ascend_movementtraining | Sports & recreation venue
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25.01.2022 We are all runners. There was a time many millions of years ago that we used the many benefits of being bipedal in that time to hunt and survive through what's know as persistence hunting. This would involve hunting our four legged prey over several hours causing them to collapse in complete exhaustion. We have evolved as humans because of our ability to walk and run long distances. Making us one of the only mammals with this ability on earth.... We are endurance beings by nature...its in your DNA
24.01.2022 Body structure awareness when lifting! Everyone's body structure is different. Morphology can change the way movement patterns will look from person to person.... Approach your lifts with a better awareness of how your body moves and looks when lifting. NOT the image of someone else, or the cues of those who promote only 1 right way to move The above 2 photos are a good example of how different femur lengths will change the way the position of the deadlift will look, in turn effecting the cantilever of the deadlift. Individualised movement is the best movement. @ Anglesea, Victoria
24.01.2022 Ascend Movement Training is online offering LIVE online classes. Our aim is to provide quality coaching through all of our classes through the online community. Classes: -Kettlebells -Pilates & Bodyweight... -Mobility All classes held online will dive deep into technique coaching ensuring your moving safely from the comfort of your own home while getting a great work out in. We have a promotional offer running for a couple of weeks for $5 per class for your first week online. DM if your interested!! Hope everyone is staying healthy & safe (at home!)
24.01.2022 Correct Movement Pattern Tension Techniques Biomechanical Breathing Access more strength and lift safer.
24.01.2022 Training both for running and in the gym can be heavily governed by goals with times, numbers, etc. But it is important to occasionally just get out there without any objectives and perform for pure enjoyment
23.01.2022 Full body kettlebell routine. Strength Power Stability... Endurance Cardio See more
21.01.2022 Going live in 20minutes talking all things Strength & Mobility for Runners
20.01.2022 The running her heart out in the land down under ____________________ Repost from: @ascend_movementtraining ... Our bodies are meant to be physically stressed! No better way to physically stress the body than through vigorous exercise such as running. Stress will trigger numerous adaptive responses in your cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and respiratory systems that will increase their capacities. Your heart grows You build muscle fibers You increase bone density You keep the bad stuff away Your body needs stress to survive and live a healthy life. So get running
19.01.2022 Running with Purpose Part IV 'Strength and Mobility' - Great discussion tonight on the importance of strength and mobility as part of our running programs
19.01.2022 Nothing like kicking those runners off on Friday night
18.01.2022 woke up this morning really missing our clients coming into Ascend, especially on days like this
17.01.2022 A message from Tiff, I first went to Ascend Movement Training with joint pain and feeling unable to move freely. Since attending regular Mobility classes and practicing daily movement exercises at home I have gained significant improvement in my flexibility, joint mobility, and body awareness.... These changes have resulted in a greater range of motion through my joints making it possible for me to start strength training safely, pain free and now I move more freely. Thank you Ben and Sarah for getting me moving again and inspiring me to continue to train in such a relaxed and fun environment. Just wanted to share a little message from one of our most dedicated clients. Tiff was sick of constant aches and pains and came to us with a committed attitude to getting herself feeling good. We coached her, but she is the one who puts in consisted work every day week in week out. Tiffs words are why we love what we do.
