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25.01.2022 I don’t recommend using the SCALE as your metric for SUCCESS.. But if you’re going to use it, here’s how I use it with my ladies and what I recommend. One of the biggest obstacles ladies have is the SCALE. Hands down this would be the thing I probably spend the most time on. Freaking scale weight. ... If your scale weight goes up overnight, this could be water / glycogen retention from more salt or carbs the day before, or even a super tough workout the day before. It could be more food in your large intestine due to simply eating a higher volume of food the day before. Maybe you haven’t yet. What it won’t be is FAT. If you’ve seen a 2kg overnight weight spike (which is common) it’s not a 2kg spike of fat. Not only is it almost impossible to gain 2kg of Fat overnight, even if it were, you’d have to be in a HUGE surplus, I’m talking THOUSANDS of calories to gain 2kg of FAT. And I don’t mean one or two thousand. I mean freaking THOUSANDS of calories. Like 15,000 calories. ON TOP of your maintenance calories. Almost all of the weight graphs I look over are fluctuating constantly. Often daily. And this is totally normal. Again this can be due to the above, or it can be hormonal too. Again this is nothing to worry about. If your weight graph looks like a lie detector print out - that’s totally normal. ! This is where we get into the nitty gritty of what to look for If you compare this Monday’s weight to last Monday’s weight, that’s like comparing this Monday’s bank balance compared to last Monday’s. Maybe you get paid monthly or fortnightly, maybe more bills came out this week, maybe you went grocery shopping - the list goes on. What we want to look for is the AVERAGE. All of the above is why I recommend daily weighing. Take each day’s weight, divide it by the number of days in the week or the number of days you weighed. That’s your average for the week. Compare last week's average to this week’s average. I’m not talking about your outfit. If we do see an increase from one week to thee next, don’t have a heart attack. {continued in comments}
25.01.2022 A lot can happen in a short time if it’s SUSTAINABLE. Yes I know - another sustainability post, but this one’s a little different as it’s more about me (don’t worry, it comes back to help you I promise). Only a few short years ago I was just another PT and working on a gym floor. What started as the thing that really grew from my passion for health and fitness, lost it’s shine nearly overnight when my working conditions changed....Continue reading
24.01.2022 The Muesli Bar WORKOUT This is not a joke.. Trust me when I say this is worth reading and considering.. Tell me if this sounds familiar - It’s time to exercise so you spend 10 minutes getting ready, 15 minutes driving there, 45 minutes sweating it out, 5 minutes stretching, 15 minutes driving home, 15 minutes showering & changing.... All so that you can eat 1 muesli bar... 1 hour 30 minutes (give or take) of sweat & tears (hopefully no blood) to burn around the same amount of calories that are in a Peanut Butter & Honey Muesli bar.. Is it worth it? Is it worth all of that just so that you can eat a Muesli Bar? Well what if I told you that you can have your cake (or Muesli Bar) AND eat it too?!!! Ok I am going to blow your mind My current group of ladies in my June Fat Loss Forever Program - 99% are eating 1750 more calories per week than when they started ANNDDDD either without weight gain and some with weight loss! Let’s really unpack and understand that for a second here Just 5 weeks ago quite a lot of these ladies were just like many ladies out there doing their boot camps or cardio class / group training just so they could eat the metaphorical muesli bar. NOW - they are eating nearly a WHOLE EXTRA DAY of food every week. That's a lot of Muesli Bars! Without weight gain (anyone can eat more food - the trick is doing this without the scale trending up) and quite a lot have seen weight loss ANDDDD majority have seen their waist measurement REDUCE. Ready for a crazy statistic? This group has lost a combined 651 CM’s off their waist. AND they’re eating a whole extra day of food. AND they’re all stronger. AND it gets EASIER with every week that passes instead of harder (adaptation) AND we’re only halfway through the program AND the list goes on. SO - are you exercising, or TRAINING? There’s a difference. Are you exercising so that you can eat a Muesli Bar each day and stay the same - or are you TRAINING so that you continually more towards your Fat Loss goal AND eat the Muesli Bar and drink the wine or pizza or whatever brings you JOY? See more
23.01.2022 Here’s 10 of my fav LOW CAL sweet treats SAVE for later + SHARE with your friends. Let’s get some ideas going What are your fav low cal sweet treats?
