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Alicia Pringle | Travel company

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Alicia Pringle

Phone: +61 457 463 732


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25.01.2022 A collection of MTA Exclusive deals around Australia now available! Borders are opening and domestic travel is finally possible. Are you going exploring? Need to flop and drop at a resort? With the fam? With the girls? With your love? Need to know the best way to navigate the new travel landscape, discover more of your own country and have a professional do it all for you? I've got you covered. ... [email protected] Support Local Townsville #travelwithapringle #withyoualltheway #seeaustralia

25.01.2022 #wednesdaygrind Working from home can be hazardous! But it's also a all honesty I usually work when my little Lego lover is at kindy so I can get it all done. But sometimes, this is what my office looks like! This is also the reason why I love being I can take my laptop and work from anywhere!

25.01.2022 A big thank you to our brand ambassador Jessica Watson for sharing an important message about MTA in an uncertain time

24.01.2022 Check out this amazing vid from highlighting a snippet of the incredible scenery in Tasmania. If you've never been, add Tassie to the top of your list! It is one of my favourite destinations in our country and I'd love to help you design the perfect trip for you, when our state borders open. [email protected]

24.01.2022 We can travel within our state. Soon interstate. One step closer to the world reopening #whenwecantravel #alwaysdreaming #wheretonext #travelwithapringle

24.01.2022 Happy Star Wars Day! #feeltheforce #maythefourthbewithyou #starwarsday #yodaquotes #yoda #mtatravel #withyoualltheway @ Townsville, Queensland

23.01.2022 Happy World Environment Day! "...To care for ourselves we must care for nature. It’s time to wake up. To take notice. To raise our voices. It’s time to build back better for People and Planet.... This World Environment Day, it’s Time for Nature." Click the link to learn more: @intrepidtravel shares 10 tips for eco-friendly travel: #mtatravel #WorldEnvironmentDay #morethanexpected

23.01.2022 Inspiration station! I was looking through photos today from our amazing conference at the end of February and it's feels like a lifetime ago! The last month and a bit has seen the entire world shutdown and travel businesses, including mine, work around the clock cancelling precious holidays and getting people home. It has been rough for so many with everyone affected in some way. But this photo right here has reminded me of a few things. 1. Adversity breeds creativity. Wh...en things go wrong, we find ways of overcoming them, working around them and building something greater on the other side. 2. Your passion is your purpose. I won't lie, I have thought on multiple occasions over the past few weeks of getting out of the travel world for good and getting a 'normal' job. One that isn't so affected by world events. One that you can switch off from the moment you leave the office. One that doesn't require so much of myself because I care so deeply for my clients. But at the end of the day, I can't imagine anything else feeding my soul like this does. My passion is travel and helping others achieve it. 3. Value yourself, your expertise, your amazingness! Learn to say no to those people and things that create a negative impact - on your time, your business, your mental state. This will allow more room for those positive interactions and growth! Personally, I'm still working on this a lot! 4. As a continuation from number three, surround yourself with positive influencers. People you can look up to, gain inspiration from, learn from and who believe in you. Lisa Pagotto, in this photo with me, shared her very personal experience with us. How she's achieved all she has, built her incredible business, Crooked Compass, and overcome so many obstacles. She is a true travel inspiration to me and a reminder we can get through anything...including a global pandemic...and come out stronger on the other side! So a BIG thank you to you Lisa If you love adventure and truly off the beaten path experiences, check out Crooked Compass and the amazing trips she does...and when this is all over and we're travelling again, I'll book it for you! PS. Always remember to iron your shirt

22.01.2022 Tag your frontline healthcare pros! Qatar Airways are giving away 100,000 free tickets to healthcare professions until the 18th May. You can register for a promotion code on the link below, which is available to health professionals all over the world and issued on a first come, first served basis. ... This is only available direct with Qatar - be sure to read the eligibility and travel criteria prior to registering. EDIT: daily allocations are released at 00:01 Doha time (7am AES time) Good luck!

