Ashtanga Yoga Newcastle in Newcastle, New South Wales | Alternative & holistic health service
Ashtanga Yoga Newcastle
Locality: Newcastle, New South Wales
Phone: +61 434 246 874
Address: Level 2, 372 King St 2300 Newcastle, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 new time slot starting tomorrow you can now come along to mid-morning Mysore style - on Wednesday’s at 9:30am how luxurious. See you there !
25.01.2022 Come along for led class and show yourself some love this week! 6pm Monday’s and Wednesday’s with Ingrid and Jac
24.01.2022 A new timeslot! On Wednesdays, we have a new mid-morning opportunity to try Mysore style. This one is great for shift workers, parents or anyone else who can't make our early morning or evening times! Come along tomorrow
23.01.2022 Come check out our newest friend! This amazing mural now adorns one of our blank walls and welcomes you with transcendent aspirations as you enter our space Come and see! Half led primary 6pm Monday with Ingrid, Led class 5:45 Wed with Josh
22.01.2022 Nothing better than a mid-week Mysore- style session to leave you feeling more yourself for the holidays.
22.01.2022 Many people don't know what to expect when they first show up to a Mysore-style session. So here's a sneak peak of what it looks like! As you can see, the students in this class practice their own sequence at their own pace. Every student has been taught one on one, and has co-designed with the teacher a sequence of postures which best fits their capabilities and desires. This means that when you enter the room, you will notice everyone doing something different. Mysore st...yle sessions are supervised by an experienced teacher, who monitors each student and is available for adjustment, clarification and questions throughout the practice. Popular around the world, the self-paced style means that individual injuries and energy levels are catered for and there is no pressure to maintain a certain pace, or comparison between what individual students are practicing. Each day becomes a new adventure in your practice as you discover the secrets of the breath. You are capable of so much more than you ever thought! We'd love to see you message us for details. Video by Julia Nalivaiko
22.01.2022 Saturday’s 4pm to 6pm with @richkellyyoga - come along to this immersive experience, currently focusing on the water element. With kidney qi we are seeking to find the stillness in the movement, effortless effort known as Wu wei. This is a state where our actions are effortlessly aligned with nature characterised by ease and spontaneity. Click the link in our bio for more info on the class and come along tomorrow !
22.01.2022 Come along this Friday at 6:30pm for an evening of Kirtan, mantra, sacred sound with these beautiful friends! link in bio for your ticket !
21.01.2022 Last Kundalini Yoga workshop for the year! Get in quick to secure your spot :)
21.01.2022 We love the work of Simon Borg-Olivier. Mysore Style Ashtanga Yoga is a system of practice that allows for vast variance and flexibility. The sorts of alternatives like those demonstrated here are a real treat and very healthy. Our very own Richard Kelly has been studying with Simon and many others consistently for a long time and he is back with a Saturday afternoon class featuring joint mobility, following breath, and plenty of education on the Chinese theory of the element...s. Class resumes this week, Saturdays from 4pm to 6pm. Cost is $30 adults and $20 concession. No bookings required.
