Australian Remote Pilots and Certified Operators | Other
Australian Remote Pilots and Certified Operators
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25.01.2022 Civil Aviation Safety Authority - CASA can you please explain how. 14 year old can get. RePL??
21.01.2022 So we see CASA has released another update to its Advisory Circulars, and again it just confuses the crap out of everyone. We are getting lots of emails from members whom continue to be challenged about flying near Helipads, or airports, or buildings etc. CASA really needs to drop this nonsense and start telling people firstly what the regulations actually are, AND THEN give a recommendation on what should be done to stay safe. ... it is confusing the crap out of EVERYONE!!! Its madness.
18.01.2022 DJI Screen Share - Mavic, Phantom 3/4 Inspire 1/2 by Visual Vertigo Software Technologies GmbH
18.01.2022 Wow! Just had info sent to us that Rippit Hobbies is closing down! :( No good!
17.01.2022 Oh Civil Aviation Safety Authority - CASA - you have created a monster. (Not this kid in particular) but a system that allows this crap!
17.01.2022 Wow. Hard core!!!!!
16.01.2022 If you have a night rating and you are flying a drone tonight, make sure you read your NOTAMs and watch out for Santa!!
16.01.2022 And then there is this!! :(
16.01.2022 Wow! Very interesting!!!
12.01.2022 Hmmm..
12.01.2022 A drone crashed into the water at #burleighheads this morning narrowly missing swimmers. #Lifesaver45 is about to head out on patrol on the Gold Coast so pleas...e all drone users, keep an eye out for our helicopters, and, please let this be a reminder that you must not fly over populous areas. #westpacrescue #thisislifesaving See more
11.01.2022 So... we are seeing more and more of this! So much wrong with this video. Inside 3nm of Towered AD, and flying over people! FAROUT!!!! But yet - they think its sharing Positive Vibes!!! WTF!
11.01.2022 OUCH! Thats an expensive "error"!!
09.01.2022 Come on Channel 7 - Surely your drone pilots know they are doing the wrong thing here!!! You guys in the media MUST set a better example, or inexperienced pilots will "Monkey see Monkey do"
07.01.2022 Nice!!
06.01.2022 Interesting!!
06.01.2022 This is just nuts!!!
05.01.2022 WHY CANT THEY GET IT RIGHT? So one of members alerted us today to some misinformation that is in the latest edition of Drone Magazine that was purchased today at a local newsagent. This mag costs $12.50 and if the quality of the article on drone rules is anything to go by, its about $12.50 too much. On page 56 of this issue (issue 4) they have decided to educate the reader on the new rules that CASA rolled into place in September, but sadly have cocked it completely. To th...e point that the article is worthless. Why do we care? Because people wanting to join our industry spend money on this mag, so for a start, you would hope its worth it, and secondly, these types of magazines are read by people whom might be looking to get into the industry, and dishing out crap like this article puts them on the wrong path, and wastes everyones time. It also makes the industry as a whole look silly. So what did they get wrong.... Lets take a look... Firstly they got the rules wrong with regards to Recreation flyers. Instead of putting the correct regulations, they simply copied the CASA Advisory Circulars, which as we at ARPCO like to say, are not worth the paper they are printed on. They give advice, and in the case of the 30m from Buildings, Boats and Cars, its just plain wrong. What that does is, sets up situations where Certified Operators are being challenged by clients to remain more than 30m from a building! Just madness. The Advisory docs need to be better written so people know the facts of what the regulations actually are. The better we educate people of the rules, the less confusion there will be, and the better the industry as a whole will become. If the regs are so bad that the regulator must give advice to the contrary, the better result is to change the regs. Anyways... Lets move on. The Magazine states " All Commercial Operators need to apply to CASA for approval before every flight" WTF!!!! Where did they get this from. It goes on to say that the operator must supply "The name of the person who gave the notification, the persons contact details, the location or area at which the operations will take place" We are not making this up, and it gets better. It further goes on to say "The operation must be in an approved area, meaning no restricted areas or general aviation no-fly zones. This includes a 3 nautical mile (5.5km) perimeter around all airports and helicopter landing zones. WHERE DO THEY COME UP WITH THIS RUBBISH!!! Seriously Drone Magazine - PLEASE GET THE FACTS RIGHT!!! PEOPLE ARE RELYING ON YOU TO GIVE THEM THE CORRECT INFO. This industry is already confusing enough without articles like this that are plain wrong. If you want the right info - Contact us here at ARPCO, we have very skilled and knowledgable chief instructors as members that can certainly ensure you have the right information.
04.01.2022 You just cant write policy for stupidity!!