ARCA Dental in Currambine, Western Australia | Dentist & dental surgery
ARCA Dental
Locality: Currambine, Western Australia
Phone: +61 8 9305 4254
Address: 1/94 Delamere Avenue 6028 Currambine, WA, Australia
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22.01.2022 We were hoping to get a video of Dr Cohen talking about what prosthodontics is but hes had such a busy first day at Arca, we havent been able to get him away from his patients at all!! So heres a quick info video we put together on what he will be doing at Arca... Book in with him for that special(ist) smile! #teamarca #teamawesome #prosthodontics #arcasmiles ... 93054254 via our Arca Dental app
22.01.2022 The team that trains together..... makes smiles together! #alwayslearning #alwaysapplying #alwayssmiling #alwaysarca ... 93054254 via our Arca Dental app
22.01.2022 Arca Dental urges everyone to maintain social distancing... This does NOT apply to Mums who want to social distance from their kids in the school holidays! It also doesnt apply to floss and teeth! No social distancing to be exercised there ever! ... #arcasmiles #alwaysarca 93054254 via our Arca Dental app
22.01.2022 Dr K was amused to learn that emus dont have any teeth, and instead eat small stones to help grind their food! For everyone else, theres Arca Dental!! 93054254 ... via our Arca Dental app See more
21.01.2022 As restrictions begin to lift, Arca Dental urges you to stay sensible,vigilant and safe. Please continue to maintain strict hand hygiene, download the COVIDSAFE app, and keep social distancing ..... except from your dentist! Because we take safeguarding your smile too seriously to get complacent! 93054254 via Arca Dental app See more
20.01.2022 If like Dr K and his team, you were out playing winter sports on this rainy and cold morning, we hope you had your mouthguards on too!! The likelihood of trips and falls is higher when the ground is wet, so make sure you are keeping your smile safe!! Book in for your mouthguard fits now at Arca- well keep your smile safe so you can concentrate on enjoying the game, rain or shine!! #wintersportsmakeussmile #soccersmiles #smilesrainorshine #arcasmiles #soccermaddentist... #staysafe #staysmiling 93054254 via our Arca Dental app
20.01.2022 We were so touched to receive this beautiful letter from one of our kind young tooth defenders this week! We are always happy to help share smiles.... thank you for allowing us to share your generosity, beautiful Nahla!! #fridayfeels #bekind #sharesmiles #arcasmiles #staysafe #staysmiling ... 9305 4354 via Arca Dental app
20.01.2022 WE ARE OPEN! AND WE WANT TO STAY OPEN! Please help us keep your smile safe - download the COVIDSafe app. When else would you be able to save lives by the click of a button?! ... #keepitupWA #covidisnotwelcomehere #arcasmiles #keepingyousafe #keepingyousmiling #supportsmallbusinesses #weareinthistogether #wewillgetthroughthistogether 93054254 via Arca Dental app
19.01.2022 What a SUPER duper day team Arca have had! SUPER kids, SUPER fun, and most of all SUPER SMILES!! All our superhero kids, don't forget to let Mum and Dad know too.... EVEN SUPERHEROES GO TO THE DENTIST!!! #superherosmiles #arcasmiles #superfun #superkids #teamarca #teamawesome ... 93054254 via our Arca Dental app
19.01.2022 The Arca family sent the White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Moana and Dr Ks personal fave Harry Kane from Tottenham Hotspurs to school today! Who were you for Book Week?? Share your photos in the comments below and be put into a draw to win a children’s electric toothbrush* and end our week with a smile too!! *Ts and Cs apply... 93054254 via Arca Dental app
19.01.2022 Whoever you are going to be speaking with in the week ahead, just remember that everyone smiles in the same language.... #smileonamonday #smilethroughtheweek #arcasmiles #alwaysarca #staysafe #staysmiling ... 93054254 via Arca Dental app
19.01.2022 We have been call screening, temperature testing, providing sanitiser, and having regular professional surface bombing cleans all through the year and we won’t be stopping anytime soon!! Because your smile (and you!) are safe at Arca! 93054254 ... via our Arca Dental app See more
19.01.2022 As the WA school holidays begin, Arca Dental wishes anyone wandering out yonder, safe and happy travels! Dont forget to leave a smile print wherever you go!! We cant wait to see more of our superheroes at Arcas Superhero Day on 10th July. #schoolholidaysmakethebestsmiles ... #arcasmiles #alwaysarca 93054254 via our app Arca Dental
