Asmofq in Kelvin Grove, Queensland | Medical and health
Locality: Kelvin Grove, Queensland
Phone: +61 7 3872 2222
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24.01.2022 After a long and arduous negotiation process for inclusion of the items outlined in the ASMOFQ log of claims, Queensland Health has made an offer for the MOCA 4. We encourage you to read the offer and associated documents from Queensland Health carefully. They are available at: reading
24.01.2022 Is the Mater being naughty or nice?
23.01.2022 Dr Stephen Morrison (left, facing away) - President of ASMOFQ at yesterday's press conference with the Premier and Health Minister. Dr Morrison thanked the Government for the breakthrough. "The terms and conditions reverse the hated contracts." "They were as good as their word,"... "They said they would attempt to restore fairness and they have done that." See more
23.01.2022 The Results for the Mater SMO Enterprise Agreement are in - 77% of those who voted were in favour of the Agreement.
23.01.2022 The proposed VMO Agreement is now available for viewing. The Access Period will commence on Wednesday 13 July 2016 and run until Sunday 24 July 2016. The Ballot Period will commence on Monday 25 July 2016 and close on Wednesday 27 July 2016 at 21:00. To view a copy of the proposed Agreement please visit our website... See more
21.01.2022 Today, ASMOFQ Executive and industrial officers met with the Deputy Premier/Health Minister Hon Dr Steven Miles. We discussed a number of issues of high importance to our members, including: * MOCA 6 (MOCA 5 will expire 30th June 2021, so we are aiming to commence formal negotiations well before this date) * PPE (supply, guidelines & fit-testing)... We also advocated for VMOs to be allowed to preserve their existing arrangements under the upcoming MOCA 6, and also be granted access to the QIRC. We will keep you updated on these issues, and more, as they progress.
20.01.2022 The results on MOCA4 are in: Doctors have voted to accept the proposed MOCA4 with a resounding 94% yes vote. This is a very strong rejection of individual contracts which were imposed on doctors in Queensland last year. ASMOFQ looks forward to our members returning to a collectively bargained certified agreement that treats them fairly and equitably like any other public servant. ... Tell your medical mates it's OK to come back to Queensland to work and live here!
20.01.2022 The final report on the commissioning of the LCCH was released yesterday. It has identified major issues including the inexperience of the commissioning teams, inadequate timeframes, circumvention of governance structures and a lack of transparency and communication. It is regrettable that rushing the opening of the hospital has put patient safety at risk, and the Health Minister has stated that "the fact that nothing adverse happened was due to the fantastic efforts of the s...taff." While the review has made recommendations regarding the processes involved with the commissioning of the hospital, ASMOFQ notes that substantial ongoing issues remain, such as bed shortages, understaffing, low morale and a lack of clinician consultation and engagement. These diminish the ability to deliver optimum health care to patients and are not directly addressed in this report. ASMOFQ is committed to supporting its members and engaging constructively with other stakeholders to resolve these issues, so that the LCCH can deliver high-quality, safe and efficient health care for children.
19.01.2022 There have been two MOCA 4 oversight committee meetings, which ASMOFQ attended to raise your concerns. An agenda was set at the first meeting and includes: - Monitoring the portability of RMO leave entitlements between HHs during the first year of MOCA 4 - An Audit of RMO Professional Development Leave (PDL) requests during the first year of MOCA 4... - Working from Home - Option P for Pathologists - Rostering of Public Holidays for Junior Staff - Superannuation on Ordinary Time Earnings - Fatigue 10 Hour Break - SMO availability on Public Holidays Extended span of ordinary hours to meeting clinical needs - Moving and Appointment Expenses for Junior Doctors HR Policy D4 If you have any feedback on the above issues or any other issues you would like us to advocate for on your behalf please contact us on (07) 3872 2222 or via email at [email protected]
18.01.2022 Queensland Health RMOs and SMOs - From 1 July 2016 under MOCA 4 you should have received a 2.5% pay increase. Please check your pay slips and telephone the ASMOFQ industrial officers on (07) 3872 2222 should you have any issues in relation to your pay.
16.01.2022 With the Mater RMO negotiations drawing to a close, ASMOFQ will be organising information sessions over the coming weeks to explain the changes in the proposed agreement. ASMOFQ would like to see members at these events so they can make an informed decision prior to voting on the agreement. If you would like further details on when the information sessions are being held please dont hesitate to contact us directly on (07) 3872 2222 or via email at [email protected].