22.01.2022 Shoulder Lateral Raises - Fix your Form Save for later. Do you look like the chick on the right when you do a lateral raise? If you’re not sure - take a look in the mirror next time because this is one of those TRICKY exercises that you could be performing incorrectly ... Here’s some setup cues; Standing with a dumbbell in each hand at your thighs, soften your knees which means just a slight bend at your knees. Brace your core and perform what I like to call the ugly butt you know how you stand with your butt sticking out to make it look good, do exactly the opposite. So you will tilt your pelvis to a neutral position, so that there is no big arch in your back. Before you begin to slowly lift the dumbbells out to your side - start with soft elbows, not locked straight but instead a slight soft bend (just shy of lock out). Leading with your elbows and your pinkies lift the weights out to your side, and try not to let your wrist come above your elbow at the top of the movement. Stop when you elbow is roughly at shoulder height. Things to remember: Keep your traps relaxed, don’t shrug your shoulders when raising your dumbbells, if you can’t help it your weights may be too heavy. Control the movement, don’t use your bodies momentum to move the weight, if you have to, the weights may be too heavy. The lateral dents are a small muscle and they don’t need big weights to be able to target. You will see far greater improvement in your shoulders if you lift appropriate weight and focus on muscle mind connection. Hands up - who has done this wrong in the past??
22.01.2022 AND... .. When it comes to reducing body fat (note I’m saying reducing fat here and not increasing health or anything else - because these are vastly different) there are a handful of things that matter and SHOULD be prioritised and a handful of things that SHOULDN’T have any of your focus at all. ;... Food choices BEFORE calorie intake, how quick you get your post workout shake in, or which macro split is best Detoxing, Fasting, Low carb diets, high fat diets, or your juice cleanse Supplements, fat burners, magic potion, discount codes Fasted Cardio vs Fed Cardio (honestly, this list could continue well beyond these) ; Calorie deficit - ENERGY IN vs ENERGY OUT. If you’re not in a deficit, you WON’T lose fat. Resistance Training - (otherwise your scale victories could just be muscle loss) Protein - hit your protein target first, let the carbs and fats fall where they fall Sleep and Stress Management - this is totally FREE, you can take action on this TODAY and it will have more impact on your FAT LOSS journey than any supplement in the WORLD! If you focus on the basics combined with CONSISTENCY, you will start to notice positive changes in a sustainable and enjoyable way. If you don’t enjoy the JOURNEY, you may never make it to your DESTINATION. Of course we all want the shortest and easiest way to our destination, and clever marketing can cloud our vision and make us believe what they’re selling will get us there. But if the fat burner thermogenic magic potion worked - I’d probably save all this time spent coaching and just sell that instead. Actually... I probably wouldn’t because #ilovemyjob but you know what I mean.
22.01.2022 Train With Ash is like BUMPER BOWLING In case I have not shouted this from the rooftops enough - I have a brand new program that starts Monday, but is already open & we have 300+ ladies in there. IS THIS GROUP FOR YOU?... I have used the analogy before about this being like having me in your GPS - I think another analogy that will help is the bumper bowling analogy. We took Casey to Timezone last week & they may still be fixing the floor of the bowling alley, but every time he bowled he knocked down pins. And this is like being in Train With Ash. If you’re in Train With Ash, you’ve still got to bowl the ball, but the BUMPERS are up & that’s how I help you. We’ll still be knocking down pins, you’ll be learning along the way the ins & outs of reverse dieting, fat-loss, training, magic spreadsheets & all of that fun stuff - BUT you’ll be learning, understand the WHY behind what you’re doing & by the time we get to the end of the 12 weeks, the BUMPERS will be down & you’ll have all the tools to bowl a STRIKE every single time. If you’re a beginner or scared - PERFECT. Everyone is scared at the start. Change happens outside your comfort zone. If you’re intermediate & hit a plateau - PERFECT. We’ll uncover the reason for the plateau & get you to hit your goal. The workouts are scalable depending on where you are in your journey & there’s at home & in-gym options, I teach you everything you need to know about nutrition & the role this plays in a simple & easy to understand way. THIS IS THE LAST CHANCE TO WORK WITH ME THIS YEAR + BE CLOSER TO YOUR GOAL BY CHRISTMAS. If you are sick of throwing your ball down the alley, missing the pins & not knowing WHY on earth this is happening or how to fix it (this is if you are YO-YOing on & off, losing & gaining the same 5,10+ kg over & over, hit a plateau) - JOIN Train With Ash & I will get you heading towards your goal STRAIGHT AWAY with the bumpers up, & prepare you to take your journey without BUMPERS over the 12 wks & know what to do for the next 12+ yrs. There’s a million excuses NOT to do something. You only need ONE ‘reason’ to take action. Are you going to have an excuse? Or a REASON to take action?
