Ask The Body Kinesiology in Mount Barker, South Australia | Alternative & holistic health service
Ask The Body Kinesiology
Locality: Mount Barker, South Australia
Address: 12 Acacia Street 5251 Mount Barker, SA, Australia
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25.01.2022 Colour Therapy Glasses now available for purchase It has taken me some time to find good quality ones and finally here they are Available on beautiful clear display stands (with mirrors) or simply as is without stands. Sets of 10 including all the major chakra colours in red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet as well as bonus colours, aqua, magenta and my personal favourite - baker-miller pink rose which acts as a secondary heart chakra colour as well as wor...ks well as an appetite and anger suppressant Full set of 10 colour therapy glasses including display stands ~ $320 Full set of 10 colour therapy glasses without display stands ~ $270 Local pick up available from Mount Barker SA Private message for postage costs Be quick- limited stick available #askthebody #askthebodykinesiology #colourtherpy #colourtherapyglasses #chakrahealing #kinesiology
25.01.2022 K I N E A S Y This is your introduction to Kinesiology and learning the art of muscle reflex testing. Here is where you may begin your journey on the pathway towards becoming a Kinesiologist Or, you may simply wish to explore and gather amazing tools that will help you balance yourself and your loved ones Either way...this is your starting point This course is filling fast so enrol ASAP to secure your place #kineasy #kineasyintrocourse #kinesiology #kinesiologist #energy #energyhealing #healing
23.01.2022 This is going to be so much fun Thank you to everyone who signed up to take this next part of your journey into Kinesiology with me #elements #5elements #fire #earth #metal #wood #kinesiology #emotionsandmetaphysicalkinesiology #masteryofthefiveelementscoreessenceandcharacter #askthebodykinesiology #askthebody #askyourbody @bythebaykinesiology
23.01.2022 A sneaky little celebration of this amazing woman and friend of mine who has received her certificate for her attendance in the Kineasy Intro Course In truth, any excuse for a date with my mate but also the nurturing love from the awesome people at A beautiful morning became all the more beautiful after being serenaded by a bee Gifts and messages are EVERYWHERE in nature @infinite_essentials @alexgaston08 #bee #kineasyintrocourse #askthebody #askthebodykinesiology #emotionsandmetaphysicalkinesiology #kinesiology #adelaidehills @ Ask The Body Kinesiology Alex Gaston
22.01.2022 This little love Almost 12 months ago, your beautiful Mumma wished for you in my presence on the Kinesiology balancing table. Wasnt she clever We are all so happy you are here In your short time earth side you have brought infinite love and gratitude to us all #thankyou #kinesiology #beautifulbabiesofig #askthebody #askthebodykinesiology #miracles
21.01.2022 #fact #stayconscious #askthebody #askyourbody #askthebodykinesiology #infiniteloveandgratitude
21.01.2022 B A L A N C E #yinyang
20.01.2022 A little run down my friends #kineasyintrocourse #emotionsandmetaphysicalkinesiology #askthebody #askthebodykinesiology #kinesiology #energyhealing
20.01.2022 I have the best friends in Kinesiology everrrrr @aliceandawen @taylor_christine_anderson @hayleyguenneanderson #rosequartz #rosequartzcrystal #prettyjewelry
20.01.2022 Muscle Reflex Testing In kinesiology this is how we communicate directly with the sub-conscious mind I love to break it down for clients during sessions so they can FEEL the way the body is speaking to us Muscle Reflex Testing still blows me away. With laser-like accuracy we can drill down to the very core of an issue and uncover where it was exactly that we disconnected from our ability to heal. ... A M A Z I N G I ALWAYS trust muscle reflex testing ... this is the tool that I am most grateful to have in my kit #musclereflextesting #muscletesting #askthebody #askyourbody #askthebodykinesiology #infiniteloveandgratitude
19.01.2022 Breathing life into the Emotions and Metaphysical Kinesiology modality today with my upcoming Chakra Kinesiology Course almost sold out. My vision to have other EMK practitioners working in South Australia is fast becoming a reality #emotionsandmetaphysicalkinesiology #chakrakinesiology #chakras #kinesiology #kinesiologist #askthebody #askthebodykinesiology
19.01.2022 AbSOULutely LVE being in this space to search for the treasures held within the subconscious mind Its Monday and this never feels like work Lets play #subconsciousmind #kinesiology #intuitiveguidance #energyhealing #askthebody #askyourbody #askthebodykinesiology
19.01.2022 Pure love is the vibe when children access their inner healing Sacred is the space when they open up their beautiful hearts to share wisdom and truth that we as adults have forgotten I feel extremely humbled when a child trusts me to hold this space for them #kidskinesiology #kidslovekinesiology #childrenarehealers #infiniteloveandgratitude #askthebody #askthebodykinesiology #askthechildren #kinesiology
18.01.2022 L O V E is your very nature and I am really good at helping you reconnect to it Thats all #infiniteloveandgratitude #askthebody #askthebodykinesiology #kinesiology #raisingvibrations #love #loveyourself