17.01.2022 Do your shoes promote healthy foot movement? Shoes with a widen toe box and zero drop (less cushion) can simply help achieve that but sadly majority of our shoes dont offer that. Running shoes with a widen toe box enables your toes to spread freely and maximize your foot strength which in turn can reduce your chances of injury. If you cant spread your toes in your runners then how can you accurately push off your feet? ... Most shoes also provide exaggerated amounts of comfort and a heel lift which only promotes a weakened arch and the inability to receive any sensory feedback from the ground when running. When you can't feel the ground, you can't feel the amount of impact you actually put into the ground, which can result in repeated stress injuries through your feet, ankles, shins, knees, hips and lower back. Give your feet more room to move! Give your feet less of a drop to improve running efficiency and reduce chances of injury! #embracethespace #zerolimits #altrarunning @altrarunningau @ Anglesea, Victoria
17.01.2022 More surgeries to count on one hand with this right shoulder. It's been 5 YEARS since Ben has been able to actively lift his shoulder over his head without pain and compensation. The progress above was made in the past 6 months doing the "right" kind of work. Here is a reflection of the increased work space on a capsuler level as rotation is the fundamental joint function of the shoulder, even though the shoulder is in flexion... How was this achieved? -Shoulder CAR's every day. -Isometric strength training - 3 days a week. -An understanding of movement patterns to AVOID that could further damage the shoulder In the past Ben frequently visited massage tables and experienced many forms of treatment methods but never found lasting improvements. With so much "damage" sustained to his shoulder over the years, progress was always short lived. He needed an effective and lasting approach that will restore range of motion while helping him increase strength. Specific joint movements EVERY DAY as well as progressive and regressive isometric loading patterns helped him find a lasting solution. For Ben being able to pursue his lifestyle endeavors (Running and surfing) for as long as he can as well as moving throughout life as best he can is why he moves his joints every day and mobility trains every week. Get in touch if your frustrated with injuries that won't heal. Ben has been there . @ Anglesea, Victoria
17.01.2022 In Australia People reporting symptoms associated with chronic pain have risen by 67% over the last 10 years From 2017 - 2018, 1 in 3 Australians, approximately 7 million people had a musculoskeletal condition ... Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis, chronic lower back pain, flat feet are among the most common conditions Within the human time scale, such conditions have only been prevalent the last 500 or so years. Since the agricultural and industrialisation boom we slowly stopped moving the way we were naturally suppose to Yet many treatment methods fail to address the Lifestyle and environmental factors contributing to the above statistics Hence why the most common form of treatment is the prescription of opiods to "manage the symptoms". Movement is the best medicine. Especially movement that is joint specific and involving all components of a joint articulation as seen above with our hip flow. Hip Flexion Hip Adduction Hip external rotation Hip abduction Hip internal rotation Hip extension This isn't randomised movement, this specifically aimed to maintain the health and integrity of your joints. And keep you away from the statistics.
16.01.2022 How to structure a basic strength session as a runner. What should govern the way you program your session? -Specificity - Is your program structured upon your specific goals to running while targeting areas you need to improve on?... -Progression - Does your program progress in weight, volume or intensity to ensure you will increase in all facets of strength and endurance? -Movement Pre-requisites - Do you have the movement capacity/range of motion to perform each exercise safely and optimally? Moving on, Think program structure then exercises. -Warm up & pre-activation -General Physical Prepardness (Build foundational strength) -Special physical preparedness (running specific strength) -Core -Proprioception & Stability Then insert exercises according to your goals and most importantly weaknesses not strengths. A great example above of only 1 exercise in each category for those looking to begin strength training themselves. Like always weight, volume and intensity DEPENDS on many other factors. DM us if you would like any further advice. @ Anglesea, Victoria
16.01.2022 Coaches need coaches too Laughing through the pain of todays hip mobility program
15.01.2022 3 foundational ques to get you started with your kettlebell swings
14.01.2022 Sled work for general endurance training! Performing weighted movements for long durations at a low intensity is a great way to recruit a high number of muscle groups within the one movement while building muscular endurance under external load. -Start of with one of these variations for 3-weeks then rotate exercises after that. ... -Start at 20 - 40 minute pulls -Start with a weight half your body weight or above. Ensure to change weight each week -It must be a power walking style. Power walking training will help you recruit the same musculature as running while combining a very fatiguing modality of training that will build your endurance capacity. Give these a go, remember running loads must be reduced when incorporating this form of training. @ Anglesea, Victoria
14.01.2022 Our bodies are meant to be physically stressed! No better way to physically stress the body than through vigorous exercise such as running. Stress will trigger numerous adaptive responses in your cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and respiratory systems that will increase their capacities.... Your heart grows You build muscle fibers You increase bone density You keep the bad stuff away Your body needs stress to survive and live a healthy life. So get running
14.01.2022 "Adding strength exercises to your training regime improves the capacity of your musculoskeletal system to handle running loads" - Chris Napier Each exercise must have a purpose! Here is a staple for every running strength program. Purpose is to incorporate running related muscle recruitment patterns through,... Single leg squat jumps - A Great exercise to increase the capacity in which the lower limbs can produce and absorb force during the different phases of running. The more force we can produce for longer durations, the better our technique and running economy becomes. The more force we can absorb for longer durations, the less likelihood of Injury.
12.01.2022 How to manage your running loads to reduce the chances of injury. With the repetitive nature of running, when running programs DO NOT change in volume, intensity, duration the likelihood of overuse injuries increases. Overuse injuries plague the running community and for some reason many running plans tend to stay the same!... So what do we do? When we program we want to prevent the law of accomodation. What this means is when an athlete will repeat the same/similar running distances, volumes and intensities week in week out, -It becomes harder to progress -You overload and fatigue the exact same muscle groups with every run -You rapidly increase the chances of injury Imagine performing the same exercise in the gym for every workout with similar weight. We would quickly get used to/accommodate to the stimulus. Causing the same muscle groups to be overworked and fatigued leading to injury, while not being able to progress and improve Running is no different. Each week you should, -Change the volume, intensity and duration of your runs -Change your running cadence and speed to eliminate overload and fatigue of the same muscle groups. -Add a weighted stimulus such packs or sleds (power walking) to help increase rate of force development while changing the pattern of muscle activations used -Rest/deload every 3-4 weeks Please DM if you would like a sample program!
