
23.01.2022 UPDATE: SOLD OUT! Summer produce is tremendous isn’t it! Apricots, basil, eggplants (or aubergine), tomatoes (heirloom being my favourite), zucchini flowers, and on it goes. One spot has become available for an Italian Summer Lunch workshop @thevillagecooks for Sunday 16 February! ... These seasonal beauties will surely play important parts in our 3 course menu that we will cook & bake together. When our hard work is complete, we shall sit alfresco style to enjoy the fruits of our labour with a glass (or two) of vino. Will you be the lucky last! Hope so! To book link in my bio. #thevillagecooksworkshops #sharingtheartofgoodfood #tastesogood #gatheringslikethese #heresmyfood #commontable #inspiremyinstagram #slowfood #myitalianheritage See more
22.01.2022 I feel I’m overcommitting myself today; Chicken stocking Yoghurt making Quince poaching Homeschooling ... I suppose I should definitely homeschool! Ha! Here is my recipe to poach quince Poached Quince 750ml White wine 500ml Water 300g Castor Sugar 3 X 325g Quince, peeled, cored & quartered (keep some skin) 5 cloves 2 tsps each black and white peppercorns 2 bay leaves 2 cinnamon quills 2 star anise Method: For the Poached Quince: 1. Preheat oven to 120c. 2. Place all ingredients in casserole dish (include peeled skin of quince) and cover surface with a round of baking paper. Bring to a simmer on medium/low heat. 3. Cover with a lid, transfer to the oven and bake for 6-8 hours, or until quince are tender and deep pink/ruby colour. Drain quince well (can keep poaching liquid to reduce and use as a sauce with the tart). Store quince in sterilised jar or use as I do on museli with yoghurt or in tarts & baked cakes. #quince #thatautumnmagic #preservingtheharvest #tastesgood #heresmyfood #seekthesimplicity #provinciallife #slowfoodmovement See more
20.01.2022 this salad every day through summer. thick slices of heirloom tomatoes, torn strips of roasted capsicum (yellow & red), plonk in a burrata (or two), a good scattering of chopped basil, sprinkle of sea salt & black pepper, then drizzle extra virgin olive oil to end! That’s it! #tasty #italianfood #summersalad #seasonaleating #heresmyfood #tastesgood #eatmoremagic #commontable #atthetable #myeverydaymagic
19.01.2022 ancient grain pasta (kamut flour) ravioli with roasted pumpkin & garlic, served in a sage butter sauce. I look forward to the day I return to @cornersmith and share ancient grain pastas & this recipe. See my insta stories for preparing sage butter.... #ravioli #pastaeveryday #tastesgood #kamutflour #ancientgrains #italianfood #myopenkitchen #eatrealfood #seekthesimplicity #slowfoodmovement See more
17.01.2022 I just saw images of pouring rain in Melbourne city! I hope that means it’s pouring in bushfire affected areas too, and the farms while I’m there! What a relief for soooooooo many! We have rain forecasted here in Sydney over the next few days! Let’s hope this all completely stops the fires!!! ! These zucchini flowers are also a pleasant sight! I am using the male flowers here that grow on a long stem from the centre of the zucchini plant. You can however, use the female which has a little zucchini attached. The filling can vary with cheeses, anchovies, breadcrumbs, herbs such as parsley, and much more! The batter to coat (when fried) is light and crisp and just heavenly! #stuffedzucchiniflowers #italianfood #tastesgood #inspiremyinstagram #heresmyfood #myitalianheritage #myopenkitchen #seekinspirecreate #atthetable #itshonestfood #appetitejournal #eatmoremagic See more