18.01.2022 My heart is full and my cup runneth over with infinite love and gratitude after a deep dive into the world of Kinesiology with 8 rock star women There are 8 conscious women who now have the magical tool of muscle reflex testing to work with in their daily lives as well as knowledge of how to run a mini balance What a gift to the world Each and every one of them uniquely beautiful with a passion to hold space for others We are healing ourselves one session at a time and sending ripples of the highest love vibration into the Universe Happy Monday lovely humans Next up... Chakra Healing Kinesiology @bythebaykinesiology #infiniteloveandgratitude #askthebody #askthebodykinesiology #kineasyintrocourse #emotionsandmetaphysicalkinesiology
17.01.2022 Energy is everything Where your attention goes, your energy flows And so it is #infiniteloveandgratitude #energy #energyiseverything #lawofattraction #abundance #kinesiology #kinesiologist #askthebody #askthebodykinesiology
17.01.2022 Receiving visual feedback like this affirms my heart of the deep healing that is available within all of us when we clear emotional baggage and deeply help beliefs that no longer serve us This beautiful client of mine has generously given permission for me to share this To quote Just wanted to let you know I’m feeling grateful. I didn’t even realise how shit and stressed I really was feeling until now that I’ve released all that yucky stuff, I’m a whole lot better. I s...till can’t thank you enough. So much has changed for me I’ve seen a few people presenting with skin picking and when we drill down into which finger is specifically on the attack, it’s fascinating. For example: the little finger on the left hand stores survival and and sense of security. Here you hold your beliefs about your family and your tribe. So what does this mean to you when you think about YOUR survival and YOUR family? Your body is speaking to you. Understanding this subconscious language is the key. There’s so much more and it’s very intricate however as you can see, the results from one session (and a whole of deep dive down the emotional rabbit hole) are brilliant And yes my darling *** you ARE love You always were and always will be #infiniteloveandgratitude #testimonial #fingerpicking #askthebody #askthebodykinesiology #yourbodyistalkingtoyou #askyourbody #kinesiology #infiniteloveandgratitude #thelifelinetechnique See more
16.01.2022 Yesterday I experienced a most profound healing with @sonyatgalbraithhealerandcoach ... my sister with whom I have travelled countless lifetimes Womb healing, inner child, foetal me, 4 year young me, my female lineage gathering, and a reverse birth back into the womb to connect to my hearts truth...I am healing the parts of me that forget to show up for Me Infinite love and gratitude Sonya my beautiful friend Your gifts are beyond earthly measure #healing #innerchildwork #wombhealing #space #reiki
15.01.2022 I woke up today to this piece of art by @karol.pyrograf and I am a little lost for words I am in love with the creations on your beautiful page Thank the universe for the gift that is art #woodart #woodartist #pyrography #pyrographyartist #wow #woodelement
15.01.2022 ENROLMENTS CLOSING SOON!! Take a deep, deep dive and explore the wonderful world of chakras at a most profound level. Chakras are essentially our power centres that are held in the core of our bodies. They are responsible for attracting experiences into our lives and thus is the importance of maintaining balance with them. We will discover the 7 major chakras that are: Base (Root), Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye and Crown. Chakras are invisible v...ortexes of energy that spin both outwards and inwards and in doing so influence all of the major organs in our body. They are also directly connected to our experiences in life with money, sense of security, sexual energy, creative energy, self-esteem, self-value and self-worth, feelings, expression, communication, intuition and higher purpose plus so much more. Chakra Healing Kinesiology is a two-day course held in Mount Barker, SA in an intimate setting with like-minded people we will come together in a small group to experience the magic of chakras and raising our vibrational energy with them. At your fingertips is the ability to balance chakras by accessing the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of the chakra energy system to clear blockages using gentle natural remedies as well as tapping into your own psychic abilities. Understanding chakras in this way with kinesiology is so powerful as you understand that each chakra has an element identity, primary issue, purpose, rights, shadow side, qualities, life issues, developmental stage, planetary influence, archetypes and more. Utilizing magical tools of kinesiology such as colour therapy, essential oils, sound therapy, crystals and more, you will learn how to strengthen chakras to balance yourself and others through this powerful process. A gorgeous, user-friendly, packed-full-of-wisdom 110+ page colour manual is yours to keep, holding within it sacred information that will continue to deepen your understanding of chakras. Chakra Healing Kinesiology is one of the Emotions and Metaphysical Kinesiology courses and can only be attended by those who have attended the Kineasy Intro Course or equivalent.
