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25.01.2022 We are always on the lookout for new and better ways to help parents connect deeper with themselves and their children. We've just found out about a new, exciting and really powerful way to clear blocks and become the parent you want to be, that you always saw yourself as..... if you are curious, check it out!! #MagneticMindCertificationContest

24.01.2022 It has been a while since you heard from us. It's also been a long 2.5 months since the Covid-19 crisis. I hope you are all feeling a bit better with things starting to look more positive these days. In this post we would like to share with you some updates on what we have been up to in the last 3 months. During 8 weeks in February, March and April we have taken a special group of parents through The Gift Parenting 8 Week Course. It's been so lovely working with them on... their challenges, addressing the underlying inner causes of various issues in parenting and relationships whilst meeting their unmet childhood needs and seeing some positive results in their lives at the end of the course. We would like to share some feedback received from 2 beautiful Mamas who have brought some amazing stories and energies to the group and helped us all grow from them. Thank you very much for your heart-warming feedback. It means a lot for us and for our program moving forward So this brings us to moving forward plans. As we are always on the search for powerful techniques that can help transform people's lives and help them heal, we have decided to organise a one day virtual summit with the main theme 'Finding your calm: from stress, anger, anxiety and overwhelm to calm, contented and in control' We are planning for the summit to go ahead in September, Yaaay! We are on the lookout for some amazing speakers and world leaders in their fields and will keep you up to date on our progress. After the summit we will be looking for 10 people to join our 8 week inner transformation challenge which is planned to start at the end of September. This means we won't be running any courses between now and September as we will be focusing on the summit. However if anyone is interested in one-on-one coaching sessions, feel free to send us a PM and we can arrange something specific for your circumstances. This brings us to the end of one chapter and a start of a new one. We are very excited for the road ahead as we love the work we do and will continue to connect with you, share stories and inspirations and growing together along the way. Sending much love to you all Veronika and Tony

21.01.2022 The Gift event on 8 February is almost sold out, we have one more place left and you can still buy it for the early bird special which will expiry on 26 January. Feel free to message us or give us a call if you have any questions about the event. You can buy the last ticket through the eventbrite on our Facebook event page called The Gift: From Harsh Reacting Guilty Mum to Calm Connected Caring Mum. We look forward to meeting all the Mums and Dads coming to the event very soon

20.01.2022 Sometimes we use too many words with our children that just do not connect to them. We want them to do what we ask them to do and when they do not follow, we often get upset with them. Children like us connect to emotion and empathy rather than orders. Research studies reported by The University of Melbourne have shown that when we connect to our children's emotions with acceptance and understanding, behaviour problems are often reduced or stop completely. ... Imaginative play, stories, validation of feelings and connecting with empathy and understanding are wonderful ways to connect to their little souls that will not only transform your days into more cooperation, but will help them grow into resilient human beings that will be able to emotionally regulate and contribute to a healthier future generation.

20.01.2022 Do you know the Broken Cookie Syndrome when your child is unable to cope with their cookie or cracker being broken, chipped or not perfectly symmetrical? We had a similar story with a broken cracker the other day with our 3 year old son Noah. After an eventful and busy morning with friends I realised a bit too late that Noah hadn't eaten much that morning as he was busy either sharing or protecting his toys with other 3 year old little people in our house. Noah like many ot...Continue reading

19.01.2022 *Parenting resolution?* With the New Year approaching you might be thinking of New Years resolutions .... If yours is to break the cycle and be a better..., calmer, more connected parent, here's your chance to start now. Tickets for The Gift workshop are just $29 until midnight on the 31st December

18.01.2022 Our kids have a 6th sense that means it's not the words we use, but the way we feel that changes their behaviour and brings out the best in them.... Watch this beautifully simple explanation of how it works ...