19.01.2022 Don’t be spooked by the dentist ..... even at Halloween! Here’s some tips from Arca when you are out trick or treating today: Take a bottle of water with you and make sure you drink from it every time you eat a sweet/chocolate. Water will help to flush away the bacteria that start attacking your teeth and help prevent cavities. ... Set yourself a healthy challenge for e.g. For each sweet you eat you have to eat a vegetable over the following week , or for each chocolate you have to do a chore for Mum/Dad over an agreed period. once you are done with trick or treating tonight put your stash away- it’s much kinder to your teeth not to keep grazing on sweets! Make an appointment with your dentist soon, they’ll make sure they look after the bits that you haven’t. #dentistsarenotscary #halloween2020 #staysafe #staysmiling #arcasmiles 93054254 via our Arca Dental app
18.01.2022 The gift of a white Christmas ..... from Arca to you! Limited time only - call in now! *Ts & Cs apply 9305 4254 ... via Arca Dental app See more
18.01.2022 When the patient gets to give his dentist an injection!!! Dr. K and all of team Arca have had their flu jabs this season. Because for us there is simply no debate... this year more than ever, please keep yourself and all those around you safe. ... #influenzaisnotwelcomehere #covidisnotwelcomehere #virusesarenotwelcomehere #bacteriaarenotwelcomehere #germsarenotwelcomehere #onlysmiles #arcasmiles #alwaysarca 93054254 via Arca Dental app
17.01.2022 Thought for the week from this beautiful little miss clever clogs (and her dentist!) Whatever you are up to this week, make sure the corners of your mouth are turned the right way up! #arcasmiles #mondaymood #staysmiling #staysafe 93054254 ... via the Arca Dental app See more
17.01.2022 We did our own Arcanalysis of the dental situation in the USA!! Veneers/ crowns - Trump Biden Teeth whitening - Trump Biden Dentures - Trump Biden ... That’s as far as we are going with that ..... America it’s over to you ........ #notarcasmiles 93054254 via our Arca Dental app
17.01.2022 For those brave who gave up their smiles so we could have ours.... At the going down of the sun, and in the morning..... We will remember them..... #lestweforget2020 ... 9305 4254
17.01.2022 When your last patient of the week owns the neighbouring Cheesecake Shop! Happy Friday peeps!!! #sweettreatsaresometimestreats #cheesecakeshopcurrambine #thatfridayfeeling... #staysafe #staysmiling #arcasmiles 93054254 via Arca Dental app
16.01.2022 Working from home and have a sore back from being seated all day/not having access to a standing desk etc? Arcas trusted chiropractor and patient Dr Jono has some tips on how to keep flexible. We love that we make his smile curve whilst he keeps ours backs straight! #arcasmiles #chirogenixchiropracticclinic #curvedsmiles #straightback ... #supportsmallbusinesses #keepitupWA 93054254 via the Arca Dental app
16.01.2022 We use this same powerful story ever year at this time - no matter what the year and what the day, the message we send out is loud and clear - WE ARE HERE FOR YOU, when you are OK and more especially when you are not! We always have more to say than R U OK? At Arca Dental we are proud to have patients that care too - check out our awesome patients page Carpe Diem Counselling and Coaching for her insightful blog posts and information on what to do when U R NOT OK! ... Man goes to dentist: you do a great job trying to help my smile but in truth I am depressed.Life seems harsh and cruel. I feel all alone in a threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain. Dentist says, "It seems you need more than a dentist to help you smile. The great clown Pagliacci is in town tonight. Go and see him. That should pick you up." Man bursts into tears. Says, "But doctor...I am Pagliacci. #RUOK #theresmoretosayafterthat #arcadental #carpediemcounselling 93054254
15.01.2022 The Earth began its process of geographical healing when the COVID pandemic struck... With the deplorable goings on in the world currently, Arca Dental is staying strong in the hope that humanity will follow suit and begin to reform and heal its social values, beliefs and morals too. At the end of National Reconciliation Week 2020, Team Arca wishes to thank our First Nations People for sharing their beautiful land with us. This WA Day, we couldnt be prouder to be A...ustralian and Westralian! Please sing along with us- it will make us smile! WE ARE ONE!! #NRW2020 #thankyoufortheland #thankyouWA #covidisnotwelcomehere #racismisnotwelcomehere #hatredisnotwelcomehere #alllivesmatter #iam #youare #weareaustralian #WEAREONE #alwayspeace #alwayslove #alwayshope #alwaysarca 93054254 via free app Arca Dental