16.01.2022 Dear members, ASMOF Queensland Branch is pleased to announce we are near finalisation of the first Enterprise Agreement (EA) covering Doctors employed within the Queensland Section of the RFDS. Key wins including:... Professional Development Allowance increasing from $7,000 to $10,000 per annum. Professional Development Allowance paid as a fortnightly allowance as opposed to a reimbursement. Wage increases as per the Wage Price Index (Year one 2.3%) 25% loading for Primary Health Care Doctors performing work on weekends. Timeline: 6 Feb 2020 - Access period opens 14 Feb 2020 - 9:00am Access period closes / Voting period opens 21 Feb 2020 - 12:00pm Voting period closes 21 Feb 2020 - Advise cohort of outcome of the vote 24-26 Feb 2020 - Signing of the agreement 5 Mar 2020 - Application due to FWC Members who would like to discuss the EA in more detail are encouraged to contact as directly [email protected].
14.01.2022 ASMOFQ has recently been approached by several Senior Medical Officers (SMOs) working in Emergency Departments in regards to how the Emergency Department Specialty Allowance (ED25) is being applied. As a result, ASMOFQ is requesting our SMO members working in Emergency Departments to complete the below survey. The information you provide will assist ASMOFQ understand how each of the Hospital and Health Services (HHSs) are interpreting and applying this entitlement. You can access the survey here:
13.01.2022 ASMOFQ continues to raise concerns with Queensland Health in relation to the inconsistent application of the ED25 allowance across the State. If you have not already completed the ED25 survey could you please do so
11.01.2022 Mater It Matters - RMOs do you know what you will be voting on?
10.01.2022 All ASMOFQ members are invited to the Presentation Meeting on 19 April 2016. The relevant financials can be found at under the 'about' tab.
09.01.2022 Dear members, ASMOFQ currently has a dispute before the Queensland Industrial Relations Commission (QIRC) in relation to the Emergency Department 25% allowance for rural SMOs. On 14 February, ASMOFQ will be providing members with an update on the dispute along with an opportunity to ask questions:... Date: Friday, 14 February Time: 4pm ASMOFQ strongly recommends that members nominate at least one (1) SMO representative from each hospital to dial into the Q&A session. Teleconference details: Redback On your phone dial: 3054 7043 (local) or 1800 278 560 (outside Brisbane district) Enter the participant code (and give your name) when requested: 48232320.
09.01.2022 The proposed Mater SMO Agreement is now available for viewing. The Access Period will commence on Tuesday 24 May 2016 and run until Tuesday 31 May 2016. The Ballot Period will commence on Wednesday 1 June 2016 and close on Friday 3 June 2016. To view a copy of the draft Agreement please visit our website:... See more
09.01.2022 ASMOFQ wrote to the Australian Labour Party (ALP) firmly supporting our members' right to collectively bargain. We made it clear that our members will not support a return to the draconian individual high income guarantee contracts which were seen under the Newman Government in 2014 and 2015. Our members have a strong preference for collective bargaining including complete restoration of rights and entitlements lost under the Newman Government. Furthermore, we sought support ...from the ALP that the current industrial provisions in relation to the union encouragement and the right to become a union member continue to stand. ASMOFQ is pleased to announce that Jackie Trad, Deputy Premier, Minister for Transport and Minister for Infrastructure and Planning has provided a response on behalf of the ALP and their continued support of ASMOFQ members ability to collectively bargain along with strong union encouragement policies. ASMOFQ invites all members to review the response received -
08.01.2022 Mater RMOs - Are you ready to vote? Visit our website to view a copy of the proposed Agreement:
07.01.2022 IN-PRINCIPLE AGREEMENT ACHIEVED Following on from your feedback over the past week, the majority of members communicated their support for the principles outlined in the MOCA 4 offer. This was conveyed to Queensland Health representatives on Tuesday 4 August 2015, and an in-principle agreement was confirmed between Queensland Health, ASMOFQ and Together Unions. Queensland Health and the unions will now go ahead with drafting the formal MOCA 4 agreement based on the clauses o...f the offer. ASMOFQ recognises this process should largely fulfil the extinguishing of contracts, thus restoring fairness for Queensland doctors in the workplace. In addition, ASMOFQ looks forward to a new era of genuine consultation and collaboration with the Department of Health and the Minister to deliver high-quality and efficient patient services. The drafting process could take a number of months, and we anticipate the final draft will be put to a formal ballot no earlier than the end of September 2015.
07.01.2022 The proposed Mater RMO Enterprise Agreement is now available for viewing. ASMOF will be holding information sessions for all Mater Medical Officers who want to find out more about the proposed agreement. These sessions will be held between Monday 4 April 2016 and Sunday 17 April 2016. With the exact dates, times and locations to be confirmed The ballot period will open on Monday 18 April 2016 and close on Wednesday 21 April at 21:00.