22.01.2022 Missed teeing off during lockdown? Among other things, New Zealand is renowned for its stunning golf courses. Tee off at Kauri Cliffs and luxuriate amid an award-winning golf course and sumptuous accommodation with glorious panoramic views across the Pacific Ocean.... Located 4 hours north of Auckland, Kauri Cliffs makes for an incredible long weekend away or can be included as part of an epic trip around the country. Contact me for more information and to discuss how to make your next golfing trip happen. Want to take the whole crew? I'll work with you to tailor your golfing itinerary to suit your group and take all the stress out of it! [email protected]

22.01.2022 #mondaymotivation School holidays are just around the corner (didn't they just go back to school!?) and we can travel within QLD so now is the time to plan your family getaway with no home-schooling! Not everything is open yet, so let me do the research and navigate the current restrictions/closures for you! ... One thing is for sure - with no tourists from overseas or the southern states, wherever you choose to go, there won't be any queues! DM me to start planning! #travelwithapringle #travelherethisyear #loveaustralia #thisisqueensland

22.01.2022 A collection of MTA Exclusive deals around Australia now available! Borders are opening and domestic travel is finally possible. Are you going exploring? Need to flop and drop at a resort? With the fam? With the girls? With your love? Need to know the best way to navigate the new travel landscape, discover more of your own country and have a professional do it all for you? I've got you covered. ... [email protected] Support Local Townsville #travelwithapringle #withyoualltheway #seeaustralia

21.01.2022 #tuesdaythoughts Travel brings different things to different people. For me, it gives the opportunity to wake up the body and mind, shake up life and learn. It gives me the freedom to explore. Every sense is heightened by leaving my comfort zone. The tastes of a Moroccan tagine with a mix of spices I haven't experienced before. The true beauty of seeing a sunrise over the streets of Edinburgh. The smell of the red earth in the outback that permeates literally everything. The... boom of the call to prayer in Istanbul that wakes me up so early but also provides comfort. The warmth of the sun through the windows of the car while on a day trip from home. My absolute favourite part of travelling is meeting people I may not normally meet in my every day life. Often people with different ideals, different culture, a different language...but you can always find common ground to connect through. That's why I miss travel. That's why I know it will be back, even if it has changed. We will adapt and change along with it. Why do you love travelling?

21.01.2022 When you're trying to roar with the dinosaur but swallow a fly in the process because....outback! In other news, the Age of Dinosaurs is a must-do and has been the absolute highlight of the trip. Absolutely amazing seeing so many huge fossils up close and Dinosaur Canyon is awesome! @experiencewinton @outbackqueensland ... #ageofdinosaurs #dinosaurtrail #dinosaurs #outbackqueensland #outback #experiencewinton #experiencesoverthings #travelwithapringle #travelwithkids #familytravel #wander #notamodel

21.01.2022 Hope everyone had an amazing Easter! Our fridge is now choc full of choc! What's your favourite? I'm a Whittaker's girl through and through. Good, kiwi, chocolate

21.01.2022 Well! Turns out @kronosaurus_korner is amazing! You literally can't help but be in awe of a complete fossil that's 100 million years old Did you also know you can go fossicking here? A short drive out of town and we did some (very amateur) searching for fossils. Very cool experience! Then back to Hughenden this afternoon for the Eco Walk on Flinders to stretch the legs. ... Home tomorrow! @outbackqueensland @visithughenden #outbackqueensland #outback #visithughenden #kronosauruskorner #idigrichmond #dinosaurtrail #dinosaurs #roadtrip #holidayherethisyear #goexploring #weloveadventures #wander #wanderwoman #familytravel #explorequeensland #explore #travelwithapringle #traveltheworld #traveladdict #traveleducation @ Queensland

21.01.2022 Add some secluded luxury to your NZ roadtrip...this is how to see the countryside! Discover PurePods.... A world-class nature immersion you will never forget These are 6 individual luxury glass eco-cabins located in secluded and beautiful parts around Christchurch on the South Island.... No other humans are visible in the immediate vicinity and the exact location of each PurePod is kept secret to add to the adventure. If you're planning on exploring New Zealand once our trans-tasman bubble is in place, contact me - not only can I book your holiday for you, but I provide excellent itinerary planning tailored especially for you, whatever the occasion or budget. [email protected]

20.01.2022 News today that flight schedules are slowly returning with Qantas and Jetstar now adding flights between Townsville and Brisbane!! Oh, and they're on sale!! This is amazing news, especially for families wanting to head to south east QLD for the school holidays. Contact me if you'd like a travel professional to look after you and your next holiday. I'm happy dancing right now ... Travel is slowly waking up

20.01.2022 Can't travel to the West End, Vegas or Broadway? There are heaps of live shows online for free at the moment... we're just marvelling at Cirque du Soleil!

