The Art of Matty Taylor | Artist
The Art of Matty Taylor
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25.01.2022 'CLOSED-EYE VISUALS 2' - During a meditation, normally as I settle into a more relaxed state and allow imagery to manifest behind my eyelids, the colourful blurs begin to assume almost tangible shapes. I tried to capture that here. #art #artofmattyt #duncantrussell #dtfh #harekrishna #trippyart #psychedelic #dmt #meditation #spirituality #love #satsang #loveserveremember #ramdass #podcasts #jre #podcasts #hallucinations #visualization #practice #yoga #visions #visionaryart
24.01.2022 Slinging riffs, back in the saddle! Do you like you music heavy and groove-laden? WINTERUN is your soothing balm... #winterun #studiodays #stonerrock #riffs #bands #metal #heavymetal #bass #bassplayers #tunes #music
22.01.2022 Come down to All Star Comics Melbourne this Saturday for FREE COMIC BOOK DAY! I'll be doing sketches from 1pm until 2.30. We'll have tip jars out raising money for @rchmelbourne Royal Childrens Hospital - come on down and spread some sweet sticky love rays on all of us at Artists Alley!
22.01.2022 Check out this AWESOME creation by @lazacomics! LOVE THIS!
20.01.2022 Chipping away at this strange mad jam... I have no idea what the intention of this piece is aside from just flushing out all the scrappy ideas snippits that are currently cluttering my brain #art #artofmattyt #gods #meditation #spirituality #psychedelic #trippy #trippyart #burningman #lsd #high #hallucinations #visionaryart #visions #magick #mentalhealth #therapy #fineartists #fineart #blacklight #artistsoninstagram #australianartists #comics #internallandscapes #interiordesign #goodmorning #coffee #visionquest #gottacatchemall
20.01.2022 'TRIPLE UNIFIED WAR-GORGON'... just waiting for it to pop off! KABLAAAAM!!#artofmattyt #war #ww3 #trump #presidenttrump #putin #dearleader #kimjongun #coffee #freakout #trippyart #usa #nuclearwar #nukes
19.01.2022 CLOSED EYE VISUALS 5 - morning meditation on the train into work. I was presented with this kaleidoscope of colours merging into one another, intangible pulses constantly pulsing and joining in geometric patterns. I get this often as I am on the brink of falling asleep so when this is the visual landscape I know my head is about to nod and I need to pull myself back down a little. #art #artofmattyt #duncantrussell #dtfh #harekrishna #trippyart #psychedelic #dmt #meditation #spirituality #love #satsang #loveserveremember #ramdass #podcasts #jre #podcasts #hallucinations #visualization #practice #yoga #visions #visionaryart #tm #trancendentalmeditation #mindfullness
17.01.2022 Blowing the dust off with some staff training this evening. Feeling more now than ever that its time to rise up and embrace my life and really get fit and healthy and empowered. When the fragility of life is suddenly thrust in your face its a grim reminder that every single day is a precious gift and we do ourselves a disservice not to be the very best we can be for ourselves and the ones we love. #martialarts #staff #hapkido #training #health #mentalhealth #meditation #spirituality #empowerment #getfitordietrying #getinshape #menshealth
17.01.2022 'CLOSED-EYE VISUALS 3' - about 15 to 20 minutes into a deep meditation the swirls and colourful shapes sometimes solidify and become visual ideas that are tangible enough for me to attempt to transcribe. #art #artofmattyt #duncantrussell #dtfh #harekrishna #trippyart #psychedelic #dmt #meditation #spirituality #love #satsang #loveserveremember #ramdass #podcasts #jre #podcasts #hallucinations #visualization #practice #yoga #visions #visionaryart
17.01.2022 One of the most impressive of Jack Kirby's creations - GALACTUS! An early example of Jack's design vocabulary that he would later wheel out and refine to gobsmacking proportions in 'The ETERNALS', Galactus is truly one of his most striking designs! #artofmattyt #gods #meditation #spirituality #psychedelic #trippy #trippyart #burningman #lsd #high #hallucinations #visionaryart #visions #magick #mentalhealth #kirby #jackkirby #kirbykrackle #fineartists #fineart #blacklight #artistsoninstagram #australianartists #comics #internallandscapes #interiordesign #goodmorning #coffee #visionquest
16.01.2022 Morning friends! Hope your day started better than mine did... *facepalm* #dads #metaldad #metaldadcomic #fathers #raisingboys #sons #family #artofmattyt #comics #happiness #metal
14.01.2022 Hey friends, looking to do some $20 black and white commissions. A4 size, free postage within Oz; if you fancy some cool original psychedelic art to hang on yours, or a friend's wall, please hit me up and let me draw something RAD for you! WHEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!
