APSF Australian Pencak Silat Federation | Organisation
APSF Australian Pencak Silat Federation
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24.01.2022 ASAD National Silat championships - Melbourne April 2019 #ASAD #SILAT #PENCAKSILAT #APSF #AustralianPencakSilatFederation
24.01.2022 Highlights from the 6th Australian Silat Champions in Melbourne. Well done to all the organising committee for putting on an amazing event!! #silat #silatfighter #APSF
23.01.2022 Only 1 week to go untill the 2019 APSF National Pencak Silat Championship in Gladstone Queensland. Entries close on Monday 23rd so Fighters get your entry forms in asap! #APSF #pencaksilat #fighter #tanding #silat
23.01.2022 Congratulations to all those who recently completed their grading in dec 2016!! Well done guys and girls ! #Silat #SilatMelbourne #Silatforkids
23.01.2022 Our performance at this years Asyik Festival. Big thanks to Suara Indonesia Dance for having us. It was a great day of culture, traditional performances and of course, food!
22.01.2022 Interested in taking up a martial art? Or perhaps just wanting to add to or broaden your skill set. Maybe Silat is the thing for you. Come and take advantage of our Trial Offer - $39.95 (4 weeks training + Free T-shirt) For more information call 0430185156 or email: [email protected]
22.01.2022 Whats up NSW! Check out this up coming seminar with Silat Buka Linkaran and SCTM International... 28th March 2020!
22.01.2022 Only 1 week to go for the APSF National Silat Championships in Gladstone! Registrations close on 23rd September so get your entry forms in asap!
21.01.2022 Anyone looking to learn silat in Sydney, please contact Michael Jupp for more info..
21.01.2022 The Armoury @ Semeru. With a great range of training and live blades, both modern and traditional. Come check us out.
20.01.2022 Silat demonstration team at the Box hill Satay festival 8th May 2016.
20.01.2022 Singapore Silat Federation set to host the 1st Commonwealth Pencak Silat Tournament in 2020 !
19.01.2022 ****Persilat postpone the WPSC due to Covid-19****** PERSILAT the world Silat organisation announce that the World Championships scheduled to proceed in Malaysia in July, will now be rescheduled for December 2020.
19.01.2022 The national Pencak Silat Championships 2017
18.01.2022 Schedule for today at the APSF Silat Championships Wasit juri training: 9am Fighter weigh in: 2pm Venue: 71a Lord St Gladstone (next to Flexihire)
18.01.2022 Registrations are open for athletes who would like to compete in the next Australian Silat Championships 11th April to be held in Melbourne....! We are are also looking for anyone in the community with Wassit / Jury experience (judging / Referee) to get involved and volunteers. Please contact us for more information on registering as an athlete or official. ... #APSF #PencakSilat #SilatFighter #wassit #Juri #persilat #persisi
17.01.2022 It is important to understand how to keep yourself and your loved ones safe. Our STAY SAFE workshop is geared towards just that goal, and more importantly it has a higher focus on awareness and prevention rather than dealing with the result.
17.01.2022 A huge congratulations to Olivia & Aisling (Silat Langkah Baru) for participating in Indonesia Open International Virtual Pencak Silat Tournament 2020 recently. It is not an easy to be where you are, and you ladies have made all of us proud. What a journey you both have been through and this experience is once in a lifetime! You both definitely should be proud of yourself and surely you both have gained a tremendous experience. On behalf of APSF we wish you both, Olivia & Aisling, a great and success future in Pencak Silat! Thanks to Guru Mas Tony Arandale
17.01.2022 Australian National Silat Championships eagle stadium Werribee - highlights. Well done to all the teams across Australia. Perisai Diri, Silat langkah baru, Silat Anak Harimau, ASAD, Grasio NSW, AOSA Domas. #silat #silatfighter
15.01.2022 Come and join us for our Grand Opening.
13.01.2022 Persisi (Singapore Silat Federation) announces hosting the 18th World Pencak Silat Championships in December 2018 in Singapore! Tournament dates: 11th Dec - 16th Dec. Any one wishing to be involved in supporting the Australian team please contact the APSF (Australain Pencak SIlat Federation) for more information. ... #OzSilat #PencakSilat #Silatfighter #APSF
12.01.2022 The perfect way to spend a Sunday morning. If youre interested in Silat, come and join us, we run classes throughout the week.
12.01.2022 Festival Malaysia - Melbourne Federation square May 2016
12.01.2022 The perfect way to spend a Sunday morning. If you're interested in Silat, come and join us, we run classes throughout the week.
11.01.2022 Our team representing Australia in the 2018 World junior Pencak Silat championships in Thailand. Congratulations to Latu for bringing home the bronze medal! And a special mention to Viona for representing our country and making us proud!
10.01.2022 Open to all, limited spaces.
08.01.2022 Indonesia has its eyes set on hosting the Olympic Games in 2032! With Persilat pushing to finally have Pencak Silat as part of the games... #APSF #pencaksilat
06.01.2022 ******** 2020 Aus Championships POSTPONED ********** Due to the current Covid-19 pandemic APSF advice that the 2020 Australian Championships will be Postponed till further notice. We thank you for your understanding. Salam Pencak Silat!
04.01.2022 The game has changed!!! the Sport of Silat is evolving... and now features many new exciting techniques! check it out! https://youtu.be/wNqjQjYz27U
03.01.2022 Hi guys, just wanted to make sure that everyone is aware of this seminar. This is definitely the one to go to. I can't recommend this highly enough. Maul Mornie, is the genuine deal. He epitomizes the beauty and strength of Silat. Don't miss this opportunity to train with him.