20.01.2022 Well this is exciting!!! I reckon we have the best state anyway so who's doing on holiday?!

19.01.2022 Home again and missing those outback skies. And the quiet! But there's nothing like the comfort of your own bed #holidayherethisyear #holiday #familytravel #familytime #travelwithapringle #traveltheworld #traveladdict #travelexpert #travelprofessional #travelislife #traveladvisor #outback #outbackqueensland #visithughenden #postholidayblues #wheretonext #alwaysplanning #alwaysanadventure #alwayslearning #adventure #adventurer #australia #amazing #alwayswander #wanderlust #wanderwoman #wanderer

19.01.2022 Monday morning travel inspiration from Virtuoso Travel, who MTA are a member of. #keepdreaming #withyouallyheway

19.01.2022 Home again and missing those outback skies. And the quiet! But there's nothing like the comfort of your own bed #holidayherethisyear #holiday #familytravel #familytime #travelwithapringle #traveltheworld #traveladdict #travelexpert #travelprofessional #travelislife #traveladvisor #outback #outbackqueensland #visithughenden #postholidayblues #wheretonext #alwaysplanning #alwaysanadventure #alwayslearning #adventure #adventurer #australia #amazing #alwayswander #wanderlust #wanderwoman #wanderer

18.01.2022 Yes, we understand you may be feeling some level of Trangry too. Here are some tips we’ve come up with to ditch this feeling: Step 1. Look at photos from you...r last holiday. Step 2. Find travel inspiration for your ‘where to next’ destination. Step 3. Watch your fav travel movies. As we stay home, stay safe. Let’s be reminded we will get through this together <3 #mtatravel #supportourtravelindustry #staysafe

18.01.2022 How is everyone? With the Tourism Minister speaking over the weekend about international travel not resuming for quite some time, possibly into 2021, it was hard news to swallow as a travel advisor, business owner and traveller! While I have stopped even attempting to predict when travel will resume again, it will! Eventually. Then we will all be going on holidays at once, just to get out of the house! ... Currently, travel plans are being cancelled through to the end of May and June, depending on the type of travel, and it will be a rolling scenario from there. As the lockdown and travel bans continue, airlines, hotels, tour operators, cruise lines and all travel providers are extending and changing their cancellation and change procedures in line with the current situation. As a travel advisor, I am on top of all these changes, which are happening daily across the industry, to make sure I am doing the best by my clients in terms of getting the maximum refund or credit back to them and updating them with new information as it's relevant to each individual. So, when will we all be able to travel again? Honestly, your guess is as good as mine - these are unchartered waters! But it is likely we'll be able to holiday domestically before we can venture abroad. Which, honestly, is great! There is so much to see in our beautiful country and the boost to local economies will be well needed. I want to hear your thoughts....are you going to holiday in Australia when we can? Or are you saving up the money and time to jet overseas as soon as borders open? Oh, by the way, did you know I'm an expert at arranging domestic travel? You do now! ;) #withyoualltheway #inlovewithtravel

17.01.2022 When most people visit the South Island, they arrive in Christchurch and head south. But arguably the best-kept secret of the South Island is up north in Nelson... Discover the best of it with our 6 Day Wines, Brews and Views Tour Over 6 days, Indulge in thermal pools, freshly brewed craft beers, and award-winning wines amidst the stunning natural landscape of the Nelson Tasman. For more info, please contact me at [email protected]

15.01.2022 When can we travel? Not yet! This afternoon, the government released a 3 step plan to reducing restrictions which will hopefully have us travelling within Australia by mid-July. Then, it has been predicted, that we'll be able to cross the Tasman to NZ by September. Should we book travel for July? Not yet! ... These are just plans and predictions for now and will be subject to a lot of things falling into place and of course, no steepening of the curve of covid-19 cases. So, for now, until travel is definitely legal again, start planning but hold off booking anything unless it has flexible booking conditions and can be changed and/or cancelled without penalties. While I'm not taking bookings until restrictions are removed, if you have travel on your mind, get in touch! I can help you design your next holiday, put together an itinerary and have everything ready to go for when we get the green light! Remember, keep your dates very flexible, focus on domestic and NZ for the remainder of this year for now then further afield for 2021. I'll start posting lots of Australian and NZ travel inspo for you next week! [email protected]

