AR SOAR. Business Services: Specialist Blockchain & Education Consultants in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Immigration lawyer
AR SOAR. Business Services: Specialist Blockchain & Education Consultants
Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 3 9614 0218
Address: level 5, 1 Elizabeth street 3000 Melbourne, VIC, Australia
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25.01.2022 The Victorian Immigration Solicitors' Alliance: VISA. Members' Rewards - Corporate Partner Special - Big SAVINGS! Enjoy 30% off our ... Legalwise CPDs Migration Law: The Latest Issues and Challenges, (18 November 2020) Work through the most important issues you’ll face in migration law right now including an update on critical skills for TSS visas, guidance on character and public interest criteria, appealing visa cancellations and best practice ethics. Join a panel of expert practitioners with this half-day programme and gain valuable insights so that you’re ready for any matter and square away your ethics point for the year. Expert Panel: Chaired by the one and only Ms Roz Germov. So attention all immigration lawyers and Migration professionals or those thinking of working in this field of law - join VISA to enjoy the Members Rewards and attend this stellar CPD event and Save 30% (for those who can count or at least have a friend with a calculator, a 30% discount of this one CPD seminar is almost 75% of VISA's annual membership fee) So do yourself a favor - Join VISA.
24.01.2022 Dodgy Agents - Don't Risk it. The latest deception of "dodgy" members of the Sydney based migration agents' lobby group (the MIA). Migration agents' passing themselves off as Immigration Lawyers to dupe migrants & refugees. It is this sort of false and misleading advertising that undermines the confidence in the industry and causes so much heart ache for migrants and refugees.... Like this ad: (remember these guys are migration agents yet they hold out: Australian Migration Solicitors - 100% Successful Visa outcomes. Leading Migration Solicitor. Get Your Australian Visa Easy. Consult Us. Customized Service. Great Outcome.... So the Sydney based migration agent lobby group, have spent the last 20 years impeding lawyers and frustrating our struggle for liberty from MARA, now since they have lost that battle some of their members are holding out that they are lawyers even if they are not. Fake! Perhaps Trump is instructing their PR guys!
24.01.2022 Does the new ASIO bill poses risks to Australians’ personal freedoms? The Victorian Immigration Solicitors' Alliance: VISA, share the concerns expressed by the president of the Law Council of Australia, Ms Pauline Wright with regard to the introduction of the Australian Security and Intelligence Act 1979 (Cth) (Asio Act) into the parliament this week. Click for the full story....... VISA. Victorian Immigration Solicitors' Alliance
20.01.2022 To celebrate the 20th year of my law firm, I am proud to present the 5th iteration of the AR LAW SERVICES: Lawyers & Consultants webpage. (Note the discount special rate and referral help page for RMAs, Lawyers and VISA members) Enjoy! (For special discount rates and assistance for RMA & VISA members)
20.01.2022 If you're in a relationship with an Australian citizen or permanent resident, it's reasonable that you might want to stay in Australia and build a life with them here. Fortunately, genuine relationships are recognised by the Australian government and you should be able to get an Australian partner visa or prospective marriage visa. Both partner visas and prospective marriage visas have certain requirements and restrictions that can be quite complicated for those applying. If are looking to stay in Australia with a partner visa, please contact us
20.01.2022 What was that? Maybe I missed the memo? I attended an online migration agent's forum yesterday, regarding the up coming "deregulation" law. The main point I took from it was lawyers are scum. (Thanks for the heads up MIA)... Secondly that lawyers are scum and lawyers are tricky and lawyers are making migration agents do all this study stuff - and that ain't fair. Yet in all that sound and fury I did not hear once - what about the clients? How does it impact on them? Heard a great deal about how hard done migration agents felt by the changes but nothing on the main issue - which I would have thought was: It may be a drag but it is good for migrants & refugees to have well trained RMAs. So lets support it. We all fear change but this will be good for the migration advice industry
20.01.2022 Pandemic Both AR SOAR: Student Services. Specialist Education Consultants & AR LAW SERVICES: Master Migration Lawyers will remain open but there will be changes.