07.01.2022 Dear members, The proposed draft of MOCA4 has been released by Queensland Health for consultation last week. ASMOFQ has striven to ensure that the content of the in-principle agreement have been incorporated clearly and accurately into the drafting of the certified agreement. We have made numerous submissions to Queensland Health over the last few weeks during this drafting process (most of which were accepted). Furthermore, we have sought legal advice to review the proposed ...draft of the MOCA4 to ensure the integrity of the agreement. ASMOFQ believes that overall, the proposed MOCA4 draft reflects the in-principle agreement and can therefore be recommended to members to approve in the upcoming ballot. The links to the relevant documents can be found at: The ballot will commence soon on the 28th September, and will close on the receipt of mail on 16th October. As the ballot is only open for 2 weeks and is by mail only, it is essential that you complete your ballot form and post it back as soon as you receive it. Please ensure that your HHS payroll has your current address details to facilitate this. We encourage all members (and non-members) to submit their vote for the ballot as a high response rate is important to send a strong message that we completely reject the unfair contracts that were forced upon us last year. If you have any questions, please email us or call us.
07.01.2022 Mater it Matters
07.01.2022 The Results for the Mater VMO Enterprise Agreement are in - 100% of those who voted were in favour of the Agreement.
04.01.2022 Elections are now being held for ASMOF Queensland Branch Councillors. If you are interested in becoming a Councillor please visit for more information, including the nomination forms. Alternatively, you can contact us directly on (07) 3872 2222 or via email [email protected].
04.01.2022 Members are asking: how to vote on MOCA4? ASMOFQ believes that we have negotiated a fair and equitable Medical Officers Certified Agreement on behalf of members and doctors across Queensland. Basic rights such as collective bargaining, employment security and robust dispute resolution are returned to SMOs. Part time SMOs are no longer discriminated against as they are being offered pro rata of a full Motor Vehicle Allowance. ... RMOs are being offered an improved Professional Development Allowance that is indexed to future pay rises for the first time and increased protections against fatigue and unsafe rosters. ASMOFQ believes that doctors should vote YES to accept the MOCA4 that is being offered as it improves conditions and protections for doctors and their patients across Queensland. Contact us through the ASMOFQ website and email with any MOCA4 questions or membership enquiries.
03.01.2022 ASMOFQ, along with the AMA Queensland VMO Committee are pleased to announce we have began discussions with Queensland Health regarding the employment framework for VMOs. At a high level, our VMO members have indicated their employment framework should contain provisions for: Employment security;... Collective bargaining; Ability for a review of entitlements at a set period; Consistency across all VMO groups; and Access to an independent mediator for dispute resolution. In light of the feedback we have received from our VMO members, it has been put to Queensland Health that a Certified Agreement would provide the optimal industrial framework for VMOs. However, before negotiations begin for any proposed Agreement, a Modern Award which covers the VMO group must be established. In the future we will be calling on all VMO members to have their voices heard regarding the contents of any proposed Agreement.
03.01.2022 Releasing the report today, Queensland Health Minister Cameron Dick said rushing the opening put patient safety at risk. "The fact that nothing adverse happened was due to the fantastic efforts of the staff," Mr Dick said.
03.01.2022 The first ASMOFQ newsletter is now available to all medical officers: If you are a member and did not receive a copy please contact us on (07) 3872 2222 or via email [email protected] to ensure you stay up to date with how ASMOFQ is advocating for members.
02.01.2022 The Results for the Mater RMO Enterprise Agreement are in - 89% of those who voted were in favour of the Agreement.
02.01.2022 Dear members, Any queries employee members of ASMOFQ have can be directed to [email protected]. Regards,... ASMOFQ - The Doctors' Union See more
01.01.2022 ASMOFQ invites all members to view the Labor Government commitments made to Medical Officers in 2015.
01.01.2022 Letter from Queensland Health Director-General to ASMOFQ - two additional days of leave for staff, in acknowledgement for our response to COVID-19
01.01.2022 ASMOFQ will be at the Mater Hospital tomorrow to discuss the proposed RMO Agreement with all interested Medical Officers. Date: Wednesday 16th March Time: 4pm 6pm Location: conference room 3 and 4 (Mater Adult Hospital level 3)... A free afternoon tea will be provided. We hope to see you all there.
01.01.2022 Here is the QHealth webpage with the links to the MOCA4 offer.
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