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25.01.2022 Clerke Wall at the Rowley Shoals . . . .... . . #marinescience #nature #naturelover #naturephotography #ocean #natureshots #instanature #mothernature #reef #seacreatures #underwaterphoto #underwaterphotography #uwphoto #uwphotography #underwater #marine #fish #science #naturelovers #rowleyshoals #odysseyexpeditions See more
24.01.2022 Lyretail Grubfish (Parapercis schauinslandii) from our recent trip to the Rowley Shoals . . . .... . . #marinescience #nature #naturelover #naturephotography #ocean #natureshots #instanature #mothernature #reef #seacreatures #underwaterphoto #underwaterphotography #uwphoto #uwphotography #underwater #marine #fish #science #naturelovers #grubfish #Parapercis #rowleyshoals #odysseyexpeditions See more
24.01.2022 Juvenile Mosaic Leatherjacket (Eubalichthys mosaicus) hiding in Haekel's Jellyfish at Parker Point, Rottnest Island . . .... . . #marinescience #nature #naturephotography #ocean #perthdiving seacreatures #underwaterphoto #underwaterphotography #uwphoto #marinelife #naturelover #underwater #instanature #natureshots #naturelovers #uwphotography #beautiful #love #cute #rottnest #rottnestislandwa #westernaustralia #fish #perthisOK #parkerpoint #MosaicLeatherjacket #leatherjacket #Eubalichthysmosaicus #Haekel'sJellyfish #Jellyfish See more
23.01.2022 Always a challenge trying to get a close-up of a Bluelined Hulafish (Trachinops brauna) - Salmon Bay, Rottnest Island last week . . . .... . . #marinescience #nature #naturephotography #ocean #reef #sea #seacreatures #underwaterphoto #underwaterphotography #uwphoto #uwphotography #beautiful #love #cute #perthisOK #perthisokay #westernaustralia #hulafish #trachinops #rottnest #rottnestisland #rottnestislandwa See more
22.01.2022 A school of Stripeys (Microcanthus strigatus) looking out from a cave at Salmon Bay, Rottnest Island on Tuesday . . . .... . . #marinescience #nature #naturephotography #ocean #reef #sea #seacreatures #underwaterphoto #underwaterphotography #uwphoto #uwphotography #beautiful #love #cute #exmouth #ningaloo #westernaustralia #stripey #rottnest #rottnestisland #rottnestislandwa See more
22.01.2022 The rarely observed Blueface Angelfish (Pomacanthus xanthometopon) on our recent trip to the Rowley Shoals . . . .... . . #marinescience #nature #naturelover #naturephotography #ocean #natureshots #instanature #mothernature #reef #seacreatures #underwaterphoto #underwaterphotography #uwphoto #uwphotography #underwater #marine #fish #science #naturelovers #angelfish #Pomacanthus #rowleyshoals #odysseyexpeditions See more
22.01.2022 Chromodoris nudibranch at the Exmouth Navy Pier (possibly C. colemani). Very small at approximately 20-25mm . . . .... . . #marinescience #nature #naturelover #naturephotography #ocean #natureshots #instanature #mothernature #reef #seacreatures #underwaterphoto #underwaterphotography #uwphoto #uwphotography #underwater #marine #science #naturelovers #ningaloo #exmouth #westernaustralia #exmouthnavypier #Chromodoris #nudibranch #chromodoriscolemani See more
21.01.2022 A rarely seen Blotched Fantail Ray (Taeniurops meyeni) getting a frantic clean from several Common Cleanerfish (Labroides dimidiatus) at the Exmouth Navy Pier, Western Australia. This ray has venomous spines on its tail and is the species responsible for the tragic death of Steve Irwin in 2006 on the Great Barrier Reef. Although not generally considered aggressive, swimmers/divers should be extremely cautious around this species (and all stingrays). . . . .... . . #marinescience #nature #naturelover #naturephotography #ocean #natureshots #instanature #mothernature #reef #seacreatures #underwaterphoto #underwaterphotography #uwphoto #uwphotography #underwater #marine #science #naturelovers #ningaloo #exmouth #westernaustralia #exmouthnavypier #stingray #Taeniurops #Taeniuropsmeyeni #CommonCleanerfish #labroidesdimidiatus See more
