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Artisans On The Hill in Tinonee, New South Wales | Hotel resort

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Artisans On The Hill

Locality: Tinonee, New South Wales

Phone: +61 2 6553 1199

Address: 702 Tinonee Road, Mondrook 2430 Tinonee, NSW, Australia


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25.01.2022 A great weekend to hop into your air-conditioned car and head out to Artisans Air-Conditioned Gallery for those unique Christmas Gifts. As well as unique pieces from some of Australia's best artisans in wood, glass and other materials, we have exquisite, locally made Chain Maille Jewellery and a large range of Ugears modular mechanical model kits. (and of course, Peter's amazing Tide Clocks) Do yourself a favour, give us a call on 65531199 to let us know you are coming, then head out to Artisans On The Hill at Mondrook to see what the fuss is all about.

23.01.2022 So everyone, here's the thing! We will survive this somehow - our accommodation bookings are virtually at zero, our workshops are not operating, and visitors to our gallery are non-existent too. So we need your help. Check out our virtual gallery - Please help us survive - Buy and Share!

21.01.2022 What could be better on a crisp, sunny mid-winter’s morning than being able to sit outside on the veranda with your morning cup of coffee yes it’s warm enough. As you sit down, the silence is palpable. The only disturbance to your waking-up moments are a couple of dozen tiny swallows swooping back and forth across the sky in front of you, devouring from the non-visible swarm of insects and the pair of galahs that are scratching and pecking their way across the paddock. As y...ou sip, you become aware of other movements. Two pairs of Noisy Miners have discovered the opening blooms on the Honey Gem Grevillea, and a pair of King Parrots are scrounging around under the macadamia tree. The silence is gently broken by the far-off squark of crows and then the beautiful song of several Butcher Birds join in, as other birds twitter and call to each other. In the distance a pair of white egrets wing their way across the cow pastures. By then, totally relaxed, coffee finished, I am ready to start my day. This could just as easily be the beginning to your day as well. Come and stay with us Manning Valley Hideaway at Artisans On The Hill is open for business! Check it out and make a booking on our website - See more

19.01.2022 New to our gallery. Hours of fun in self-isolation. Mechanical Flower model to make yourself - check them out on our website #mechanicalmodels #hoursoffun #easytomake #detailedinstructions #dynamic

18.01.2022 So today we had some fun. Our houseful of guests, four adults and five delightful girls did things properly. First thing this morning, seven of them did fabric painting on tee shirts. Then they went out exploring in the Manning Valley. When they returned mid-afternoon, between them they did, two Jacob's Ladders, two kites, two candles, and three lots of stick weaving .... what a buzz! Look at these vibrant tee shirts drying in the sun. Just what we're here for and just what we enjoy!

16.01.2022 Bella, a delightful young visitor this last weekend, spent some time exploring and taking some interesting rain-filled photos. I love her perspective of our place, Artisans On The Hill.

15.01.2022 After the incredible success in 2019, it is with great excitement that Artisans On The Hill is able announce that Neil Grigg is coming again this year! We are offering a TWO-day HAT making workshop on Saturday 1 and Sunday 2 August. The hat will be in the Princess Mary style as shown in the photos attached yes, Neil made that one! Total inclusive cost - Neil’s expertise, materials, lunches, and morning teas - $450 Spaces are limited and are filling fast, so If you wish to be included, contact us IMMEDIATELY to register your interest and for full details 0418 276 991

14.01.2022 With Mother's Day just three weeks away, now is the time to consider what you can give this very important woman in your life ... our website has a special space with all things suitable for mothers ... check it out at

12.01.2022 Peter has been spending some time in the workshop and has produced some beautiful earring/ring stands. They're created out a range of fine timbers. They hold up to 18 pairs of earrings and several rings. An ideal gift for Mother's Day. Check them out at

12.01.2022 Thanks to Craig Leighton of My Shout Out, we have a small video giving you an idea of what is in store for you at Artisans On The Hill. Check it out and let us know what you think. More videos featuring our various workshops to come early next year. If the video doesn't show up for you, go to the Artisans website, about Artisans and there is a link on that page See more

08.01.2022 A callout to all of our followers. If this comes up on your feed, could you please SHARE it to your own timeline. At Artisans On The Hill, we were not directly impacted by the bushfires but were certainly surrounded with the flames in the Manning Valley. Our impact has been lack of visitors. January is usually our high season for gallery visits, craft classes and accommodation and all of these are way down in numbers. I hear you ask - How can I help? - you can help by 1. spre...ading the word, 2. Coming for a visit to see the gallery, do a craft class or stay in our accommodation, 3. Visit the gallery online to see not only our older stock (bandsawn boxes, tide clocks, etc.,) but also our new stock - particularly the laser cut puzzles and the amazing timber clutch purses, 4. Check out our Tourism area as well, as we are all struggling. Please help us! See more

07.01.2022 So, you need something to do! Mechanical model - Tractor - Dynamic, detailed instructions, easy to assemble - new to our gallery. Available by mail. #dynamic #easytomake #mechanicalmodels #lotsoffun #hoursofentertainment

05.01.2022 Neil is so Keen to do this workshop that he is offering a COVID discount, so our two-day workshop is now ONLY $345. Just two days to go to opt in for Neil Grigg's "Princess Mary" hat workshop. Message us now if you want to be part of this amazing two-day workshop - don't miss out. What a wonderful chance to make your own creation!

03.01.2022 Our guests are leaving this morning, but before they leave they are trying out their kites, the two most beautiful kites we have ever seen made here in our Artisans workshop at Artisans On The Hill

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