21.01.2022 Wednesdays from 9.30. Come thru.
19.01.2022 Coming up on Sunday 20 September at the studio! The Spring Equinox is one of the four most powerful days of the year. It is the half way point between the solstices. This is a turning point to shake off the winter cobwebs and reawaken to the sun energy as we head towards Summer. This transition from shorter to longer days and more direct sunlight is an opportunity to synchronize your energy with the prana (life force) that is being released as we head towards summer. Kund...alini Rebirthing Breathwork is a powerful practice used to clear the subconscious, to heal the pain and overcome the obstacles which keep us from living our best life - awakened, rejuvenated and present to your purpose. This will not be the same rebirthing technique we used at the last very popular Solstice Event. This rebirthing workshop is a poignant time to stop and listen, to go within and harmonise your energy and reassess your connection to spirit. It’s a powerful time of re-birth and transformation a time to acknowledge your shadow, heal your wounds, release outdated old beliefs and thought patterns and align with your inner flame to awaken to your highest destiny. The rebirthing practices are the most powerfull, profound, intimate, personal, healing and uplifting kriyas from the teachings of Kundalini Yoga. You will experience a new depth in your meditation and a renewed sense of self without the baggage of the past. A wonderful opportunity to release and let go. A Journey into your light. The sound of the Gong is a potent ally in this endeavor, gifting us with a heavenly lightness and calmness. Join us in this unique event that can truly change the course of your destiny. All levels welcome, no prior experience is necessary. Delicious treats and a healing thirst quenching nectar will be served to enhance the deep healing experience within. Sunday 20 September, 2020 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm at Ashtanga Yoga Newcastle Ticket link -
19.01.2022 Catch your own little piece of peace! After all, December has begun. Make time for yourself! Mid-morning mysore style - tomorrow 9:30
19.01.2022 For a bit of variety -tomorrow morningFriday 5:45am we will do a gentle exploration of the intermediate series. Many of you are making great progress on this set of poses, and a guided tourwill serve as a helpful reminder and a technique booster. Suitable for anyone that usually comes to the Friday morning class - don't be scared ;) Lots of modifications will be on offer - and we will be finished by 7:05am.
18.01.2022 We can learn much from monkeys, their cheeky and irreverent attitude perhaps most important of all ! Come along to Mysore style class tomorrow from 9:30 and inject some playfulness into the new spring week!
17.01.2022 Wait....don't answer that Come to 9:30am Mid Morning Mysore tomorrow!
17.01.2022 Next Friday in our studio! what better way to end the year? Mantra Te is a collaborative musical project, combining the ancient practices of traditional chanting and kirtan with a contemporary twist. Grounded in the origins of Vedic traditional mantras, Middle Eastern vocals and Tao influences, Mantra Te infuses a broad variety of cultures and styles in this modern day rendition of devotional music.... With members from four different corners of the world, Mantra Te incorporates the perspective that all walks of life can sing, dance, play and live in harmony together. We welcome you to an evening of uplifting love peace and kirtan at Ashtanga Yoga Newcastle. Date: Friday 11 Dec, 6:30pm - 8:30pm (please arrive beforehand, for a 6:30pm start) Admission: $35 + $2.39 booking fee (bf donated), pre-booking essential as spaces are limited. Tickets: Covid safe rules will be followed for this event, 50 people maximum.
16.01.2022 Happy New Year!! Don’t forget this week is a little different. Mysore sessions once a day at the luxurious time of 9:30am with beloved @5.chietal at the helm. What a treat!
16.01.2022 Tomorrow @pariahyoga will teach Rocket! A powerful and plucky 60 minute class to send you up to the stratosphere. Come and have some fun this Friday
16.01.2022 4pm Saturdays at the studio with @richkellyyoga for his specialty yin class. Recently we have been focusing on the kidneys. Your kidneys are the foundation of Yin and Yang energy’s and for all your organs. Your kidneys are also considered the fountain of youth at any age. The kidneys can make movements fluid and supple for life - it doesn’t matter how old you are! Come along for meditative water movements, Spinal Synergy movements, posture practice and breath regulation to strengthen the kidney chi and your overall sea of chi and gate of life and vitality.
15.01.2022 Together we can do it ! Come along to led half primary 6pm Monday’s with Ingrid and Wednesday’s with Jacqui @ Ashtanga Yoga Newcastle
14.01.2022 This will be a fun one! Come and try a free intro session with @helenilich of @movement_continuum for Animal Flow - a functional ground-based movement program incorporating bodyweight, quadrupedal, and multi-planar moves. See flows in action and explore some moves yourself! Open to adventurous movers, of all fitness levels - 9.30am Saturday July 11th and 9.30am Saturday July 18th at the studio! Link is above to save your spot and learn some new skills
14.01.2022 Wow, look at this community building and soul stirring that happened yesterday!
13.01.2022 Today! 4pm to 6pm $30pp Beginners to intermediate spinal synergy movements and combined joint movements with Rich Kelly.# @richkellyyoga A verbally and visually instructed meditative flow session with music.... You will be verbally and visually instructed to deepen your understanding, then visually instructed with sound resonance mantra, breath practice and meditation. Targeting: Spine, internal energy systems and muscular-skeletal system. Learn eight movements of the spine and how we can combine these movements with other joint complexes of body. Connective tissue of the liver, gall bladder, kidney, large/small intestine, spleen, heart and lungs. Chakras 7 energy centres of the body including upper and lower limbs. The 9 major joint complexes of the body, associated muscles groups, ligaments and tendons.