15.01.2022 Arca Dental wishes all who celebrate a happy Eid filled with peace, perseverance and positivity. May your smiles always be brighter than the moon! #arcasmiles #brighterthanthemoon #peace #positivity #perseverance ... 93054254 via free app Arca Dental
15.01.2022 Our football mad principal dentist is thrilled that footballs back on!! Arca Dental is super proud to sponsor Kingsley Westside Football Club for the second year running! SAFETY has been key in 2020! ... And it doesnt stop in sport either... whilst you are adhering to social distancing, hand hygeine and all other essential safety measures, dont forget to get fitted for a MOUTHGUARD too! Having teeth, gums or lips hurt from a fall, trip or contact in sport is too big a price to pay to win (or lose!!) a game! Call us to find out our special offers on mouthguards- a mouthguard is certainly cheaper than a mouth injury!! Youve done such a great job at keeping your young people safe this year, dont forget to book them in for a mouthguard fitting before game season kicks off!! #getyourkiton #getyourmouthguardon #soccersmiles #arcasmiles #KWFC2020 #staysafe #staysmiling #youneedasmiletoscore 93054254 via Arca Dental app
14.01.2022 Amongst all that 2020 has taught us, a key message has got to be - if we don’t make time for health, we’ll end up having to make time for illness..... Health funds run out at the end of the year - book in before we get booked out and let’s send 2020 off packing with a smile! #arcasmiles #byebye2020 #useitdontloseit 93054254 ... via Arca Dental app See more
13.01.2022 Arca Dental is proud to be a part of the Australian Dental Association partnering with the Derbarl Yerrigan National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation. At the end of NAIDOC week last week Dr K was privileged enough to witness a barefoot circle and acknowledgement of country before his daughters cricket match. The middle stump for the match incorporated artwork from local Indigenous artists depicting Dreamtime stories, a poignant reminder of the richness... and diversity of culture in this beautiful land. Respect, culture and sport- there couldn’t have been a more significant end to the week for our Dr K! #NAIDOCWeek2020 #alwayswasalwayswillbe #sportysmiles #respectfulsmiles #arcasmiles 9305 4254 via our Arca Dental app
12.01.2022 Breakfast on the go? Dr Anne and our Arca team urge you to spend 10 minutes the night before prepping a healthy alternative to the sugar laden convenience breakfast substitutes! This year more than ever before, safety is key - lets keep our teeth safe from sugar too! #staysafefromsugar #staysugarsavvy #staysafe #staysmiling #arcasmiles #alwaysarca #DHW2020... 9305 4254 via our Arca Dental app
12.01.2022 Dr K took a peek from Natures Window in his wanders out yonder last week... Natures Window is made of Tumblagooda Sandstone, a geological formation formed four million years ago. Tumblagooda sandstone can weather acid erosion and mechanical damage to a very high degree. Your teeth, unfortunately, cant..... So until the invention/evolution of Tumblagooda teeth, make sure yours get looked after at Arca Dental. ... #smilesmadeinWA #smilesmadeatArcA #staysafe #staysmiling 9305 4254 via Arca Dental app
11.01.2022 You know the smiles you make spread far and wide when youre out to dinner at the weekend and the musician who serenades you is your patient..... #arcasmileseverywhere #musicmakesussmile #weekendsfullofsmiles #weeksfullofsmiles 93054254
11.01.2022 Today is Crazy Socks for Docs Day! This day is all about raising awareness of the mental health of all health practitioners around the world! Team Arca is always happy to get involved in anything that makes us and others smile ..... so we all wore our crazy socks to work all day!! It always has been and it always will be but now more than ever, we urge you to ensure that you are taking care of your mental health. Sign up to our wonderful patients page Carpe Diem... Counselling and Coaching for some practical coping tips and strategies when it all gets too much..... Whether its to reach out to you or listen, at Arca Dental we are here to make sure that smile stays on.... #arcacares #arcasmiles #crazysocksfordocs #teamarca #teamawesome 93054254 via our app Arca Dental
11.01.2022 No matter how stormy the start of the week has been for you, let a rainbow be a reminder to smile through it all. A rainbow is a smile from the world above!!! #smilethrougheverystorm #covidisneverwelcomehere #arcasmiles ... #perthrainbows #madeinWA 93054254 via our Arca Dental app
