Ash Linahan Music Lessons Traralgon in Traralgon, Victoria | Art school
Ash Linahan Music Lessons Traralgon
Locality: Traralgon, Victoria
Phone: +61 431 486 667
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24.01.2022 Ahh that practice anxiety
23.01.2022 Was watching Supernatural and realized that I had a big Kansas shaped hole in my riff repertoire... so I fixed that :p
22.01.2022 Just one last reminder that there are no lessons today as I am away for the day! Lessons will be running as normal for the public holiday tomorrow. If my Tuesday students could please let me know asap if they cannot make it tomorrow Id appreciate it :)
22.01.2022 Well the world has gotten alot crazier in the last few days. With the closure of Victorian schools and in accordance with the new state wide restrictions on non-essential businesses unfortunately I will be unable to conduct lessons until further notice. This is totally unprecedented but it is what it is. All students who have paid for entire term will be credited this last week once Im able to resume lessons. ... This is going to be rough for alot of small businesses and casual workers out there so everybody be safe, stay calm and well all ride out this insanity together. Were all stressed about our incomes, rent, mortgage etc. Keep your cool, be patient and kind to each other. As soon as I can conduct lessons again I will immediately contact everybody. If were all gonna be stuck inside for weeks, I expect everyone to be practicing ALOT until then. Just sayin :p
22.01.2022 Wow... to paraphrase one of the comments on this video... this mans hands work so independently from each other they file seperate tax returns. This would be so insanely difficult to play.
21.01.2022 Bout time one of these lists got it right! Mark Tremonti is a freakin legend!
21.01.2022 These are all very good points.
20.01.2022 Trying out some new practice exercises in preparation for normal lessons resuming in Term 3. Cant wait to torture... err I mean educate... everyone with these :p (Even my hand is hurting a little tbh)
20.01.2022 I could listen to this all day. I need other people to appreciate this!
19.01.2022 Working on my Term 1 timetable with the help of my trusty assistant here Ill message everyone to confirm spots today :)
18.01.2022 Last night I rediscovered the band Staind who I absolutely loved as a teenager and had all but forgotten about. Just started noodling out the intro to one of their songs called Its Been Awhile. Very rusty so far but Ill get it. Im trying to use this lockdown time to practice alot more. The most common excuse for anyone not practicing (myself included) is "I dont have the time" Well... most of us have plenty of time right now!... Some key things to remember with practice: 1. Repetition. Most people get a piece to about stage Im playing at in this video and lose their drive. That means youve roughly got it but its sloppy and youll probably mess it up if you tried to repeat it more than a couple of times. This is not the time to stop practicing something. Not even close. You keep at it until you could play it in your sleep. 2. Focus. Take it in little bite sized bits. Just practice a single phrase or section until you have it. If theres a particular bit thats troubling you then just focus on that. If you find you need to pause when changing sections of the song then practice that transition. Dont be aimless in your practice. Practice what needs to be practiced. 3. Reference the original. Constantly listen back to the song youre learning to make sure youre phrasing every little bit right. Are you holding that note too long? Is there something between those two chords youre missing? When we practice something we hear our version WAY more than the original so if our version is off itll start to sound right anyway. Which will become a very big issue in step 4... 4. Play along with the song. Once you can play it at speed, try to play along with it. Use your ears very critically and make sure youre actually playing every note and chord at the same time as the original. If it doesnt feel like youre playing with the song, youre not. Figure out whats off and practice it until you can. Stay sane everyone!
18.01.2022 I love this man
17.01.2022 The little green man speaks much wisdom! #juststart
16.01.2022 Another year done! Congratulations to all my students on another great term. Extra special congratulations to Mackenzie, Ryan and Annalyse for being this terms MVPs. Your prizes will be waiting for you guys here at the start of next term :) Term 1 will commence end of Jan 2020. I will touch base with all students and parents prior to that and confirm my timetable. Currently I only have a couple of spare spots so as usual I would appreciate if anyone NOT intending to return in 2020 could let me know ASAP so I dont hold your spot unnecessarily. Thanks guys and have an awesome Christmas and New Years :) see you all next decade ;)
16.01.2022 Go see Brian and Edelle in Newborough for any last minute Fathers Day presents. Theyre good eggs and theyll look after you :) Plenty of music and sporting goodies to keep him happy. #supportlocal
15.01.2022 This year is just flying by scary fast! Next week is the last week of Term 3. Keep up the good work everyone! I only currently have about 4 or 5 free spots available for Term 4 so inbox me for any enquiries or to secure your spot. As usual I would really appreciate it if anyone is NOT intending to return in Term 4 that you inform me ASAP so Im not holding a spot unnecessarily. That would be a big help to me :)
13.01.2022 The Victorian restrictions are easing and hopefully this is permanent depending on the success of the next few weeks. Fingers crossed! All being well I will resume regular lessons as of the start of Term 3 (mid July) but I will confirm that closer to the date. In the meantime I am still offering limited Skype lessons for students who are interested in doing so. Anyone with any questions feel free to shoot me a message. Stay safe out there!