13.01.2022 Spark the fire of practice! Wednesday morning Mysore from 9.30
13.01.2022 Sometimes things are better when they don’t go to plan Monday’s and Wednesday’s Led class from 6pm with Ingrid and Jacqui
12.01.2022 The next Kundalini Yoga Rebirthing is going to be a big one! Sunday 20 Dec, 2pm - 5pm at the studio. The Dawning of a New Age: This date is being referred to as the real Age of Aquarius. Jupiter and Saturn are both moving into Aquarius, the sign of cooperation, human understanding, advanced technology, independent thinking, extraterrestrial communication and freedom from restriction, this extra close grand conjunction could be a once-in-a-lifetime experience with the next one... not due to take place until the year 2080. Saturn’s dominance during the period of the Jupiter-Saturn Conjunction opens wide the door of possibility for profound spiritual transformation. Kundalini Rebirthing uses a sequence (or Kriya) and the power of your own breath to bring joy into your life. It is a simple breathing techniques that takes you deep into yourself. Rebirthing is a powerful practice taught to clear the subconscious, to heal the pain and overcome the obstacles which keep you from living your best life - awakened, rejuvenated and present to your purpose. Get your ticket here: Contact Kundalini Yoga - Newcastle for more details.
12.01.2022 Nobody ever regrets coming to yoga ! We are loving the playful energy in our space right now - alignment and warmth and the sweet joy of effort! Come and warm your winter bones with us in the studio. Led classes this week 6pm Monday and Wednesday with Jac and Ingrid
12.01.2022 Here comes the next 3 hour Sunday afternoon extravaganza! Be sure to book in quickly as numbers are limited to 20. More info here:
11.01.2022 Saturday satsang will now feature a rolling commentary on the 8th century text by Shankara known as Yoga Taravali. This key hatha yoga text, which has been adopted by Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga around the world explains how to transcend material coarseness while remaining within it, guiding it, creating positive and outlandishly excellent lives for everyone we contact. We will explore one verse per session, learn a touch of Sanskrit, do a little chant and discuss many other related topics. We would love to see you there tomorrow 4pm @earthieyoga in Mayfield.
11.01.2022 Workshop - Sunday 29th November ! The highest spiritual bliss is known as ananda. It is always existent and accessible; it is not something generated. We may notice it at times of gratification or stimulation and mistakenly conclude that those events created the bliss, but this is not the case. It is fortuitous blends of beliefs and actions that allow the already-existing and abundant bliss to be felt. With a sturdy yoga practice consisting of asana and pranayama, you will ex...perience much less stress that is a legitimate effect but it is a result of being driven towards your positive idealisations so emphatically that fear, guilt, doubt, self-consciousness and other neuroses fall away. Great joy and potency emerge by developing primary biological functions to levels that humans don’t ordinarily pursue. Come and find out more about these non-physical aspects of yoga in our series of workshops. Email [email protected] to book, or send us a message!
11.01.2022 Listen to the messages you are sending yourself Mid-morning Mysore from 9:30 on Wednesdays
10.01.2022 Wednesdays @ 9:30am we have a cheeky little mid-morning session. We'd love to see you there!
10.01.2022 We’re so excited to be hosting this magical sound bath with two of our talented Mysore students and musicians Cellist - Naomi Dart and Abhaya !