21.01.2022 25% of YOU are totally wasting your time TRAINING! (According to a recent study).. Yep that’s right. A recent study has just shown that a group of 100 people were given a resistance training program and of those people were total NON-RESPONDERS. They got ZERO results with their gym training.... BUT. Don’t quit your gym membership just yet. They left ONE important thing out. They didn’t control nutrition. So that meant the individuals were able to eat and drink as they liked, or normally would, and didn’t have to report what they were eating or how they were eating. Why does this matter? If your diet doesn’t match your training, you can see ZERO results. This is MORE than likely why this study showed the results it did. So why am I going around in circles giving you a heart attack? More than anything this study illustrates how IMPORTANT it is to have your diet and training on point. If not, you could be totally wasting your time. Is that what you want? Yep your dopamine might increase after a workout and give you a short term high - but is that enough? Is that enough of a result for all that hard work? Maybe it is? Personally, for me - that’s a hard NO. Yes I want to feel good, but I want those gains, I want to feel strong, I want to improve. I want to look in the mirror and see that I’ve improved, and see my measurements changing. If that’s you too - here some tips; Choose your training modality based on your goals. If you want to build muscle (or tone) you’ll need to resistance train. Cardio classes will not build muscle - they’ll get your cardiovascular performance up! But muscle growth requires resistance training. Protein. This is the building blocks of muscle. If you’re not consuming enough protein, you’re not creating a suitable environment for muscle protein synthesis (muscle growth). Consistency. It’s not magic - you’ve got to stick with it. So if what you’re doing means you can’t enjoy dinners with family + friends, nights out, wine, pizza, donuts etc - how long can you stick to that for? Do you track your food? How much protein do you eat? Does your training match your goals? Lemme know See more
17.01.2022 The BORING BASICS could be the thing stopping you from achieving your FAT LOSS goal.. We spend so long during our journey searching for the missing piece of the puzzle, when the reality is (if you have a solid strategy) - all you need to do is consistently do the BASICS and you have a super high chance of hitting your goal. There’s an old saying about success leaving clues - and I think it’s super relevant here.... SOO often ladies will join me in one of my programs, start making progress and learn what they need to know to take the wheel and kick me out of the car, and then contact me 2 months later saying the results have stopped.. No problemo - this is super easy to understand where we have veered off track, I just need to see your data since we’ve stopped working together and I’ll help you. I need your average weekly weights (daily weighing) your weekly waist measurements, and how many ’s have you gotten per week? I’ve stopped weighing myself everyday, and haven’t done my waist for a while, and although I am not tracking my food anymore, I am eating in a deficit I am pretty sure Or something along these lines. Keep your foot on the gas. Don’t relax. Keep doing the basics and the results will continue to come. It’s when you ease off that all of a sudden you find yourself in no mans land. This does not have to be forever either. But if you’re in a fat loss phase, or maybe you’re at the pointy end of your reverse diet, or for some ladies this can be through their whole journey - this is where the basics are the MOST important. If you’ve hit your goal, and you want to take some time off tracking, or daily weighing or whatever it is - THAT’S the perfect time to do that. If you’re still headed towards your goal - this is not the time to stop tracking or training. Hit your goal first. Those basics are there for a reason. You 3 each week - keep aiming for those, and yes if life gets in the way here and there and you miss one that’s not the end of the world. But the worst thing for your progress is to stop the basic things that got you progressing in the first place .