13.01.2022 Heath here is such an awesome student to teach and a rockstar in the making! Always comes in with a happy attitude and takes so much pride in his Uke playing. This is a little jam we had in his lesson earlier that I just had to share :)
11.01.2022 Just a quick note to everyone. Next Monday (4th Nov) I will be away so there are no lessons that day. Everyone that has paid for the term will be credited a lesson and Ill either give an extra lesson or discount your next lot of term fees. Thank you for your understanding :) Also lessons will be running as normal on Melbourne Cup day (Tues Nov 5th) but if anyone is unable to attend just let me know prior to the day :) Much appreciated!
11.01.2022 Well school holidays have officially begun! Ive finally added up everyones points for Term 3 and I wanna congratulate Alahni, Axel and Mackenzie on being the MVPs for the term. There will be much chocolatey goodness here waiting for you :) Big congratulations to all my other students. I had a few others that were only just behind them by a point or two. Points are given out for practicing regularly and having a good positive attitude in lessons :) remember I cant award points if they dont attend a lesson so try to keep missed lessons to a minimum. Consistency is important! Just on that subject and a slightly more serious note, I would just quickly like to ask that if a student (adult or child) cannot attend a lesson or will be running late, that you just send me a message letting me know. I would really appreciate that :) Term 4 commences 7th October. All students will keep their same day and time unless otherwise discussed with me. Ill message everyone a couple of days prior to remind and confirm everything :) I still have 2 or 3 spots left to fill on Monday and Tuesdays. Message me any inquiries and secure your spot in Term 4 :) see everyone in a couple of weeks :) -Ash
11.01.2022 Go get some cheap music gear before were all sent to our rooms! :p
09.01.2022 Proof you dont have to swear to be cool. Stay in school kids :p (or at the very least watch this badass jazz cover of Killing in the Name)
09.01.2022 Gift Vouchers available now. Its the perfect Christmas present for the aspiring guitarist in your life. Give the gift of playing more than just Smoke on the Water :p Inbox me for details :)
07.01.2022 Another term done and dusted! (This year is going crazy fast!) Thanks to all my students for their efforts this term. Extra congratulations to Campbell, Lacey and Alahni who were my MVP students this term and will have a chocolate-like prize waiting for them in Term 3 (Spoiler alert... its chocolates). Hope everyone has a good couple of weeks off and Ill see everyone from the 15th of July for Term 3. Days and times will be the same next term unless we have discussed otherw...ise and Ill send out reminders to everyone as usual a couple of days prior. PS. Ive confirmed with most people that theyre returning but I do have a waiting list for new students at the moment so anyone not intending to come back I would appreciate you letting me know ASAP so Im not saving a spot unnecessarily :)
07.01.2022 Face to face lessons will be resuming in a few weeks for Term 3 so hopefully everyone has been using their isolation time to practice! Here are TWO really simple techniques you can use to make your practice MUCH more effective. 1. DONT PERFORM Remember that practice is NOT performing. What does that mean? When you PERFORM a song you play from the very start to the very end ONCE. Alot of people try to PRACTICE this way and its very ineffective. If there is a phrase, or coupl...e of bars that you find challenging then thats what you should be playing during practice. Dont waste huge amounts of energy playing through the intro when you can already do it and then stumble at the same trouble spots later in the song. Repeat those trouble spots over and over until you have them at the same level as everything else in the song. THEN practice the song as a whole from the start to increase your confidence in performing it. 2. BACK IT UP! Focus on your TRANSITIONS between parts as much as the parts themselves. Most people can get individual parts/melodies/riffs/progressions but struggle to play the song as a whole. Theyll play the intro riff and then fumble and pause before moving to the verse riff. So they stop and play the verse riff a few times to improve it which is fine but if you practice from the riff and not just before it, youre not practicing the TRANSITION at all and that is almost always the hardest part. Practice your parts by starting a bar or two before them and youll include your transition in your practice. Songs are made up of parts but when you perform you dont wanna hear where those parts join together. You just want it to flow. You achieve that by focusing on moving from one part to another as much as focusing on the parts individually. Hope that helps :)
05.01.2022 Couldnt not share this. Its too awesome
05.01.2022 Just a bit of a general request to all students and parents... if you are unable to attend a lesson or are running late, I would really appreciate just a quick courtesy message to let me know. Also please be aware that if you are significantly late I cant always make up the time especially if I have a student immediately after you. I will always try to but sometimes its just not possible or fair to my other students. Thanks in advance :)
04.01.2022 This video perfectly demonstrates something Im constantly harping on about lol... forget having the fanciest gear or the playing the jazziest chords. Develop your rhythm and then worry about the rest. Everything else is just noise if your timing isnt upto scratch. Watch this and tell me you didnt watch the bucket drummer the entire time. He had no fancy kit. His buckets on their own didnt sound like anything but sticks hitting buckets. All he had was his amazingly well p...racticed sense of rhythm and he is 400000% the best thing about this performance. If you are just picking up an instrument (ANY instrument) for the first time always focus on timing first and foremost. Not speed but timing. Real speed (not messy speed) comes with confidence with your timing and timing requires conscious focus. Play slow and evenly til you nail the timing. Not just sorta got it, but NAIL it.
