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23.01.2022 ARESS CONSULTING SERVICES AUSTRALIA as of this week has been accepted by the AHA (Australian Hotels Association) as the preferred training provider in the area of Armed Robbery Awareness and Response. We thank AHA for this opportunity and we look forward to providing information to try and assist staff whenever possible in ensuring their safety.
21.01.2022 Friends, I have yet another message with what appears to be my standard "kick off" re this stuff; "Here we go again"; Another friend issued with a parking fine where within the same area there are several signs which are confusing and/ or misleading, which results in fines. My advice, do not "complain" because if you do be expected to be smacked on the head with a sharp stick. What you need to do is simply be smart and "challenge", NO EMOTION (anger/ attack) simply truth, facts, circumstances, photo evidence and any other evidence. Worse come to the worse challenge and nominate court. PS Book in for tea and biscuits with a friend that morning................ cause I bet they never take you to court!!
20.01.2022 Aress Consulting Services Australia also trading as The RC-ESS Group recently re-affirmed as preferred staff training provider of Australia Hotels Association Victoria. ARESS CONSULTING SERVICES AUSTRALIA COMMERCIAL PARTNER AND PREFERRED WORK PLACE TRAINING PROVIDER OF A.H.A... The RC-ESS Group Managing Director Ritchie Saunders 0419 - 138629
15.01.2022 BASICALLY A CLEAR EXAMPLE OF COMMUNICATION SKILLS MEANING ; "It's not what you's how you say it" !!!
13.01.2022 Well, I am sure many will remember that some time ago (8 months to be exact) I expressed my disbelief to be issued with a speed camera fine (2 cars mine and another both on the line at the same time) and the fact I would challenge. Over much correspondence today came to a head. Appeared and represented myself in Geelong Magistrates Court today well prepared. Prosecutor asked questions before court then disappeared (to speak to Magistrate) then called to court. Magistrate asks... why I am pleading not guilty and was told. Result?? Case dismissed !! Didn't even hit the witness box. Message to all; Dont just "hand over" your hard earned money!! If you feel you have been hard done by CHALLENGE, but in doing so no emotion, no attack just the truth backed with cold hard facts. Justice prevailed and I am sure will also in the future if handled properly !!! See more
13.01.2022 ARESS CONSULTING SERVICES AUSTRALIA - Commercial Partner and Preferred Staff Training Provider of A.H.A (Australia Hotels Association - Victoria).
12.01.2022 Friends, recently through a business associate I was introduced to the Uber share driving system and what a sensational system it is and could only be good for the consumer. Although at this time may not be "rubber stamped" in Victoria it most certainly has my recommendation, my wife and i used Uber in Melbourne recently and it was fantastic. Should you wish or require an alternate form of transport my advice is to give it serious consideration.
08.01.2022 ARESS CONSULTING SERVICES AUSTRALIA has recently updated Facebook information and Website via
05.01.2022 ARESS CONSULTING SERVICES AUSTRALIA delivers quality, customised training to corporate companies and government agencies all over Australia. All forms of training relative to Management and Staff dealing with customers. Customer Service/ Telephone Negotiation/ Conflict Resolution/ Physically Aggressive Customers/ Armed Robbery Awareness and more including minimizing complaints against staff, "Duty of Care", possible OHS issues etc. Training devised to assist in improving S...taff Morale/ Staff Motivation and Performance and to assist in survival under possible extreme circumstances. Our staff are Ex-Victoria Police with extensive experience, trained and qualified Corporate Workplace Trainers prepared to assist companies and staff all over Australia, as we have for the last 8 years. For the best workplace training available, you now have our details. EMAIL; [email protected] See more
04.01.2022 When people ask about my business I mention the likes of Armed Robbery Awareness Training for staff in all areas, and how it is great for my business...............but very sad for society needing the necessity. But watching the news on Tv tonight someone has created a company to hire "drug sniffing dogs" to check people at their own children's party............I am pretty sure it is an indicatior our society has HUGE problems!!! Correct me if i am wrong........
02.01.2022 ARESS Consulting Services Australia, nickname "Whip" (WIP) = Work In Progress !!! Now also specialising in providing training to Corporate Companies in relation to Staff Motivation and Performance. Fantastic training sessions becoming very popular very quickly !!! Alert your Management, alert your staff, this is a short, to the point, purposeful training session which will definitely get all thinking in the right direction !!!
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