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Aquarela Home and Body

Phone: +61 430 579 922


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25.01.2022 Can you see the fish? Kids were catching the little fishes and throwing it to the pelican Thank you so much for your orders, I’ll have them ready for pickup and be posting them on Tuesday! ... But for now, cheers to camping! #thankful #thankfulforeveryorder #thankyou #thanksforyoursupport #smallbusinessowner #familytime #timetorelax #timeaway #camping #campinglife #fishing

25.01.2022 Come and have an awesome night at Tamborine Mammoth Country Market Christmas Twilight event! We’ll be there!

24.01.2022 Milton Christmas Twilight Market 4pm-10pm... Thank you for all the support, love seeing new and familiar faces at all the markets! Please keep in mind that I’m wearing all the hats in my small business and I’m trying to keep up with it all but if you’d like something that’s not on the website yet, just send me a DM #christmas2020 #christmasmarkets #twilightmarket #artsandcrafts #smallbusinessaustralia #supportsmallbusinessaustralia #supportsmallbusinessthischristmas #lovechristmas #lovechristmastime #lovethevibe #lovemarkets #aquarelahomeandbody

24.01.2022 Had the most amazing brunch yesterday with beautiful women! Thanks @hideandseek_market for organising this empowering networking event and thanks @nattyfaulks from @strawberry_creative for sharing your knowledge! Can’t wait to see you all again soon! ... #hideandseek #marketing #networking #empoweringwomen #learningeveryday #womensupportingwomen #womeninbusiness #smallbusinesssupport #womenofbrisbane #goldcoastwomeninbusiness #womenempoweringwomen #aquarelahomeandbody

23.01.2022 Happy Sunday! I love that we can jump in the car and 10 mins later have this view in front of me! Kids are playing in the sand while I’m enjoying my coffee from @castaway_cafe ... Don’t worry, I’m an awesome mum as I got them @coastalcookiecogc from the cafe Hope you all get some time to relax today! #sunday #happysunday #sundayvibes #beach #ocean #sand #sandbetweenmytoes #relax #enjoy #coffee #family #play #playtime #fun #familyfun #sun #aquarelahomeandbody

23.01.2022 I’ll be at the Beenleigh Christmas Market this Friday, joining over 80 stalls. Come and say hi and fill your tummy with delicious things from the food trucks and your bags with Christmas presents! #localmarket #christmasmarket #twilightmarket #shoplocalthischristmas #supportlocalthischristmas #supportsmallbusinessthischristmas #beenleigh #aquarelahomeandbody

23.01.2022 Happy Saturday! 27 degrees in Brisbane Loving spring! ... Have an awesome day! #saturday #sunshine #spring #haveanamazingday #weekend #weekendvibes #relax #chill #family #onlynatural #queensland #brisbane #goldcoast #smallbusiness #supportsmallbusiness #aquarelahomeandbody

21.01.2022 Welcome and thanks for being here! I’ve started to make and use natural products many years ago, for both body and home, to eliminate the chemicals from our lives. My family and friends have been enjoying the journey with me and trialling all the products. So here I am today, after lots of research, learning and improving, launching my business to try and help as many people as possible to start using products that are actually good for us. Please enjoy the range of 100% natural handmade soaps for now but stay tuned for more products to come!

20.01.2022 Pink Ribbon Breakfast by MBK Events There are still couple of tickets available so if you’re free, get the girls together for an amazing breakfast while helping to raise money for a great cause! Get yourself some raffle tickets as you might win our hamper ... #pink #pinkribbon #breakfast #pinkribbonbreakfast #breastcancer #raisingmoney #greatcause #mbkevents #women #girls #awareness #raffle #raffleprize #donation #aquarelahomeandbody

19.01.2022 See you in the morning at Victoria Point Markets

18.01.2022 This pack was such a hit for Educator’s Day, we’ve decided to add it to our gift pack range! Perfect as teacher’s gift, as a little surprise to a friend, as ‘it’s-so-hard-to-buy-for-her’ pack but really, for anyone Sample size organic tea, artisan soap and lip balm will sure to bring a smile to anyone’s face ... You can customise your order and pick the tea and the soap as well #gift #giftideas #giftpack #customise #ideas #give #giving #present #surprise #thinkingofyou #friends #teacher #endofyear #endofyeargifts #christmas #christmasiscoming #artisansoap #soapmaker #naturalingredients #goodforyou #smallbusiness #supportsmallbusiness #australian #australianbusiness #aquarelahomeandbody

