APTS in Canberra, Australian Capital Territory | School
Locality: Canberra, Australian Capital Territory
Phone: +61 2 6283 5250
Address: Unit 12a 16 National Circuit 2600 Canberra, ACT, Australia
Website: http://www.apts.org.au/
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25.01.2022 Our new website is now live!! Check it out at www.apts.org.au
24.01.2022 A special thanks to Barbara Knackstedt from the St Vincent de Paul Society for her presentation at the APTS networking event last night, and sharing her insights on Corporate Social Responsibility and the Triple Bottom Line. If you would like to view her video it is available at http://www.youtube.com/vinniesact#p/search/0/joYBrdpOcBI
24.01.2022 Good morning Members and VET professionals Our very first Member Meet-Up for the year will be held TOMORROW at the National Press Club in Barton. Full details can be found here https://www.apts.org.au/events ALL VET industry professionals are welcome! We look forward to seeing you there!
23.01.2022 With both the Federal and ACT Budgets around the corner, a number of relevant key indicators have been released this week. According to recent reports, governme...nts are receiving more tax income, inflation is steady and export prices keep lifting. Find out more at this year's Federal Budget Breakfast!
21.01.2022 Thank you to all that made it to our September Member Meet Up on Tuesday 6th at The Press Club at Barton. As announced by John at the meet up APTS are in an exciting new faze and are looking forward to being able to serve our VET community and private RTO providers in 2017 with real time information via our Face Book page and new website.
20.01.2022 APTS Committee for 2015 elected at yesterday's AGM are: Karen Nicholas (President) John Nott (Vice President) Ben Cuttriss (Treasurer)... Cheryl McCarthy Christine Wilson Mick Peterson Evan Jones Mark Field See more
19.01.2022 Our first Association of Providers of Training Services committee meeting this week in the boardroom of the National Press Club, our new meeting home as part of a sponsorship arrangement with the club. Do you think they would notice if we were to hang a photo of ourselves amongst the many dignatory pics in that room??
19.01.2022 Tonight's networking event for APTS members at the National Press Club
18.01.2022 JULIA Gillard's mission to spread opportunity by prioritising education and training has been dealt a blow by news that up to 40 per cent of TAFE teachers are not properly qualified to train and assess students.
18.01.2022 More networking...
18.01.2022 Thanks to all who attended the APTS AGM yesterda. It was great to have a mix of those nominating and those just interested in the Association. The new committee for 2012 is President Karen Nicholas Learning Options [email protected] Vice-President Chris Wilson Consultant [email protected] Secretary Jo Powell ACT & Region Chamber of Commerce & Industry [email protected] ... Treasurer Ros Williams Capital Careers Pty Ltd [email protected] Committee Member Daniel Bowman NuSkills Learning and Development [email protected] Committee Member Sharon Carter-Figueiredo Learning Options [email protected] Committee Member Victoria Oakden Key 2 Learning [email protected] Committee Member Shane Schembri Australian International Education Academy (AIEA) [email protected] Committee Member Veronica Shepherd Optimum Training and Development [email protected] See more
17.01.2022 Xmas drinks after the 2013 APTS AGM
17.01.2022 Confirmed another 4 professional development sessions for members for 2012 including "Dealing with people you can't stand". Calendar of events now available for 2012.
16.01.2022 REMINDER: Association of Providers of Training Services AGM is on today, 24 November. Meeting commences at 3.00pm followed by networking forum at 3.30pm. Nati...onal Press Club Canberra Barton Room, 16 National Circuit, Barton ACT 2600 Committee Nomination Form, Agenda, President's Report etc available via email and at meeting. RSVP to Cass [email protected]
15.01.2022 Good afternoon APTS members, With the ACT election this Saturday, the Association of Providers of Training Services would like to inform its members of the major political party views on VET. The following information is taken from the relevant websites, and links are attached for you to research further. Labor Party:... 'Keeping CIT at the centre of the training system' ACT Labor recognises the vital role CIT plays in our city, and we will continue to grow this great institution. Labor is committed to providing a secure funding future for CIT and will directly fund CIT to a minimum of 70% of total ACT Government funding for VET. Check out the full policy document: https://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net//Policy_summary_2_-_ Greens: 'Prioritise government VET funding to CIT and ensure it receives the majority of government support' Check out the full policy document: https://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net//Safeguarding_CIT.pdf Liberal Party: Only reference is to federal Liberal Party. No direct reference to VET in the ACT. Check out the full policy document: http://canberraliberals.org.au/policies/
13.01.2022 APTS 2018 VET Industry Chrissy drinks. All ACT VET Industry professionals are welcome to attend our annual Chrissy drinks to be held at The National Press Club of Australia: 4.30pm - 6pm Tuesday 11th December 2018. Please rsvp to [email protected] or just turn-up :-)
13.01.2022 Book now for our upcoming networking event on Tuesday, 31 July at Soju Girl in the City. Our guest speaker for this event is Alexandra Golab from the ACT Chapter of Room to Read. Hope to see you there!
