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Aquarius Season

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25.01.2022 Happy Friday ~ August 20, 2021 Mercury, the planet of communication, harmonizes with Uranus, the planet of the unexpected, bringing about quick and surprising r...esolutions. The moon enters air sign Aquarius while on its way to this weekend’s full moon. Issues concerning authenticity are coming up. The moon harmonizes with love planet Venus, allowing us to access affection. The moon meets serious Saturn, connecting us to our responsibilities. (by Vice) Mercury forms a trine to Uranus this morning, encouraging inventiveness. With this mind-opening aspect, we seek answers that are not the most obvious ones, and we can get to some exciting places on a mental level now. We’re expressing ourselves in different or unique ways rather than falling back on old habits of thinking and communicating, and it’s successful. Conversations can be gently provocative, leading to new ideas and perspectives. Insights or creative ideas come suddenly, unexpectedly, and brilliantly. The Moon continues its transit of responsible Capricorn until 4:49 AM EDT, at which time it moves into humanitarian, unconventional Aquarius. (by Cafe Astrology) Mercury Trine Uranus 1:05am PDT/ 2:05am MDT/ 3:05am CDT/ 4:05am EDT Moon in Aquarius 1:49am PDT/ 2:49am MDT/3:49am CDT/ 4:49am EDT Moon Trine Venus 11:01am PDT/ 12:01pm MDT/ 1:01pm CDT/ 2:01pm EDT Moon Conjunct Saturn 4:55pm PDT/ 5:55pm MDT/ 6:55pm CDT/ 7:55pm EDT Vice

23.01.2022 Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened

22.01.2022 I dont listen to BS propaganda about against getting covid vacine 2 Astrazeneca jabs and am fully vacinated and healthy living in WA where we did the right thing straight away ..please get the jab

21.01.2022 Full Moon in Aquarius ~ August 22, 2021 A rare astrological Blue Moon occurs on August 22nd at 29 degrees of Aquarius. There are a number of special qualities... of this lunation, namely that it’s the second Aquarius Full Moon within a 30-day cycle, earning the Blue Moon title, and that it also occurs at an anaretic degree. First things first two Full Moons in the same sign indicate a time when we build on the topics of the first Full Moon. Where we have a second harvest, so to speak. This can boost all the Aquarian issues that have come up in a big way throughout this year and some of last year freedom, humanitarianism, equality, social responsibility and community. The media is reflective of this shift in focus and these issues have become urgent and unavoidable. In our personal lives, this Full Moon is one that has us reflecting on our own social circles, our duty to society, and our sense of freedom and individuality. We can feel hints of the anxiety from the last Full Moon, but fortunately, because of The Great Benefactor, Jupiter’s proximity, there’s an air of optimism and excitement. Jupiter has retrograded back to Aquarius for a reason, to wrap loose ends up and make sure that we have integrated the lessons we have grappled with this year so far. He’s also making sure that we put our philosophies into practice. Secondly, Anaretic degrees are the final degrees of any astrological sign, and have an air of urgency and crisis. We need to, collectively, make a final push for release in whichever area of life is reflecting to us as important right now. Anaretic degrees can reflect weakness, where we may be torn in two directions. We will be tempted to take dynamic and decisive action now, but we need to not be too hasty and make sure we take time to consider our options. We need to ask ourselves what it is that we need to let go of, once and for all. Make no mistake, this is a big Full Moon, and one that will be remembered for a long time to come. We may even be able to let go of issues that have been building up for months or even years. There’s a last rush to meet a deadline, and we will all be able to feel it. The world will reflect this energy, too, and it’s likely that there may be more protests and bids for personal freedom versus social responsibility that’s what Aquarius rules, after all. Where do we stand? We will, however, need to keep our eyes open and be careful of falling for anything. Mercury opposes Neptune at this Full Moon, perhaps revealing deceptions and misinformation. Much shall be revealed over this time, and we need to pay close attention to our intuition if we want to make the right choices. We could be tempted to be impulsive with the immense urgency that’s around at this time, especially with Mars so close to Mercury. Let’s not leap into decisions just yet and see what this Full Moon brings with it. Let’s cleave closer to our tribe and join hands with our fellow man, rather than developing a God-complex. Aquarius’ shadow can be the know-it-all, and there’s much that we do not know right now that shall be revealed. They don’t say once in a blue moon for nothing! Astromatrix

