Artytypes Art Classes in Hahndorf, South Australia | Arts and entertainment
Artytypes Art Classes
Locality: Hahndorf, South Australia
Phone: +61 433 098 596
Address: 100A Mount Barker Rd 5245 Hahndorf, SA, Australia
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25.01.2022 Some of the absolutely beautiful results from the watercolour technique projects in my teens classes. More to come! #watercolour #watercolorpainting #watercolourartclasses #teens #teensartclasses #adelaidehillsartclassesforkids @ The PaintBox
24.01.2022 Some of the cute Bilbies the kids created in Mondays online Easter Bilby class. Theres even a Bilby crossed with a unicorn and another that lays Easter Eggs :)
24.01.2022 Week 2 easter holiday timetable is now available and the online bookings are open :)
24.01.2022 I received this in an email this morning from one of my teen students. Its heartening to know they are still enjoying the classes online and even more so that they are proud of their work! She should be proud, its a gorgeous drawing
24.01.2022 I feel so lucky to teach the awesome students that I do. Thank you so much Yakira for making me this gorgeous cake today, it really helped make my day extra special! Also, you are so talented!
23.01.2022 Some of my demos from this weeks online kids/teens classes. It's been fun to get back in to drawing and mixed media exploration again! #onlineartclasses #onlinekidsartclasses #kidsartclasses #teensartclasses #drawingbirds #mixedmediadrawing #australianbirds
23.01.2022 We need you! 14th November 2020 Help needed.. before the festival day set up on the day 12-5pm... during the event 430-830pm bump out 830-10pm If you have attended our festival in the past and thought it was amazing or if you’ve never heard of it before and would like to get involved, please send us an email >> [email protected] We are looking for community minded people for the team. If you love the arts that’s a bonus! Inductions will be held in Hahndorf on the 4th and 5th November. Event day is in Hahndorf on 14th November 2020. If you have a current First Aid certificate that’s an advantage. We love our volunteers and will look after you! or apply via our website: Follow us at:
23.01.2022 I am running online Easter holiday workshops. I have been trailing online classes for two weeks and so far they have gone very well. If you have any questions about how it all works please do ask me! booking links and program are available through the event page or my website
22.01.2022 The kiddos in my classes spent two full classes making these art works, I think i'll dub them window pictures. The theme was the word "garden" and we brainstormed all the imaginative ways one could interpret that. It was great getting them to focus on how to create contrast, depth and interesting patterns.
21.01.2022 We will be conducting face to face school holiday workshops at the Mount Barker Community Centre! Bookings now open via the link or our website.
21.01.2022 Im running an intro watercolour workshop for adults this Saturday at the Norton Summit Community Centre. Itll be lots of fun, loys of exploration and a great opportunity to take that first dive in to painting with this gorgeous paint. Also, thanks to the council subsidy this workshop is half the price of what I normally charge so get in quick :)
20.01.2022 Week 2 of my kids art classes started today. Admittedly I've been amazed at how different running face to face classes are to running online...I've become accustomed to less work and to quiet classes. However it is so nice to see a room full of kids busy and engaged with their art again, and its nice to feel busy and more active when it comes to my teaching :). Today's activity involved ripping up failed paintings to make new collaged art, an important life lesson: when life gives you lemons, make lemonade :) #collageart #kidsart #assemblages #adelaidehillsartclassesforkids #growthmindset #collage @ The PaintBox
19.01.2022 Some of my demos from this weeks online kids/teens classes. Its been fun to get back in to drawing and mixed media exploration again! #onlineartclasses #onlinekidsartclasses #kidsartclasses #teensartclasses #drawingbirds #mixedmediadrawing #australianbirds
19.01.2022 Some of the cute Bilbies the kids created in Mondays online Easter Bilby class. There's even a Bilby crossed with a unicorn and another that lays Easter Eggs :)
18.01.2022 Tonight's class: a lesson in working with what you have, drawing making backgrounds first, composition and texture. This is one of what I'm sure will be many beautiful works from my students in the Tuesday online teens class. Well done Mitch! #teensart #mixedmediadrawing #onlineartclasses #koifishdrawing