18.01.2022 Looking for something different to the good ol’ socks... check out prezzipak

18.01.2022 It’s MARKET DAY!!! 8am - 12pm @theboutiquemarket 3pm - 8pm at Our Community Market Daisy Hill... Come for a visit, both will be so much fun! #itsmarketday #backtobackmarkets #localcommunity #localmarket #shopsmallthischristmas #supportsmallthischristmas #supportlocalbusiness #christmasmarket #twilightmarket #aquarelahomeandbody

18.01.2022 Anyone from Yarram or close by? Please go and support this gorgeous lady on Saturday at the grand opening of her shop Blush Giftware You can pickup some soaps too while you’re there

17.01.2022 Last chance to enter! Head over to @fikaraye and comment under the original post! This is an amazing prize to win! #collaboration #smallbusiness #australianbusiness #giveaway #amazing #sogood #beinittowinit #goodluck #follow #like #tag #win #aquarelahomeandbody

16.01.2022 The amazing @amyneesonphotography took this gorgeous shot at @hideandseek_market last time We will be back on 26th of September again so come and say hi and have a beautiful day at the beautiful @historicrivermill #market #localmarket #photo #shot #beautiful #beautifulday #beautifulspot #nature #smallbusiness #supportsmallbusiness #australian #australianmade #baby #toddler #kids #children #aquarelahomeandbody

15.01.2022 What an awesome day at Hope Island today! We had a first as we experienced rain but after not long the sun came out and brought all the beautiful customers. Thanks all for coming, we will be back! #market #marketday #sunshine #rain #first #experience #new #newexperiences #alwaysfun #thankseveryone #customers #supportingcustomers #smallbusiness #smallbusinessowner #thankful #blessed #aquarelahomeandbody

14.01.2022 Come and visit me tomorrow at the Hope Island Marina Market! Hopefully the weather will be kind and the rain will hold on until the afternoon! #market #hopeisland #local #localbusiness #localmarket #marketday #exciting #lovemarkets #handmade #handmadewithlove #supportlocal #christmasiscoming #aquarelahomeandbody

13.01.2022 It’s Tuesday! Mondays are usually really busy for me at work then the afternoon at home. My boys keep me on my feet and this week my afternoons are filled with fulfilling custom orders and prepping for Sunday’s market. So exciting! How is your week looking? X... #crazymonday #busy #busymomlife #businesswoman #tuesday #market #weekendmarket #prep #customorder #grateful #create #artisansoap #soapmaker #naturalingredients #coldprocesssoap #smallbusinessowners #busyweek #loveit #supportlocal #aquarelahomeandbody

12.01.2022 I didn’t know until a moment ago that it’s International Coffee Day but been rockin’ this top my friend made me the whole day! As an ex-barista, I do love my coffee and had 2 to celebrate this special day! But let’s be honest, after walking 16kms today, I wouldn’t say no to an espresso martini at the moment... Why don’t campgrounds have cocktail bars? #coffee #coffeelover #internationalcoffeeday #lovemycoffee #espressomartini #camping #campinglife #tent #nobar #ginandtonic #lovecamping #family #familytime #boymom

12.01.2022 Is it just me or the new design of lemongrass rings the jingle bells for you too? #new #newdesign #lemongrass #essentialoils #naturalingredients #onlynatural #coldprocesssoap #artisansoapmaker #nonasties #nopalmoil #nofragrance #nosynthetics #nocolourants #botanical #clay #goodforyou #goodforyourskin #smallbusiness #aquarelahomeandbody