15.01.2022 Hi! It's been a while.... With all that's happened in 2020, just thought I'd better let you know that I'm still here! I took a big step back from travel for a few months - partly because there wasn't much to do, but mostly I needed the mental break. The first 6 months of border closures took a toll, with the continuing cancellations and working tirelessly to recoup as much as I could for my clients. Each and every one was heartbreaking but I am so grateful to my amazing clie...nts and friends who showed so much patience and understanding while refunds took so long to trickle back. There were a few times I was going to call it quits, but how do you give up something you love so much?! So, I'm am definitely still here, definitely still looking forward to once again booking travel (and travelling!). During my travel hiatus, I have started working part time for the amazing Johanna at Inspirit Mind & Body Johanna Davies which I have loved and will continue, even once travel resumes. I am also half way through studying to become a yoga teacher so keep an eye out for retreats and workshops that will be coming your way in 2021 in conjunction with Inspirit! In the meantime, I will slowly return as travel slowly resumes. To reduce any time and money risks to you or myself due to any future travel restrictions, I am currently not taking any international or cruise enquiries. This will continue until borders reopen with little or no risk of them reclosing. However, if you'd like to talk domestic travel for 2021, please send me a message and we'll see if we can work together to get you travelling again. Have a wonderful Christmas! At A Touch of Salt with Support Local Townsville #supportlocaltownsville #travelwithapringle #mtatravel #travelherethisyear #goodbye2020 #bringon2021

15.01.2022 Okay, prepare for some awesomeness! The team at Bench Africa have put together an African themed work book for the kids! Introducing: Bench Africa Home's Cool!... It's a fun, educational pack for young kids that is perfect for keeping them entertained and there's a range of activities depending on your child's age. Download it for free and use it! (there will be another one next week as well as one coming for older kids to help them learn biology, photography and more!) Yes, it's educational, but it's so fun and will definitely ignite the love of Africa in the kids and they'll want to learn more.

15.01.2022 #fridayfeeling Have a brilliant weekend y'all!

15.01.2022 From this proud Mama to all the other Mama's, Happy Mother's Day! Wildflower Photo Film

14.01.2022 We can travel within our state. Soon interstate. One step closer to the world reopening #whenwecantravel #alwaysdreaming #wheretonext #travelwithapringle

14.01.2022 What a year! At a time when international (and interstate) travel came to a screaming halt and we felt restricted, limited and locked out, Australia shon! How privileged are we to be here and what an extraordinary opportunity to discover and explore our own backyard. ... I didn't even leave the state this year but have done new and exciting explorations of ... #dinosaurtrail through beautiful @experiencewinton @visithughenden and @youll_dig_richmond The #tytowetlands at Ingham The amazing @undaraexperience which was incredible, with bush walks, bush breakfasts, caves, bats, volcanos, wildlife and outback skies! A couple of trips to @cairnsaustralia to explore. It doesn't matter how many times we come here, we do something new! This year was @rainforestation @cairns_aquarium and currently having fun at @cairnscoconutresort Plus, countless mini adventures in and around our own city because we all know #townsvilleshines What did you discover this year?

14.01.2022 Merry Christmas from my family to yours!! Have a wonderful joyful day tomorrow and here's to more travel in 2021

14.01.2022 Dream. Explore. Discover. When borders open, book with a trusted advisor, a local, someone with 10+ years experience who works for you

13.01.2022 We've hit the trail. The dinosaur trail! Such an easy drive from Townsville (with a coffee stop in Charters) and Hughenden welcomes you to the outback in all its beauty! Didn't plan on it, but we may just have to stay here again on the way home! Next stop, Winton! Follow along on my instagram alicia_pringle_travel ... Experience Outback Queensland, Australia Visit Hughenden Support Local Townsville #outbackqueensland #holidayherethisyear #dinosaurtrail