15.01.2022 Are you happy with the progress you made so far in 2020? What about just in the last 12 weeks? Did you achieve your FAT LOSS goals? Did you do the work? Did you look for shortcuts? Did you try and find a way to get there without doing the work? Or even worse... Did you do the work, but it was EXACTLY what you did the year before and the year before that - and not move forward?? Time for you to REFLECT and be HONEST with yourself People want the fastest result. The quickest way from point A to point B. And we live in a world where it’s generally possible. We want it and we want it NOW. So when it comes to our health and fitness, it’s no surprise that we want to lean towards the person saying you can have it all at the end of an 8 week challenge, or a fancy new meal plan or diet. It’s not your fault if you didn't achieve your goals so far this year - heck it’s been a pretty wild year. But it is your fault if you don’t achieve them moving forward. Because now you know. If you’re in the same spot now as you were 12 months ago or even 12 weeks ago - don’t beat yourself up. There’s no value in that. But it’s time to BE HONEST with yourself. Let’s start planning for Christmas 2020 and beyond. And you know when the work starts? Yep - it starts NOW. Well not right now.. It actually starts on the 7th September. My FREE 5 Day Fat Loss Forever Challenge kicks off for the 3rd and final time this year and it’s already shaping up to be the BIGGER than last. Come in and join the 4000+ ladies JUST LIKE YOU that are sick of doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different RESULT - that have finally decided to take control, learn WHY what they’re doing isn’t working and UNDERSTAND that it doesn’t have to be as hard as it is now. In fact - it’s going to be EASIER. Click the link in my bio and see what it’s all about.
15.01.2022 ( ) Ok this one comes up a lot and it’s SUPER easy to answer. And along with a lot of the answers I give this one is going to be consistent.. The BEST time to train is.. The time that suits you BEST.... If you prefer to get up first thing and get your day started with a training session - do that. That’s the best time to train. For YOU. Maybe you get up and go straight to work and on the way home you pop into the gym and get it done then. PERFECT! That is the best time to train. For YOU. Or maybe you wait until late at night until you’ve finished dinner, maybe you’ve put the kids to bed and that’s the only time you can make it work. Guess what? That’s the best time to train. For YOU. AND THEN there’s a chance you’re like me??? My training time changes depending on the day, month, time of year. Whether it’s school holidays, whether I am on holidays, whether my husband is training with me. And that’s the best time to train FOR ME. Consistency will get you more results than almost anything else. So whatever time of the day, or night you can get to the gym CONSISTENTLY. That’s the best time to train. A lot of people find that routine helps with adherence - so if that means sticking with the same training time year round, that’s perfect - for YOU. If you can be consistent by training early some days and late others - again that’s perfect too. What’s more important than the TIME of day that you train? Well actually heaps. But in this instance; Progressive Overload Periodisation (transitioning through phases) Consistency Training program suited to YOU and your goals SO - when do you train? Are you a morning trainer? Midday? Lunch break maybe? After work or late at night? What works best for you? What brings you the most JOY?
14.01.2022 5-Day Fat Loss FOREVER Challenge Here’s why the FOREVER part is in capital letters In case you don’t know - I run 3 challenges each year. They are 5-day educational based & interactive based sessions & they are FREE!... Will you lose weight in the 5-day challenge? NO. Should you? NO. Why? If you want to lose as much weight as you can in 5 days, simply don’t eat for 5 days. Ok please don’t actually do that - yes there are people that fast for days straight safely, & if you want to consider this please consult an expert in this field as you can DIE from fasting (unsafely). Instead, the message that gets sent during these 5-days is simple & it’s consistent. Rather than searching for the fastest way to lose weight, which >95% of the time leads to failure & then either returning to the previous weight or even worse - gaining weight due to Fat Cell Hypoplasia. I spend the 5 days EDUCATING ladies that have tried the FAD diets, lost & regained the same 5 or 10 (or more) Kg’s again over & over & are left CONFUSED + thinking it’s their fault for not being able to eat 1000 cals a day & do endless cardio classes just to maintain where they’re at. We break all the myths, like good foods vs bad foods, meal timing, macro breakdown, what you actually get from sweat sesh cardio classes, protein shakes within 30 mins of training (the 30 mins after training should be spent getting the best gym selfie you can - FULL STOP). And heaps more including last time the Potato Diet (yes this is a thing). There’s 5000+ ladies in there, lots returning for their 2nd &3rd time, each time picking up more valuable info to help them with their journey. There’s no tricks or tactics. It’s all FREE. And it doesn’t all lead up to a giant recruiting speech at the end. Yes it does lead into my 12 wk program for those that want to continue their journey with me - but out of the 1000’s of ladies in there I only have room for ~100. So trust me when I say there’s no catches & no pressure. So if you’re confused. If you want to know how to finally hit your Fat Loss goal using EVIDENCE based methods, or even if you don’t & you’re just intrigued - join me NOW link in bio.