18.01.2022 Trees have been on my mind lately especially as we have been documenting the night life in our garden and looking after a little Brushtail joey who lost her Mum. We also harvest fresh gum leaves for our Ringtail Possums. I have been saddened lately by the lack of native trees and plants in peoples gardens around the Adelaide Hills and would love to start doing more to encourage people to plant more natives to help support our natural environment and ecosystems. Aside from tha...t I always try to encourage a love of all things native amongst my students. Sometimes when you study something more closely by drawing or painting it you begin to build and foster a love and respect for it and I hope I can inspire my students to appreciate and care for all the beautiful plants and wildlife our country contains. Please enjoy these beautiful gumtree drawings by my Wednesday class and next time you see a native plant take the time to admire its beauty and maybe consider planting more in your garden :) See more
16.01.2022 Come and learn to paint some Native Birds with me at Norton Summit Community Centre in a 4 week short introductory course. We start next Friday 4th 6:30pm till 8:30pm. Course fees are subsidised by the Adelaide Hills Council so they are super cheap at only $50 for the four two hour classes. This is a massive saving on my normal prices so get in quick as there are limited spots available ;). Booking link below
16.01.2022 Our term 4 kids' after school program is now open for bookings. This term we will be painting on wood blocks, working with clay, drawing and painting with watercolours among other things :), it's going to be lots of fun! Artwork by one of our talented teens last term.
16.01.2022 For those who can't leave home or do not live in the Adelaide Hills I am also running two school holiday online workshops. Bookings via the link below.
16.01.2022 The first of many amazing steampunk hybrid drawings my students created in the online class yesterday. The breadth of imagination was awesome! #steampunk #kidsonlineartclasses #kidsart #steampunkdrawings #schoolholidayclasses
15.01.2022 A few of the stunning Superb Fairy Wrens the students in my Native Birds painting Course have painted so far. So much talent in this class! #bluewren #bluewrenpainting #watercolourpainting #adelaidehillsartclasses #adultartclasses #Australiannativebirds #watercolourclasses
15.01.2022 In case you are doubtful about the efficacy of online classes check out these awesome reptilian eyes my teens classes did two weeks ago in an online session. I love how they are all individual too. I still try to get individual originality in my classes whether they are online or face to face. Click the link below if you'd like to book in for any of our school holiday online workshops and give an online art class a go :)
15.01.2022 I love the freedom and quality of scribbly line that comes with drawing in one continuos line. Some wonderful specimens from last nights class #continuouslinedrawing #kidsartclasses #penandwashdrawing #animaldrawings #teensart #adelaidehillsartclassesforkids
14.01.2022 In case you didnt know, I am also a practicing artist (when I get the chance) I am currently having an art sale of all my available prints and cards on Etsy. These might make good Mothers Day presents, please share as much as you can, it would help me out heaps. 10% proceeds from sales goes towards Greening Australia
13.01.2022 I feel lucky to be able to say that things have been flat out so far this Spring! With all my regular classes running, plus a watercolour course at Norton Summit, paint and paella workshops on Saturdays and a Kid's art party today, I'm a wee bit exhausted. Looking forward to a day off tomorrow but also enjoying reflecting on all the lovely artworks people have created. Here's some fun little party dogs the kids painted today :) #kidsartclasses #kidsartparty #artclasses #adelaidehillsartclasses #acrylicpainting #partydogs #dogpaintings
13.01.2022 With the success of the online classes lately I have decided to go ahead and run term 2 online. Benefits of online classes include higher concentration levels in students, a cheaper option than regular classes and more problem solving/confidence building opportunities for kids. PM me with any queries or book online via the website.
13.01.2022 We had the wonderful teach the Tuesday class the other night, bringing back some nice earthy drawing with charcoal large scale on easels. I love this style of drawing and did some more with the second teen class tonight. As you can see the results are quite incredible. Thanks Althea for your awesome class :)
13.01.2022 This quirky little drawing by one of my Thursday class students made me smile. We were practicing drawing made up birds using textured colouring in techniques.