19.01.2022 A good ID shot of a Halfband Cardinalfish (Apogon semiornatus) in Lighthouse Bay, North West Cape, Western Australia. This is an adult about 5-6cm long showing the large jaw/mouth, and the two dorsal fins showing clear separation. Apogonidae (cardinalfishes) is a large family of over 350 species of mostly nocturnal, small fish. Many male cardinalfish are mouth brooders they incubate, aerate and protect the eggs in their mouths and they do not feed until the eggs hatch .... . . . . . #marinescience #nature #naturelover #naturephotography #ocean #natureshots #instanature #mothernature #reef #seacreatures #underwaterphoto #underwaterphotography #uwphoto #uwphotography #underwater #marine #fish #science #naturelovers #ningaloo #exmouth #HalfbandCardinalfish #Apogon #Apogonsemiornatus #cardinalfish #lighthousebay #mouthbrooder See more
14.01.2022 Magnificent Bumphead Parrotfish (Bolbometopon muricatum) on our recent trip to the Rowley Shoals . . . .... . . #marinescience #nature #naturelover #naturephotography #ocean #natureshots #instanature #mothernature #reef #seacreatures #underwaterphoto #underwaterphotography #uwphoto #uwphotography #underwater #marine #fish #science #naturelovers #parrotfish #labridae #Bolbometopon #bumphead #scaridae #rowleyshoals #odysseyexpeditions See more
14.01.2022 A Sixband Parrotfish (Scarus frenatus) getting cleaned by Common Cleanerfish (Labroides dimidiatus) at Lavender Gardens, Coral Bay, Western Australia. Parrotfish have two sets of teeth the visible set, which is fused, and is where their name comes from (i.e. they look like parrot beaks); and a second set located deeper in their throats known as Pharyngeal Teeth. The pharyngeal teeth crush the food items (predominantly algae, but sometimes small invertebrates) that are scr...aped off the surface of coral and rocks by the primary beak. . . . . . . . #marinescience #nature #naturephotography #ocean #reef #sea #seacreatures #underwaterphoto #underwaterphotography #uwphoto #uwphotography #beautiful #love #cute #westernaustralia #scar #cleanerfish #parrotfish #coralbay #ningaloo #Labroides #scarus #scarusfrenatus
13.01.2022 A large Bumphead Parrotfish (Bolbometopon muricatum) at Rowley Shoals. This species is the largest of all known parrotfishes growing to 1.5m in length and 75kg in weight. They use the large, hardened bump on their heads to ram coral, breaking it into smaller pieces for eating this is an important part of bioerosion (or sand-making) with each individual consuming up to 5 tonnes of coral per year also resulting in the creation of tonnes of coral sand. Apart from coral, Bu...mpheads also feed on benthic algae and shellfish. We have seen several juveniles in Coral Bay over the years, but not adults. Friends in Exmouth have occasionally seen schools of adult along Ningaloo Reef . . . . . . #marinescience #nature #naturelover #naturephotography #ocean #natureshots #instanature #mothernature #reef #seacreatures #underwaterphoto #underwaterphotography #uwphoto #uwphotography #underwater #marine #fish #science #naturelovers #parrotfish #labridae #Bolbometopon #bumphead #scaridae #rowleyshoals #coralbay #ningaloo #exmouth See more
12.01.2022 Can anyone suggest a common name for this little crab we photographed at Mangrove Bay, Ningaloo Reef? At present it is only known by its scientific name Psaumis cavipes, which does give away many clues: Psaumis is Greek and refers to Psaumis of Camarina who was a famous charioteer and won the Olympic four-horse chariot race! It becomes clearer what the name means when we learn that Cavipes is Latin meaning Hollow Foot. . . . .... . . . #marinescience #nature #naturephotography #ocean #reef #sea #seacreatures #underwaterphoto #underwaterphotography #uwphoto #uwphotography #beautiful #love #cute #exmouth #ningaloo #westernaustralia #Mangrovebay #Psaumiscavipes #crab #decapod #crustacean See more