14.01.2022 Before I was known as a FAT LOSS guru through my current Fat Loss Forever Method - I was known as the Meal Plan girl . At the time I thought I was helping! People didn’t understand nutrition or macros or how to make healthy food taste great - but I did. One thing led to another and I guess I kind of fell into designing meal plans for people. I even released a recipe book of sorts..... But I stopped. And it’s hard to say no - because people REALLY think this is what they need. But it’s not. Selling a meal plan is not helping you. And I know this because time and time again, the people I made meal plans for would FALL OFF THE WAGON. Sure, they’d have short term success while they followed the plan. But sooner or later they would stop following it. For 100 different reasons but mainly because you cannot eat the same 6 meals everyday for the rest of your life. People just do not stick to meal plans. Now, while I understand (hopefully now you too) that meal plans aren’t teaching you a whole lot, I know it’s helpful to visualise what a certain amount of calories looks like, how you could easily incorporate more protein and how that might look spread over an entire day, with a little bit of soul food included too So this is what 1800 calories of food (that I like) looks like. No this isn’t a magic thermogenic fat loss meal plan promising to help you speed up your metabolism and burn more calories. Unfortunately these diet plans don’t exist. So if magic thermogenic fat loss plans doesn’t exist, and meal plans aren’t your most sustainable long term approach - what is? Education. Give a man (or woman ) a fish and they’ll eat for a day - teach a man (or woman) to fish and they’ll eat FOREVER. I teach my girls everything they need to know to successfully LOSE FAT + keep it off forever. Still enjoying nights out, birthdays, holidays and all the things that usually SABOTAGE your journey! I’d love to know what your preference is. Do you know and understand how many calories you should be eating? Do you understand the value of food? OR are you a stickler for meal plans and have never really learnt how to create your own? See more
14.01.2022 REVERSE DIETING If you’re sick of eating low calorie diets, this POST is for you! This is a method used to increase your metabolic rate & TDEE. In simple terms, your TDEE is the total number of calories your body burns each day.... If you’re eating 1000-1500 calories a day, and eating any more than this causes you to gain weight - REVERSE DIETING is very likely the BEST thing for you. This strategy came from competitors that would diet down for a comp - then when trying to go back to eating how they did before their cut, if they went straight to their previous intake, they would gain fat (and likely new FAT CELLS). BUT you don't have to be a competitor for this to impact you. The exact same thing would happen if you’d dieted down during an 8 wk challenge, or maybe for summer - basically any time you’ve restricted hardcore and then want to return to pre-diet calories. Or if you’ve been doing back to back challenges and sick of eating bird food day in day out, without gaining weight. I’ve used this method to go from 1300 to 2500+. Multiple times. And i use it with >90% of my clients. So how’s it work? Basically you increase your calories each day / week by such a small amount that your body won't use this slight increase as a surplus and store fat. Usually 1-10% per week depending on your fat gain tolerance. What’s the point? The point of a reverse diet is to increase your metabolic rate or TDEE, while limiting fat gain, stop restrict and binge antics and be able to enjoy #foodfreedom while ultimately increasing the chances of losing fat successfully due to the increase in your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) Most people don't realise that not only is this their best option, for a lot of ladies this it the ONLY option. If you’re eating 35 calories per kg of lean body mass or less - for most chronic dieters you’re on roughly 1000-1300 cals a day and you want to lose 10kg’s of body fat, if you stay on the same road your on, it would take close to 6+ months and you’d end up eating roughly 200 calories or less per day. That’s. Not. Possible. {continued in comments}
11.01.2022 Yes I know that sounds a little ‘salesy’ coming from a coach - but hear me out.. We used to live in a time where information was so hard to come by. Are you old enough to remember encyclopedia britannica? Haha. Showing my age! We had the collection when I was growing up and that’s how I did my assignments.... If only we had a way to access all of that information easier? Fast forward and now it seems like there’s TOO MUCH information! Has anyone ever felt like that? Starvation mode, protein within 30 mins of training, marco splits, good foods vs bad foods. They’re all fads and not actually real. But I bet you’ve heard of most of them! When you google them it’s hard to tell whether they’re legit or if they’re total BS. Because now we’re INUNDATED with so much info that regardless of