09.01.2022 Our new morning time slot is great if you find it hard to make our usual times. Would love to see you there
09.01.2022 Birds of a feather Led half primary Mon/Wed 6pm with Ingrid and Jac
09.01.2022 I remember the first time walking into the studio and realising that I had a very long way to go. I decided to take the mindset of a complete beginner and act as though I was learning from scratch. Seeing others around me so dedicated to the practice motivated me to continually come back. Once I learnt the sequence, the practice became much more than just physically strengthening and lengthening the muscles. It became a beautiful opportunity to focus on my breath and sink into a relaxed, meditative state. - Eliza Photo by @one_stop_productions #mysorestyle #ashtangayoga #lifelonglearning #yogateacher
09.01.2022 In today’s 4pm Satsang @earthieyoga in Mayfield, we will be running through the famous Gayatri mantra and the lesser known components of it, along with mystical auditory accompaniment come along !
08.01.2022 Tomorrow 4pm - 6pm with Rich Shabdkosh Yoga of Longevity |27 June 20 - Water Element Ming-Men gate of vitality, longevity and life. Organs - kidneys, urinary bladder and associated connective tissue... We will focus on the primary element for winter which is water (kidney and urinary bladder) and our Ming-Men (a fundamental energy for life that helps create a strong immune system and warms you up). Our practice will include movement, postures and basic breath work to purge and tone our Qi of Ming-men, kidneys and urinary bladder. Included will be Synergy joint sequence and a little basic theory to understand our practice and we will continue building on this over the coming weeks. Saturdays 4 - 6pm, please arrive 15 min prior, cost $30; link in bio for more info on the class! See more
07.01.2022 The **final edit** of my book is taking place, mostly at @talulahbar Here's an excerpt - in this section I detail some of the history of yoga at the Mysore Palace, and generations of royal family in the area that fostered the arts, education across classes in society: "For generations the Mysore royal family adopted policies and projects that demonstrated an inclusive attitude, and one that provided citizens with opportunities in a rapidly evolving world. During this period... the state became the first in Asia to generate hydroelectric power. They provided English and Sanskrit language education, created housing and temples, provided indoor games for the population, and they prioritised wildlife preservation. They were strong advocates of the arts and they made education along these lines available to far more people than the national culture usually permitted. Mummadi Krishnaraja Wadiyar III ruled from 1799 to 1868. He was a scholar himself and sponsored many other scholars. He composed many works in the Kannada and Sanskrit languages, and was positively influenced by Western concepts of design and architecture. One significant work that he either authored or compiled is named Sritattvanidhi, which means The Illustrious Treasure of Realities, and contains illustrations and descriptions of 122 yoga asana of a kind familiar to modern practitioners of yoga. It is said that yoga in this age, before the current trend of popular public classes, was quiet and private. Those who studied and practiced did so for the purpose of evolution and there was far less emphasis on exercise and general health. Maharaja Chamarajendra Wadiyar X ruled between 1868 and 1894. He was socially progressive and implemented the first democratic representative assembly in India. He and his family prioritised women’s education and a horizontal access to health care regardless of caste. He thought that a rich person ought to expect to be in a hospital bed beside a poor person. They expressed a desire to have the downtrodden brought into the mainstream, something that the upper class opposed." More here:
07.01.2022 This Saturday 4pm we have Yoga for Longevity with Rich: "I hope this message finds you well. In our class this week I’m continuing the blue light journey of the... kidneys, urinary bladder and the gate of life and vitality - the Ming Men. Often when we think of longevity, we conjure up thoughts that it is just for middle or older aged people to be concerned with. But the pursuit of longevity is equally if not more important for younger yang women and men. Your kidneys are the foundation of Yin and Yang energy’s and for all your organs. Imagine yourself as a puppet. The strings are your acupuncture meridians. Each one is affiliated with an organ and an emotion. If the strings become tangled, they form knots of anger, frustrations, grievances, grudges, fear and it is hard to find the flow of life. I often remind myself to flow and glow at the speed of life. A combination of poor lifestyle choices, excessive stress, tension, overthinking, overtraining, placed on top of tight muscles and over build-up of cortisol in the adrenal glands. We have a red-light, self-induced, unconscious cocktail that is less than ideal for optimum performance, vitality and internal wellbeing. It can quickly become a downward cascading effect through the systems of the human body. Your kidneys are also considered the fountain of youth at any age. If you want longevity and youthfulness, then show the kidneys some love right now. Maintain balance between yin and yang energies of body keep generating and storing chi via the chi cycle. You will look youthful with optimal skin elasticity, connective tissue and muscle pliability and feel vital regardless of your age. You will have good bone density so you can remain active and strong, good brain function to keep you learning, growing and engaged with high immunity for fast recovery from any illness should you get one. The puppeteer your (Kidneys) can make movements fluid and supple for life - it doesn’t matter how old you are! You can start working on healthy longevity now, conscious of everything you put into your body and the puppeteer (kidneys) will keep you running like new. Your kidneys well deliver power, vitality, strong bones, a healthy sex drive and willpower. You’ll be pulling on the strings for health and happiness. Come along for meditative water movements, Spinal Synergy movements, posture practice and breath regulation to strengthen the kidney chi and your overall sea of chi and gate of life and vitality. As one my best teachers quotes: Expand and Evolve Much love and best wishes From Rich.