04.01.2022 This freakin guy... maybe I should learn trumpet or something Seriously though this is incredible
04.01.2022 Greetings everybody! Just a little note with all the Coronavirus craziness going on, I would just ask that people exercise good judgement. If you or your children are showing any kind of flu like symptoms then please do not attend your lessons until the symptoms resolve. Just stay home and rest. Above all though, stay calm and dont lose your minds like most people seem to be lately. I will be following the lead of the Victorian Department of Education and will continue to ru...n lessons as long as the schools remain open. If that changes (or if I happen to get sick) I will contact all students directly and inform them. There are only 2 weeks left of term as is. There has been talk of extending these upcoming school holidays in response to whats going on. If that happens I will follow suit and run lessons in conjunction with school terms whatever they end up being. Again, I will be in contact with everyone directly if this happens. Until then, lessons will run as normal but please stay home if youre sick. Lets get through all this with level heads :)
04.01.2022 I feel personally attacked :p
03.01.2022 Tips of what NOT to do when practicing: -Stop and restart every time you hit a bum note. Youll end up practicing the first half of a riff or song SO much than the back half. Just keep going. -Play a riff through once and then stop and scratch your head. Repetition! Listen to any famous riff (Sweet Child O Mine, Back in Black etc) and listen to how many times it gets repeated IN TIME. Practice repeating it cos sometimes neatly repeating a riff or melody is actually the hardes...t part of playing it. -Set your standards too low. If you have attempted to play it 20 times and got it right maybe twice dont move on yet. When youre 20 for 20 then move on. -Stop because it doesnt sound good. I hear this all the time and its such an unnecessary hurdle because anytime you start something new its gonna sound not good. You dont know how to play it yet. You got 100 bad sounding play throughs to get through before you get to a good one. Its just part of the process and its perfectly normal. Give yourself permission to suck at it for a while cos its the only way youre gonna get good at it. -Make excuses. Anyone can make excuses not to pick up their instrument and play it each day. Theres nothing productive about excuses. Thats not to say that you shouldnt forgive yourself if you miss a practice here or there. But if its day after day then you really gotta address it. Goto bed half an hour later. Skip a half hour of mindless Netflix. You can always find time! You can do it! Even if you cant do it YET. Keep at it.
02.01.2022 Hey guys! So in compliance with the COVID-19 restrictions in place I will not be conducting regular face to face lessons for Term 2. Hopefully these restrictions will be lifted sooner rather than later and lessons (and life) can resume by Term 3 but well all just have to be patient and see what the future brings. The obvious solution for me was to turn to online lessons via Skype but Ill admit I was reluctant as Ive found online lessons a bit problematic in the past. Never...theless I have had a few students express interest in continuing their lessons with me via Skype and so Ive decided to try operating via Skype for a limited number of my students on a trial basis and go from there. I would like to ensure I can maintain the quality of my lessons before I commit to it 100%. Everyone that has already expressed an interest will be included and Ill be in contact with you in the next couple of days and set it up :) anyone else that is interested in Skype lessons send me a message and well discuss if it could be a viable option for you or your child :)
01.01.2022 If youve ever seen the The Axis of Awesome video for their song 4 Chords youve probably been blown away by how they mashed SO many huge songs over the top of the same 4 chords (they barely scratched the surface of songs that follow this pattern FYI) is the link for the song if you have never seen it or need a refresher in its awesomeness. **Language warning towards end of the video**... At the start of the video youll see I V VI IV or (in non Roman numerals), 1, 5, 6 and 4. That is the pop chord progression they are utilizing. What the actual chords are will change depending on the key youre playing in. Every key has different chords that occupy the 1st spot, 5th spot etc. More experienced players will already know this stuff but if you are just starting to strum a few chords the picture below will be very useful to you. With it you can learn hundreds of songs with just a couple of chord progressions as it gives you that pop chord progression as it is in 3 different but very common keys. If you havent already started seeing these progressions everywhere (depending on your taste in music) you probably will soon. Side note: Another common chord progression can be achieved by leaving that 6th chord out. For example the key of D progression becomes D A G which can be found in songs like Bad Moon Rising by CCR or Betterman by Pearl Jam. Making these same old progressions more interesting and individual sounding with different playing styles or melodies on top of them is a discussion for a whole other post but for the time being have a play with these progressions and see what classic songs your brain starts singing along to :p
01.01.2022 Hey guys! We have moved to Lafayette St Traralgon. I believe I have messaged all students with the new address and information theyll need. If you havent received a message from me please get in touch before your next lesson :)
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