the FACTS - if you have a platform, you have a voice! So was it easier or harder to find the TRUTH back in the encyclopedia days or today? That’s debatable - but what’s clear is EVERYONE that has a specific health or fitness goal will benefit SIGNIFICANTLY by having an expert in their corner.. Being able to reach out at anytime and double check you’re on the right path and that you're progressing as you should be! Rather than hitting a speed hump and deciding not to eat today as the scale made you sad. I am in week 9 with my current 12 week program. And already these girls know more than 99% of PT’s out there. How do I know this? Last week a question was asked in my free 5-day challenge group. And I knew the answer - BUT instead of answering the question, I asked my girls to give their opinion. To say I was blown away in an understatement. These girls are mini-freaking EXPERTS! Already! I was so impressed that I just screen-shot their answers and popped them directly into the post. SO - if you’re not 100% sure that you are progressing, or have questions about your food or need someone to look over your data each week and make tweaks along the way - HIRE A COACH. That’s what I did.. I wasn’t born knowing what I know. Is it expensive? Hopefully yes. That might mean you’ve got a good one. Continued in comments
10.01.2022 Does your approach to health and fitness resemble a light switch? Either ON or OFF? It works though, right? Just like a light switch. You flick it on, there’s light. Flick it off, it’s dark. Simple. Well maybe not Restriction or extremes often lead to the opposite. Restrict hardcore for an 8 week challenge or new diet (light goes on) - then when you finish your challenge, or get sooo sick or restriction you go absolutely BANANAS (the light goes off). ... Why though? Because it works! Right? Well it might not work as well as you think. Plus there could be a better way. And easier way. A less RESTRICTED way. If you’re eating 1200 calories when you’re dieting. Then 3000 when you’re not. Why not just eat 2000 all the time? If we averaged out your year, that’s probably what you’d be eating anyways.. On 1200 calories there’s no room for chips, or M&M’s, or Pizza, or anything!! But on 2000 you can get enough protein for the day AND STILL have room for treats. Enter the DIMMER approach. Instead of forcing yourself to eat ‘good’ or ‘healthy’ foods to move towards your goal, try a SUSTAINABLE approach that allows you to go out for dinner, go to parties and enjoy your life while still moving toward your goal. There’s times when the dimmer switch will be dialled right up to 10 (like the Australia Day long weekend ) and there will be times it’s dialled down to 1. But most of the time it will be somewhere in the middle, without restriction, or binging, or poor food relationships. There’s a reason 95% of diets fail, and I can sum it up for you right here.. Don’t eat any junk. What do you feel like?? ?? If something makes you feel sick or unwell - probs don’t eat it. But if you enjoy a glass of wine after dinner, fit it in your macros, hit your protein and you’ll move closer to your goal and FASTER than the alternate approach.
08.01.2022 Here’s why you SHOULD be eating DONUTS Let’s talk about self sabotage. If I tell you that you CAN’T have something - what’s your immediate reaction? You want it. You have to have it. The second you start some fancy new diet, you’re restricted from having the tasty snacks you crave. You can avoid them the first day, maybe the second and maybe the third. But for most women, sooner or later you can’t help yourself.... And how do you feel after? Usually terrible. So you eat some more. Sound familiar? The solution? Eat Donuts. Or cake, or cookies, or chocolate or whatever it is that you’re craving. BUT. INCLUDE it in your daily caloric intake. If possible - plan ahead for it. Here’s an example. Your TDEE is 1800 calories per day (if it’s lower than this, check out some of my YouTube vids on increasing your TDEE while losing FAT) and you want a DONUT. There’s around 500 calories in a donut. That leaves 1300 calories for the day. 1300 calories is equivalent to; Breakfast - yoghurt, protein powder & peanut butter Snack - protein shake & 250g Pineapple Lunch - Chicken and Roast Vege with Avo AND sweet potato Dinner - Spaghetti bol with PASTA Incredible, right? This is referred to IIFYM. And there’s wide speculation around whether this method is the BEST strategy, and while I agree it’s NOT the best strategy, it is certainly better than eating your 1800 calories for the day and SELF SABOTAGING by then eating the donut. If you’re on less than 1800 - take out the 250g pineapple, take out the sweet potato and swap the PASTA for zoodles. Voila - that’s 1400 calories for the day INCLUDING THE DONUT! How do you eat an ELEPHANT? One bite at a time. How do we get you to a totally clean nutrition plan? The same way. But it’s small steps, but before you know it you won't want the donut. You won't want the Pizza. You won't want the Chocolate - and if you do, you’ll know how to make it work..