13.01.2022 Happy Earth Day! I'd normally encourage you to venture the wide landscapes and terrains in appreciation of Earth’s natural beauty though life has been anything but normal lately. Eagerly waiting to explore Earth’s wonders again the meantime, she's getting a splendid breather! #earthday #mtatravel #withyoualltheway

13.01.2022 Taking your sense of adventure? Then this 5 Day 'Experience The Trilogy' itinerary is for you. You will be awed by breathtaking cave formations, world-famous hot springs, bubbling mud pools, and the enchanting Hobbiton Movie Set on this culturally immersive North Island adventure Duration: 5 days / 4 nights... Destinations: Auckland, Waitomo, Rotorua, Matamata For more information and to tailor your New Zealand roadtrip, contact me. [email protected]

12.01.2022 @adelaideairport bringing the laughs...and truths!

12.01.2022 Repost from @richardbranson Yes, @virginaustralia has today gone into voluntary administration - this allows them to continue to operate while they 'recapitalise and work on a restructure, reset and potentially, a reboot'. This is not the end of the airline and there is very strong support to see Virgin Australia continue to operate. ... They have been amazing to deal with over the years, both as a traveller and as an agent, which can't be said for all airlines. Let's all cross our fingers for this awesome airline to come out the other side bigger and brighter than before.

11.01.2022 My suitcase is feeling so lonely in the cupboard

11.01.2022 Ever wondered about river cruising? It's so much more than you imagine and is an amazing, luxurious and exciting way to see a destination. The Australian team from Uniworld are running 45 minute online sessions so you can experience the magic of river cruising. Register online at the below link - there is a different topic each week. ... If you want any other information or an unbiased view of Uniworld or river cruising in general, feel free to contact me anytime! I'd love to help you decide if river cruising is the right choice for you. Register here -

11.01.2022 People. Purpose. Passion. This was the theme of MTA's conference at the end of February (pre travel restrictions!). We celebrated all three with amazing special guest speakers, a celebratory party with Guy Sebastian headlining and connecting with our colleagues, suppliers and industry experts which is so important when you normally work on your own from home. It was just enough to get us through what was to come! Hopefully we'll be back on the gold coast celebrating our industry and travel again soon.

10.01.2022 Which sounds better to you right now? #humpday

10.01.2022 Inspired by the Virtuoso Travel #VirtuosoLife travel love letter here’s what WE LOVE about TRAVEL. #Supportinglocal economies The world Travel and Council estimates that travel and tourism accounts for one in ten jogs worldwide and 10% of global GDP. #Socialdistancing by design the silence was unremitting. The stillness was terrifying, thrilling, in its completeness. #animalencounters Coming face to face with animals is the ultimate reminder of the vitality and wonder still left in this world. One thing is for sure. There is something for everyone. Something to make your wonder, something which will inspire you, something to awaken you! #virutoso #virtuosolife #virtuosoadvisor #mtatravel #withyoualltheway #morethanexpected #lovelettertotravel #lovetravel #loveletter #culture #worldconnection #appreciation #vintagevacations #tripstocome

09.01.2022 Ever wondered about river cruising? It's so much more than you imagine and is an amazing, luxurious and exciting way to see a destination. The Australian team from Uniworld are running 45 minute online sessions so you can experience the magic of river cruising. Register online at the below link - there is a different topic each week. ... If you want any other information or an unbiased view of Uniworld or river cruising in general, feel free to contact me anytime! I'd love to help you decide if river cruising is the right choice for you. Register here -

09.01.2022 It's just 'talks and thoughts' at the moment, but I hope this happens! Who's going to NZ if we get a trans-tasman bubble?

09.01.2022 Why book with me? Convenience - create memorable travel experiences at a time and place that works best for you, as our state of art technology means I can work from anywhere. Financial peace of mind - client funds are held in a client trust account when held with MTA so you can rest assured they are safe. ... Expertise - get access to my first-hand travel knowledge, my global connections and trusted suppliers like Virtuoso that allow me to deliver amazing experiences at exceptional value - you can’t get that booking online! Support - Backed by our experienced Head Office support team 24/7, I’ll be there for you in case of emergency. I care about every client, every detail, every time, so all you need to plan is what to pack!