17.01.2022 WORKSHOP FILLED: TOTAL AMOUNT DONATED $1,452.44!!! ... BUSHFIRE FUND RAISING WORKSHOP An Italian/Australian Lunch Sunday 8 March 2020 10am till 2pm $170 per ticket. I’m going to help (raise money for the bushfire crisis) the only way I know how; by sharing my love of cooking & baking at The Village Cooks! I’ll create a 4 course lunch and show you how! I’m thinking Italian classics with an Australiana twist (in honour of our beautiful country)! ALL MONEY RAISED WILL BE DONATED!!! The first 7 peeps to DM me or comment below their desire to attend will be in! Ticket purchase to be paid directly to NSW Rural Fire Service or RedCross or any other organisation funding this crisis (I have a link in my bio listing many organisations doing so). Placement confirmation will require proof of payment receipt!!! What a special lunch gathering this will be! Hope you’ll be able to join me! #bushfireappeal #raisingfundsworkshop #thevillagecooksworkshops #gatheringslikethese #myopenkitchen #comejoinmeandraisemuchneededfunds #together See more
16.01.2022 agnolotti del plin with silverbeet & ricotta filling. this filled pasta is typical of the Piedmont region of Italy. Thinking of all the different ways to employ the abundance of silverbeet we grow. Plus it’s such a joy to make this pasta. Very therapeutic! ... #agnolotti #pastainspiration #pastaeveryday #myopenkitchen #tastesgood #pastabyhand #seekinspirecreate #slowfoodmovement #heresmyfood #seasonaleating #forkfeed #pastatherapy See more
16.01.2022 silverbeet & ricotta rotolo bake. Rotolo literally translates to ‘scroll’ or ‘coil’. Traditionally, the Italian dish called ‘Rotolo’ involves a very large fresh sheet of pasta (usually rolled out with a mattarello - a long rolling pin) that is spread with a filling & then rolled up to form a long log. You then wrap the log in a tea towel and poach it in hot water till cooked. It’s served sliced with a sauce. Whilst I enjoy the traditional ‘rotolo’ version, I simplified it... this evening with a rotolo bake! I essentially made fresh silverbeet & ricotta cannelloni, cut them in half and sat them upright in a thick bath of sugo! I sprinkled mozzarella over the top and baked it! It was a successful hit with la famiglia!!! #rotolo #baked #pastaeveryday #tastesgood #atthetable #commontable #eatmoremagic #myeverydaymagic #heremyfood #myopenkitchen #inspiremyinstagram See more
12.01.2022 With all this COVID-19 shit (sorry, I know there are probably multiple lessons to be learnt, but I still think it’s shit), I almost forgot about the wonders this season brings; chestnuts! I love chestnuts and with the weather cooling down, I’m going to roast these on open flames to scorch their coats in order to eat their ‘inner beauty’! #chestnuts #castagne #italianfood #myitalianheritage #autumn #thisseason #storyofmytable #selfisolationstyle #seasonalproduce #simplejoys #littlethings #commontable #myopenkitchen #atthetable