06.01.2022 Are you a SERIAL YO-YO Dieter??? How long have you spent losing and then re-gaining the same 5kg’s? Or maybe it was 10kg’s? Food’s the problem though, right? You just can’t stick to your diet.... What if it isn’t.??? What if there’s more to it? If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll continue to get what you’ve always gotten. So STOP doing the same thing over and over and blaming your diet or your genes or your hormones or YOURSELF! 1 thing you NEED TO know. Adherence is KEY Before ANYTHING else! If you loath food prepping and you’re required to meal prep, or if you start Keto but love carbs - how long do you think it will last? If you follow a meal plan and you’re going on holidays - it’s going to be pretty damn hard to follow that meal plan while you’re away. You get the point. If you’re setting yourself up for FAILURE - guess where you’re headed? The easier and more effortless and enjoyable it is, the more likely you are to ADHERE to it. Then watch your results EXPLODE. Results come from consistent ADHERENCE. Intermittent fasting, Keto, Paleo, Zone Diet, Low Carb, Banana diet, Vegan, drinking ACV or Collagen Fat Burners + the other gazillion diets and supplements. None of them are SUPERIOR when total calories are EQUAL. So tell me how would you like to EAT? What would your dream way of eating be? But seriously, tell me? Focus on this FIRST - nail this FIRST. Then work out how many calories you need to consume for your goals - everyone’s TDEE will be different, so don’t base your intake off a generic diet or deficit. If you’re still confused, or even if you’re not - come and join the 4500+ ladies that have already signed up for my FREE 5 day Fat Loss Forever Challenge. That’s right - I will be teaching FOUR & A HALF THOUSAND PEOPLE JUST LIKE YOU how to do this, but also educating you on how to finally put the yo-yo dieting to bed, and we’ll deep dive into all things metabolism, training for your specific goals and LOAD more. Register to join the FREE 5 day training - Link in Bio. See more
06.01.2022 I think that if the only form of measuring progress is directly related to the number on the scales, then you’re in for a bumpy ride - and here’s why.. Hormones. Food. Water. Stress. Training. Sleep. Dehydration. Intolerances. . If you have / do / experience / consume any of these - then your scale weight is going to be unreliable .... Now that doesn’t mean we don’t track it and use that data. We do! And it makes up a piece of the puzzle - but using it as the whole puzzle is like eating 500g of plain flour and wondering why your cake tastes like . There’s a heap of ingredients in this recipe - let’s add them all together and then see how the cake turns out!! Measurements Scale Weight Progress Photos Strength Food Intake Joy If your weight has been stable for 3 weeks, but you’re eating 1000 more calories per week, your strength has increased, your measurements are down and you are HAPPY - then I would say that you’re on a successful journey. The scale simply won’t tell you anything about your current body composition, in fact it’s possible to look worse, feel worse and weigh less. On the other hand if you’re resistance training & eating high protein, it’s possible for you to weigh the same (or more) & have smaller measurements AND feel incredible too, which indicates fat loss + muscle growth. Plucking just the scale weight out of that list and making decisions about your journey or changes to your journey, could = that bumpy ride we spoke about at the start.. This is a marathon not a sprint. If it took you 10 years to gain, don’t look to lose it in 2 weeks. Here’s a ‘tangible’ tip. What is your GOAL? If your only goal is scale related - add something else in there too. Maybe a strength goal? Comment below - WHAT IS YOUR GOAL? See more
05.01.2022 An easy approach to nutrition and training When things are made simple for us & we ENJOY them... all of a sudden in a world of chaos and stress, we experience a simple and relaxed approach to life. So how do we adapt this outlook or strategy to our own health and fitness journey? And would it work?... Yes. It would work. And it’s currently working for my clients. Here’s how... The below is a list of requirements for my ladies to complete each week; Hit your daily protein goal Don’t go over your weekly calorie budget Train 3-4 days per week with progressive overload That’s it. That’s the list of things you need to do each week to achieve your health & fitness goal. Does that sound easy, simple & minimalistic? It is! You don’t need a complex strategy with crazy exercises & the latest fad diet to be able to achieve your goals. The basics work. Generally 100 X better than the latest & greatest diet & training programs, that are more than likely designed to be marketed to people that don’t know better simply for profit. And it’s not your fault.. The model with the flawless 6 pack & incredible booty that’s dieted down for 20 weeks & been paid to advertise this program makes us ALL want what they’re selling. But how many of these diets or programs or challenges have you jumped from & to? Majority of the ladies I work with have been through the grinder of multiple programs, only to be either back where they started or worse off. Losing & regaining the same 10kg’s over & over. Will this minimalistic approach work for everyone? Yes it will. We’re all different, so the ‘behind the scenes’ strategy around how much protein, how many calories, should we be reverse dieting, when should we use a diet break, or a re-feed week, blah blah - that might be different. But the way this is all communicated, delivered & monitored is the same. Simple. Easy. Sustainable. Take the complexities out of your strategy, & watch your progress SKYROCKET! Oh - and you should be eating pizza donuts and icecream But that’s for another post!! See more
