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AHI Asbestos Home Inspections P/L in Kingston, Queensland, Australia | Home improvement

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AHI Asbestos Home Inspections P/L

Locality: Kingston, Queensland, Australia

Phone: +61 1300 141 662

Address: 4 Poincettia Street 4114 Kingston, QLD, Australia


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25.01.2022 We get a lot of calls asking how to find a licensed Asbestos Removalist. There are 2 links on the Worksafe Qld website that will open up a full listing of both Class A and B removal companies. It will also tell you companies that have had their licenses cancelled.

24.01.2022 We have been saying this for years. I recon the next will be fibreglass.

24.01.2022 Do you go to the markets or some of the Healing Shops that are around? Some of the stones are quite pretty but be on the look out for the green coloured ones that have veins through them. The veins are Chrysotile (white asbestos).

23.01.2022 This is a good documentary

23.01.2022 Employers and PCBUs Take Note New Infringement Notice Offences A review of existing offences under the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011 (WHS Regulation) identified a further 18 offences which are eligible to be become infringement notice offences, commonly known as on the spot fines under the State Penalties Enforcement Regulation 2014.... The new infringement offences which are now in operation relate to high risk areas such as asbestos, hazardous chemicals and construction work and provide a cost-effective method of enforcement which can be immediately applied to the alleged offender. Infringement notice offences from Chapter 8 (Asbestos) of the WHS Regulation are listed below. The highlighted offences are the new infringement notice offences recently added to the schedule in the State Penalties and Enforcement Regulation 2014. 419(1) - PCBU must not carry out, direct or allow a worker to carry out work involving asbestos, except as expressly allowed for under s 419. 7 1/5 (I) $720 36 (C) $3600 425(1) - Person with management or control failed to ensure that asbestos register was prepared and kept at workplace. 4 8/25 (I) $432 21 3/5 (C) $2160 425(2) - Person with management or control failed to ensure that asbestos register was maintained as prescribed 4 8/25 (I) $432 21 3/5 (C) $2160 426 - Person with management or control failed to ensure that asbestos register was reviewed and (as necessary) revised as prescribed 4 8/25 (I) $432 21 3/5 (C) $2160 This is just 4 of the 37 infringements that can be handed out for non compliance. Email me at [email protected] and I will send you the full listing

23.01.2022 Beware of the gimmicks for testing asbestos


23.01.2022 Asbestos Inspections are usually about finding the asbestos in a home. Sometimes it is about alerting the owners that they have a little visitor stowing away in the ground floor storage room.

22.01.2022 Some interesting figures just released by The Australian Government Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency Research commissioned by ASEA in 2020 found that: 57% if Australian’s are DIYers’ people who have or would undertake at least part of a renovation or maintenance project by themselves. 40% of DIYers have worked on a risky property (built between 1940-1990).... At least a third of projects started in the last 5 years have begun during early COVID-19 restrictions (March-June 2020). Almost no one names asbestos as a high-risk consideration in DIY without being prompted. (5% vs 22% for electrical). 1 in 5 DIYers had encountered asbestos in a previous project, but only half sought and kind of professional help to deal with it. 35% of those who have encountered asbestos in the past admit to inappropriate (illegal) disposal mostly in their or a neighbours bin. Though most DIYers felt it was important to know how to manage asbestos risks, only around half felt confident identifying or managing asbestos. See more

21.01.2022 Asbestos Removalists need to take into consideration that there could be packers on stumps under houses. This was LDB (Low Density Board) that was overlooked and on most of the stumps which could have created a mess (and extra cost for the removalist) during demolition.

21.01.2022 Not an Australian story but it could so easily be imported in. Is there no end to the Asbestos findings?

19.01.2022 Another renovation that has put other people at potential risk. This one is on the Gold Coast.

16.01.2022 Here are the latest alerts for asbestos

16.01.2022 Asbestos Awareness Week - 24-30 November


13.01.2022 Asbestos Removalists at their best - NOT. Cool n Cozy everywhere, timbers not vacuumed and on top of that there is debris all over the ground and workers carrying out the removal in disposable masks and coverall open to the waist.

13.01.2022 Disregard the laws surrounding asbestos as not longer a joke

12.01.2022 We get asked a lot about eaves and soffits and what is the difference. Eaves are basically the part of the roof that overhangs the walls or exterior siding of a building. It can also be defined as the edge of a roof that extends past the outside walls of a house. Eaves consist of two main portions namely: fascia and soffit. Fascia is the board that covers the rafters, running around the building horizontally while soffit is the lining that forms the underside of the eaves. Clear as mud, right? Most of us are not builders and call it all eaves or all soffits and we all know what we are talking about. This picture might make it a bit easier to identify.

11.01.2022 Heres the Consultation Summary by independent reviewer, Marie Boland - former Executive Director of SafeWork SA outlining the views and experiences shared during the consultation meetings and in written submissions of the content and operation of the model Work Health and Safety (WHS) laws in 2018. The summary provides an overview of the key issues stakeholders raised about the operation of the model WHS laws. Link is below for the PDF or open word summary.

11.01.2022 Just a couple of misses by the removal company. Need to check every nook and cranny.

09.01.2022 Unsafe renovation can be a killer

08.01.2022 Just had a call about possible asbestos sheeting while in the middle of a renovation so I thought it might be a good idea to post this link for anyone thinking of renovating an older home.

08.01.2022 Rental Properties - I know that they are there to make money, but the owners need to take a little responsibility and ensure the safety of the tenants. Not only is this car shed covered in broken and unsealed Super 6 Corrugated Asbestos Cement Sheeting with debris all over the place, the shed is riddled with white ants and is structurally unsound. The owners statement to the tenant - "if you dont like it, move out at the end of your lease". Charming fellow.

07.01.2022 We do a lot of asbestos inspections and sample analysis for Body Corporate properties all around Qld and NSW, so I thought I would include some articles relating specifically to Body Corporations. This is an interesting one to start with. QFRS Cost Recovery

07.01.2022 WH&S SNAPSHOTS A set of updated work health and safety (WHS) snapshots are available to provide insights into the key national data and WHS issues in seven priority industries. The snapshots contribute to the overall awareness and improvement of WHS in Australia by offering a summary of key information relating to work health and safety (WHS) including: why the industry is a priority... WHS performance demographics key WHS issues, and the main causes of fatalities and injuries. The industries covered by the snapshots were identified as national priorities in the Australian Work Health and Safety Strategy 2012-2022 and include: agriculture road transport manufacturing construction accommodation and food services public administration and safety, and health care and social assistance.

06.01.2022 Latest release from Qld Government regarding Marblesheen Pool Coatings

05.01.2022 I really hope that they do get fined and not just a slap on the wrist. Dumpers need to realise that it is just not on and rate payers have to foot the bill for this disgusting behaviour.

04.01.2022 The Minister for Employment, Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash, announced on 14/12/16 the appointment of a new Asbestos Safety and Eradication Council.

04.01.2022 We have just done a re-inspection of a property that another company did the original inspection on. No mention of the carpark in the original report and they totally missed the pipework under the building.

02.01.2022 Just a reminder to stay safe


01.01.2022 I really hope they fine this person and not just get a slap on the hand. It is the rate payers that have to foot the bill for the clean up of illegal dumping of asbestos.

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