12.01.2022 A school of King George Whiting (Sillaginodes punctatus) at Parker Point, Rottnest Island. This long-lived species (up to 15 years) is the largest whiting in Australia, growing to a maximum length of 72cm and 5kg in weight . . . .... . . #marinescience #nature #naturephotography #ocean #reef #sea #seacreatures #underwaterphoto #underwaterphotography #uwphoto #marinelife #naturelover #underwater #instanature #natureshots #naturelovers #uwphotography #beautiful #love #cute #rottnest #rottnestislandwa #westernaustralia #fish #perthisOK #KingGeorgeWhiting #Whiting #sillaginodespunctatus See more
11.01.2022 A Clown Triggerfish (Balistoides conspicillum) we saw on our recent trip to the Rowley Shoals . . . .... . . #marinescience #nature #naturelover #naturephotography #ocean #natureshots #instanature #mothernature #reef #seacreatures #underwaterphoto #underwaterphotography #uwphoto #uwphotography #underwater #marine #fish #science #naturelovers #triggerfish #Balistoides #rowleyshoals #odysseyexpeditions See more
11.01.2022 Looking down at a 35m bottom at Kat’s Chasm on Mermaid Reef at the Rowley Shoals . . . .... . . #marinescience #nature #naturelover #naturephotography #ocean #natureshots #instanature #mothernature #reef #seacreatures #underwaterphoto #underwaterphotography #uwphoto #uwphotography #underwater #marine #fish #science #naturelovers #diving #PADI #scuba #rowleyshoals #odysseyexpeditions See more
11.01.2022 Saddle Butterflyfish (Chaetodon ephippium) on our recent trip to the Rowley Shoals . . . .... . . #marinescience #nature #naturelover #naturephotography #ocean #natureshots #instanature #mothernature #reef #seacreatures #underwaterphoto #underwaterphotography #uwphoto #uwphotography #underwater #marine #fish #science #naturelovers #butterflyfish #chaetodon #rowleyshoals #odysseyexpeditions See more
11.01.2022 A large Potato Rockcod (Epinephelus tukula) at the Exmouth Navy Pier. This species grows to 2m in length and only reaches sexual maturity at 12 years of age (~1m in length). Its common name is derived from the dark blotches covering its body that are thought to resemble the shape of potatoes . . . .... . . #marinescience #nature #naturelover #naturephotography #ocean #natureshots #instanature #mothernature #reef #seacreatures #underwaterphoto #underwaterphotography #uwphoto #uwphotography #underwater #marine #science #naturelovers #ningaloo #exmouth #westernaustralia #exmouthnavypier #PotatoRockcod #cod #grouper #rockcod #epinephelus #epinephelustukula See more
07.01.2022 Bluelined Surgeonfish (Acanthurus lineatus) from our recent trip to the Rowley Shoals . . . .... . . #marinescience #nature #naturelover #naturephotography #ocean #natureshots #instanature #mothernature #reef #seacreatures #underwaterphoto #underwaterphotography #uwphoto #uwphotography #underwater #marine #fish #science #naturelovers #Surgeonfish #Acanthurus #rowleyshoals #odysseyexpeditions See more
07.01.2022 Machine Gun Coral Shrimp (Coralliocaris graminea) at Oyster Stacks. Very common pistol shrimp with large eyes spaced widely apart. Usually dark green with fine stripes of white, black, red or blue. Its large flattened pincers can be larger than its body and like other snapping shrimps (Family Alpheidae), the pincer has an enlarged tooth and a special catch. When the catch is released, the tooth makes a loud snapping sound. . . . .... . . #marinescience #nature #naturelover #naturephotography #ocean #natureshots #instanature #mothernature #reef #seacreatures #underwaterphoto #underwaterphotography #uwphoto #uwphotography #underwater #marine #science #naturelovers #ningaloo #exmouth #westernaustralia #Oysters Stacks #MachineGunCoralShrimp #Coralliocarisgraminea #shrimp #alpheidae #snappingshrimp See more