15.01.2022 Embrace your YOU-ness unapologetically
14.01.2022 What a beautiful morning mentoring with this exceptionally talented friend of mine Jess thank you for my amazing balance I sooooo needed that #emotionsandmetaphysicalkinesiology #kineasy #healing #energyhealing #solucky Jess Thiele
13.01.2022 This week has been really profound in my healing space ...and its only Tuesday I dont know how many of my clients read these posts but I want to take a moment to make sure every body knows...that I feel so incredibly humbled that people trust me to hold space for some of their most deepest healing. I will never take any of this for granted. Many of the people I see, I have never met before. They come as strangers and always leave as friends. Thank you to parents for trusting me with your most precious loves, and to children for reminding us that love is ALWAYS the answer to EVERYTHING #healing #kinesiology #kinesiologist #grateful #gratefulheart #askthebody #askthebodykinesiology
13.01.2022 The magic of colour therapy glasses goes way beyond the fun that children always seem to be drawn to Popping on a pair of these lenses changes your perception When we intentionally look at a perceived problem in our lives through an intentional lens (that is connected to a particular power centre that we are strengthening) everything instantly becomes a portal towards GROUNDING CREATIVITY INTERNAL POWER UNCONDITIONAL SELF-LOVE AUTHENTIC EXPRESSION INNER KNOWING and a HIGHER PERSPECTIVE What a gift and what magic #infiniteloveandgratitude #colourtherapy #colortherapy #perceptionisreality #upgrading #ascension #askthebody #askyourbody #askthebodykinesiology #kinesiology #emotionsandmetaphysicalkinesiology
11.01.2022 There are so many precious moments in my heart that I will cherish from the Chakra Healing Kinesiology course this weekend Here are a few that I managed to actually capture with a camera Many, many more to come... What a most beautiful weekend What a divine group of women I had the pleasure of spending my time with My chakra medicine cup is full There are some magnificently powerful healers expanding into the universe and I am infinitely grateful for each and every one of them #chakras #chakrahealingkinesiology #powerfulwomen #emotionsandmetaphysicalkinesiology #kinesiology #energyhealing #healing #askthebodykinesiology #askthebody @kinesiliving @amyleemutton @melmai18 @leanne.gravelle @taraodonnellbrazel #infiniteloveandgratitude
10.01.2022 Its a common theme in clinic this week Change is the essence of my life #infiniteloveandgratitude #askthebody #askyourbody #kinesiology
10.01.2022 S H I F T Y O U R S H I T Conversations with my feet #infiniteloveandgratitude #portals #healing #askyourbody #askthebody #askthebodykinesiology Darren Weissman
10.01.2022 THE GENTLE ART OF MUSCLE REFLEX TESTING Kinesiology uses muscle reflex testing (MRT) to locate where stress is being held in the mind, body and spirit In ...this way we have a direct connection to the sub conscious mind, and this is the place where the golden nuggets of information are held. This is the key to transforming and transmuting the patterns of reaction that keep us stuck in our lives, often showing up as pain in our bodies and our relationships with others as well as with ourselves. Our beautiful selves To me, MRT is a magical tool and is a beautiful way that I am able to connect with my clients through touch and a powerful way that my clients can empower themselves with great clarity What a gift #infiniteloveandgratitude #muscletesting #subconsciousmind #kinesiology #energyhealing #quantumhealing #askthebody #askyourbody #askthebodykinesiology See more
10.01.2022 Vibrational medicine from the pure love essence of flowers #skyflowers #australianbushfloweressences #vibrationalmedicine #askthebody #askthebodykinesiology
