AST Aesthetics Skin Clinic | Health/beauty
AST Aesthetics Skin Clinic
Phone: +61 8 9563 4189
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25.01.2022 Mooshy Post Alert My job is not always about the anti ageing aspects, it can also be about empowering others! It’s about building my clients confidence and illuminating their inner vibe. My treatment could be the last piece of the journey to self discovery, self love and self respect. I don’t judge, my job is to guide, educate and recommend. My professional goal is to encourage self love and partake in my clients evolution towards the best version of themselve...s. My motto is if it doesn’t bother you, don’t fix it. It’s not my place to tell you what society would have you believe is attractive. Everyone is different and that’s the way each treatment should be undertaken. If you have something that bothers you then come my friend, sit in my chair and let’s see what we can do about it. Whether it’s a thin upper lip that makes you feel conscious when you smile but because you’re such a happy person you don’t want it to hold back anymore. Let’s see what we can do. Whether it’s saggy lower face because you’ve just lost 20+kgs through hard work and determination but no matter how much more weight you loose that lower face sag just won’t budge. And you feel it doesn’t reflect the improved, self made powerhouse you have become. Hey, come sit in my chair and we can have a chat. Whether it’s those frown lines from all the long hours focusing on study, or working, or looking after your kids and now you just feel like you look old, tired and/or have a RBF which is not who you are on the inside. Then.... you guessed it, come see me. Moral of this story is I believe everyone is different and unique. I’m in the business of anti ageing, yes but I’m also in the business of empowerment and encouraging self confidence. #nojudgement #bekind #kindnessmatters #selflove #selfdiscovery #selfrespect #selfconfidence #selfmotivation #lgbtq #brotox #antiageing #lushlips #malefillers #beforeandafters #lipfillersperth #cosmeticnurseperth #loveyourself #loveyou #treatyourself #halloween #trickortreat
24.01.2022 Nurse Amy is back in the salon this coming Monday for Dermal Fillers and Wrinkle Relaxers. Call us on 0447 747 492 now for an appointment or online appointments... available at #astaesthetics #wrinklerelaxers #dermalfillers #oceankeysspabeauty #beautyclarkson
21.01.2022 Natural, subtle yet effective ‘Operation perioral lines be gone’ executed with 1mL of dermal filler for my gorgeous patient I can never get 100% smooth, wrinkle free skin once it’s been damaged (it’s like repeatedly folding a piece of paper) but I can definitely aim to improve it.... #astaesthetics #dermalfillers #beforeandafters #perioral #dermalfillersperth #perth #lippy #wrinkles #antiageing
18.01.2022 Baby Tremain #3 Coming March 2021 Most of my recent clients have noticed a little bump beginning to show and no it’s not a food baby! It’s an actual baby baby!! *surprise* Hubby and I are expecting our third (and last!) little bundle of joy ... So, what does this mean for you as my loyal clients and friends??! I will be working until the week before Christmas at all clinics (19th Dec) so please book in advance to avoid disappointment. These are filling quickly. I will not be available over the Christmas, New Years week and then the family and I are taking a much needed few weeks off in January to spend quality time together before life gets hectic again. I’ll be back in Feb just at reduced hours and I will advertise those days in advance once I know my capabilities. You can always DM me or contact me if you need an appointment and I can point you in the right direction as to when and where I will be. I’m hoping this will be an easy transition from working mum to working with a new born mum but time will tell (it’s been 7 years since I’ve had to look after a new born ). I’m unsure what this is going to look like for me yet but I’m hoping with your patience and loyalty, we can do it!! Also, we are not finding out the sex of our newest addition so who’s guessing boy? Who’s team girl? #baby #pregnancyannouncement #20weekspregnant #5monthspregnant #halfway #newborn #nomoretreatmentsforme #ageing #ultrasound #bump #pregnancybump #boyorgirl #gendersurprise #birth #birthing #herewegoagain #oppsididitagain @ Perth, Western Australia
04.01.2022 More lips by me I have one spot left today at 12 for either filler or anti wrinkle injections. And yes I do more treatments than just lips... I also treat: ... Temples Cheeks Tear Troughs Smile lines Chin Jaw I also treat masetters with muscle relaxers for teeth grinding, under arms for excessive sweating, gummy smiles and double chins with fat dissolving injections. #fatdisolvinginjections #dermalfillers #dermalfillersperth #antiwrinkleinjection #perthinjector #workingmum #workingmumlife #beforeandafter #antiageing #skincare #cosmeticinjectors @ Perth, Western Australia
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