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Artlab Australia in Adelaide, South Australia | Government organisation

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Artlab Australia

Locality: Adelaide, South Australia

Phone: +61 8 8207 7520

Address: 70 Kintore Avenue 5000 Adelaide, SA, Australia


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25.01.2022 Part of a conservators role at Artlab Australia is to condition check and conserve artworks to be displayed at the Art Gallery of SA for upcoming exhibitions. Aquila Evill, Senior Paper Conservator is checking one of the Dragon and Tiger screens, acquired by the Art Gallery of South Australia in the year 2005 through the benefaction of the Gwinnett Family. The screens will be a feature of the forthcoming exhibition Samurai, in the lower Melrose Wing later this year. Dragon a...nd Tiger,1850, Japan, Pair of six-panel screens, colour, ink, silver alloy on paper, 175.0x 420.0 cm (each) Gift of Andrew and Hiroko Gwinnett through the Art Gallery of South Australia Foundation 2005, 20053A10 Art Gallery of South Australia #samurai Aquila Evill #sixpanelscreens

24.01.2022 While our museums are closed well be bringing our collections to you online. Look out for all sorts of stitching-related objects coming your way over the next ...few weeks. In today's episode, Migration Museum curator Corinne talks about the time Queen Victoria was yarn bombed! #museumfromhome #stitchandresist History Trust of South Australia City of Adelaide

24.01.2022 Artlab Australia conservators worked with the Art Gallery of South Australias Associate Curator of Asian Art, Rusty Kelty, installing significant works for the exquisite Samurai exhibition which opened on 24 July at the Art Gallery of South Australia. Art Gallery of South Australia #samurai Mary-Anne Gooden Kristin Phillips Justin Gare #curiass #kimono Images: ... Samurai featuring Samurai armour, with breastplate depicting Fud-my and inscribed 'A Fortuitous Day, the 8th month of the 12th year of Genroku (1699), Myochin Munesuke' by Myôchin Munesuke, Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide; photo: Artlab Australia Myôchin Munesuke, creator, cuirass, Japan, 1688 - 1735, Samurai armour, with breastplate depicting Fud-my and inscribed 'A Fortuitous Day, the 8th month of the 12th year of Genroku (1699), Myochin Munesuke' , c.1699, Edo (Tokyo), iron, gilded, silvered and patinated copper, gold leaf, wood, silk, cotton, leather, animal fur, 170.0 cm (height); Gift of Max Carter AO, Susan Cocks, John Crosby, Dr Peter Dobson, Sandra Dobson, Frances Gerard, Arata Gwinnett, Sam Hill-Smith, Shane Le Plastrier, Mark Livesey QC, Joan Lyons, Dr Leo Mahar, Skye McGregor, Diana McLaurin, John Thornton, Zena Winser and David C. Urry through the Art Gallery of South Australia Foundation Collectors Club 2016, Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide; photo: Artlab Australia Japan, Summer robe (katabira), with hollyhock, chrysanthemum and rising steam motifs, c.1780, Edo (Tokyo), plain weave ramie, ink painting, stencil imitation tie-dyeing, embroidery in silk, gold wrapped thread, 150.0 x 127.0 cm; Gift of Joan Beer in memory of her husband Colin through the Art Gallery of South Australia Foundation Collectors Club 2019, Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide, photo: Artlab Australia

24.01.2022 Artlab Australia Objects Conservator Filipa Quintela worked on this beautiful Seppeltsfield mirror bought to Artlab for conservation. To read about the treatment please visit Artlabs website: Seppeltsfield Ica Quintela #decorativearts #mirror #gilding

22.01.2022 Artlab Australias website has changed so we welcome you to view our new site which is more accessible, mobile friendly and has a refreshed visual design. We worked closely with the Digital Citizen Services team and the Corporate Communications team from the Department of the Premier and Cabinet and we would like to thank them for their wonderful efforts. Visit Artlab: Artlab Australia #departmentofthepremierandcabinet