12.01.2022 Much fun has been had making peg puppets over the last week, I love making art with the kids that they can use in imaginative play later. We definitely have a puppet theme happening at the moment, stay tuned for airdry clay finger puppets! #kidsartclasses #pegpuppets #paperpuppets #puppets #characterdesign #adelaidehillsartclasses
11.01.2022 I had a wonderful time teaching my first Paint & Paella workshop @thepaintboxhahndorf last night. We set up the room like a dinner party and our dinner guests seemed very happy and absorbed in their work. I did however find it difficult not to steal their delicious smelling Paella when it was served by the wonderful crew @comida_hahndorf . The rest of the September workshops are booked out but some October ones have just been released, don't miss out! #thepaintbox #paintandpaella #comida #watercolourartclasses #watercolourflorals #springartclasses #artandwine #artandfood #paintingparty
11.01.2022 In case you didn't know, I am also a practicing artist (when I get the chance) I am currently having an art sale of all my available prints and cards on Etsy. These might make good Mother's Day presents, please share as much as you can, it would help me out heaps. 10% proceeds from sales goes towards Greening Australia
10.01.2022 Some of the absolutely beautiful results from the watercolour technique projects in my teens' classes. More to come! #watercolour #watercolorpainting #watercolourartclasses #teens #teensartclasses #adelaidehillsartclassesforkids @ The PaintBox
08.01.2022 I received this in an email this morning from one of my teen students. It's heartening to know they are still enjoying the classes online and even more so that they are proud of their work! She should be proud, its a gorgeous drawing
08.01.2022 This is an intetesting article! "If a child is acting out (doing the opposite of what they know they should be doing), they often need more of a challenge. According to Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky, a leading theorist on child development, imagination drives childrens development at precisely the age when reality can no longer keep up with their curiosity. This age is from around two to seven."
08.01.2022 We had a lovely colourful and explorative start to the term with Ink and watercolour painting and ink blowing (Neds are selling packs of 50 compostable FSC paper straws for $3 - BARGAIN!). I'm trying to teach intuitive flow with painting to get students away from the dreaded "pencil perfectionism" ;)
08.01.2022 Some of the gorgeous results from my adult watercolour class today where we focused on painting flowers loosely and in layers with some nice pale washes. I'm really enjoying teaching again! #adultwatercolourclasses #watercolourflorals #watercolorpainting #adultartclasses #adelaidehillsartclasses
07.01.2022 Join me online tomorrow at 10am to invent never before seen Mythical Creatures like this Jaguar Seahorse Whale or Seajaguale! There is still time to book and places available :)
06.01.2022 For those who cant leave home or do not live in the Adelaide Hills I am also running two school holiday online workshops. Bookings via the link below.
06.01.2022 Term 4 kids art class bookings are now open, we have a few spots available so please feel free to enquire about the classes. :)
05.01.2022 So in case you didn't know I now teach most of my classes in my dream location, the best art supply shop in the world! AND, they've just opened a gorgeous little bar and cafe. Drop in and oggle their wonderful art wares and new gallery space whilst consuming delicious beverages, which, for this weekend are free with any art supply purchase :)
05.01.2022 This week my teen classes are learning how to paint tonal values with watercolours. They had to choose a black and white animal reference picture and represent it using only two colours layered on top of one another. This sweet little Koala is the first of many wonderful results to come. This technique requires lots of forethought, patience and concentration, as usual they have all done so well! #artclasses #teensartclasses #koalapainting #watercolourclass #watercolourtechnique #adelaidehillsartclassesforkids
05.01.2022 SCHOOL HOLIDAY WORKSHOPS! Bookings open this Friday. #schoolholidays #kidsartclasses #schoolholidayworkshops #artclassesforkids #adelaidehillsartclasses
05.01.2022 This Fox has so much expression! A little project that our lovely guest teacher Zinia King's Things worked on with one of our 5 yr old mini artists last week.