08.01.2022 Big thank you to @bennetts_barber_shop_ for looking after my little love today. He loves his new do, loved picking out his board to sit on and obviously loved his lollipop Be confident to take your kidlets to Bennett's, they are so good with kids! ... #supportlocaltownsville #businessessupportingbusinesses #townsvillelocals #changeisasgoodasaholiday @supportlocaltownsville

08.01.2022 With self isolation and no new business, comes a spring clean! And hopefully a bit of recycling and reusing! If you'd like some brochures to cut up for your day care centre or home classroom or prefer to keep them in tact for your waiting room or just to dream up your next holiday ...let me know and I'd be happy to drop some off on your doorstep! Feel free to share with your Townsville friends and family

07.01.2022 Hope everyone is logging off for the weekend and able to spend some quality time with family! We're replacing our cancelled weekend away with game nights, jobs around the house and lots of playing with monster trucks! Plus, supporting local as much as we can. A big shout out to these amazing local businesses who made my week...... * Otto's Market Warrina for the scrumptious Comfort Packs * The Computer Workshop Townsville for saving all my data off my broken down laptop * Jo at Inspirit -Beauty & Massage for her inspirational and comforting posts in lieu of my massage! * Family Life Organics for all the goodness * Ebuta Goat Dairy for keeping us in amazing, locally produced, goats milk * Strand Gourmet Meats for supplying all our food for the long weekend. * Strand Souvlaki Bar for our end of the week dinner...yum! Tag your favourite local businesses below who's getting you through at the moment. Share the love and Support Local's more important than ever! Happy Easter everyone!

07.01.2022 We can celebrate our own day right?! Travel isn't just my job, it's my passion! Helping people is my purpose! ... A big thank you to all my family, friends and clients who have supported my business, sent kind messages over the last few hard months and continue to love travel along with me! Wanna get me a gift? Share my page with your travelling family and friends, because when we are back up and travelling, I'll be here. Ready to help everyone get outta here

06.01.2022 With local businesses opening more and more by the week, it's vital to be supporting the little, more than ever. Tag your favourite, local businesses below - share why you love them - so we all know who they are! Maybe one of us will discover someone new! Share their social media posts and spend your dollars with them. This is what will make all the difference to their survival through 2020.

05.01.2022 Thank you to whoever made this speaks to my soul

05.01.2022 And the winners are...... Keil (1st) and JoJo (2nd)!! Please send me your email addresses and I'll get your vouchers to you. Thanks everyone for playing!!

05.01.2022 Here is an amazing and concise explanation from Dennis Bunnik, chairman of CATO about the current situation in travel, why refunds are taking so long and why credits are being offered over refunds in many cases. We in the travel industry feel the frustration as much as you do and a lot of us are all waiting on refunds for our own cancelled holidays as well. The Emirates example in the video shows just how many cancellations and refunds are being processed by this one airlin...e, which is hundreds of thousands more than usual. Add on top of this similar situations for every component of a holiday which could include flights, a cruise, hotel stays, car hire, day tours etc. As an industry, we are all doing as much as we can for our clients, as quickly as we can under these crazy circumstances. This is a very unique time in our history which has caused immense strain across many industries all over world, with the travel and tourism sector hit incredibly hard over such a long period of time. Personally, a huge thank you to my clients for all the support, understanding and patience I have received over the last few months, with more cancellations and refunds/credits to manage. It's been a rubbish, heart breaking time, but we're getting through it slowly and there is light at the end of the tunnel. Hopefully we'll all be back on holidays soon!

04.01.2022 When youve got to get your travel fix any way you can!

04.01.2022 To our valued customers, ...ambition leads me not only farther than any other man has been before me, but as far as I think it possible for man to go..." Captain James R. Cook, March 1774 This ambition to travel inspires us to see and experience places and cultures both near and far and has driven Helloworld, since 1954, to give you the best possible advice and service planning and delivering your holiday dreams and your corporate travel needs.... Now, those ambitions and desires have been put on hold as the world engages in one almighty effort to thwart the spread of COVID-19. This crisis will come to pass and once again we will take to the skies, take to the beaches, take to the ski slopes and cruise the seven oceans. But in the meantime, all our operations are working hard to ensure we get our customers home, that we re-book or cancel existing bookings for the next 4-6 months, process credits and refunds from our many supplier partners around the world and keep up to date with the evolving Government advisories. Our 1,400 plus travel agencies and 400 plus Mobile Travel Advisors around Australia are available and working with their customers to manage the current circumstances. If your agency is not able to operate at their premises due to appropriate State restrictions, they are working from home and can be contacted on their normal business numbers... So from all of us, we thank you for your support and patience during these difficult times. We look forward to once again planning and delivering your dream holidays and corporate travel needs and wish you all the very best over the coming weeks as we Stay Home and do the right thing. #mtatravel #helloworldau #withyoualltheway