05.01.2022 I don’t want to MAINTAIN - So why do MAINTENANCE calories matter? During my 5-day challenge I talk a lot about your maintenance calories or your TDEE. And a question I get a lot is: Why would I want to know my maintenance calories? I don’t want to maintain! I want to lose weight!... And that’s a great question! Let me just say this - there’s a high chance that previous diets may have failed BECAUSE you don’t know your maintenance calories Selecting a fat loss strategy without considering your current maintenance position is no different to the DR prescribing you medication without asking what’s wrong! Quick example - if you’re maintaining your current weight & physique on 3000 cals a day, & your goal is fat loss, the simple strategy is to enter a calorie deficit. And that’s very sustainable. However if you’re maintaining on say 1500 cals & you want to lose weight - it’s going to be really hard to enter a sustainable weight loss phase. You could cut down to 1200 or 1000 cals a day - but we all know what happens when the motivation wears off & the weight loss stops . So rather than choosing your strategy based on something that may be totally wrong for you & where you’re personally at - take a step back, see what your body is doing (this is only 14 days of tracking) & then look at what the data says & design your strategy from there! How do you get your TDEE? There’s online calculators & they can be unreliable. Not because they’re poorly designed, but they simply wouldn’t be able to account for everyone’s individual genetics, journey, dieting history, muscle mass etc. They’re a good place to start if that’s all you have - but here’s a better place to start! Join my FREE 5-day Challenge that’s starting 7th Sept, & you will get a TDEE calculator that’s designed by me & allows you to enter your exact data into & will automatically give you your personalised TDEE :) Then - you know what your body is doing, & will be able to design your fat loss strategy PERFECTLY suited to you! You could even join my new Train With Ash group where I give you the automated spreadsheet that will map out your journey for you to!? Link to my 5-day Challenge in bio!
03.01.2022 This is 33 What a freaken journey the last 33 years have been. I used to say if only I knew what I know now 10 years ago, imagine how far ahead I’d be... Right now I take it ALL back - every single road I’ve taken, has lead me right HERE, and I think that’s pretty cool. We’re quick to wish for time to fly because we’re excited to arrive at a destination in the future. We’re quick to be sad and even angry for moments that are now in our past. We’re even quick to do things that we don’t enjoy to do. But living in the past or the future not only steals your joy today, but it also robs you of truly living. The only important moment is the present moment. TODAY! After all the life lessons both messy, and truly amazing, this is by far THE biggest lesson. This is what I TRULY live for, and hopefully what you’ve learnt from me if you’ve been around here long enough to get to know me. Maybe you’ve never even stopped long enough to think about it, but pause for a sec while you’re reading this Is what you’re doing today (friends, family, work, diet, lifestyle, exercise) adding or taking away from your quality of life? Life is allowed to be messy, scary, a little uncomfortable and unknown at times, while somehow being pretty damn amazing. And incase you forgot - we aren’t guaranteed tomorrow. So why not start living your BEST life today!!! Cheers to 33 See more
01.01.2022 NEW BLOG POST IS LIVE >> Tips For Body Confidence and Overcoming Fitness Obsession << Enjoy xx
01.01.2022 I am STRUGGLING to eat this much FOOD!!!! Swipe for Calorie Swaps and SAVE for later You now what’s surprising? How often this question or issue comes up during my programs. And can I just say - what a FREAKING GREAT problem to have!! Believe it or not it can be quite common that once you get your calories up nice and high, maybe before a fat loss phase, that there can be times that you struggle to fit your calories in..... SO - the above slide will serve two purposes! If you fall in the camp that is struggling to get enough food in, try swapping from left to right! If you’re eating low cals or maybe you’re in a fat loss phase and want to cry cause you’re hungry, try swapping from right to left! Which camp are you currently in?
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