05.01.2022 More awesome Steampunk drawing from the Wednesday online Steampunk hybrids class. We will be doing more online school holiday workshops next week including watercolour cactus gardens, watercolour and salt landscapes, insect portraits and how to draw horses/unicorns visit for more info and bookings #Steampunk #steampunkart #Steampunkkidsart #schoolholidaysonline #onlineartclasses #kidsart #kidsartonlineclasses
04.01.2022 Happy Easter everyone. In case you didnt know Im running some school holiday workshops online via Zoom. The first one will be tomorrow morning. We will be learning all about Bilbies and why they are important to our ecosystems. The kids will watch a a short video about Bilbys get a worksheet to learn how to draw one and some reference photos. We will learn how to make a coloured pencil or marker pen Bilby like this partly finished fellow focusing on shading and mark making. I will be present to tutor them through the process. 50% of proceeds from tomorrows class go to the save the Bilby fund. You can book via this link:
04.01.2022 For our first workshop next week we will be focusing on Bilby appreciation. Students will learn some facts about the Bilby and why it is important to celebrate and recognise it at Easter. They will then be shown how to draw a Bilby with both a realistic approach and fun patterned approach. Half the proceeds of next Mondays class will be donated to the Save the Bilby Fund.
04.01.2022 Week 2 of my kids art classes started today. Admittedly Ive been amazed at how different running face to face classes are to running online...Ive become accustomed to less work and to quiet classes. However it is so nice to see a room full of kids busy and engaged with their art again, and its nice to feel busy and more active when it comes to my teaching :). Todays activity involved ripping up failed paintings to make new collaged art, an important life lesson: when life gives you lemons, make lemonade :) #collageart #kidsart #assemblages #adelaidehillsartclassesforkids #growthmindset #collage @ The PaintBox
03.01.2022 School holiday workshops online program bookings via the link below:
03.01.2022 Last week I showed the younger students how to draw cats and we drew cat portraits together. I love how much character this one has by one of my newer 6 yr old students. #kidsdrawing #kidsartclasses #onlineartclasses #catportrait #catdrawing
03.01.2022 I had fun preparing this Steampunk creature demo for tomorrows Steampunk Hybrids online class. I can't wait to see what all the creative minds come up with! #steampunk #steampunkdrawing #steampunkhybrids #kidsart #onlineartclasses
02.01.2022 Happy Easter everyone. In case you didn't know I'm running some school holiday workshops online via Zoom. The first one will be tomorrow morning. We will be learning all about Bilbies and why they are important to our ecosystems. The kids will watch a a short video about Bilbys get a worksheet to learn how to draw one and some reference photos. We will learn how to make a coloured pencil or marker pen Bilby like this partly finished fellow focusing on shading and mark making. I will be present to tutor them through the process. 50% of proceeds from tomorrow's class go to the save the Bilby fund. You can book via this link:
02.01.2022 Here are some more awesome collages from the under 12s classes. These ones were made out of lots of different textured paper made by rubbing oil pastels over paper with different surfaces underneath. #kidsart #collage #kidsartclasses #adelaidehillsartclassesforkids #collagedanimals
02.01.2022 some window pictures with colour...
02.01.2022 I'm running an intro watercolour workshop for adults this Saturday at the Norton Summit Community Centre. It'll be lots of fun, loys of exploration and a great opportunity to take that first dive in to painting with this gorgeous paint. Also, thanks to the council subsidy this workshop is half the price of what I normally charge so get in quick :)
01.01.2022 Tonights class: a lesson in working with what you have, drawing making backgrounds first, composition and texture. This is one of what Im sure will be many beautiful works from my students in the Tuesday online teens class. Well done Mitch! #teensart #mixedmediadrawing #onlineartclasses #koifishdrawing
01.01.2022 A burst of colour for your feed tonight with a little snap from tonights paint and paella class, as you may have guessed the theme for September is watercolour flowers. Once again the Paella from @comida_hahndorf smelt incredible and was highly enjoyed by all. Don't forget to book in for the October classes via @thepaintboxhahndorf #watercolourclasses #thepaintbox #comida #paintandpaella #wineandart #watercolourflorals
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