19.01.2022 Graduation Aquarius Full Moon The Aquarius Full Moon, yes we have a second Aquarius Full Moon, is taking place at the last degree of Aquarius. There’s a sense... of Emotional Graduation with this Full Moon. It’s emphasizing the Air (Aquarius, Libra & Gemini) areas of your chart. The opposing forces of the Sun and Moon are helping you tune into what’s most important to you (Leo) and what emotional lessons you’ve mastered (Aquarius). You may be feeling a sense of closure in some area of your life. There could be a sense of momentum. The full moon activates the emotional body. Notice what emotions and areas of your life are being triggered with the Full Moon. It’s reflecting where you need to focus your attention. Aquarius Full Moon The Aquarius Full Moon is perhaps highlighting some truths or area of your life you haven’t noticed before. Aquarius is also passionate about freedom and breaking free from any place you’ve felt opressed. This Full Moon may be pushing you out of your comfort zone and supporting you in moving in the direction you want. Aquarius represents the future you. What is pulling at you? Aquarius is supporting you in discovering this change. The Aquarius Full Moon takes place on August 22, 2021 at 8:01 am ET (5:01 am PT). The Full Moon is the peak of the lunar cycle. It highlights your life and the direction you should move. The Full Moon represents completion or a culmination of your efforts. Review your birth chart to see where this is the Aquarius Full Moon is taking place for you. The moon is conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius. Jupiter is helping you see how you’ve emotionally grown (moon) and how perceptions have expanded (Jupiter) over the past year. Review the past eight months and notice what has changed for you. There has been a strong Aquarian theme in 2021 and it will continue. By reviewing and acknowledging how you’ve grown, you may now be able to implement your emotional skills on a deeper level. The Aquarius/Leo opposition is highlighting emotional growth you’ve experienced this year. It’s reminding you to balance the needs of others (Aquarius) and your personal needs (Leo). Aquarius represents the people and joining together in groups with like minded people. Opposite the moon, the sun is in Leo. Leo is creative, warm and vibrant. It’s heart-centered energy is generous and magnetic. Leo is majestic and demands balance in this equation. Aquarius can be somewhat cold, detached and almost un-human. Aquarius represents the future. It’s innovative, technology based and focused on human rights and grassroots efforts. The sun in Leo is providing a strong sense of self, helping you clarify with what you love. And reminding you to follow your heart. The moon and Jupiter in Aquarius are helping you see emotional growth and expansion you’ve experienced this year and how to integrate it more fully into your future. Review how you would have reacted and year ago and see how you’ve changed. Tune into situations that in the past would have triggered you to see your growth. Acknowledge changes within you and see it as a graduation into your bright, beautiful future! Other Planetary Influences Uranus goes retrograde August 20th. As an outer planet it helps create permanent change wherever it’s crossing. It continues to be at a square with Saturn in Aquarius. Uranus rules Aquarius. With it being retrograde it may create sudden shake ups in your life. There may be shocking news or revelations. You may see a deeper level of truth in a situation. Uranus is the higher-mind of God, opening up deeper levels of spiritual growth. With it in Taurus, it may be shaking up your values and issues around money. There may be a sense of wanting more freedom. Uranus also provides revolutionary thinking, out of the box solutions that you hadn’t considered before. Anytime a planet is retrograde, it’s a period of review. With Uranus it may be awakening you on a deeper level shifting your perspectives and perceptions. Be open to what is coming up without judgement or dismissing it. It may reveal your next steps or atune you to deeper levels of your self awareness. Uranus & Mars are at a Trine at the Full Moon. Mars and Mercury are in Virgo helping you look at daily habits and your health. Mars is creating momentum in moving these daily tasks forward so you are more productive. Uranus in Taurus, is energizing this transition. It’s helping you see that you’re on point and ready to move forward. You may feel very inspired to get organized, or start a new health routine. A Grand Air Trine is taking place with Saturn in Aquarius, Venus in Libra and the North Node in Gemini. With these three cosmic influences in Air signs there may be a sense of stability (Saturn) being created around what you love (Venus) and your future (North Node). You may be seeing this in relationships, including relationship with yourself. There may be ideas coming to light, and anything coming to mind. You may be more expressive with relationships that take them to a new level. You’re learning how to be true to yourself and expressing yourself in a new light. Honor your truth and move forward in a way that is right for you. Let go of following others, and finding the courage to be yourself. Focus on what you want to create more of in the future. What will you do Release with the Aquarius Full Moon? What parts of you will you Reclaim? Happy Aquarius Full Moon! New Moon Manifesting

19.01.2022 #Aquarius, that's your tip #Horoscope #Zodiac.

18.01.2022 29:29 Aquarius FULL MOON [Aug 22] The second of two consecutive Full Moons in Aquarius takes place on August 22. The Full Moon at 29 Aquarius with Sun at 29 L...eo 29 is a critical degree of great intensity enhancing everything! Not only that, the August 22 full moon in Aquarius makes just one aspect but it is one of the most positive Moon conjunct Jupiter! Joyful Jupiter’s amazing energy means whatever you're focused on at this time, whatever you're aligning with will be bigger. It will grow. It will allow you to move beyond boundaries to SEE beyond the horizon. Get ready for a boost in your personal, material, and spiritual growth and good fortune. Love and Blessings, Tania Gabrielle

11.01.2022 Family of Light's "Throwback Tunesday" The 5th Dimension Age of Aquarius 1969

10.01.2022 Good Night Everyone

08.01.2022 Mercury Retrograde Begins! Mercury stations and turns retrograde tonight. Mercury will be retrograde until October 18th and will spend the entire retrograde cyc...le in the sign of Libra. We should be aware that cloudy thinking or confusion can figure strongly during this shift. Communication can be tricky. During this period, we look back, tending to review and re-assess matters. Mercury rules our lower mind how we perceive and interpret information from our environment and how we relay that information to others. Speaking, negotiating, buying and selling, listening, formal contracts, documents, travel, the mail, shipping, and so forth come under its rule. We approach these things differently, and we can be somewhat inattentive to the details we usually prioritize while focusing on those we don’t typically see. This period is best for reorganizing and reflecting. We look at the world a little differentlythrough different filtersand can come up with significant inner revelations. It may not be easy to communicate them under this influence, but we don’t need to rationalize everything. Mercury retrograde periods can be times of heightened inner awareness, when meditation, journal keeping, reworking old plans, and reviewing past work are favored. Minor breaks in the mechanical aspects of communication can reconnect us to other, possibly more meaningful means of communication. It’s a good time to get in touch with what nurtures us and feeds our spirits. Mercury Stations Retrograde (Sunday) 10:10pm PDT/ 11:10pm MDT Mercury Stations Retrograde (Monday) 12:10am CDT/ 1:10am EDT Cafe Astrology

06.01.2022 Happy International Peace Day 21st September

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