Ask Holly Woods | Businesses
Ask Holly Woods
Phone: +61 405 465 000
Address: 172 Fryar road 4207 Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Website: http://www.AskHollyWoods.Com/
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18.01.2022 Nobody owes you anything in life. Even if you are good to people kind to others that does not mean they owe you kindness or something back for return. . Nope, with this mentality, I do good to you so you should be good to me too, the needs of ego destroy your love and peace. Just be you. If you like to give help people then that's it you did it for your happiness nothing else. Do not expect the return of your favour from the others. Be an authentic giver.... . You are responsible for your success and your failure. Nobody owes you to do something for you to make you successful. Stop crying about what someone didn't do for you. They have no obligation to do something to make you happy or successful. It's your life you are the master of your own destiny no one is responsible for helping you to be the master of your life. . Remember, no one is responsible for your happiness. It's all yours to make yourself happy. No one is coming with the magic wand to make you happy. Happiness is an inside job. Be happy with yourself first. Only you are responsible for your happiness others just simply there to add more joy in your life, know the difference who is responsible. Nobody owes your happiness. It's all on you. . Realise this and grow up do it for yourself. Own it, be responsible and be accountable for yourself behaviour understand nobody owes you anything. If you're angry at someone please think about your behaviour what you've done to wrong them. Don't make it as their fault. It's all yours. . . . #NobodyOwesYouAnything #OwnIt #Ownership #Responsibility #Accountability #AuthenticSelf #BeYou #JustGive #Giving #NoOneIsComing #MasterOfYourDestiny #ItsAllOnYou #BeGoodToPeople #LoveOthers #TrueKindnessDontExpect #NotEvenThankYou #HappinessIsAnInsideJob #HappinessHack #BeHappy #BeAuthenticGiver #Success #Failure #LifeHack #SuccessPrinciples #YouAreResponsibleForYourHappiness #DoItForYourself #BeHappy #GiveLove #BeKind #BeHappyWithYourself See more
17.01.2022 No excuse. Period. . . . #PureSpirits #DontDeceit #AWomansQuality #WhatQualityDoYouHave #Authenticity #Honesty #Humility #Humbleness #UnconditionalLove #Joy #Peace #Kindness #Gentleness #Patience #Goodness #SelfControl #Faithfulness
17.01.2022 I don't cut off people normally but if I did, probably you hand me the scissors. Nobody deserves taking shit from other people. This is your life you make decisions and based on that small choice you make you create your reality.... Everything is all on you. You choose the life you want to create and nobody is responsible for your decision making what you choose every single time. When your boundaries are not respected it's ok to cut off people because it's your life. Period. . . . #ItsOkToCutOffPeople #YourLife #YourChoice #YouMakeDecision #NobodysResponsibleButYou #YouCreateYourLifeByChoicesYouMake
16.01.2022 Nobody owes you anything in life. You are responsible for all your result outcome consequences whatever that is you have created. You can choose whatever you want to think however, remember nobody has an obligation that they should live their life accordingly to your thoughts. You cannot control what others think and do but only yours and no one will live their life accordingly for the sake of your thoughts. . Do not expect from others how they should live their life for you.... You can't mislead them by any force. You are responsible for your thoughts and behaviour and consequences. It all started from you. Be humble, learn from your mistake how you've mislead, what you've create, what you've caused and what damages you've done to yourself and others as a result. . Successful people live their life happily as they have ownership responsibility and accountability for their behaviour whereas unhappy unsuccessful people operate their life with a mask on, driven by their ego that blames others complain constantly makes excuse to justify and full-on denials of their own faults, their truth. . Nobody owes you anything do not expect from others what they should do for you. Embrace yourself's bad and good, it's time to wake up. . . . #NobodyOwesYouAnything #SuccessPrincipal #HappyLife #Ownership #Responsibility #Accountability #DenialOfMistake #NotLearningFromIt #StayingStuckStagnant #DoNotExpectWhatOthersDoForYou #EgoDrivenLife #UnhappyLife #FakeMasks #UlteriorMotive #BlameOthers #MakingExcuses #FullOnDenial #RespectOthers #ThereIsNoHierarchy #BeHumble #NoOneIsLowerThanYou #YouAreNotHigherThanOthers #WhenYouDontRespect #TakeLessons #YouCantControlWhatsOthersThinkAndDo #NobodyWillLiveAccordinglyToYourThoughts #NobodyHasObiligationToDoSomethingForYou #EmbraceYourself See more
05.01.2022 And how about those pants everybody Stop being so damn scared to be yourself. The magic in life is doing things your own way. . .... . #Authenticity #UltimateYou #JustBeYou #DontCopyOthers #BeTheOriginal #DontPretend #EvenYouThinkPretendingIsBeingYou #FindYourTrueSelf #LiveYourLifeFullest #AsWhoYouAre #FindYourAuthenticity #KnowWhoYouAre #LoveWhoYouAre #TheOneAndOnly . Reposted from @melrobbins See more
03.01.2022 By Cato the Elder. When our ego is on denial it clouds our mind with its need to be right, need to justify, need to judge, need to certain, need to prove, need to win, need to get even, need to look better than others so it sabotages with only what we supposed to believe is our truth. Hence, we can't accept perceive or comprehend the facts that what is happening and what is not happening in resistance and persistence in facts of reality. ... . . . #Delusional #CongnitiveDissonance #SelfDeception #FullOnDenial #YouOnlyGetHurt #TameYourEgo #BeHumble #stoicism #writingfromastoic #epictetus #marcusaurelius #strengthquotes #philosophers #selftransformation #stoicphilosophy #selfimprovement #personaldevelopment #thoughtoftheday #socrates #philosopher #rationality #philosophical #adversity #wisewords #stoics #inspirationalquote #lifelessonslearned . Writings from a Stoic See more
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