13.01.2022 APTS has presented Skills Canberra with an Impact Report on the 2020 ACT VET Funding Cuts. The impacts will be felt by all industries that rely on User Choice and Skilled Capital funding. The report can be viewed at www.apts.org.au
12.01.2022 APTS networking session with Shirley and Sue from ASQA tonight
12.01.2022 If you missed the TAE implementation webcast, here's the link to the YouTube clip.
12.01.2022 Dear members, As you are likely aware, Skill Sets have been made available for funding under the Skilled Capital Midyear release from 2 August 2017. Skills Canberra is seeking your feedback with the community services industry to discuss how this industry can make use of Skill Sets trial and the VET sector more broadly. Skills Canberra is seeking to work with employers and RTOs within the Community Services industry to:... Build an understanding of what the VET sector has to offer. Build an understanding of the needs and challenges to accessing training for community sector workers. Create connections between training providers and employers in the sector. In particular, they are hoping that RTOs can provide an insight into how the VET sector can create a flexible and tailored delivery method for employers interested in making use of Skill Sets under the Skilled Capital initiative. To provide feedback please contact Liam White at [email protected]
11.01.2022 The time has come for another Member Meet-up session at our new home base the National Press Club of Australia. All APTS members and VET Industry professionals are welcome to attend. Details are as follows: Venue: National Press Club, 16 National Circuit BARTON ACT Date: Tuesday 7th June 2016 Time: 4.30pm - 6pm RSVP: [email protected]... We look forward to seeing you there!
11.01.2022 Join us for our May APTS Networking event, proudly hosted by the Australian Institute of Management in their newly opened premises. Tuesday 8 May 2012 from 5pm - 7pm Attendance at this event is free and a brilliant opportunity to network with like-minded people in the education and training area. ... Bookings are essential - email [email protected] to confirm your place
10.01.2022 We are looking forward to our workshop tonight on Time vs Relationship - Working Across Cultures presented by Rhian Williams. With 22 participants booked in, it's sure to create some great discussion! If you want to find out more about APTS and the workshops and networking events offered, please contact Sarah Kentwell on 02 6283 5200 or [email protected]
09.01.2022 March Member Meet Up today at the National Press Club
08.01.2022 Hi All We have some good news! As a direct result of APTS advocacy with the Chief Minister's Office (CM), the Government has committed to an August release of Skilled Capital including the possibility of returning some of the in-demand axed qualifications to the funded list. The CM wants industry consulted in a far more meaningful way prior to the August release to ensure the revised list more accurately reflects the skills needs of the ACT economy. The CM is keen to have AP...TS involved in this consultation process and you can rest assured knowing that APTS will be fighting hard for the interests of non-Government training providers. APTS has been in close contact with Dan Jervis-Bardy from the Canberra Times. Dan has already published three articles on the funding cuts (see below) and is very keen to keep the story alive. Dan has advised he will be publishing another story in the coming days based on the APTS Impact Report. APTS has also met with Andrew Wall MLA Shadow Minister for Skills. Andrew does not support the funding cuts and is highly motivated to apply as much pressure to the Government as possible. Andrew has already used Question Time in the Legislative Assembly to seek answers, however, he was mostly unsuccessful in causing any level of embarrassment or discomfort to CM Barr. The video recording of the exchange is available at Assembly On-Demand (in the search field click on the drop-down bar and select Mr Wall. The file is called Q3 Tertiary Education - funding Mr Wall / Madam Speaker Thursday 13th February 2020). In our meeting with Andrew Wall MLA, he stopped short of making any commitment to return funding to 2019 levels if his party was elected, however, he vowed to continue taking the fight to Government on this matter. Andrew has thoroughly read the Impact Report and is highly appreciative of APTS efforts to prepare such a comprehensive report. Moving forward, APTS is very keen to ramp up the pressure on Government. We will shortly be sending an email requesting assistance from ACT training providers to locate students and employers who would be happy to speak to the Canberra Times about how the funding cuts have personally disadvantaged them. We also plan to set-up a change.org petition to garner as much support for our cause as possible. It is vitally important that as many training providers get behind this as possible. It is only through unity and strength of numbers that we can affect change. Canberra Times Articles from Dan Jervis-Bardy https://www.canberratimes.com.au//act-government-quietly-/ https://www.canberratimes.com.au//revealed-budget-blowout/ https://www.canberratimes.com.au//economy-will-suffer-bui/
08.01.2022 APTS is thrilled to have the National Press Club on board as a sponsor for 2015. Take a look at their conference and event facilities here... http://www.npc.org.au/events/events-conferences.html
08.01.2022 What a great 'Meet the Minister' lunch today with thanks to ACPET and APTS
04.01.2022 This is an notification for the Annual General Meeting of the ACT Association of Providers of Training Services Inc. to be held 3:30 pm on Wednesday 16 November 2016 at: National Press Club Canberra Barton Room 16 National Circuit, Barton... Please find attached to this email the following: - Notice of AGM, which includes the Agenda for the meeting RSVP Wednesday 16 November 2016 - Committee member nomination form Forms to be returned by Wednesday 16 November 2016 by 5:00pm. Anyone wishing to obtain a copy of the audited financial statements prior to the AGM can do so via request 3 weeks prior to the date of the meeting by emailing [email protected]. We will be holding our final Member Meet Up for the year and Christmas networking starting at 4:30 pm, directly after the AGM. If you are unable to attend the AGM you are still welcome to join us for the Member Meet Up. DETAILS: Wednesday 16th November 20156 National Press Club, 16 National Circuit, Barton 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm Please RSVP to [email protected] by 11th November, 2016. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. https://npc.org.au/contact-us/
04.01.2022 Don't forget the ASQA Training Provider Briefing is next Thursday 17th May 2018 - 9am to 12.30pm. National Convention Centre - Canberra Be there for all tge up dates!
02.01.2022 Our first Industry Meetup for 2018 at the National Press Club Barton. Thanks to the committee members for your support and enthusiasm planning APTS goals for 2018. Thanks to Sue and Neil from Sarina Russo, Andre from Access Recognised Training and David Miller from Skills Canberra.
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