20.01.2022 General Skilled Migration Cut off 95 Points! Department of Home Affairs website shows the minimum points cut off for 189 General Skilled Migration and 491 (Family Sponsored Migration) stands at 95 points with a total of just 100 invitations issued for both programmes.
19.01.2022 Coronavirus if worse comes to worst Are you prepared? The only thing sadder then dying, is dying without a valid Will It is an uncomfortable and unpleasant subject, but an important one and given the current Coronavirus pandemic, it is a subject that is on everyone’s minds. Death. It happens to the all of us. What happens to your belongings? How do I protect my wishes after I am gone? How do I make sure my stuff goes to my loved ones?... That is where AR LAW Services may through our special Basic Budget Will plan- be able to help This is a fixed price service we have offered our existing clients, but recently we have been approached by many people due to the threat of the current pandemic. Consequently AR LAW Services is offering our Budget Basic Wills plan to all who qualify. This a fixed price service. See if you qualify book an initial 30 minute consultation for a fee of $220 and if you qualify AR LAW Services will draft and settle a Budget Basic Will for $660.
19.01.2022 AR LAW Services win at the AAT for the family of Tiananmen Square Hero Over the last quarter of a century or so that I have been helping people win the right to live in and call Australia home there have been several major cases that I believe to be special, historic and important and feel I was privileged to have been a part of them and of history: to be given a chance to fight the good fight to make a difference. This is one such case. As a young man I was inspired by t...he bravery and humanity of those students who stood up to oppression in 1989. Their protest came to be symbolized by the Tiananmen Square incident. For you who don’t know: In the 1980s, China was going through huge changes. The ruling Communist Party began to allow some private companies and foreign investment. Leader Deng Xiaoping hoped to boost the economy and raise living standards. However, the move brought with it corruption, while at the same time raising hopes for greater political openness. The Communist Party was divided between those urging more rapid change and hardliners wanting to maintain strict state control. In the mid-1980s student-led protests started. Those taking part included people who had lived abroad and been exposed to new ideas and higher standards of living. In Spring 1989, the protests grew, with demands for greater political freedom. Protesters were spurred on by the death of a leading politician, Hu Yaobang, who had overseen some of the economic and political changes. (For more click )
19.01.2022 Modern Slavery in Australia: Slavery and enforced servitude has not been relegated to antiquity - it is with us now and must be addressed. - Join the Victorian Immigration Solicitors' Alliance: VISA, Migration Alliance (MA) and the Law Council of Australia (LCA) to fight this scourge! Click here for more:
17.01.2022 Have you been cheated by a migration agent? Have you been lied to by a dodgy Migration Agent? Or Tricked by a "criminal" agent? And ... Didn't get what you paid for? They stole your money? Did a dodgy migration agent cost you Your Money Your Visa Your Future in Australia? If you think so talk to us - we may be able to help not only get you visa back but also get you compensation. AR LAW SERVICES: Master Migration Lawyers - We Sue "dodgy" (bad, lying, fraudulent or incompetent) Migration Agents
16.01.2022 Citizenship test: Big changes are coming! From 15 November 2020, the Australian citizenship test will be updated. This will be considered one of the major updates to the test in over a decade. The updated test includes revised citizenship test questions and new test questions on Australian values. Alan Tudge, the acting minister for immigration, citizenship, migrant services and multicultural affairs, announced the changes via press release, stating: Our Australian values important. They have helped shape our country and they are the reason why so many people want to become Australian citizens. We are asking those who apply for citizenship to understand our values more deeply before they make the ultimate commitment to our nation, Click for more See more
15.01.2022 Citizenship Update in a time of Covid-19 Coronavirus has change the world! This is a trite statement but I keep running into examples that make me pause and morn so many things we took for granted. I client of mine has just been awarded their Australian citizenship. The ceremony is usually a moment of great joy and celebration and it is still -but the new pandemic procedure has robbed the event of some of it sense of occasion.... Instead of putting on your glad rags and getting all dolled-up for a big day out with your mates and the family now you get:
13.01.2022 Trouble with the Law? Better get a Lawyer... Better get a real good one! For more than 20 years I have been helping Australian Citizens and Visa holders deal with the Criminal Justice System. In these tumultuous times, when fear and uncertainty appear to be running rampant it is good to know that is a firm like AR LAW Services to help when all seems hopeless....