11.01.2022 The focus during Dental Health Week 2020 was sugar savviness but at Arca Dental we spend every week of every year getting smile savvy!! We are so proud to welcome on board our team, prosthodontist (specialist in the replacement of missing teeth and associated tissues and the restoration of natural teeth), Dr. Hezel Cohen. Dr Cohens books are filling up super fast already so if youd like a special smile, book in with him now. 93054254 ... via Arca Dental app See more
11.01.2022 Flossie has arrived from the North Pole! The Arca team is committed to safeguarding both her and your smiles so she is in mandatory quARCAntine at present! We have of course ensured she has enough toothpaste for the duration too! Luckily she booked her dental appointment early, t’is the season to be busy at Arca!! ... #elfontheArcashelf #bookearly #staysafe #staysmiling #arcasmiles #christmasiscoming #getyoursmileon 93054254 via Arca Dental app
10.01.2022 Flossie has cleared her quARCAntine and hasn’t started off her time at Arca in the most tooth kind way..... As elves come off the shelves and advent calendars start to pop open, here’s some tips on how to keep cavities at bay in the run up to Christmas.... Avoid advent calendars with a daily sticky sweet, chocolate! ... Instead make your own inexpensive advent calendars/hampers and get creative.... Instead of a chocolate a day try vary between the following: a kind deed a day ( something to fill someone elses happiness bucket) a time voucher - for a Mum/Dad and kid bonding hour doing whatever both like to do together over the holidays a small set of ingredients - Google how many recipes can be made with them and make one for young ones - stickers, crayons ( one a day before you complete a set) , a few pieces of a larger puzzle each day for teens- the WIFI password for an hour! Whilst it may take some explaining, we have full trust that our young tooth defenders will see the bigger picture fast enough! And have healthy smiles to show for it!! #raisingkidswhomakeotherssmile #goeasyonthechocolate #gohardonthesmiles #arcasmiles 93054254 via our Arca Dental app
10.01.2022 Team Arca loved their time in nature doing some citrus fruit picking! We often get asked questions around fruit juice and how often kids should be consuming it. Water should always be the drink of choice (for both children and adults). ... However especially in winter when you might need a liquid sunshine boost and a burst of vitamin C, freshly squeezed orange juice is a healthy refreshment. Fresh fruit juices are however high in acid and prolonged exposure to teeth enamel will cause acid erosion. Top dental tips: Juice should be a sometimes drink, regular consumption is harmful to teeth. Wherever possible pick low acid fruit- get in touch with local producers to find these options. Youll be supporting local businesses too! Drink fruit juice through a straw to minimise contact with teeth. Do not put fruit juice in baby bottles or beakers- evidence shows this to be one of the prime causes for rampant caries. Wait for at least 30 minutes before brushing your teeth after consuming fruit juice. At the start of winter, and beyond, Arca Dental wishes you smiles and sunshine!! 93054254 via Arca Dental app
09.01.2022 Today is International Dog Day! Isnt everyday?! #dogsmakeussmile #arcasmiles #careforyourcanines #itsadogslife #staysafe #staysmiling ... 93054254 via our Arca Dental app *Terms and conditions apply
09.01.2022 As we approach the night that dentists fear most.... Tomorrow, we will share Arcas top tips for keeping your teeth safe at Halloween but tonight, as homes are prepping for trick or treaters, here are the Australian Dental Associations tips to keep our wonderful state from becoming a statistic for the wrong reasons: Halloween should be a front-yard event, not a front-door event (keep it outdoors);... Provide closed packaging for treats and instead of communal bowls, consider other ways of distributing treats like strewn along the front fence (remember to take care of pets etc) Have hand sanitiser at the front gate, and encourage children to have a small belt loop sanitiser and use between each house. Don’t share costume face masks; Stay home if sick; People isolating should not receive Halloween visitors; Practice good hand hygiene and use hand sanitiser after touching common surfaces; Know the local restrictions in your state and work to those. 93054254 via Arca Dental app
09.01.2022 Birthdays at Arca.... #alwaysreadytoparty #alwaysreadytosmile #alwaysarca 93054254
09.01.2022 When I get home from making smiles all day, I am very blessed to have these smiles waiting for me... Happy Fathers Day to anyone who has ever had the privilege of having been involved in a childs life and given them a role model to look up to...whether you have fathered them or not..... Keep making a difference ....
