Ania Schmidt Coaching | Personal blog
Ania Schmidt Coaching
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25.01.2022 The MAGIC of mindset I’ve been on my health and fitness journey for 2.5 years now, but the real progress has only really been made in the last few months. So what’s changed? I’ve learnt about mindset, challenged my perceptions, figured out my values, and realised how my inner self impacts my external world.... Mindset is one of the most important elements of health, and you can eat as many veggies as you want and train as hard as you think possible, but without being in control of what’s happening in your head, you won’t be able to achieve your full potential. Up until December last year I felt like I had all the knowledge on how to transform my body, but my mental health was a mess and it was showing through my lack of progress. Since attending Thrive Time a month ago with @mojo_master my workout intensity has been out of this world, I’ve gone from cheating on my diet multiple times a week to once in 3 weeks, and I’ve never been so clear on my path going forwards. Over the last 4 days at the Coaching and Leadership course I’ve gained so much clarity, lost 3cm around my body and dropped a kilogram! If you feel like you’re working your ass off but still missing something send me a DM or comment ‘magic’
25.01.2022 I was 10 years old when I first disliked my body. I remember standing in the dressing room at David Jones with my mum buying winter clothes, asking her why my tummy was spotty. I was 11 years old when I first started trying to lose weight.... Throughout my entire teen years I tried so many gyms, gym classes, online programs, sports, and apps. I went sugar free, I tried paleo, I skipped meals and would instead have sachet coffee that made me shit myself, I only ate foods with a health star rating of 4 or higher. I had my weight written on my bathroom mirror to look at every day. I would commit to something for 4 weeks, pour my heart and soul into it, and then give up because I couldn’t see a change on the scale or in the mirror. I knew that weight loss was possible. I’d read so many success stories. I’d seen people do it, but I had no idea how. I wasn’t looking for a quick fix or a magic pill, I was looking for an ANSWER! FINALLY I stumbled across the answer at the age of 18, after nearly 8 years of searching, trying, and frustration. Now I’ve made it my mission to educate, inspire, and make sure that no one ever has to go through that feeling of hopelessness again. I am proud of my determination, I will continue to share my story, and I will make my younger self proud.
25.01.2022 No gyms from 12pm today I know when I heard this last night I went into shock. I started going to the gym seriously 2.5 years ago whilst going through a really rough patch of depression and since then it has been my outlet and happy place. I know not being able to access the gym is going to be really rough for a lot of people, but last night I remembered some pretty awesome questions @justinwisemancoach came up with in a podcast with @mitchping... What am I receiving by doing this? How can I get it somewhere else? Justin and Mitch were talking about addiction but I think the same questions can be asked in other areas of life. When I go to the gym I’m able to move my body in a way I enjoy, challenge my perceptions on how far I can push myself, and take some time to forget about everything else that’s going on in my life and listen to good music. When you sit and think about why going to the gym (or anything) is important to you, you’ll be able to figure out another way to get that fulfilment. Anything that isn’t growing is dying, and yes, this will be a challenging time, but if you do it properly some incredible things will come out of it
24.01.2022 1-1 Mindset Coaching now available! If you're ready to find your greatness and set yourself up to make 2021 the best year yet leave a comment below or send me a message
23.01.2022 Not gonna lie, the last 2 days I’ve been a total mess. I’ve been going to bed late, sleeping in, and slipped back into some bad habits I had when I was super depressed. When you slip into those habits it’s because you’re not living your values, which is exactly how I felt. Personal development is my highest value which includes going to the gym, and my second highest is connections. Obviously it’s hard to fulfil those values while in isolation, so yesterday I went out and bou...ght myself some equipment to set up a home gym and took some time to connect with old friends and do some personal development work. Today I’m feeling so much better and know now what I need to do to fulfil my values while being ‘trapped’ at home. If you want some help on figuring out your values or how to fulfil them while in isolation send me a DM or leave a comment! Let’s use this time to work on ourselves for ourselves