11.01.2022 Would you eat poorly after training consistently? Would you put your body in comprising positions sitting and moving poorly all day after training in the gym? Counterintuitive isn't it?... 1 hour of movement training vs 6 hours of prolonged sitting in poor positions = increased difficulty to make positive physiological changes. It's all about promoting healthy movement habits day in day out that will keep your joints functioning properly for as long as possible. A simple variation to try to reduce 90 degree sitting. Your ankles, knees, hips and spine will thank you for it. Key to introducing this is not to sit too low right away as seen in the examples above. We don't always need to possess a neutral spine but when sitting for prolonged periods it is advised. Here is a good indicator of how to adjust depth. Throw away your chairs, read books whichever way you like and drink out of the cartoon more @ Anglesea, Victoria
10.01.2022 Mobility vs Strength training Unfortunately the teachings of body awareness and control have been pushed aside for lifting heavy things, working up a sweat and hi fiving after back breaking movements. The fitness & health industry skip one of the most important steps. That is the teachings of how to PROPERLY move your joints... Do you know what a shoulder should do and how it moves? Do you know how a hip should rotate? Do you know how to isolate and segment joints to move independently from eachother? But let's throw you straight into weighted movements even though you don't! This is where the problem lies. This is where injuries lie This is where bodies are being ruined. You won't see any progression in your strength training if your body is not moving properly on its own. Mobility 1st Strength training 2nd Find someone who knows how to assess you before you strength train.
10.01.2022 What is your training purpose? Part 1 What are you trying to achieve out of the movment/position you perform in the gym?... Many of us train to move better and live a pain free and healthy lifestyle. Yet does your training allow you to move better throughout life? Example the squat base position is one of the most transferable positions to everyday life. Yet many cannot achieve this position In many gyms some people may not be able to achieve a simple position such as the squat, but are then programmed exercises with load (e.g Barbell Back squat). Which may increase the risk of injury/joint degeneration You shouldn’t be in pain or feel uncomfortable getting into positions throughout your day. Like the photo above, specific strength and mobility exercises properly programmed together can help you become better at the movements you want to perform in the gym and most of all perform comfortably and pain free throughout life. When you train for general life purposes (majority of gym goers) your training should focus on improving these simple base position while implementing specific joint movements and avoiding compromising exercises At the end of the day your training should enhance your lifestyle, not limit it.
09.01.2022 The modern world is a trap for any human's ability to move freely and . To an extent elevators, public transport systems and cars to say the least are a great example of how we have lost our touch and are truly disconnected with how much we should really move. Many of the world's chronic illnesses and diseases are easily preventable with good daily movement habits. From an evolutionary perspective we are born movers and our bodies response to the lack of movement is said ill...nesses and diseases. Find some quality movement for 1 hour each day (minimum). Your body was built for it and your older self will thank you for it.
09.01.2022 itching for running events to start back
08.01.2022 Our passion is to help runners recover from injuries and return to doing what they love. Here is client and most of all good friend Chriss journey from recovering from a calf injury as he is returning back to running after some solid months of strength and mobility training. Repost, @one_life_wild Blue is my favourite colour but damn I like a little dash o green, too. ... Little jiggedy jig jog in da back yard. Kudos to @ascend_movementtraining - no way Id be able to knock off a cruisey 26 without their remedy for old man calf (training you idiot, finally got the memo, but The Ascend crew do with well its mobility, man! Ps - on that note they have launched an online runner specific training program , first four week block starts soon, book in and get runner mobile and runner strong peeps - you too dont have to suffer old man calf (or whatever your kryptonite is)! GET ON IT! Check their profile.) Check out Chriss profile if your ever after guided tour along the surf coast he is the man. His runs pack a punch but brings you a wealth of knowledge, experience and a deep passion for running trails.
