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18.01.2022 YOUR WILD VOICE ~ Jeff Foster The truth will always come out. You can try and suppress truth, you can threaten, punish, enslave, crucify those who dare speak it, you can run from it, try to numb it, silence it, smother it, shame it, ridicule it, throw all manner of lies and manipulations and half-truths at it.... But in the end, truth will always win. Because truth is life. And it takes courage to speak truth. You may risk loosing your livelihood, your relationships, your reputation, your worldly possessions, your friends, your family, even your life. You may be quaking as you speak it, dripping with sweat, nauseous and dry mouthed and on the verge of fleeing. But in the end you cannot hold it back. It is more powerful than you. It will outlast you and outlive you. You were born from it and will return to it. It speaks through you; you are a vessel for truth. And when you know truth and declare it to the Universe and to all who will listen, you may feel the doubt and the guilt and the shame of it too, the terror of abandonment, old thoughts warning you to shut the hell up. But you will feel so alive. So on your path. So aligned with your calling. So willing to face the consequences, moment by moment, breath by breath. And those who want your truth will gather around you, and you will know your true family. There is no greater power on Earth, no more potent agent for change, and no more thrilling experience, than you, wild and alive in your truth.
17.01.2022 The way forward: Watch the trailer here: Then go to to subscribe & watch the free movie.
17.01.2022 I send love to all humanity. I ask for those who are still living in fear and under the #dreamspell to awaken. Awaken to your #sovreignty your #humanity & #love #lovewins #loveoverfear #endthetyranny #standup #awakening #asanapranayoga #willettoncommunity #findtruth
16.01.2022 "Disease is an effort of nature to free the system from conditions that result from violation of the Laws of Health." [Ministry of Healing p. 127]. I was recently tempted to visit a doctor and obtain a prescription for antibiotics, for something that seemed too difficult to treat myself by natural means. As a result, I am now suffering from one of the worst candida (fungal) overgrowths in my body that I have ever experienced, and I am quickly and sincerely regretting the de...Continue reading
12.01.2022 Tonight join us for Yin+Hatha @6:30pm #asanapranayoga #mattykphotography #willettonstadium #connecttoyoursoul #letgo #letgooffear #lovewins #yinyoga #hathayoga #findtruth #willettoncommunity
11.01.2022 Who’s ready for yoga this weekend? 6am & 9:30am Friday. 8am on Saturday. #wakeup #asanapranayoga #mattykphotography #willettonstadium #truthwins #freedom #sovreignty
11.01.2022 We gain strength and courage and confidence by each experience, in which we really stop to look fear in the face......we must do that which we think we cannot. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt #strength #courage #confidence #nofear #wakeup #eleanorroosevelt #asanapranayoga #mattykphotography #willettonstadium #kakasana #standfirm #standup #standforfreedom #useyourvoice #silenceisconsent
08.01.2022 WHAT DAMAGE ARE WE DOING TO THE CHILDREN - TO KEEP US ‘SAFE’ ? Here’s a letter written by a wonderful doctor, Lee Merritt MD from Iowa in the USA ................ I have seen two very sad things recently. In a video by German Professor of Psychology Dr. Franz Ruppert, a toddler is seen spontaneously social distancing from his toys. This is a version of the Stockholm Syndrome where you avoid anxiety by anticipating the dictates of your captors. Yesterday, a group of 3- and 4-year-olds were walking in a line outside my office window in Omaha. They were all spaced three feet apart, all in masks, heads bowed, not talking, hands uniformly behind their back. It looked like a dystopian procession of tiny prisoners-which, in essence, is what it was. No more laughing smiling faces. No holding your classmate’s hand. Just masked children learning absolute obedience. There are at last count 18 controlled studies of mask wearing--none showing benefit in diminishing transmission of small particle size airborne viruses. Most recently, US Marines in quarantine barracks, wore masks, practiced social distancing, and disinfected the environment. They were supervised by other Marines to ensure compliance. Masks were worn when not eating or sleeping. The study was published in the most premier medical journal in the world--the New England Journal of Medicine. Predictably, these measures failed to decrease the transmission of Covid. Ask yourself this: How many years are you going to wear a mask, stand in government approved circles, or be subject to restrictions on travel at the whim of government technocrats? Two years? Forever? Is there an end to this? Because viruses exist all around us all the time. Every year we have a cold and flu season. This virus to date has a 99.991% worldwide survival and flu 99.992%. Should we mask for all of it? Shall our children be raised in a world where they cannot learn to read faces, cannot hug their teacher and cannot be close to their classmates? Against this backdrop, our most vulnerable elderly is placed in solitary confinement, fed a bad diet, without vital nutrients and denied proven successful prophylactic treatments. Even worse, some are actively infected by placing infectious patients into their nursing homes. This is not the liberty for which I served my nation, nor the world in which I first took the Hippocratic Oath. This is not just medical malpractice; this is murder by omission and commission. A very sophisticated psychologic operation is being perpetrated upon the whole world. We are rapidly becoming an immoral insane dystopian technocracy where your very right to assemble and even speak can be revoked on the basis of hospital bed utilization. If we fail to stand up and take back control now, those of us who survive the next phase will spend our lives under a medical tyranny the likes of which the world has never known. Lee Merritt MD Logan, Iowa
08.01.2022 This Saturday 8am #asanapranayoga #mattykphotography #willettonstadium #freedom #yourbodyyourchoice #liveyourbestlife #endthetyranny #humannityfirst #lovewins