21.01.2022 One of the most interesting takeaways I’ve had from @mojo_master is that everything you do is either fulfilling your values or driving you back to your values when you’ve gone off track. A year ago I was in a pretty bad place with my mental health and had been for 2 years. The degree I was in involved a lot of drinking and combined with my headspace I was a mess. I was drunk every Thursday- Sunday and depressed every Monday- Wednesday. I have a high value on connections and I... believed that getting drunk would help me make more meaningful connections. What happened though was I would have moments of elation when I was drunk and then extreme depression on the other days when I wasn’t. Once I dropped out and took some time to focus on myself I started to move into a much clearer headspace most of the time without the huge mood swings. I was able to focus more on my values and therefore became more balanced and didn’t need alcohol to make me happy. Now instead of using alcohol to cope with my problems, I use the tools I’ve learnt to see the benefits of the situation, and also train as I know that fulfils my highest value If you feel trapped in the cycle send me a dm or leave a comment and let’s chat about your values and how you can get back on track! #transformationtuesday @ Adelaide, South Australia
16.01.2022 The end of another working week calls for time to reflect on what went well, what could be improved on for next week, and what you’re grateful for. Especially in the current challenging times it’s important to take time to check in with yourself. I had a heap of breakthroughs this week which have given me a heap of things to work on that have been holding me back. Next week I want to be more productive. I know I’m capable of achieving more and need to prioritise things that f...ulfil me and move me closer to my mission. I also want to be more on point with my steps and cardio. I’m grateful for the time spent with friends, family, and mentors. I’m grateful for the gyms being back. I’m grateful for my privilege and the opportunity I have to grow and learn. It’s incredibly powerful to see the world coming together to fight for such an important cause, but remember to take some time for yourself, because you can’t fill others’ cups unless you fill your own first
13.01.2022 Staying one step ahead of yourself! If you want to evolve you can’t keep repeating the same patterns you always have. You can’t just wake up one day and expect to be changed, just because you read a cool post or saw a cool video. You need to make that commitment and actually implement. Standing in the mirror and telling yourself how you want to be is all well and good, but unless you believe and take action on what you’re saying it won’t happen.... First, you need to figure out your goal. You need to be so clear on it, it feels like it’s already happening. What does it look like? What does it feel like in your heart? What does it sound like? Then, you need to ask yourself: who do I need to become to achieve this goal? What habits do I need to develop? How do I need to talk about myself? How do I need to present myself? Now the fun part! You need to get so uncomfortable and start implementing!! You will never feel ready, because you are trying to evolve yourself to the next level. You should be sh*t scared, but also so f*$king inspired. Demand more of yourself and then figure out how the f*$k you’re gonna do it. Diamonds are made under pressure, a seed only sprouts when it is under pressure. Nothing good happens in a comfort zone!!! The other week I went for a job interview that I was not yet qualified for. I had started my studies but hadn’t committed and was much further behind where I planned to be. The interviewers saw the spark in me though, and I was offered the job. I told them I would have my studies completed within 6 weeks, and we are already in the process of signing a contract and I am already going to the trainings provided for the team that work there. Was I sh*t scared going into the interview? Of course!! How did I have any chance of getting a job I wasn’t qualified for when there are sooo many people out there with the qualifications? I wanted to evolve to that next level, so I created the demand, and now I am creating the supply. Are YOU ready to be extraordinary? Let me know in the comments how you’re gonna take action and f*$king do it!
12.01.2022 Are you a duck or an elephant? When a duck paddles across the pond it looks like it is gliding. It looks peaceful, graceful, and calm. In reality, beneath the water the duck’s legs are going like crazy! An elephant, however, is not as smooth when it moves. It sways and takes big steps that makes the earth shake around it. Although it isn’t as fast and doesn’t appear to glide and move seamlessly, it still moves at its own pace and is mesmerising to watch.... When we appear to be completely put together on the outside we are like a duck. We seem to be calm, living our best lives, and have everything going our way to others. In reality, on the inside our thoughts and emotions are going a million miles an hour! When we are true to ourselves, work at our own pace, and put in slow steps towards our overall goal we are like an elephant. Others can see our progress, we can celebrate each of our small wins, and our impact shakes the world around us. We inspire and mesmerise others just by being ourselves and focussing on our own journey. We can pretend to have success and beneath the surface never feel good enough, or we can put in the hard work, overcome our challenges, and feel fulfilled from the journey. Which one would you rather be?