06.01.2022 We did it! Here's to the year passed and a fresh one to come -- With a renewed appreciation for our freedom to operate in the world without obligation to anything other than our own true nature and our most sincere and generous ideas for the future. Thank you for your support this year! Josh
06.01.2022 This fun, ground-based movement program incorporates bodyweight, quadrupedal, and multi-planar moves. Want something fun that works on strength building, increased mobility and functional movement patterns - but you find the gym boring? This style is very complementary to a yoga practice too! See some workout flows in action and explore some moves yourself! Open to adventurous movers, of all fitness levels. The 6 components of this movement style can be mixed and matched in... many ways, allowing you to incorporate one, some, or all of them in your workouts, and into your movement practices such as yoga with increased mobility and better form ! They cover: Wrist Mobilisations, Activations, Form Specific Stretches, Traveling Forms, Switches & Transitions and Flows! 11th + 18th July 2020, 9.30-10.30am @ashtangayoganewcastle FREE REGISTRATION - limited spots!
06.01.2022 Adding another led class to take advantage of our huge studio space! is here to lead you through a warming flow on Tuesday mornings starting tomorrow! Whether you're needing a little extra motivation to practice, or are looking for a little variety look no further than this class! If you'd like to book in advance, click the link in our bio.
06.01.2022 This week! Come join us for led class 6pm Monday’s and Wednesday’s
06.01.2022 Here's a nice article about a self-practice of the Ashtanga sequence.
05.01.2022 New workshop coming up at the studio with @kundaliniyoganewcastle The Lions Gate Kundalini Yoga Workshop on the 9th August, we share a powerful transmission to clear your magnetic field and teach you how to create a strong magnetic field that is able to hold what you attract. With this practice you can release fear based patterns to bring you in a higher frequency. This will help you attract the prosperity that is always available for you once you open up to it! The L...ion’s Gate is an annual alignment, celebrated through ritual by the early Egyptians, and this year it is even more powerful than previous years. During this alignment a star gate opens to pour energy from the source of ALL creation at the Great Central Sun. In the height of the season of of courageous fire - the brightest star in the sky, Sirius rises in the eastern horizon before the Sun. Ancient Egypt recognized Sirius as the Spiritual Sun. This Workshop will be a powerful portal to connect to its energies of deep spiritual wisdom and unlocked secrets of abundance. We will work to open this gateway of Sirius through the alignment of Kriya, Meditation, and working our celestial body. Bookings essential. Please contact Lucinda @kundaliniyoganewcastle
05.01.2022 KUNDALINI REBIRTHING THE SPRING EQUINOX REBIRTHING + BREATHWORK + SACRED GONG HEALING The Spring Equinox is one of the four most powerful days of the year. It is the half way point between the solstices. This is a turning point to shake off the winter cobwebs and reawaken to the sun energy as we head towards Summer.... Equinox literally means equal night in Latin and we use it to mark the change of seasons. This transition from shorter to longer days and more direct sunlight is an opportunity to synchronize your energy with the prana (life force) that is being released as we head towards summer. Kundalini Rebirthing uses a sequence (or Kriya) and the power of your own breath to bring joy into your life. It is a simple breathing techniques that takes you deep into yourself. Rebirthing is a powerful practice taught to clear the subconscious, to heal the pain and overcome the obstacles which keep you from living your best life - awakened, rejuvenated and present to your purpose. All levels welcome, no prior experience is necessary. Delicious treats and a healing thirst quenching nectar will be served to enhance the deep healing experience within. Please don't hesitate to contact @kundaliniyoganewcastle with questions and inquiries. Date: Sunday 20 September, 2pm -5pm @ashtangayoganewcastle King Street Investment: $70 - A beautiful healing elixir and treats included. Bookings essential -