08.01.2022 How not to ruin your body in the gym? Its too common of a sight in commercial gyms. It's all about eliminating compensatory patterns when we move with or without weight. (When you force your body into a range/position that you do not acquire, your body will move in other places to compensate for that lack of movement)... Here's two examples shown above: A Common compensation when one attempts to press when they DO NOT have the appropriate shoulder (flexion) range to press = lumbar extension Sore back when you press? this is you. A common compensation when one attempts to squat when they DO NOT have the appropriate ankle (dorsiflexion) range of motion = lumbar flexion aka butt wink ("tight" hips will also play a role in the butt wink) So short term, what we do is alter ones external environment to avoid possible injury...How? 1) Change the dumbbell shoulder press to a Landmine Press to reduce pressing in end range shoulder flexion 2) Back squat with heels raised to increase range through the ankles Remember that these changes should be SHORT TERM and should not be permanent. You should work to increase your movement capacity for in the gym and life........MOBILITY TRAINING is key @ Anglesea, Victoria
07.01.2022 Why add strength to your training as a runner? A key factor that can help you achieve any goal as a runner is to add strength work to your training. Why? ... Velocity at maximal oxygen uptake (vV02max) which is the test of both maximal oxygen uptake and running economy through velocity markers. This not only tests oxygen uptake but also how well you can repetitively produce force throughout your run. This is a determinant of how efficient we are and how long we can sustain "Good technique when running" Running is a game of force and how much of it you can produce for a sustained period. What increases our rate of force development (RFD).......STRENGTH TRAINING. The study linked below, highlights this beautifully as well trained runners were put to the test with Strength training. The study presented that the runners had big improvements in vV02max (running economy, force/velocity production and maximal oxygen uptake) when they added strength work to their training for 40 weeks Scared of putting on muscle mass? Well concurrent training, so mixing running and weights will cause an "interference effect" inhibiting the growth of skeletal muscle mass hypertrophy. To recap, Your running will improve and you won't be slowed down by increases in muscles mass. Get in touch if your intrigued to find out more. Programming the right exercises is important as well as knowing how to program strength with your running.
06.01.2022 If youre not pulling this face, the weight aint heavy enough
06.01.2022 Core Strength Mobility + Flexibility Fat loss Low impact Cardio + Conditioning... Grip Strength Hypertrophy Explosive Strength Why bells are the greatest! @strongfirst
05.01.2022 never forgetting the upper body for conditioning
05.01.2022 Purpose 1: Move your internal environment.(Moving each joint to its full potential through various bodyweight movements) Purpose 2: Not just randomized...Joint specific articulations combined with movement. Do you know how your body can or can't move before you move with weight? ... Having control and awareness of your internal environment will lay the foundations for all forms of "weighted" or "loaded" movement. See more
05.01.2022 another kettlebell flow to try at home. give it a go
05.01.2022 Due to Ascend being an outdoor gym WE ARE BACK OPEN! Starting Monday, May 18th group classes at 6 am, 9:30 am and afternoon classes will be available to book into! (9 people in each class of course) Strength and Conditioning... Mobility Pilates Full range of strength and conditioning equipment used in every strength class. Barbells, kettlebells, dumbbells as well as the needed cardio machines. If you havent trained with us before and your are looking to get back into the gym moving with weight again shoot us a message.
05.01.2022 Purpose 1: Move your internal environment. Purpose 2: Not just randomized...Joint specific articulations combined with movement.
03.01.2022 It can be tricky fitting together your running and strength schedule within your week. It is a fine mix between handling running loads as well as specific & general strength training. Not to mention how and when to recover from combining these forms of training! Heres a little snapshot as to how we structure our training week: ... Mon- Strength (lower) Tues- Strength (upper) Wed- Run (intervals, hills, etc) Thur- Strength (specific/high volume) Fri- Recovery/Light Run/Mobility Sat- Recovery Sun- Run (long distance) Monitoring fatigue is imperative. While including rest, recovery and de-load weeks are the most IMPORTANT aspects of your training. Periodisation is also an important factor! Reducing running loads in order to build strength through certain periods of the year can help you avoid platues and increase running performance. So this schedule will constantly change. Please reach out if you want to learn more about scheduling your training block and if you are interested in a running specific program.
02.01.2022 Running is a high impact and fatigue seeking activity. But do you prepare for high levels of fatigue? Your lower body bears approximately 8-12 times your bodyweight when running.... How do we increase our tolerance to handle such load and fatigue? We induce high amounts of fatigue, for long durations with added resistance. (Continuous training) This is essential in helping long distance runners build their muscular endurance. Weighted sled work or even heavy back packs for those stuck at home can be used. Start with 20min POWER walks for 2 rounds. Slowly increase duration each week. Build muscular endurance and strength. Build your tolerance to fatigue. Build your tolerance to resistance over long durations. Run with better form and feel stronger for longer.
01.01.2022 iso kettlebell flow
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