12.01.2022 It’s time to get real. Everyone knows that social media is the highlight reel of everyone’s lives. We choose the best pics, spend hours thinking of the perfect caption, and put on a fake smile when maybe things aren’t so okay. It’s human nature to want to be portrayed as our best selves, but it all comes at a cost. Last week the competition I’ve been working towards for over a year got cancelled and a family member passed away. I tried to hide how I was feeling and put on ...a brave face, but I’ve ended up in a huge slump. I’ve been to the gym twice, eaten like a dickhead, and ignored doing my mindset work. I’ve acted fine to my followers, friends, and family, but deep down I’ve been suppressing how I really feel to keep up my image. I wanted to seem fine so I wasn’t bothering anyone, I wanted to seem fine to make myself look like a better coach, I wanted to seem fine to make it seem true when I say 2020 is the greatest year of my life. The truth is by putting on a facade I’m actually making myself feel more shit. I’m suppressing my feelings, which want to burst out and make me do irrational things. I’m putting myself on a pedestal on the outside which is shoving the real me into a pit. I know for a fact that not everyone is okay as they seem on social media, and I want to be real and honest here so that those suffering in silence know that they aren’t the only ones and that it is totally valid to feel everything you’re feeling. The more you try to hide how you’re feeling, the longer you’re going to feel like this. Acknowledge your emotions, work through them, let out what you need to, and eventually you will be able to move on. 2020 is still the greatest year of my life, but for every high there has to be a low of an equal measure. If you expect to be positive and happy all the time you’re gonna get hit with some shit, but the quicker you learn to deal with that rather than feel sorry for yourself the better off you’re going to be. They tried to bury us, they didn’t know we were seeds
11.01.2022 Are you living out of INSPIRATION or DESPERATION? Something I’ve noticed is whenever I make a post out of inspiration it gets much more engagement and love than posts I make out of desperation. It’s no secret I love everything mindset and personal development, but sometimes the hustle gets to me and I force myself to make posts when I’m not feeling inspired, just to try and keep the consistency. At the end of the day it truly comes down to quality over quantity. When I h...ave a moment of inspiration I always turn it into a post or story to share with you all, and I think my love and passion is shown in that. The same happens when we live out of inspiration. When we live out of inspiration we are running towards something. Something that brings us love, gratitude, wisdom, peace, and fulfilment. Something that fulfils our highest values, and life purpose and mission. When we live out of inspiration we inspire others. When we live out of desperation we are running away from something. Something that we perceive is challenging, difficult, painful, or scary. When we live out of desperation we are constantly seeking the easy way out, we are volatile (experience high highs and low lows), and often end up depressed from chasing a fantasy. What is meant to be, will be. Find what you love, dedicate yourself to it, and live an inspired life. There is no need to be in a rush, just do you, and live a life full of inspiration
11.01.2022 I just went LIVE on my Instagram! Tap the link to watch how I cleared out everything that was holding me back to make room for new growth and experiences!