10.01.2022 Some more lovely pics from our beautiful weekend harmonising and balancing our chakra power centres #emotionsandmetaphysicalkinesiology #kinesiology #kinesiologist #chakras #chakrahealing #chakrahealingkinesiology #askthebodykinesiology #askthebody #askyourbody @bythebaykinesiology @amyleemutton
09.01.2022 Day One in my new clinic space And my heart has to remember that everything is forever evolving and changing I am ready to meet my beautiful clients and hold a gentle space as they create their balance Please note new address lovely ones as per your individual reminder texts #infiniteloveandgratitude #askthebodykinesiology #askthebody #askyourbody #kinesiology #energyhealing
08.01.2022 Class of Kineasy August 2020 #rockstars #gamechangers #lightworkers #kinesiologist #emotionsandmetaphysicalkinesiology @kayandanicole @tamrajaye7 @yellowdoor_healing @hayleyguenneanderson @aliceandawen
08.01.2022 C H A K R A S Chakra Healing Kinesiology as part of the Emotions and Metaphysical Kinesiology modality We dive deep and play next weekend #emotionsandmetaphysicalkinesiology #chakras #chakrahealing #chakrahealingkinesiology #askthebody #askyourbody #askthebodykinesiology
07.01.2022 Oftentimes, your medicine is in your immediate surroundings via nature’s FARMacy Here is an example of this shared from a beautiful client of mine this morning On the left is what she was drawn to that represents her stressor and on the right is what she is wanting to feel Both of these remedies came from her immediate environment which has a massive influence on her energy and will assist to clear the way to manifest her true heart’s desire of abundance. Abundance - that is EVERY BODY’S birthright and freely available in the most simple of ways ... in nature Thank you @bythebaykinesiology for sharing this wisdom of Nature’s Healing Chi #gamechanger #nature #remedies #naturalremedies #connecttoyournature #healing #kinesiology #askthebodykinesiology #askthebody #askyourbody
06.01.2022 Wommu mu Katra Magic is all around us and it is within us all, reflected in nature Breathe that in #giftofnature #bepresent #mothernature #wommamukatra
06.01.2022 This is how my Sunday looked Lines of the highest of plant medicine #sacredcacao and smoking the good stuff #palosanto with my girl @amyleemutton @youressentialbeing_ Sitting in sacred sisterhood with you fills my cup, literally My entire day unfolded with beautiful connections with @hillskundaliniyoga Kylie and her beautiful babies. Infinite love and gratitude #heartconnection #sisters #ceremony #expansion #plantmedicine #cacao
05.01.2022 Shifting from sub-conscious patterns that keep us stuck in our old stories Work with me to clear them and power on #sabotage #survivalmode #patterns #shifthappens #askthebody #askthebodykinesiology
05.01.2022 Emotions and Metaphysical Kinesiology Heres a little rundown More information on my website #emotionsandmetaphysicalkinesiology #kinesiology #kinesiologypathways #musclereflextesting #energyhealing #healing #askthebody #askyourbody #askthebodykinesiology
04.01.2022 Sometimes were contracting, sometimes were expanding. Our bodies are doing whatever they are doing. And oftentimes we have little control over our physical form. Can we move away from making comments about peoples physicality? Of course we can Its the higher way #bodypositivity #bodyneutrality #humanbody #askthebody #askthebodykinesiology
03.01.2022 Beach walks, sunrises and gifts in strange wrapping paper #family
01.01.2022 Life is a game Keep playing #playtime #gameoflife #innerchild #infiniteloveandgratutude #askthebody #askthebodykinesiology
01.01.2022 Taking an exceptional group of healers through to the next stage of the Emotions and Metaphysical Kinesiology modality in just a few weeks time Stay tuned #soldout #chakras #chakrahealing #kinesiology #emotionsandmetaphysicalkinesiology #askthebody #askthebodykinesiology
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