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Myreadership in Coconut Grove | Publisher

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23.01.2022 Welcome Note by Admin: There are none or very few groups in Facebook that discuss about READERS, even when readers are the most important elements of any endeavor. The fact remains that though readers comes at the end of a writing journey, they define the end result of whatever we-as a writer-have done throughout our writing process. While most of the groups discuss about various aspects of writing/promoting/selling books, no one seems to pay attention to readership. This group is created specifically to fill that void. Here, the objective is to revisit every aspects of writing process from the point of view of understanding readers and building long lasting readership. WHO would want to join this group : All the writers, irrespective of their genre. It doesn’t matter if you’ve written ten books or none. WHY would you join the group: To share, learn and discuss ideas and experiences about behavioral patterns of readers and ideas on how to build a long lasting, loyal readership.

13.01.2022 Kindle publishing: Kindle publishing is an amazing publishing platform that not only make you a writer but a publisher as well. If you don’t want to spend lots of money and save all the troubles of print books, kindle is the choice you want to go with. Kindle is fast and effective way of building a readership, specially if your book informative or educating (how to guide, why to guide, where to guide). It’s also is Very effective if your book is a series. Kindle book is ver...y effective if your book is about a very specific subject. Why kindle: 1. It’s very fast and effective 2. International audience 3. You don’t require an agent 4. You don’t need a publisher 5. The turnout time is minimal 6. You may start a series 7. You get 70% royalties ( for book under $9.99) 8. You don’t have to worry about inventory 9. E book can be converted in to print book if you think your book is a success 10. You become a published author in no time 11. Amazon provides solutions to all your publishing requirements ( for example- design of a book cover) 12. Amazon’s Helping hand through out the process

13.01.2022 You Are Invited...

11.01.2022 Identifying your prospective audience is vital in today’s world. It helps to focus your efforts to specific targeted readership. Here are some easy steps 1. Isolate what types and /or groups of people the content of the book would interest... 2. Identify other books that are comparable to your book and look at the profiles of those books main buyers/readers 3. Pinpoint what is special about your book 4. Determine some demographics 5. Feed the previous four tips into each other’s to gain even more insight and narrow down who your target audience/s is/are

09.01.2022 10 ways to increase your readership 1. Start with your offline relationship These are your friends, colleagues, relatives. They can help build your numbers of following by commenting, sharing and referring your social media profiles to their friends, relatives and colleagues. ... 2. Email platforms Create a signature for your email. Whenever you send an email put a link of your latest posts or popular posts. Free applications like WiseStamp is a great help in creating email signature. 3. Create a post out of a ‘question’ People usually ask questions on various aspects of subject. Creating a post out of such questions with a little background on who asked the question, why he/she asked it and what was the occasion when the question was asked etc helps in creating an interesting post. It also establishes yourself as an authority on subject matter. 4. Don’t be shy in inviting people Always ask people to join, follow, share, like and comment on your post. Sometimes it only requires a gentle push for people to get involved. 5. Add call to action button on your post Call to Action button is very effective instrument to make people ACT. It’s like a mild inspiration for them to get involved. 6. Buddy Up Buddy is someone who would share your posts on his/her networks and also write guest articles, if you have a blog in return of you doing the same. 7. Move between different formats This means converting your popular posts in different formats like Infographics, Podcasts, YouTube videos whenever it’s possible. 8. Consistency in posting Don’t post randomly. Decide days and time and also the numbers of posts you will be posting in a week. Let people know about it by regularly mentioning it in your posts. These way your follower know when to expect your posts. 9. Factual posts Always double check your facts. Factual errors can harm your authority in big ways. Also, mention only those facts which are well researched and verifiable. 10. About You Of course you are very important person on your networks. It’s vital that your Bio is up to date and interesting. Avoid unnecessary words or phrases that may sound boasting or self praising.

02.01.2022 13 easy steps must for a Book writing plan !!! 1. Define your audience 2. Find out where your audience hangs out (Online)... 3. How much money do you have to spend 4. List some good topics for guest blog posts 5. Draw up a list of everyone you know 6. Plan to get reviews, testimonials or quotes 7. Get your email list ready 8. Create a Book trailer 9. Get your Interviews done by popular magazine or newspaper 10. Set your market price 11. Plan How are you going to fulfill orders 12. Plan your timings e.g. some big event or a festival 13. Give yourself realistic goal

01.01.2022 Essential Qualities of a Good Writer 1. Love of writing. This is the most important factor. Unless there is the love and passion for writing, one can never produce a good piece. The more intense the passion, the better the writing is. 2. Love of words. This is not the same as the love of writing. Love of words means having a good vocabulary and understanding not only their meanings, but also the correct usage of words and their connotations. It is this love of words that a writer select the right words, and it is this choice of words that make the impact on the readers. 3. Good grammar and punctuation skills. This is an obvious one. We all know how bad grammar can leave a bad impression and how incorrect punctuation can change the meaning of a sentence. 4. Imagination. This is another important quality. What and how can a writer write if there is no imagination? Even a non-fiction writer needs imagination to make his/her writing lucid. 5. Observation. Good writers have a knack of observing people and things, and then mentally storing these observations to reproduce later in their writings. 6. Self-motivation. We all go through periods of difficulties and mental blocks. A good writer never waits for someone else to come inspire him/her. He/she is able to motivate himself/herself, is always confident and is able to come up with ideas. 7. Professionalism. A good writer always has a professional approach to writing. This means that that a writer should always take his/her work seriously and must be able to learn every aspect of writing. He/she must be able to understand the market and offer readers material that they wish to read. If a person has these seven essential qualities, then that person can be called a good writer. Or am I missing out on something? Is there anything else that should have been included?

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