13.01.2022 When I was a kid I used to spend a huge amount of time playing at friends places. Other kids always seemed to have the coolest toys and I vividly recall playing with the craziest, four-armed alien toy at my mate Az's place but for the last 25 years or so could never find what on earth it was! FINALLY I located it in a random image search for weird alien toys from the 80s - its this guy, OVION from the Battlestar Gallactica 3 and 3/4 inch line! What a CRAZY toy man! I wish I had one! Nostalgia is a helluva drug! #toys #art #artofmattyt #battlestargalactica #battlestar #toyfan #aliens #monsters #actionfigures #nostalgia
11.01.2022 CLOSED EYE VISUALS 4 - as the meditation continues I become intensely aware of the egoic self and wrestle with my monkey mind as individual thoughs skitter in and out of my prescence of their own accord. I note the thoughts and allow them to simply BE and then sit with my mind as those trivial little brain droppings blow away into the ether. #art #artofmattyt #duncantrussell #dtfh #harekrishna #trippyart #psychedelic #dmt #meditation #spirituality #love #satsang #loveserveremember #ramdass #podcasts #jre #podcasts #hallucinations #visualization #practice #yoga #visions #visionaryart
08.01.2022 FB is letting me know i haven't posted on the page in a while. I know. FB limited the reach of the page to such a degree that a post that would have once been seen by over a thousand people, was only getting about 120 views. So basically, if you wanna keep up to date with the weird scribbles that I post, head over to my Insta feed @artofmattyt Hope you guys are well
07.01.2022 Really looking forward to seeing the next incarnation of @templesmith WORMWOOD: GENTLEMAN CORPSE. Here's a little bit of fan art to show some love to an awesome character created by a killer dude. #art #artofmattyt #idw #templesmith #wormwood #fanart #comics #aussiecomics #pint #psychedelic #kirbykrackle #fineartists #fineart #blacklight #artistsoninstagram #australianartists #bignaturals #yeezy
07.01.2022 A mysterious Acorn Goblin from one of the cursed Blackoaks that are found deep in the Wailing Woods scattered across Cloudseed.#art #artofmattyt #gods #meditation #spirituality #psychedelic #trippy #trippyart #burningman #lsd #high #hallucinations #visionaryart #visions #magick #mentalhealth #therapy #fineartists #fineart #blacklight #artistsoninstagram #australianartists #comics #internallandscapes #interiordesign #goodmorning #coffee #visionquest #goblins #kidsbooks #fantasy #authors
04.01.2022 FREE COMIC BOOK DAY 2018 - All Star Comics Melbourne What a fantastic day! Had a blast hanging out with some cool cats today, and got to draw some really fun stuff! Thanks to everyone who came along - you're all wonderful
02.01.2022 'PRIMORDIAL ESSENCE' - the distillation of several ideas into one single, psychedelic, space-dwelling, psychonaut! This dude hovered at the edge of my consciousness for days before he arrived on the page! #art #artofmattyt #gods #meditation #spirituality #psychedelic #trippy #trippyart #burningman #lsd #high #hallucinations #visionaryart #visions #magick #mentalhealth #fineartists #fineart #blacklight #artistsoninstagram #australianartists #comics #internallandscapes #interiordesign #goodmorning #coffee #visionquest #gottacatchemall
01.01.2022 Help resurrect Matt Furie's Pepe the frog from the abysmal hate-pool that he's been drowned in and assist him in being restored to Matt's original vision. Rise up friends! Take back your idols from these GHOULS and overthrow the black necromancers in the world! @fantagraphics #artofmattyt #pepe #savepepe #feelsgoodman #mattfurie #spirituality #memes #takethepowerback #feelings
01.01.2022 Some fan art of @lazacomics - ULTIMATE PHANTOM. Super cool costume design by a super cool cat! #art #artofmattyt #phantom #aussiecomics #comics #superhero #creatorowned #australiancomics #fanart #ultimatephantom #love #dowhatyoulove