08.01.2022 Nothing makes our Dr K smile like soccer on a Sunday! This 2020 season he has felt so privileged not only to have Arca Dental sponsoring Kingsley Westside Football Club Juniors but also to have coached one of the U8s teams! Awesome players doing their best and loving the game + supportive parents + a super hardworking committee = an overall fantastic club spirit + a VERY happy Coach KK!! Whatever your summer sport might be remember to protect your smile with a mouth...guard from Arca! #football2020 #kingsleywestsidefootballclubjuniors #arcasmiles #score #smile #repeat #soccermaddentist 9305 4254 via Arca Dental app
08.01.2022 If it’s a white Christmas you’re dreaming of, we may not be able to do too much to help.... But if whitening your teeth for Christmas is what you’re after, we’re on it..... Watch this space for our extra special promotion tomorrow- you won’t want to miss this one! #ascloseasyougettoawhitechristmas #arcadreams #arcasmiles ... #seasonforgiving #seasonforsmiling 93054254 via Arca Dental app
07.01.2022 Over the years every story related to Diwali that you may have heard would have had mention of light over darkness. But perhaps never before has the concept held such significance.... As we lit the auspicious lamp (diya) at our annual Arca Diwali prayers, Dr K and the team wish for there to be light in your lives. Be that the light on us that will shine from the souls we have lost , light that comes with the gratitude for all that we have or light that illuminates hope ...for what we have ahead..... Team Arca wishes all who celebrate a happy Diwali and a healthy New Year ahead! #light #hope #smiles 93054254
06.01.2022 You may have heard of the school dentist but our Dr K is the school Dental Elf!! On our annual tradition with Santa, the Dental Elf gave out toothpaste and reminders not to turn a Ho Ho Ho into a No No No if you indulge in one too many candy canes! T’is the season for cracked teeth - keep yours whole with a check up at Arca! ... #santabrusheshisteethtoo #santacomestoArca #santasmiles #arcasmiles 9305 4254 via our Arca Dental app
06.01.2022 Super team Arca is super set for our Superhero Day on Friday! Super excited to see all our super tooth defenders! Making smiles is our super power! Whats yours?! ... 93054254 via the Arca Dental app
05.01.2022 No matter how ruff your week has been, theres always time for pawsitivity!!! At Arca Dental we look after your kids and their canines too!! Dont forget to book in for our superhero day and super special activities on the 10th of July!! ... 93054254 via our Arca Dental app
05.01.2022 These school holidays Arca Dental is offering a day of kids only check up and cleans! And it's not just a regular trip to the dentist... we have super fun activities planned to make even our nervous little faces smile! The best part? You can come dressed as your favourite superhero! Because even superheros need to go to the dentist! Limited spots so book in now!! ... When? Friday 10th July from 9am - 3pm Call (08) 9305 4254 or email [email protected] to book Note: $20 deposit is required
05.01.2022 Dr. K loved tying in his knowledge of oral care in with his learning journey as he wandered out yonder. Lake Hillier in Port Gregory, often known as the Pink Lake is pink in colour due to the red pigments produced by the chromogenic bacterium Salinibacter ruber. Chromogenic bacteria can also exist in the oral cavity, and if not removed by effective tooth brushing and flossing can cause the tartar build up in the gum margin to turn black. Take a colour tip from our spe...ctacular Lake Hillier - keep your gums healthy and PINK!! #prettyandpink #smilesmadeinWA #smilesmadeatArca #staysafe #staysmiling 93054254 via Arca Dental