22.01.2022 Artlab Australia conservators recently assisted registration officers from the Art Gallery of South Australia installing works for "Tarnanthi 2020: Open Hands. An exquisite exhibition illuminating the rich diversity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artworks will be on display from 16 October to 31 January 2021. This year is a first for Tarnanthi, as the festival comprises of two exhibitions. The second is "Tarnanthi on Tour: Kulata Tjuta (Many Spears) opening tonight at Musée des Beaux-Arts in Rennes in France. Thirty-four artists from APY (Aangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara) Lands will show case their new major works from 16 October to 3 January 2021. Art Gallery of South Australia Tarnanthi #openhands Nici Cumpston #celiadottore #AquilaEvill Kristin Phillips #annaaustin #Museebeauxartsrennes #KulataTjuta

21.01.2022 Mary-Anne Gooden, Textiles Conservator; Kristin Phillips, Principal Conservator Textiles and Justin Gare, Senior Objects Conservator at Artlab Australia installing Samurai for the Samurai exhibition which opened 24 July 2020 at the Art Gallery of South Australia Art Gallery of South Australia #samurai #kimono Mary-Anne Gooden Kristin Phillips Justin Gare Caption:... Samurai featuring Samurai armour, with breastplate depicting Fud-my and inscribed 'A Fortuitous Day, the 8th month of the 12th year of Genroku (1699), Myochin Munesuke' by Myôchin Munesuke, Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide for the Samurai exhibition which opened 24 July 2020 at the Art Gallery of South Australia ; video: Artlab Australia See more

20.01.2022 This is a very useful resource from AICCM for historical societies, museums, archives, art galleries, libraries, herbaria and other collecting organisations that have closed their doors due to the pandemic. Australian Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Material - AICCM Blue Shield Australia #historicalsociety #museums #archives #artgalleries #libraries #herbaria #heritagecollections #collectingorganisations

18.01.2022 We conducted an environmental monitoring training session today at Artlab Australia for the State Library of South Australia staff in the use WLAN Data Loggers which are installed across the librarys display and storage areas. The rollout of WLAN Data Loggers is providing the Collections Management Staff the ability to monitor environmental conditions in the real-time and ensure they remain within the environmental parameters necessary for ensuring the preservation of their collection. State Library of South Australia #environmentalmonitoring #librarycollections #wlandataloggers

17.01.2022 A towering conservation project from the South Australian Museum for Artlab’s Objects Conservator, Sophie Parker. Read more Image: Artlab Australia - Awan tumbuan (Iatmul spirit mask); Maker: Tipma Guai; Tambanum village, East Sepik Province, Papua New Guinea. Wood, plant fibre and pigments. Circa1960. Donated through the Australian Government’s Cultural Gifts Program.... South Australian Museum Artlab Australia #sophieparker #departmentofthepremierandcabinet

16.01.2022 To commemorate ANZAC Day 2020 Artlab Australia would like to share some of the precious war memorabilia projects we have had the privilege of preserving. During consultation with the owners of these mementos, our conservators heard heartfelt stories about the soldiers who served and how their poignant keepsakes were passed down to future generations for remembrance. Lest we forget. #anzacday2020 #JodieScott #AquilaEvill #MaryAnneGooden #JustinGare

16.01.2022 Our doors may be closed for the time being...but we're definitely still here! We'll be developing new and exciting ways to bring our collection directly to you but in the meantime, check out our online galleries on our Google Arts and Culture page >

16.01.2022 In a year with so many changes and challenges, Blue Shield Australia is suggesting to focus on just a few practical preparedness tips for #DRRday & during October