11.01.2022 When you transform your mind everything else around you transforms I’ve been getting a lot of Snapchat memories lately of me completely off my face. Over the last 2 years April hasn’t been such a great month for me and I’ve used alcohol and other not so great things to cope. I’ve been watching these memories and feeling really sad because it takes me back to that time where I knew I wasn’t okay but didn’t feel like I deserved help. I was severely depressed but appeared happ...y because I didn’t want others to worry about me. I was volatile and would have extreme highs when going out with friends but then extreme lows for the rest of the week when I would beat myself up for all the stupid shit I did when drunk. I was looking for validation in the wrong places which put me in some rough situations. I wanted to suppress the pain and escape reality. I was going to the gym to keep busy so I didn’t have to be alone with my thoughts but my progress completely stalled. I was introduced to personal development and mindset in November last year and since then my world has changed. It felt like the missing ingredient I needed and since then my physical transformation has been insane. When you’re holding on to things mentally you’ll hold on to things physically, and I’ve found after each @mojo_master event I’ve been to my physical progress has sky rocketed and when old memories and emotions come up my progress stalls again. A year ago I was looking for quick fixes, but now I know everything is a process. I am a completely different person to who I was a year ago and I want to keep doing the work, recognising my patterns, and working through my shit to finally find the person I’ve always wanted to be. My smile is more genuine now, I know my purpose in life which gives me drive, and I don’t want to escape reality, I want to embrace the fuck out of it. I am inspired by myself and I want to create an empire of people who are inspired by themselves too. #transformationtuesday
11.01.2022 When we challenge ourselves externally our brain dies down, and when the external goes quiet, our brain speaks up. A lot of people keep themselves super busy all the time and avoid down time, because when you stop being busy, your brain and thoughts become loud. All the emotions you've suppressed, everyone you've "forgiven", and every experience you've tried to forget comes out of hiding. The first few weeks of isolation we were able to keep busy, but now as we get more and m...ore restricted, and the jobs we've been meaning to do for months get done, our external quiets down and our internal takes the stage. When you've suppressed major traumas it can be extremely overwhelming when they come back up and can take you by surprise. This happened to me the other day. I woke up and felt like I was carrying a backpack full of bricks that I could not take off. I tried to continue my day, but ended up having a huge breakdown. This made me realise that I've been using the gym to cope with my shit rather than dealing with it. This can be a really scary time for a lot of people, and is why so many people are turning to alcohol to get through isolation. They are looking for a quick fix and to continue to suppress their shit, rather than dealing with it. Although its scary, this is the time to work through your shit, so you can come out the other side of this with a clear headspace, and do the things you enjoy for enjoyment, rather than just doing them to quiet your brain down. Like this and leave a comment if you want me to do a video on how I'm working through my shit. We can all get through this together and be extraordinary
10.01.2022 Today marks 4 years since I arrived in Peru for what is still the greatest experience in my life so far. The point of the trip was to work with the locals to build a kindergarten for the community When we arrived to the worksite there was nothing but flat ground. Our team worked for 10 days to dig the foundations, fill them with rocks, make mud bricks, and then build it up to window height. If we had just built the structure without first digging the foundations it would’v...e collapsed. I think this is a great analogy for what I’m doing now. As a coach, I help people to dig deep into themselves to discover their purpose in life. We then discover their values, which are the rocks that fill the foundation. These are what make us strong, individual, and determine what makes us fulfilled. We then set small goals, which are the bricks. Working towards the goal is making the brick, and then once completed, it gets put in its place, which slowly builds the structure up. This is our journey in life, and the finished structure is our mission that we are working towards. If you feel lost and want someone to help you to dig deeper to find your true meaning, reach out and let’s do it!
10.01.2022 And we are LIVE! You can now get in contact, read about me and discover how I can help you through my website Go check it out, let me know what you think, and take the leap towards living your extraordinary life by booking a call!
06.01.2022 Do it for you Do it at your own pace Do it to destroy your demons... Do it for self love and respect Do it for the fulfilment of the journey Do it to inspire yourself Do it to be better than yesterday Do it now, don’t wait any longer. Start today, accept you will slip up, but don’t ever give up. #mondaymotivation @ashacoulthard @team.asha
06.01.2022 If you expect every day to be the best day ever you’re fucked. If you do the best with what you’ve got you’ll be fulfilled. Prioritise your values, understand we all have shit days, and clap for your damn self.... Wanna know what I’m talking about?? Head to the rant on my story (I’ll put it in my highlights too). If what I’m saying hits a little deep let me know!! If I can help and inspire ONE person my job here is done
05.01.2022 When the dreamer dies, so dies the dream - @theamityaffliction There’s so much uncertainty in the world at the moment. This is the time when those with excuses collapse and the dreamers and achievers thrive. Yesterday I realised how much this virus actually impacts me and my goals, with the uncertainty of how long this will last and if my show will go ahead. Instead of giving up it motivated the f**k out of me. This isn’t the time to take it easy, this is the time to kn...uckle down and put myself ahead of those doubting themselves and their goals. Dream big, set goals that scare the f**k out of you, and work your ass off until you achieve them. If you want to know what I’m doing to control my emotions and get ahead leave a comment or send me a DM. Let’s rise together
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