14.01.2022 GUILT and especially PARENTING GUILT is a huge thing. It is there every time we feel we have let our children down, messed them up and failed. I used to feel huge GUILT for my daughter's fist 3 years of life. As Dr. Gabor Mate says: "If you get the first 3 years with your child right, you can relax. If you don't get the first 3 years right, you will be practicing 'remedial' parenting for decades." It's big isn't it? When I heard this for the first time, I felt an immense s...ense of despair, regret and guilt because as a Mum I have always wanted the best for my children. But I was constantly triggered and lost it so many times and didn't know how to react differently despite having read many parenting books on how to stay calm. Past forward a few years, our daughter is now 7 and is growing into a confident and resilient girl and this is all due to my healing journey. Because when we heal our pain, all our closest relationships can get back to equilibrium. This weekend we watched videos of when she was a little baby and a toddler and I realised that instead of feeling the GUILT and BLAME for not having been that parent I wanted to be back then, the guilt just wasn't there anymore. Instead I felt compassion towards myself. And with that compassion, I also felt something new. It was JOY from seeing these videos, her cute face and smiles and how much love and fun we still had back then despite those tough moments. I revisited these memories with new eyes, with a new filter my brain has adopted after many ASK GET GROW GIVE processes I have done to heal myself, to rewire my brain, to heal our past. Parenting is a hard job and we won't always get it right and we will lose it sometimes. And that's ok, we are only human. Our children can learn important lessons of saying sorry and forgiveness. We still lose it sometimes in our household. But what has changed is we recover much quicker, we apologise, we repair the rupture. We don't blame and shame ourselves and we do not feel that huge GUILT that keeps eating at you. We can't change out past, but we can change how we feel about it. What would it mean to you to let go of your guilt?

13.01.2022 *This is a beautiful poem by Dr Shefali, that makes it just how clear what we learn from our kids and how the experience can transform us as people:* May you be... blessed with a child who defies you, so you may learn to release control. Who doesn't listen, so you may learn to tune in. Who loves to procrastinate, so you learn beauty of stillness. Who forgets things, so you learn to let go of attachments. Who is extra-sensitive, so you learn to be grounded. Who is inattentive, so you learn to be focused. Who dares to rebel, so you learn to think outside the box. Who feels afraid, so you learn to trust the Universe. May you be blessed with a child who teaches you it is never about them, and all about you...

12.01.2022 ATTENTION: Loving parents who want to stop reacting angrily to your children If I offered to personally show you a simple process that turns anger, guilt and upset into deep calm connection in 10-15 minutes. No matter how tired, busy or stressed you are, and no matter how challenging your child is being.... So you can truly be the calm, present parent you want to be, and return to spending peaceful quality time with your children Even if you’ve tried psychology, counselling or alternative healing techniques that didn’t stop you reacting harshly. Would you take me up on the offer? I just opened up availability for coaching several more parents through this process over the next 30 days. My name is Tony, and together with my wife Veronika we are Founders of The Present Parent Project and proud parents of 2 gorgeous but CHALLENGING little ones (1 beautiful little girl and 1 handsome little boy) I have spent more than 30+ years in science researching medical physics, I have even invented 3 patents, but I have to say I’ve never done anything as hard as raising children. To deal with our frustrated reactions to our spirited kids, my wife and I created the NeedLoop Process that rapidly releases brain calming chemicals and replaces those unwanted reactions with how we want to be. This process has helped us to break the overwhelming cycle of our harsh reactions so now guilty parent syndrome is a thing of the past. It has brought back fun and joy into our parenting and we now enjoy wonderful quality connection with our little ones. Now we help other caring parents just like you to become the parent they want to be: patient, nurturing and able to be present and guide their children’s emotions staying naturally calm even in the most trying circumstances. Are you next? Don't just take it from us...check out our case study from our latest thrilled parent by clicking below:

11.01.2022 Moments like the one I am going to share with you are what makes my heart feel whole and what makes all the growth and work I have done on myself so worthwhile. It's the simplest and yet most meaningful moments in life that make our hearts sing the most beautiful tunes. This was one of those ordinary days when you return from a busy day from work, quite exhausted and drained and then there are your children waiting for your smile and presence, dinner to be cooked, bath ...Continue reading

