Army Cadets Bendigo | Community organisation
Army Cadets Bendigo
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25.01.2022 Todays announcement of a return to stage 3 restrictions is a necessary step we must take. Staff would like to remind all of you that masks are mandatory for everyone over the age of 12 outside of their home from 11:59pm Tonight (02 AUG 20) unless you have a medical reasons or exemptions. Staff are here and available to all cadets and parents/guardians if you need us. We have the pardre and his staff on call if you would like to talk to a neutral person/party.... Please stay strong, stay safe, wear your mask and uphold the cadet values of Courage, Initiative, Respect and Teamwork. Staying apart is keeping us together. See you all Tuesday night for our weekly ZOOM meeting. 1930Hrs with the usual meeting ID and password. Dont forget to wear something silly (but appropriate) around your neck. LT(AAC) J.Wilkinson ADMINCOMD 309 ACU BENDIGO 0410 557 375
24.01.2022 33 Battalion Unit Weekly Parade Update Unfortunately there still is no time-frame for recommencing Unit Parade nights from VIC Brigade HQ. We have been informed... today that they are creating guidelines, requirements, instructions for units on how they can re-start again. The time-frame for this has not currently been outlined In the meantime, I would encourage all cadets to keep in contact with their fellow peers and staff and any potential Cadets to contact your unit staff via your units pages and means. Providing that the lifting of restrictions retains it's promising outlook regarding number of new COVID-19 cases, and upon safety clearances from the relevant Health Officials, we hope that the units of Bn will recommence activities within the next few weeks. We will continue to keep you informed of all the latest information when it comes to hand. If anyone has any questions please initiate contact either via your Chain of Command or message your units via your unit pages.
20.01.2022 Hey Cadets! ZOOM meetings are still on! Tomorrow night is no exception. Although the easing of state restrictions has been announced we are still awaiting an official statement from HQ AAC to resume parade nights. Please be patient it won't be much longer. Unit staff and the senior cadet team are planning activities for when we resume. We will make it worth your while for being patient over the suspension ... See you all tomorrow night, meeting commences at 1930 Usual password and meeting ID.
19.01.2022 Every year, on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, we pause to remember.
18.01.2022 ATTN CDTs: We are asking for your input! Staff are thinking of designing new polo shirts for the unit.... Shirts would be able to be worn at any time by ACS, CDTs or DAHs as no part of the design would be in DPU (Auscam, Multicam etc). Any Cadet, Parent/Guardian or Staff member with any suggestions are encouraged to speak up and let us know! Any Cadet, Parent/Guardian with suggestions on where to get the shirt made are encouraged to speak up and let us know (Preference will be to use a local business)! Attached is a very basic draft design that we have come up with. Once we have a design, we can pick a shirt style (will be similar to pictured) and advise on sizes and prices (will be subsidised for CDTs) Hope to hear from you all soon. LT(AAC) Jordan Wilkinson ADMINCOMD
17.01.2022 Congratulations to all our cadets who have just completed JLC via on-line means. This is a first for Vic AAC Bde and a first for the AAC as well. We would like to acknowledge CDT Cooper Laurie who was awarded Best In Platoon for 1PL 01/20 CC. Well Done CDT Laurie.... Statement of Attainment and Certificates are being generated by Vic AAC Bde and will be sent direct to the unit. Once the unit has received them, we will forward them on to our newly qualified JNCOs. LT(AAC) J.Wilkinson Administrative Commander 309 ACU Bendigo
14.01.2022 A Big Shout-out to our friends in Victoria (6 August 20). To all Cadets and Staff in Victoria to let you know that we are thinking of you as you endure another ...6 weeks of lock-down and getting back to the units seems a long way off. To members of 39 ACU Pipes and Drums including Lt (AAC) Candice Hickey and Ken Stewart, Anne from Celtic Affairs and to our former members DMaj. Nada Baradja and PCpl. Kipling Walker a little bit of home. To everyone Stay Safe and Keep Well from the members of the Drums and Pipes. See more
13.01.2022 ATTN all cadets, parents/guardians. Communications received from Army HQ RE: Face Masks; DGLOG-A and DCLOSPO have asked if we can get Army wide advice out WRT units and clothing store tailors making masks from either new or recycled Disruptive Pattern Uniform (DPU) material. All of Defence’s DPU material (DPCU, AMCU, DPNU, MMPU, AMP or GPU) does not meet DHHS or WHO guidelines for making non-medical masks, as the material is very heavily dyed in the manufacturing process. ... In short, the making of home made masks out of old Army/Cadet uniforms is not to take place, as the material is not suitable. If you have made a mask from old Cadet uniforms, please dispose of the mask and replace with a suitable one either disposable or home made from appropriate material. Any questions please ask unit staff.