12.01.2022 You wouldn’t go to a Vet if you were sick: so why trust anyone else but a Master Migration Lawyer with your visa or migration law issues! Vets ( veterinarian ) animal medics: even the best vets in the world aren’t doctors, similarly migration agents as good as they maybe are NOT Migration Lawyers. In the light of the recent major change to the Australian Migration Law, (end of dual regulation of Immigration Lawyers by MARA) now more then ever it is important that if you or an...yone you know is thinking about applying for a visa or had a visa refused or cancelled; or if your business has had a nomination or sponsorship refused or cancelled; or if you are thinking of applying for Australian Citizenship; or if you are seeking protection trust only a Migration Lawyer. The Australian Law has recently changed and the new Law makes clear the distinction between migration agents and Migration Lawyers so don’t be fooled Don’t Risk Your Money, Your Visa or Your Future: Trust only a Master Migration Lawyer. For full story;
07.01.2022 Not by man but by law. Court Holds to protect rights of a Refugee in Protection Visa Case The Federal Court recently ruled that the Minister is not above the law, and must seek review, rather than acting unilaterally, if the AAT makes a decision that the Minister considers incorrect In a recent refugee case run by Sergio Zanotti Stagliorio and as noted by Michael Arch (Both these reports are available at significant discount prices for members of VISA. Victorian Immigration S...olicitors’ Alliance ) the court held that the Department had conduct itself in a more egregious, unfair, undemocratic and one might go so far as to say, cruel way. The visa applicant in this case, a citizen of Afghanistan of Hazara ethnicity (after initially arriving in Australia in 2012), had applied for a Protection visa, specifically, a Safe Haven Enterprise Visa.
06.01.2022 Does Australia owe the cow anything? How should the Australian Government respond to the International Student question. In 2010 I, along with other members of the Law Institute of Victoria Migration Law Committee, was active in the debate concerning rights for International Students. The following year the Knight Review was released in September. It contained 41 detailed recommendations which centered on streamlined processing of visas for applicants in the university sector... and post-study work rights for university graduates. Since 2011 there have been several key changes to the overseas student program, largely focused on the university sector, as the Government has implemented the recommendations of the Knight Review. Many of Australia’s 570,000 international students face losing their casual jobs due to restrictions put in place to tackle COVID-19, with many also unable to return to their home country due to travel restrictions. International students bring approximately $39 billion per year into the economy, making it Australia’s fourth-largest industry. Hence international students have until recently been looked upon by Governments as a cash cow that just keeps giving. Now, in the shadow of this pandemic, the uncomfortable question that confronts the Australian Government is does it owe these people anything: a fiduciary duty or a helping hand?
06.01.2022 Help for Student & Temporary Work Visa Holders - AR LAW Services assistance for Temporary & Student Visa holders in this time of Pandemic Given the extraordinary disruption that the Corona virus has wrought upon the Australian migration and visa process, AR LAW SERVICES in conjunction with AR SOAR. Student Services Pty Ltd, will offer significant discounts in our professional fees as part of our Pro Bono Program....