10.01.2022 Thank you for all you did & do!
10.01.2022 As the question of whether (or when) we will be asked to ‘lock down’ looms near - I’m sorted; pasta making & gardening! #kitchenlife #gardenlife #simplejoys #happyplaces #sharethelove #slowdown #commontable #myopenkitchen #myopengarden #seekinspirecreate #inspiremyinstagram
09.01.2022 What gives you pleasure? Is it reading a book, flicking through cookbooks, knitting, taking a photo, cooking & baking, basking in the sun, or just sitting amongst the flowers in the garden? Whatever that pleasure is; immerse yourself in it! It will ground you & make you feel present in what is true for you? #selfcare #nobettertime #enjoylife #simplejoys #lookafteryourself #takeamoment #feedyoursoul #verilymoment #flashesofdelight #seekthesimplicity #happynow
08.01.2022 It’s a good time to share the news; classes at The Village Cooks cooking school will recommence from August 2020! I’ve missed sharing my space with you lovely folk; I’ve missed us cooking & baking together; I’ve missed sitting and sharing the fruits of our labour! The pandemic was pandemic so we needed to keep each other safe and well! Whilst it is not over yet, I will continue to take the steps to provide safe and a wellbeing environment! Classes will reopen with fewer a...ttendees; spreading out between the studio and our covered outdoor area; and continued high standards of hygiene! Have a look at new classes here Look forward to seeing you! #thevillagecooksworkshops #thevillagecookscookingschool #sharingtheartofgoodfood #myopenkitchen #seekcreateinspire #thehappynow #commontable #italianinspiredcooking #madefromscratch #eatrealfood #slowfoodmovement See more
06.01.2022 Clementine Cake While there is no soft light beaming through the window, only darkness from rainy clouds; it’s the perfect weather to bake, and with clementines in season - well here it is!! Ingredients:...Continue reading
05.01.2022 torta di mele e ricotta (apple & ricotta cake) weekend cake. #torta #cake #eatcake #tastesgood #eatmoremagic #italiantorta #italianbakery #theitalianbaker #appetitejournal #asliceofcake #cakesofinstagram #thebakefeed
03.01.2022 tomato focaccia. just another weakness to add to my repertoire! #focaccia #italianfood #tastesgood #makefromscratch #heresmyfood #heresmyfood #nestandflourish #stayhome #seekinspirecreate #slowfoodmovement #pane #italianfood #eatmoremagic
03.01.2022 The first thing I do every morning (and for a while now), is look outside my window. Is there a heavy blanket of smoke? Are the bushfires still burning? Unfortunately, the answer is always yes!! I can’t help but feel heavy hearted with all that is happening. It only deepened when I saw our prime minister speak last night for the first time in a while. His eyes were cold; his voice didn’t waver! He is a man without soul; without heart! We have a robot running the country! ...I don’t normally pray, but I’ve started: praying for rain, praying for all those effected, praying!! I afford the only pleasure on offer; the good produce we still have around & thinking about what to cook & bake! Stay safe wherever you are! #pleaserain #firefightersheros #shameonyouscottmorrison #nswbushfires #onlypleasure #food #tomatoes #babyroma #seasonalproduce See more
03.01.2022 ricotta gnocchi therapy. #softfluffypillows #ricottagnocchi #tastesgood #italianfood #doughtherapy #slowfoodmovement #heresmyfood #myopenkitchen #appetitejournal #commontable
02.01.2022 blood plum cake just perfect to bake & eat warm with a dollop of double cream on a rainy day! thank you gods for today’s weather! please let it continue until all fires are out & all farmers are well feed with plenty of water stored in dams, creeks & tanks!!... #bloodplums #prugne #italianfood #italiancake #italianbaker #tastesgood #bakinglove #rainyday #heresmyfood #myopenkitchen #atthetable #inspiremyinstagram #cakesofinstagram See more
02.01.2022 peach (pesca) granita. so refreshingly glorious on the hot days (or any day really!). Ingredients:... 3 cups water 1 cup castor sugar 4 peaches, peeled, stoned, chopped extra peach slices, to serve (optional) mint leaves, to serve Method: 1 Stir water and sugar in medium saucepan over low heat until sugar dissolves. Then increase heat to bring to the boil. Reduce the heat to low/medium and simmer, without stirring, for 10 minutes. Set aside and cool to room temperature. 2 Process the peaches and cooled sugar syrup in a food processor or blender until smooth. Strain mixture into a rectangle tray. 3 Cover and freeze for 1 hours or 2 until starts to freeze. Then take out and using a fork, scrap the top to create the icy flakes! It may be a little runny at this stage so just stir around with the folk! Return tray to freezer. Repeat the process every hour or so until the entire tray is filled with icy peach granita crystals!! 4 Spoon mixture into serving bowls. Top with peach slices and mint leaves (if you desire)! #granita #peach #refreshing #cooldown #tastesgood #seasonaleating #hotsummer #eatmoremagic #heresmyfood #myopenkitchen #pesca #italiandolce #italianfrozendessert See more
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