13.01.2022 The ADF Cyber Gap Program is for Australian citizens studying a cyber course at University or TAFE. Defence will pay your course fees for a year, and offer work... experience and cyber mentoring. Applications close 10 November. For more visit Digital Transformation Agency
12.01.2022 Hi Parents and Cadets. Welcome back to another term for cadets being on-line. However with the very impressive numbers regional Victoria are producing in combating COVID-19 it won't be long until we are back face to face. CDTs will resume tomorrow night for those who wish to attend. Usual time and meeting ID / Password.... New Recruits, we will forward you an invite shortly with login details for a meeting we will hold with you and your platoon/section commanders. Any questions don't hesitate to contact unit staff. See you all Tuesday LT(AAC) Jordan Wilkinson ADMINCOMD 309 ACU Bendigo
12.01.2022 Its Tuesday night, that means its an online parade night for 309 ACU Bendigo. Over the next following weeks 309 ACU Bendigo will be discussing the different corps in the Australian Army. Last week we had MAJ (AAC) Day give a presentation on the Cavalry/Armoured Corps. This week we are very lucky to have WO2 (Rtd) Ian De Bruyn give a presentation about the Royal Australian Electrical and Mechanical Engineer Corps. Hope to see all the cadets online @ 1930Hrs - Usual ZOOM ID and password. LT(AAC) Jordan Wilkinson ADMINCOMD 309 ACU Bendigo
11.01.2022 ATTN all cadets! Tuesday night we are holding another ZOOM meeting which is part 2 of last weeks lesson. If you didn't attend last week, dont worry we still encourage you to attend this Tuesday. TIME: 1930Hrs ... WHEN: TUE 21 JUL 20 WHERE: ZOOM using previously provided sign in details. Hope to see you all there.
10.01.2022 ZOOM meeting tonight for all cadets. Same meeting ID and password. SNCO at 1830 and everyone else at 1930.... See you then.
10.01.2022 VIC AAC BDE is holding an online course over the 20th and 21st of September aimed at improving the quality of online training within the BDE during the COVID-19 AAC shutdown. The course is split into three modules. Module C- Aimed at CUOs and WOs, running on the 20th Sep 2020 from 1500hrs 1730hrs. Module A- Aimed at CDTCPLs, running on the 21st Sep 2020 from 0900hrs-1230hrs.... Module B- Aimed at CDTSGTs, running on the 21 Sep 2020 from 1330hrs- 1630hrs. The LAI for the course, Joining Instruction and the Training program, along with the forms to express intrest have been emailed via cadetnet. Would highly reccomend that you all participate to develop yourselves and your units. C Bradstreet Regional Cadet Under Officer HQ AAC Vic Brigade
10.01.2022 Don't forget weekly ZOOM Meetings are still occurring. Usual Meeting ID and password still applies. Come along and join us, you never know, we may have some news soon
08.01.2022 Are you passionate about helping defend and protect our nation in cyberspace? The 2021 #YourADF Cyber Gap Program could be for you! Australian citizens who are ...already studying or enrolling in a cyber-related qualification can now apply online to be part of the program, which is open to 250 students next year. Successful applicants will receive generous financial support, work experience in cyber-related roles and assistance preparing for related jobs. To learn more about the program and how to apply, head to
05.01.2022 All Cadets are encouraged to complete the form for Bde. Any questions please ask unit staff.
03.01.2022 The AAC has made the Army Newspaper. An article about how we are being resilient in these times and continuing our training via on-line means during the COVID-19 suspension. See page 17 for the article.
03.01.2022 Hello Cadets! Tomorrow night we will resume our online ZOOM meetings. Meeting will start at 1930 using our previously provided ID and password. Any members who have misplaced the meeting ID and/or password are asked to contact unit staff.... See you online tomorrow night. LT(AAC) Jordan Wilkinson Administrative Commander 309 ACU Bendigo
01.01.2022 309 ACU would normally be supporting Legacy by selling badges next Saturday. Due to COVID-19 restrictions the cadets are unable to assist Bendigo Legacy this year. If you are able to assist Legacy by purchasing some of their merchandise please see the below article on how to buy online. Legacy not only supports veterans and their families, they also support our cadets too, so if you can please support Legacy.
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