04.01.2022 Amazing news!!! I've been waiting for three very long months for some good news for our industry and travellers. Today is that day. Happy tears for a glimmer of hope and travel in our near future! Who's coming to NZ?

04.01.2022 Fancy some adventure? New Zealand is famous for its magnificent national parks and wondrous hikes. If you prefer your walks on the longer side, check this out! SAVE WITH WILSONS ABEL TASMAN... 7 Day Abel Tasman Guided Kayak and Walk package from $2319 per person (includes $187pp discount) Includes: Return airport transfers from Nelson Airport, 2 nights at Rutherford Hotel in a Premium Room and 5 Day Guided Kayak and Walk trip with Wilsons Abel Tasman 3 and 5 day guided and self-guided options also available. Terms and Conditions: Deposit of $250 per person is required to make the booking. Full payment due by July 31 2020. Contact me for more info.... [email protected]

03.01.2022 When you're trying to roar with the dinosaur but swallow a fly in the process because....outback! In other news, the Age of Dinosaurs is a must-do and has been the absolute highlight of the trip. Absolutely amazing seeing so many huge fossils up close and Dinosaur Canyon is awesome! @experiencewinton @outbackqueensland ... #ageofdinosaurs #dinosaurtrail #dinosaurs #outbackqueensland #outback #experiencewinton #experiencesoverthings #travelwithapringle #travelwithkids #familytravel #wander #notamodel

03.01.2022 This 9 Day North Island Food and Wine Experience is perfect for those who like the finer things in life Includes: * 9 days car hire ... * 8 nights accommodation taking in Auckland, Rotorua, Napier & Wellington * Full Day Waiheke Island Wine Tour * Hobbiton Tour & Lunch * Skyline Gondola & Wine Tasting Full Day * Napier Wine Tour * Wellington Craft Beer Tour Contact me for more info! [email protected]

03.01.2022 ISOLATION TRAVIA! Break up the monotony with a bit of travel trivia (TRAVIA....see what I did there?) for everyone! The top two will score themselves a travel voucher each ($100 for the winner and $50 for second place) plus full bragging rights. ... Click on the link below and use your Facebook profile name as your nickname: Closes midday on Thursday, 9th April.

02.01.2022 Made it to Richmond! Oh, what a long day! Ready to explore and go fossilling tomorrow! For anyone looking to come and do the #dinosaurtrail especially over the school holidays, please book ahead! Spaces are very limited in motels and cabins at caravan parks so if you're not self contained, plan and book (I can even do it for you!) ... @outbackqueensland @supportlocaltownsville #checkforgravelroads #bookahead #dinosaurs #dinosaurhunting #roadtrip #fossilling #supportlocaltownsville #supportourtravelindustry #outbackqueensland #outback #richmondqld #kronosauruskorner #travelwithapringle #explorequeensland #explore #alwaysanadventure #familytravel

02.01.2022 #funfact did you know #Germany originally started the Easter egg hunt tradition? As well as the Easter egg hunt, they also had a big Easter dinner. Easter lamb, chicken and eggs are typical dishes for this meal, which in Catholic parts of Germany is also a celebration of the end of Lent. Hope you have a safe and very fun Easter!