15.01.2022 We had a marvellous consultation with historians Dr Susan Marsden and Sandra Kearney from the Marsden Szwarcbord Foundation yesterday. Dr Marsden brought in two family heirlooms, an intricate lace supper tablecloth and scrapbook. Kristin Phillips, Principal Conservator Textiles and Mary-Anne Gooden, Textiles Conservator offered their conservation advice. Susan and Sandra filmed the consultation for their wonderful series Marsden Szwarcbord Foundation Make History At Home on... You Tube: To learn more about Artlab’s Consultation Day service, please visit Marsden Szwarcbord Foundation Artlab Australia #MarsdenSzwarcbordFoundationMakeHistoryAtHome #MakeHistoryAtHome Kristin Phillips #MaryAnneGooden #textilesconservation #lacetablecloth #artlabconsultationday

15.01.2022 A papal bull salvaged from the sea in 1939 had an extensive treatment in Artlabs Paper and Books laboratory. The parchment belongs to the collections of the Catholic Diocesan Centre in Adelaide. Please visit our website to read the full story: #CatholicArchdioceseofAdelaide The Southern Cross newspaper - Adelaide #robertopadoan #lucyfarrow #Vatican #papalbull #archives#

14.01.2022 If you are interested in learning more about the conservation project of the General Motors-Holden mosaic Image Renewal SA #RenewalSA Artlab Australia #departmentofthepremierandcabinet

12.01.2022 Artlab Australia staff had the pleasure of a personalised tour of the fabulous Tarnanthi 2020 Open Hands exhibition lead by the Art Gallery of South Australia's Assistant Director of Artistic Programs, Lisa Slade and the Artistic Director of Tarnanthi, Nici Cumpston. It was an absolute delight for our conservators to view the diverse and unique collection and to learn more about the works from Lisa and Nici. Artlab would like to extend a special thank you to Lisa and Nici for a delightful and enlightening morning. Art Gallery of South Australia Tarnanthi #openhands Nici Cumpston #lisaslade Jo Dawe Ica Quintela

12.01.2022 Our thoughts are with everyone affected by the bushfires. Here is some information on how to recover and store precious family treasures affected by bushfires.

10.01.2022 Curators from the States collecting institutions consult with Artlab about their requirements for new exhibitions and our conservators prepare artworks, textiles and decorative arts for these shows in the galleries and museums. The forthcoming Samurai exhibition at the Art Gallery of South Australia will feature the Summer Robe, a recent acquisition made by the gallery, which will be displayed with its back on view so the exquisite embroidery will be visible. To prepare the... kimono for Samurai, the Textiles team positioned the robe onto a fabric covered roller and then placed it onto a wooden display stand. A custom made aluminium frame was constructed in the Objects laboratory and then fitted inside the robe ensuring the kimono will be safely displayed throughout the exhibition. Japan, Summer robe (katabira), with hollyhock, chrysanthemum and rising steam motifs, c.1780, Edo (Tokyo), plain weave ramie, ink painting, stencil imitation tie-dyeing, embroidery in silk, gold wrapped thread, 150.0 x 127.0 cm; Gift of Joan Beer in memory of her husband Colin through the Art Gallery of South Australia Foundation Collectors Club 2019, Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide. #agsaadelaide #artgalleryofsouthaustralia #samurai #summerrobe #kimono Kristin Phillips #maryannegooden #JustinGare

10.01.2022 Due to Artlabs response to the COVID-19 pandemic we have regrettably postponed our consultation days and tours until further notice to safeguard the community and Artlab staff. We are still available to assist with any telephone enquiries you may have regarding Artlabs services, so please contact us by phone: 8207 7520 or email: [email protected] between 9.00am to 4.00pm.... For your convenience, a Consultation Day Waiting List has been opened from today, so please call our helpful team who will record your details. Once this service resumes, we will contact you and arrange a time for you to bring in your artwork, family treasure or historical items. We thank you for your patience and look forward to seeing you again at Artlab Australia Artlab Australia #artlabconsultationday #jodiescott