06.01.2022 Phyllodesmium crypticum is an aeolid nudibranch belonging to the family Facelinidae. As crypticum suggests, this species is highly camouflaged, resembling Xenia soft corals, upon which it prefers to feed. We came across this specimen at Lakeside, Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia . . . .... . . . #marinescience #nature #naturephotography #ocean #reef #sea #seacreatures #underwaterphoto #underwaterphotography #uwphoto #uwphotography #beautiful #love #cute #exmouth #ningaloo #westernaustralia #Phyllodesmiumcrypticum #Phyllodesmium #aeolidnudibranch #nudibranch #Facelinidae #Xenia #Lakeside See more
04.01.2022 Undescribed Hypselodoris Nudibranch at Heron Point, Exmouth Gulf . . . .... . . #marinescience #nature #naturephotography #ocean #reef #sea #seacreatures #underwaterphoto #underwaterphotography #uwphoto #uwphotography #wildlife #wildlifephoto #wildlifephotography #photooftheday #picoftheday #underwater #marine #beautiful #love #cute #ningaloo #exmouth #exmouthgulf #westernaustralia #exmouthgulf #hypselodoris #exmouthgulf #heronpoint #nudibranch See more
04.01.2022 A 40mm long Stolid Cowrie (Bistolida stolida) spotted at dusk on Bundegi Reef, Exmouth. These uncommon cowries only grow to 45mm in length and are recognisable by large irregular dark brown blotches on the shell, which has a base colour of lighter blue/grey/tan. The mantle (shell covering) is see-through and can be completely retracted into the shell for protection. . . . .... . . #marinescience #nature #naturephotography #ocean #reef #sea #seacreatures #underwaterphoto #underwaterphotography #uwphoto #uwphotography #beautiful #love #cute #exmouth #ningaloo #westernaustralia #bundegi #StolidCowrie #Bistolidastolida #cowry #cypraeidae See more
03.01.2022 Bluelined Leatherjacket (Meuschenia galii) at Salmon Bay, Rottnest Island on Tuesday . . . .... . . #marinescience #nature #naturephotography #ocean #reef #sea #seacreatures #underwaterphoto #underwaterphotography #uwphoto #uwphotography #beautiful #love #cute #exmouth #ningaloo #westernaustralia #leatherjacket #meuschenia #rottnest #rottnestisland #rottnestislandwa See more
03.01.2022 A small and playful Manta Ray (Mobula alfredi) was one of the highlights of our Rowley Shoals trip last week . . . .... . . #marinescience #nature #naturelover #naturephotography #ocean #natureshots #instanature #mothernature #reef #seacreatures #underwaterphoto #underwaterphotography #uwphoto #uwphotography #underwater #marine #fish #science #naturelovers #Manta #MantaRay #Mantaalfredi #rowleyshoals #odysseyexpeditions See more
02.01.2022 Photographing a male Steephead Parrotfish (Chlorurus microrhinos) at the Rowley Shoals . . . .... . . #marinescience #nature #naturelover #naturephotography #ocean #natureshots #instanature #mothernature #reef #seacreatures #underwaterphoto #underwaterphotography #uwphoto #uwphotography #underwater #marine #fish #science #naturelovers #parrotfish #labridae #Chlorurus #steephead #scaridae #rowleyshoals #odysseyexpeditions See more
02.01.2022 Alex photographing a Roundface Batfish (Platax teira) at Bat Cave on our recent trip to the Rowley Shoals . . . .... . . #marinescience #nature #naturelover #naturephotography #ocean #natureshots #instanature #mothernature #reef #seacreatures #underwaterphoto #underwaterphotography #uwphoto #uwphotography #underwater #marine #fish #science #naturelovers #batfish #platax #rowleyshoals #odysseyexpeditions See more
01.01.2022 Mimic Blenny (Mimoblennius atrocinctus) at the Exmouth Navy Pier, Western Australia . . .... . . . #marinescience #nature #naturephotography #ocean #reef #sea #seacreatures #underwaterphoto #underwaterphotography See more
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