12.01.2022 So yesterday I realised that I’ve actually never showed you guys the beard oils They’ve been very popular amongst men and at the markets It’s created with amazing Australian organic hemp seed oil and other nourishing oils and essential oils to keep the beard smooth and styled while moisturizing the skin underneath without leaving an ‘oily’ feeling behind. ... Ladies, get one for your hubby, you’ll thank me later #beard #beardoil #natural #naturalingredients #hempseedoil #essentialoils #men #productformen #nourish #style #moisturize #aquarelahomeandbody

11.01.2022 GLOW I created this blend with women in mind! Mums, sisters, daughters When you drink this tea, I’d like you to take a moment to think about nothing else but yourself and imagine yourself GLOW! ... You are a shining star! Never forget that you are someone’s everything! So have a sip and keep GLOWING! #glow #glowing #shining #shiningstar #tea #herbal #herbaltea #organic #takeamoment #selfcare #youareastar #everything #love #sip #enjoy #relax #aquarelahomeandbody

09.01.2022 Love what Castaway "grab n go" Jacobs Well does for small businesses! To give back, let’s grab our weekend coffee from Rachel and have a walk at the beach

09.01.2022 Happy Friday! Tea for now, wine later Just have to make sure the wind doesn’t blow my glass away ... #friday #itsfriday #fridayvibes #organic #tea #teatime #wine #winelater #happyfriday #enjoy #weekendiscoming #bekind #smile #smallbusiness #brisbane #goldcoast #local #aquarelahomeandbody

09.01.2022 This awesome cafe had an attempted break in last night It’s time we give back to Rachel who have been supporting small businesses the whole year even though covid made it really tough for the cafe So please please please, duck down to Jacobs Well this weekend and grab a coffee and snack!

09.01.2022 Have you tried our 100% organic lemongrass and ginger tea yet? It’s great hot or cold too and with a teaspoon of Australian raw honey if desired. #tea #organic #lemongrass #ginger #health #healthy #cupoftea #teatime #metime #relax #selfcare #chill #smallbusiness #supportsmallbusiness #australianbusiness #aquarelahomeandbody

08.01.2022 R U OK? #ruok #ruokday #ask #care #listen #call #message #check #stayconnected #ruok2020 #itsokaynottobeokay #aquarelahomeandbody

06.01.2022 See you tonight!

05.01.2022 It’s Monday! Got up and went to Pilates but I have to admit, it was a tough one... But spring is around the corner and I’ll be sipping our 100% organic lemongrass and ginger tea to help me through the day! ... I have big plans for today so stay tuned and have an awesome week! #monday #newweek #newbeginnings #newgoals #letsdothis #power #plan #goals #habits #changinghabits #selfcare #organic #tea #lemongrass #ginger #cupoftea #cuppa #metime #teatime #aquarelahomeandbody

05.01.2022 Sunday 6th of December There are a few markets at the horizon so please check my line up post and visit me where you can

03.01.2022 ‘World Kindness Day’ Let’s all do something amazingly kind today just because we can! #worldkindnessday #alwaysbekind #littlethingsinlife #bekindtoeveryone #kindnessisfree #asmilecanchangesomeonesday #smallgesturebigimpact #aquarelahomeandbody

02.01.2022 Handmade goodness with skin nourishing oils and butters that won’t strip the natural oils from your skin and dry it out. Your skin is your largest organ that plays an essential role in keeping you healthy so it deserves to be looked after #naturalsoap #naturalingredients #skinnourishingoils #skinnourishingbutters #largestorgan #nourishyourskin #lookafteryourskin #essentialoils #botanicals #clays #nopalmoil #palmoilfree #vegan #vegansoap #moisturizing #naturalgoodness #handmade #smallbatch #handmadesoap #artisansoap #coldprocesssoap #aquarelahomeandbody

01.01.2022 I am so grateful for all the opportunities that I get from amazing women who support small businesses! Mini Murray And Me is a gorgeous little gift shop in Campbelltown showcasing our soaps! Sydney friends, please go and say hi to her!

01.01.2022 Rachel from Castaway "grab n go" Jacobs Well has been supporting so many small businesses this year, yet some horrible people attempted to break in to her cafe, cut the power and she lost $4000 worth of stock right before Christmas. Megan from Coastal Cookie CO. started a gofundmepage and I’m asking you to help if you can to bring Christmas cheer for this beautiful lady!

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