06.01.2022 There are agendas right now by the Elite around normalising and pedophilia as well as gender fluidity that i feel are being used against us during this War. Ou...r soul comes here to explore various polarities within our own souls from life to life, (male, female etc) on the quest to find wholeness and so we do this by choosing various genders from life to life and also from exploring various relationships and experiences from binary and non-binary explorations in a quest to come into and find our own wholeness, as that is really the ultimate journey of the soul; to return home to Source - Oneness. However, i feel the Elite have taken this healthy exploration and are attempting to use it against us by really pushing this gender fluidity concept during this time of War where the human soul and all of our freedoms as Sovereign beings are being completely threatened and eroded very quickly. I saw a photo recently of a recent fashion parade for Men and it was men wearing high heels and dressed especially feminine. Celine Dion, an Elite owned puppet has brought out a clothing line for kids that are neither feminine nor masculine with an ad which had many Satanic symbolism in it. They are making it very clear through their symbolism what they are doing. They are only 2 examples, however I see it often. I am aware that some of the Elite families turn their first born into the opposite sex as they invert reality. And i feel they are pushing this onto us through the concept of gender fluidity with an intention of having us be up in our mind, confused, and not embodied in our own soul and source connection - our Power - the one thing they do not want us to connect to let alone embody and BE. When we do the inner shadow work and deep trauma healing work that then allows us to embody our own soul, our natural embodiment of either the feminine, or the masculine or for some it may be somewhere in the middle, is embodied and thus expressed. I've experienced in my own journey the last 4 years how embodying my feminine essence completely transformed me and allowed me to discover source (God) within. I was able to come into my sovereignty through this epic inner healing journey I've been on. It required huge amounts of inner healing sexuality and shadow work. I learnt that simply just because I am a woman doesn't mean I naturally will embody my feminine sexual essence. I was quite masculine prior to this journey as a result of protection and armouring from trauma I didn't realise I had. The more I transmuted this, the more my heart opened, the more love I was able to give and receive, the more my frequency increased. Love is the highest feminine principle. When women embody their feminine they heal not only their own heart, but those around them. They become the healing balm of love that is SO desperately needed in this world. Others feel this and begin to heal in their presence. They feel the complete acceptance and so the walls drop and their hearts open. In addition, Women and their magical wombs are a gateway to source. We have the potential to be the embodiment of the divine. We are able to access this much more easily than men due to the fact we have a womb. And the womb is a portal to source. Many times during sacred sexual experiences with my beloved I have experienced directly God. It was nothing outside of me but within. I was able to feel the truth of who I am and the truth of this reality from within. Another reason why religions (another Elite created agenda) have programmed us with so much guilt and shame around sexuality. Our sexual energy when used properly and connected to the heart is able to fast track your awakening. It is the fastest path to enlightenment. The last few years I learnt all about this, and began a pathway connected to isis and ancient Egypt as well as other Neo Tantric lineages that focused on awakening the womb in order for the soul and feminine essence to be embodied. It was the deepest work I've ever done and what brought me home to who i am, anchored in love and Truth rather fear and illusion. . The Elite know our sexual masculine or feminine (depending on whether you have a male or female body) is the fastest way to our awakening and have tried to make women out to be sinners, their body, blood, wisdom and magic wrong for eons. This is how the feminine has been shut down through the last 6000 patriarchal years. And they have skewed the masculine essence by programming them with pornography lowering significantly the frequency around sex. Sex can support you in experiencing yourself as the Divine, when you know how. And this information has been kept and hidden from us. So rather than us being taught this information, we are currently being given concepts which teach there are more than 60 different genders etc. I understand there is a natural healthy exploration around this, and I have also seen the Elite use this and turn it against us at this time. This divine feminine IS needed. Now. The divine masculine is needed. Now. Some don't realise we are in a war right now, and we need action, strength, and to protect our right to freedom. Our own embodiment of our inner source connection, and whatever natural fem/mas expression that leads to I feel is really important right now. In particular the Warrior energy and the Divine Feminine I feel are so needed in a time when there is so much of our freedom being eroded and when people are so polarized hating each other. In addition to this agenda, they are trying to normalize pedophilia and call it a sexual preference. Once again, another devious agenda which detrimentally harms the soul of a child to have a sexual relationship with an adult. This is one of the most traumatic things for a child and even from a logical perspective is absolutely plain evil. And this is why we need the masculine right now to step up and be the protector; standing up to all the bullshit insanity going on right now. We all need to rise and we need to rise in Unity. And choose our future rather than leaving it up to psychopaths who have been running our world. It is now our time; we get to create it. But we need to embody our inner source connection; bringing the soul down into the body and awakening and living fully our light, power and love. You came to the planet at this time for a reason. Now is your time! Much love to you light warrior.
05.01.2022 STAND STRONG LIKE A ROCK ~ Jeff Foster Don’t focus on what’s ‘wrong’ with the world. When you fight against a broken world, when you live in resistance and inner violence, you contribute to the outer violence you see. See the world as it is, the way an artist would look at a face, with all its flaws, imperfections, ridges, bumps, crevices and creases. See the light and the dark, the love and the flight from love, the kindness and its forgetting. See it all in facination. Love... the world now for how it appears. Hold the world in your loving arms. She is young, and making mistakes, and learning. And from this place of love, re-enter the world. Stand strong like a rock, illuminating the world with your powerful presence. Speak up for those without a voice. Amplify messages of understanding and compassion. Spread the truth. Fight FOR what you know and love, not against what you oppose and reject. Your attention is your greatest blessing, so bless the world you are birthing now with your loving attention; do not energise a dying world with your intolerance. Gather together with your brothers and sisters. Discover your true family, beyond colour, race, religion, belief. Unite in the name of love. Now you are not attacking the world but fighting alongside her, and all her angels fight with you.
03.01.2022 Join me on Monday evening 5:55pm sharp for a special Meditation before our regular 6:30pm class. Call 0428 401 999 for details
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