10.01.2022 We had quite a few Mums interested to attend our previous workshop which we ran at the end of November, so just wanted to let you know there is another workshop coming up on 8 February February, so hopefully this date might work for you better. We are all striving to be better Mums and Dads every day and be there to hold our little ones feelings and at the same time dealing with all the emotional reactions that come up for us in our body. Many times we do not understand wher...Continue reading

10.01.2022 Amazing video on parenting by world's foremost expert on addiction, we can learn so much from. What does he mean when he tells parents : "Get the first 3 years with your child right you can relax ... and not being doing 'remedial' parenting? " And... " The part of the parent comes from the child wanting to be with the parent" Having been there with our first child, and not getting it right those first few years, we can totally relate to this!! But from our biggest pains as parents have come our greatest growth. Now we can see all the healing we have done with her and for her is finally showing thru. It's wonderful to see the gorgeous spirited individual she is growing into and so beautifully heart warming as parents when she says to us now... "I'm so happy I chose you as my parents "

10.01.2022 [Meet Laura, who went from feeling like she was failing as a parent to creating a whole new relationship with her children by healing herself] If you haven’t experienced for yourself just how powerfully and QUICKLY changing your inner world affects your outer world, let me tell you about when we took Laura through our process She was deep into the ‘change loops’ process, where we release all the old trauma and allow new, calmer responses to fill the places where angry or ha...rsh reactions used to emerge, when I asked her to describe what she was feeling. With tears running down her face, she shared that she was imagining: allowing that deep, loving connection to her 2 gorgeous little boys. She was imagining hugging them and holding them - and just as she shared that, in the background of her Zoom screen, a little head popped through a gap in the door, followed by an even littler one, and suddenly her children are there acting out exactly what she’d just imagined. Her face broke out into the biggest smile and her boys reflected back all the beautiful calmness she’d just been feeling, hugging her tight and looking so content. That was a very direct demonstration of what we experience every day when we work with parents to allow them to be more present and less reactive with their kids. They break out of reactive patterns they learned from their own parents, allowing them to show up fully for their kids in the ways they WANT to. And we’re looking for our next success story. All we ask before you apply, is that you ensure you fit the following criteria: You want to work on yourself to improve your relationship with your children - you’re not looking for a way to ‘make them behave’ or ‘get them to do as they’re told’, you’re taking full responsibility and know that as you change and heal yourself, your children will flourish. If that’s you, and you want to experience results like this in just 4 weeks, click the link to apply now. Please note, we work 1:1 with our parents for the most powerful results, so numbers are strictly limited. Can’t wait to guide you through this process that’s changed not only our lives, but all of our wonderful parent’s lives too!

09.01.2022 Sounds wonderful doesn't it? How do you do it in reality? That is the real challenge. Its the reason why we are so passionate about what we do - The Gift offers the practical steps for you to do this in your own life, and support your children the way they need it most...

06.01.2022 Thank you to all the beautiful parents that participated in The Gift workshop today - 'From harsh reacting guilty Mum to calm and connected'. We hope you have learnt something new and have taken the technique home to apply with your children and in your families We would love to hear your experience with the technique and how you go using it at home. ... Future workshops will be shared around in the coming weeks, you can like our Facebook page to keep up to date. We will also be running some free webinars so keep an eye on these. Lots of exciting things planned this year to help you become the parent you want to be

06.01.2022 It was a morning like many others when things just didn't work smoothly. It was usual routine with our 3,5 year old son Noah who is a very persistent little boy. When he asked for something and for some reason I couldn't provide that for him, he would respond with a strong NO! And inside of my stomach, I would feel this strong wall raise up and instead of validating his feelings I would respond with my wall up. So instead of 'I understand you really want bread with honey'...Continue reading

03.01.2022 The event on 8 February is now SOLD OUT! We look forward to meeting you all there. If you missed out on the February event and are interested to attend one of our future ones, send us a message and we will keep you posted about the next one

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