04.01.2022 Starting the new week with gratitude from Arca Dental. Gratitude to our wonderful patients Kiran and Sajul for setting up non profit Sweet Melodies and navigating it through the last ten years to ensure that the annual Navratri festival not only runs seamlessly but also donates substantially towards a charitable cause each year. What is Navratri? Gratitude to the tireless and selfless team of volunteers, so many of whom are our patients too, for giving up their time over the years to help WA enjoy the richness and diversity of its culture. Gratitude to all our beautiful patients who we met and shared smiles with at the festival. And most of all gratitude to the WA Premier and the people of WA for doing the right thing this year and hence allowing Perth to be one of the only places in the world to safely celebrate the festival of Navratri. We are truly blessed to be in WA- we hope that this week you can take some time to count your blessings too! #thankyoumarkmcgowan #thankyouWA #arcapatientsspreadsmiles #arcapatients #arcapride #arcasmiles #keepitupWA #sweetmelodies #navrang2020 9305 4254 via our Arca Dental app
04.01.2022 In these days where its all about social distancing, a SMILE really is the shortest distance between 2 people! Get your smile at Arca! Happy Friday all, and keep it up WA!!! #arcasmiles #alwaysarca #keepingyousafe #keepingyousmiling #supportsmallbusinesses ... 93054254 via our app Arca Dental
03.01.2022 Its Dental Health Week and the theme for 2020 is sugar savviness. Team Arca is starting the week with a message from our Practice Manager. Swap shop bought muesli bars for homemade granola - check out our fave nutritionist Sarah Moore Wellness page for some super simple recipes. Get sugar savvy with Arca Dental! ... #keepyourteethsafefromsugar #staysugarsavvy #staysafe #staysmiling #arcasmiles #alwaysarca 9305 4254 via our Arca Dental app
03.01.2022 Arca Dental is always happy to sponsor smiles!! Party season is here and along with the dressing up and merriment also comes the possibility of wine stained teeth and caries from all the sweet treats! Never one to spoil a smile, here’s our Dr Ks advice- for the festive season eat,drink and be merry (in moderation!) BUT don’t forget your TOOTHBRUSH after!!! If ever there was a season to book in with your dentist, this is the most wonderful time of the year .... ... #tistheseason #seasonofsmiles #arcasmiles #christmasiscoming #dontletcavitiescometoo #wethinkhescrubsupwell #licensedtodrill 9305 4254 via Arca Dental app
02.01.2022 The Arca team had a great time putting up our Christmas tree as we see off 2020!! We even found an Arca shell bauble for Dr K to put up! As renovations, home makeovers and Christmas decorating frenzy get underway, don’t forget to get your smile makeover too!! After all, (and most especially after this mammoth year!) a smile is not just for Christmas........ We look forward to smiling off 2020 with you at Arca... #smilesbeforechristmas #smilesforchristmas #smilesforafterchristmas #alwayssmiles #alwaysarca 9305 4254 via our Arca Dental app
02.01.2022 Super smiles are made at Arca Dental. Limited spots available for our kids fun day on 10th July - book your superhero in now. 93054254 [email protected]
02.01.2022 As temperatures soar and summer arrives,Flossie and team Arca wish to remind you that water is the most (and only!) toothkind hydrator! #smilesforsummer #smilesforwinter #alwayssmiles #alwaysarca 9305 4254 ... via our Arca Dental app See more
02.01.2022 When your dentist is a Spurs fan, but youve just won the Premier League!! Team Arca is always happy to make smiles ..... even for a rival team! #welldoneliverpool #footballmakesussmile #comeonyouspurs #nextseasonwillbeours ... 93054254 via Arca Dental app
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