09.01.2022 Vanessa Liew, Textile Conservator from the Heritage Conservation Centre in Singapore has recently joined Artlab Australia's Textile team as an intern. Vanessa is working on rehousing significant accessories worn by Daisy Bates from the South Australian Museum Archives. Daisy Bates (1859-1951) was an Irish-Australian journalist and welfare worker who studied Australian Aboriginal culture and society, living many years in outback Western and South Australia establishing camps,... providing clothing and nursing to indigenous families. Daisy always dressed very distinctly, wearing a long skirt with a high collared white blouse and tie, and always wore a hat and gloves. The well-worn gloves are particularly interesting as they are quite small, and you can see how Daisy meticulously darned these gloves to keep them in a reasonable condition. Image permission: South Australian Museum South Australian Museum #NationalHeritageBoardSG #HeritageConservationCentre Artlab Australia #HeritageConservationCentreSingapore #vanessaliew History Trust of South Australia #daisybates Kristin Phillips #departmentofthepremierandcabinet

09.01.2022 To all our friends and clients, Season Greetings from Andrew and the team at Artlab Australia. Artlab Australia #artconservation

09.01.2022 We are pleased to announce we are re-commencing our Consultation Days in August. Our conservators will be available to provide free advice on your family treasures, heirlooms or artworks and, if your item requires treatment, we can offer a conservation plan. Strictly by booking only so please contact us: 8207 7520 or [email protected]... For further information #artlabconsultationday #departmentofthepremierandcabinet #artconservation #familytreasures #heirlooms #paintings #books #decorativearts #textiles

09.01.2022 Bookings are available for the half day symposium to be held at the State Library SA on 14 October 2020 - Disaster Preparedness and our Cultural Heritage and Collections, in recognition of The International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction. Heather Brown, Artlab/ALIA and Anne Dineen, Artlab/AICCM will be speaking at the symposium about Preservation Needs Assessments and Disaster Management for cultural collections, joining speakers Johanna Garnett, Torrens Resilience Institute... and Amanda James from History Trust of SA/AMAGA. For more information and booking details please visit: Blue Shield Australia State Library of South Australia History Trust of South Australia Artlab Australia Australian Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Material - AICCM Australian Museums and Galleries Association - South Australia Australian Library and Information Association #disasterpreparedness #preservationneedsassessments #GLAM #culturalcollections

07.01.2022 Whilst the State Library building is closed due to COVID-19, our staff are still available to help with your enquiry. Ring 82077250 (or 1800 182 013 for country... callers), leave your name and contact number and we will get back to you. For all information on accessing our online resources and our Ask Us service please visit Photo: Frieda Juncken, telephonist at Nuriootpa, c1925

07.01.2022 A May Day Announcement: AMaGA is excited to launch the first instalment of the updated Museum Methods handbook!! An statement from our National President, Dr Robin Hirst. I am very pleased to launch the first instalment of the updated Museum Methods handbook. This handbook has been a resource and guide for museums and galleries across Australia for over 25 years. In that time, knowledge, standards and activities have changed. Museum Methods is now reflecting these changes through a process of review and revision. It has also been restructured in line with the national standards. AMaGA is very happy to provide this to members as a member benefit. The next instalments will be released on International Museum Day, 18th May. Today, is May Day, the international day that focuses on emergency response planning for collecting institutions. Appropriately this first instalment is all about Disaster Preparedness. I am sure it will prove a useful guide at this time as we are managing our organisations during the COVID-19 pandemic. With thanks to our colleagues at Blue Shield Australia and the Australian Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Material for their support and contributions. As ever, we look forward to your feedback, as we seek to improve AMaGAs resources for our members. Dr Robin Hirst PSM National President AMaGA See here:

06.01.2022 Artlab Australia's Textiles team - fantastic effort. Thank you Eureka Centre Ballarat. Eureka Centre Ballarat Kristin Phillips Mary-Anne Gooden #eurekaflag #textiles #eurekastockade #australianhistory #ballaratheritage #ballaratcommunity

