Art by Amber-rose | Artist
Art by Amber-rose
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25.01.2022 Last chance to book for my opening! I’d love to see everyone there to show you what I do Just email [email protected] to book your spot ASAP #dontmissit #askmeallaboutit #lifeinthetimeofcorona #static #whativebeenupto #theplacetobe #whatelseareyoudoing #bethere
24.01.2022 Pretty intense ally way! #somuchdetail #static #lifeinthetimeofcorona #justkeepswimming #wrappingupmyshow
24.01.2022 Loving this colour palette - not my usual! #sunsetcolours #static #lifeinthetimeofcorona #verypeelable
21.01.2022 Time to go to work! #nightshift #mumlife #lifeinthetimeofcorona #static #exhibition2021 #worksonpaper #workinprogress #acdclane
21.01.2022 It’s a messy business! #pastelmess #prettycolour #betterwashmyhands
20.01.2022 Glow inspo #alwayschanging #inspiriationfordays #melbournecanvas #colourexplosion #sourcematerial #glowinspo
19.01.2022 Gives me itchy fingers #peeling #wanttopeelit #worksonpaper #workinprogress #lifeinthetimeofcorona #static
18.01.2022 Tying it all together #speaksvolumes #stillinlockdown #lifeinthetimeofcorona #static #worksonpaper #workinprogress #roadclosed
17.01.2022 It’s been Schminke-ed so all done #cantlivewithoutthem #schminke_official #static #lifeinthetimeofcorona #selfportrait
16.01.2022 Change of pace #myhappyplace #changeitup #lifeinthetimeofcorona #masked #loveportraits #blackandwhiteportrait #worksonpaper #workinprogress
16.01.2022 Boom! Finished another one - winning! A few more to go for my March exhibition @flinderslanegallery #madeit #needarest #maybesomethingeasiernexttime #exhibition2021 #hosierlane #static #lifeinthetimeofcorona #worksonpaper
14.01.2022 Wish it was real so I could peel it #texture #peelaway #worksonpaper #workinprogress #lifeinthetimeofcorona #exhibition2021
12.01.2022 Artwork is never really finished is it #justalittlemore #static #lifeinthetimeofcorona #roadclosed #canthelpmyself
11.01.2022 Progress #lifeinthetimeofcorona #worksonpaper #workinprogress #itsupsidedown
10.01.2022 Yay! Saturday! Love being in my studio during the day Piece number 4 nearly finished for my show (March 2021) I’ll do a proper photo shoot as soon as I can #saturdayforthewin #studiotime #daddysday #studiomess #whosgotthetimetobeneat #messyinspo #letsgetdrawing
10.01.2022 New #static #lifeinthetimeofcorona #justkeepswimming #hosielane
10.01.2022 Productive weekend! But for those wondering, no it’s not finished... that was just part of it #lifeinthetimeofcorona #productive #justkeepswimming #static #exhibition2021 #worksonpaper #workinprogress
09.01.2022 Sooooo much texture @flinderslanegallery #static #worksonpaper #exhibition2021 #texture #peelingpaper
09.01.2022 Pretty intense ally way! #somuchdetail #static #lifeinthetimeofcorona #justkeepswimming #wrappingupmyshow
09.01.2022 This is it guys! My exhibition opening is Thursday March 10th - 5 to 7pm I’d love to see everyone there!! Due to covid restrictions, you need to book with the gallery - @flinderslanegallery seems in keeping with my exhibition theme really... ... #allthecoolkidsaregoing #exhibitionmelbourne #lifeinthetimeofcorona #whattodoinmelbourne #theplacetobe #dontmissit
09.01.2022 See ya! #packingup #moving #lifeinthetimeofcorona #makeshiftstudio #readyforframing
09.01.2022 Aaaand, onto the next! #justkeepswimming #lifeinthetimeofcorona #movingon #ivegotashowtodo #worksonpaper #workinprogress #static
08.01.2022 New #static #lifeinthetimeofcorona #justkeepswimming #hosielane
08.01.2022 Still playing around with pencils #experimenting #whatdoyouthink #prismacolorpencils #melbournegraffiti #notsureyet
06.01.2022 Saturday’s progress #workinprogress #hosierlane #melbournegraffiti #lifeinthetimeofcorona #justkeepswimming
06.01.2022 It’s getting there! #gettingthere #lifeinthetimeofcorona #justkeepswimming #static #worksonpaper #workinprogress
05.01.2022 Past the halfway mark #winning #justkeepswimming #worksonpaper #workinprogress #lifeinthetimeofcorona #static
04.01.2022 Now to mess it up #graffititime #lifeinthetimeofcorona #blackandwhiteportraiture #static #worksonpaper #workinprogress
04.01.2022 Been putting this one off as it completely intimidates me! But it’s time. Here we go. #intimidating #herewego #static #lifeinthetimeofcorona #justkeepswimming #worksonpaper #workinprogress
04.01.2022 Ran out of schminke white pastels! Mega tragedy, can’t live without them - so I can’t quite finish till more arrive #schminke_official #cantfinish #roadclosed #hatewaiting #stalled #lifeinthetimeofcorona
02.01.2022 Bit peely #peelable #pencilonpaper #worksonpaper #prismacolour #layers #somuchtexture
02.01.2022 Been a few weeks! Moved house temporarily- currently working in an ensuite not ideal... need to get this puppy finished to send my show off for framing! #sorrygreg @greg_the_farmer #ensuitestudio #limbo #lessthanideal #illmakeitwork #stillfunthough
02.01.2022 Layers on layers! #littlebylittle #layersfordays #texture #static #worksonpaper #workinprogress #exhibitionmarch2021
02.01.2022 Sorry to all of those that object #notjustanormalportrait #thatsnotwhatido #keepingitinteresting #roadclosed #worksonpaper #workinprogress #static #lifeinthetimeofcorona
01.01.2022 This one’s feeling like a bit of a chore at the moment - but I’ll get there! #justkeepswimming #likeinthetimeofcorona #worksonpaper #workinprogress #chore #hosierlane #itsupsidedown
01.01.2022 They’re almost interactive #peelable #itchyfingers #lifeinthetimeofcorona #static #whitenoise #gettingthere #workingmum