02.01.2022 Think you've seen Australia? Introducing East Arnhem Land & the Wessel Islands with Crooked Compass ! For those who are looking for an intimate cruising experience (max 8 guests) in one of Australia's most remote reaches, this is for you! Discover East Arnhem Land and the Wessel Islands - a raw, rugged ribbon like archipelago off the Northern Territory, so untouched and remote, it is very likely you will have this secluded reach of Australia all to yourself as you explore by... water on our exclusive charter aboard the authentic and character filled 20m M/Y Wildcard. Fly into Gove, deep into Australia's backyard and into one of the country’s greatest untouched wilderness areas. Your mind will boggle as you become family with your crew over the next 8 days and learn of kinship, life on the water and many stories of creation, personality and incredible untouched landscapes. Learn to take only what you need from the land and the sea in this culturally rich part of Australia with a fascinating Indigenous history. Sail between virgin islands, hike on stunning sand bars and off piste trails, kayak through cascading waterfalls that tumble straight into the ocean. Be absorbed in the wilderness. Every meal is prepared by our onboard cook, who takes delight in exceeding your culinary expectations. Our mouth-watering meals are not complicated, but the quality of the food will have you feeling as though you were being served at a 5-star restaurant. They understand that you are not escaping the hustle and bustle of the real world to then encounter complicated food. The vast tidal rivers, mangrove lined estuaries and rich coastal waters will show you a side to the Australian wilderness that you did not know existed. Your experience will move you beyond words. Primitive, uninhabited, crystal blue ocean explored in a unique style. Experience a truly unique part of Australia that no other tour company travels to! For more information about this 7 night expedition, contact me at [email protected] or 0457 463 732. Strictly limited numbers for departures in February 2021 and 2022.

02.01.2022 Made it to Richmond! Oh, what a long day! Ready to explore and go fossilling tomorrow! For anyone looking to come and do the #dinosaurtrail especially over the school holidays, please book ahead! Spaces are very limited in motels and cabins at caravan parks so if you're not self contained, plan and book (I can even do it for you!) ... @outbackqueensland @supportlocaltownsville #checkforgravelroads #bookahead #dinosaurs #dinosaurhunting #roadtrip #fossilling #supportlocaltownsville #supportourtravelindustry #outbackqueensland #outback #richmondqld #kronosauruskorner #travelwithapringle #explorequeensland #explore #alwaysanadventure #familytravel

01.01.2022 I love hotels! They are the epitome of luxury to me - a place where food comes to your room, your bed is made for you and everything you need is in a nicely decorated, albeit small, space. But all being in one room has its down side when you start travelling with kids. Because their bedtime means quiet time for everyone! So here are my top 5 tips for sharing a hotel room with your little family members...... 1. Try to book a room with seperate beds. That way, once your kid/s is asleep, you can still be awake with lamps/screens on the other one without disturbing them too much. 2. Utilise your balcony if you have one! It becomes your instant lounge room once the littles are asleep - with the door is closed, you can continue conversations with beverages without having to whisper. Plus ... The view! 3. Rest time is important when travelling with kids to recharge the batteries between exploring. But a hotel room often doesn't allow much space to spread out. So pack (or hire at your destination) some quiet fun for your kids during down time at the hotel. Think Lego, colouring in, story books etc. Some hotels offer kids packs so check with your travel agent or at the hotel when planning. 4. Pack yourself headphones and a book! If the kidlets are sleeping or watching cartoons, you can still relax with a good book and your own music, or watch your own show, with an actual plot, streaming on your device. Easy sanity saver without taking up much room! 5. Relish the extra special time with them! Hotel rooms make for great bed snuggles and sleep ins - order room service breakfast and watch tv together in bed. Something that would never happen at home, makes it extra special and a beautiful way to start the day! #travelwithkids #familytravel #luxurytravel #traveltips #top5 #travelwithapringle #holidayherethisyear #traveladdict #hotellife #ilovetravel #kidstravel #supportlocaltownsville

01.01.2022 #thursdaythrowback to the beginning of the year when I squeezed in a ship inspection before any borders closed. Seriously can't wait for the day the world is open again.

01.01.2022 I don't normally post pics of my little monkey, but I LOVE this photo too much! He could not be happier...sitting in a dinosaur footprint! He's loving this adventure - I can definitely recommend bringing the kids out to explore and discover @experiencewinton @outbackqueensland @supportlocaltownsville ... #dinosaurs #dinosaurtrail #welovexploring #travelwithapringle #familytravel #travelwithkids #experiencewinton #outbackqueensland #outback #roadtrip #takephotographsleavefootprints #wheretonext #traveladdict #travelexpert #travelislife #travelprofessional

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