06.01.2022 We celebrate National Volunteer Week 18 24 May 2020 by acknowledging the volunteers at Artlab Australia and their tremendous contribution to our organisation. The tour ambassadors, Val Laidlaw, Vonni Munro, Philips Saks and textiles volunteer, Barbara Flaum are integral members of the Artlab team and all of us thank them for their tireless efforts and wonderful enthusiasm supporting our services throughout the year. Wonderful effort! Pictured L-R: Val Laidlaw, Philip Saks, Vonni Munro and Barbara Flaum at the National Volunteer Week 2019 celebration at Artlab Australia Volunteering Australia Volunteering SA&NT #NVW #NVW2020 #NationalVolunteerWeek Vonni Munro #departmentofthepremierandcabinet #tourvolunteers #textilevolunteers #colouryourcommunityred #SAVolunteer City of Adelaide Kristin Phillips

04.01.2022 The little things Artlab Australia has completed the conservation treatment on a Miniature Chained Bible and Lectern made in 1911. This privately owned artefact consists of an oak miniature lectern, a miniature Holy Bible and a magnifying glass. The lens, a fully functional reading aid, is mounted in leather and inserted into a pocket at the front of the Bible. The printed volume measures 4.5 cm x 3 cm containing 876 pages and is only 2 cm thick. Our Paper Conservation Off...icer, Andrew Cuch has treated the mechanical damages on the Bibles leather spine. Detachments and losses were caused by the use of the chain to pull the miniature volume out of the enclosure of the lectern. The leather spine was stabilised and the chain attached to a custom-made protective case specifically designed to avoid future damage. Our skilled conservators are available on Consultation Days to advise you on the care and condition of your artworks, historical items and family treasures. We assess the preservation needs for paintings, prints, drawings, books, photographs, ceramics, glass or wooden objects, textiles and all forms of decorative arts. Appointments are free of charge. Our next Consultation Day is on Thursday the 19th of March. Please call our friendly team to make an appointment on 8207 7520 or visit Artlab Australia #artlabconsulatationday #departmentofthepremierandcabinet #southaustralia #artconservation #familytreasures #hierlooms #paintings #books #decorativearts #textiles

03.01.2022 Artlab Australia's Senior Metals Conservator, Ian Miles has managed the conservation project of the General Motors-Holden mosaic, on behalf of Renewal SA. The art deco mosaic was located in the entrance hall of the General Motors-Holden assembly plant at Birkenhead. Artlab Australia is pleased the mosaic is now in a safe place for future use. As published by Adelaide Now For more information about Artlab Australia please visit Images: Renewal SA . #RenewalSA Artlab Australia #departmentofthepremierandcabinet #generalmotorsholden History Trust of South Australia

02.01.2022 Congratulations to the joint winners of the Peter Walker Fine Art Writer Award for 2019 - Justin Gare, Senior Objects Conservator at Artlab Australia; Peter Scammell, retired auctioneer and Andrew Klenke, Director of Swanbury Penglase, for their collective article, Kingstons vision: South Australias earliest and most enigmatic piece of colonial furniture. Published in Australiana magazine May 2019 issue, they were awarded this honour on 29 April 2020 for the best researched... and written article in the journal for 2019. This wonderful achievement follows the remarkable discovery of a colonial red gum bookcase in an Adelaide auction room in 2017. This obscure find launched a quest for Justin, Peter and Andrew which found them unravelling the mystery behind this truly extraordinary piece of furniture and what they discovered was quite exceptional. Peter Walker Fine Art in Adelaide generously supports the award by providing funds each year for the best contribution to the Australiana magazine. To purchase a back issue of Vol 41 no 2, May 2019 please visit The Australiana Society to order on-line The Australiana Society #JustinGare Swanbury Penglase #PeterWalkerFineArt #PeterWalkerFineArtWriterAward #redgumbookcase #colonialfurniture #antiques #georgestricklandkingston #kingstonarchitect #samnoonanphotgrapher Artlab Australia History Trust of South Australia South Australia's History Festival

02.01.2022 Spot Artlab Australia's teddy bears in the Textiles and Objects labs windows. They are here to brighten your day! #Spottheteddybear #thebigbearhunt Kristin Phillips #sophieparker

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