05.01.2022 Mysore sessions from 5:30am and 4pm Mon-Thurs and from 7:30am Sundays. Plus led classes 6pm Monday and Wednesday
05.01.2022 Yoga for Longevity with Rich Kelly Yoga 4pm - 6pm Saturdays Water is the most powerful life-giving element and our kidneys are the most powerful organ in our body. This week we will be enhancing and tonifying (strengthening) our kidney chi with movement and posture. In our movement and postural practice, we will develop and cultivate a deeper awareness, moving from our enteric nervous system (ENS), our movement brain where all movement originates from. The enteric nervous s...ystem is a subdivision of the autonomic nervous system. In TCM, the core is known as the elixir field. In eastern traditions all movement originates from this point smoothly and fluidly with natural breathing With kidney qi we are seeking to find the stillness in the movement, effortless effort known as Wu wei. This is a state where our actions are effortlessly aligned with nature characterised by ease and spontaneity. Come and join in this immersive experience.
04.01.2022 Many people attended our screening of this documentary a couple of years ago - and Josh attended the in-person conference in India in 2020. This year, the conference is online - streaming live from the City of Mysore, where many of the greats are still living with us. ... The world can use spiritual guidance, and who better to give this guidance than the community that gave us the yoga in the first place? It is a real service to the world, to bring this knowledge out of Mysore and into the international yoga community. It is a noble cause.
04.01.2022 Wednesday mid-morning Mysore from 9:30 - see you there!
04.01.2022 Feeling a little dramatic this week embrace the sense of lightness ! Led classes Monday and Wednesday 6pm with Ingrid and Jacqui
03.01.2022 A luxurious morning Mysore session at the studio will indeed leave you feeling this calm
03.01.2022 Spring is in the air ! Along with Mysore Mon-Thurs we have for you: Led classes: Mon - 10am and 6pm with @ingidbeavis Tues - 9:15am and then 10:30 Mums + Bubs with Wed - 5:45pm with @pariahyoga... Fri - led primary 5:45am See more
03.01.2022 Two heads are better than one Led classes at the studio this week Monday 6:00pm Half primary with Ingrid Tuesday 9:15am Flow with Michelle Tuesday 10:30am Mums + Bubs with Michelle Wednesday 5:45pm Half primary with Josh... Saturday 4:00pm Yoga for Longevity with Rich Saturday 4pm Philosophy talk with Josh(at @earthieyoga) See more
03.01.2022 In yoga, you don't "fix" yourself, you reveal your true nature. Yoga is the path of liberation, rather than bondage. A path of direct knowingness rather than rules and edicts. We get to support each other along the way! Led classes at the studio are 6pm Monday’s and 5:45 Wednesday’s
02.01.2022 Here’s our holiday timetable starting Christmas Eve! We’ll be closed for a few days and then next week @5.chietal is handling morning Mysore at the luxurious holiday time of 9:30am daily. Your presence is a present!
02.01.2022 Josh's workshop this Sunday afternoon will concentrate on physical yoga - poses and postures - and methods of making the body a glowing vessel for the creation of positive circumstances in the material world. We will explore fundamental anatomical principles, different styles of modern yoga, class formats, and teaching styles. Participants will receive a handbook as well.... Email or message us to book
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