03.01.2022 Ticket to ride can I leave Australia?: The how and why of travel during the time of Covid 19. Australian Migration Department has granted 3,000 exemptions to overseas travel ban Despite approving 2,937 requests for overseas travel, over 1,000 applications have been denied in the first six weeks of the ban. The coronavirus pandemic has prompted the Australian government to introduce strict restrictions on travel both to and from the country. Many other countries around the w...orld have also halted international travel despite the World Health Organisation’s advice that such measures are largely ineffective in slowing the spread of diseases. As the law currently stands, Australians can only leave Australia during COVID-19 if they qualify for an exemption from the ban. Speaking of travel authorisations more broadly, Border Force Commissioner Michael Outram told a Senate hearing on the coronavirus this month that in some of the welfare or humanitarian cases, it’s kind of heartbreaking in a way (but) I have to balance the advice to protect our country and community from COVID-19. For more
03.01.2022 Dodgy Migration Agent allegedly drugged and raped clients. Don’t Risk your Visa, your Future, your Money: Trust only an Immigration Lawyer. As reported by the AGE: Police identify 11 alleged victims in case of migration agent accused of rape.... Police have identified 11 additonal victims of a Melbourne migration agent accused of drugging, raping and filming women across the state over seven years. Frank Hu, 34, who ran a string of migration and travel agencies under the name Lakenest Group, allegedly lured many of his victims to his CBD office under the pretense of a job interview. He was initially charged with 13 counts of rape relating to one victim.
02.01.2022 Help for International Students and other Temporary visa holders stranded in Australia as the Pandemic runs amok.
01.01.2022 Cat skinning made easy! Citizenship grant for the daughter of Refugee applicant. There is an old English saying more than one way to skin a cat which means, if you look hard enough you will often find an alternative way to solve a problem. This saying is particularly relevant to a recent case I won. AR LAW Services had been retained by a family who were seeking protection, ie they were in the system having applied for a refugee visa. The application was not going wel...l. And having come to Australia originally as students almost a decade ago feared they would soon be deported and sent back to their home country. A country that they fear were they to be returned they would face persecution. So it was with this complex and messy application history that the family found their way to AR LAW Services: Master Migration Lawyers. On review the file and instructions of the client I found that one of the children a daughter had be born in Australia and was almost ten years old. (There was the added complication that she had returned to the home land of her parents and some other issues). The law in Australia is not like the old Roman law Lex Romani nor the Law of the United States under Australian law, being born in Australia does not grant you automatic Australian Citizenship. In fact legally a child born in Australia, to foreign national parents, is deemed to hold the same passport or nationality of the parents. For More:
01.01.2022 Some of you may have read my post about how the Sydney based migration agents' lobby group the MIA were advertising on legal platforms controlled by the Law Institute of Victoria. (This should be understood or scene in the setting of an ongoing "turf" war between Lawyers and the MIA) However the CEO of the Law Institute of Victoria has just written to me confirming the MIA adds will be removed and such adds will not be permitted in the future.... So a victory for goodness and niceness! And remember applications for Membership to the Victorian Immigration Solicitors' Alliance: VISA will open (hopefully) shortly
01.01.2022 The Pandemic, Visa holders & Australia’s Future! I couldn’t think of a single area of migration that is not affected by COVID-19 in Australia. Professor Boucher Following my post of yesterday here are a few additional thoughts, stats and figures to reflect upon. As I write this I am conscious that right now everyone is focused (and rightly so) on how this pandemic impacts on their life rather than on the somewhat rarefied perhaps what some may consider abstract issues ...of a post corona Australia. What I would say is the issues currently facing temporary visa holders international students and temporary workers (457/482 visa holders) particularly have a real and immediate impact not only for them but for Australia as a whole. The actions of the Government will undoubtedly be reverberated throughout Australia’s coming years economically and culturally. As I stated yesterday: International education contributed $37.6 billion to the economy in the last financial year and supported 240,000 jobs, according to Government figures. Acting Immigration Minister Alan Tudge said there was an expectation international students could support themselves in the first year. Those who have been in Australia for more than 12 months will be able to access their superannuation. According to the Department of Home Affairs website, international students need to have enough money to pay for 12 months of living costs for them and any family members who travel with them to Australia. The Department estimated that to be $21,041 per head (student or their guardian).
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