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25.01.2022 THE GREAT CONJUNCTION of JUPITER & SATURN Jupiter and Saturn are going to be visible in the night sky with just 0.06 degrees apart, making it the best planetary conjunction in years. Here’s what’s super special about this one according to Astrologers:...Continue reading
23.01.2022 You have a new message from the Angels
21.01.2022 The meaning of the glyphs of the Astro Signs
12.01.2022 Love This And Didnt Know BUT DO DO...
09.01.2022 Leo epitomise the triangular pattern of creation. The science of triangles is about the unification of the cosmic motion, about the gradual superimposition of the three astrological crosses of the aspirant, disciple and initiate and Sirius supervise the process via its position as the cosmic ajna centre. Leo is the sign wherein the consciousness of individuality is developed, utilised and finally consecrated to divine purpose. It is related to Pol...Continue reading
08.01.2022 Want to know about the Star of Bethlehem from the Master? Want to know if we are in the Age of Aquarius from the Master? Want to know what’s happening for the rest of the month? MARS SQUARE PLUTO you NEED to know about God Loves Rick Merlin Levine...
06.01.2022 Firstly, Thankyou for acknowledging my experience, many don’t cz they are not in my frequency as yet, and I say that with love not ego. I am a Trusted Servant t...o Humanity here, A World Server... The collective (Aquarius) will now be activated firstly by Saturn and Jupiter and then along will follow Pluto in 2023 after Saturn moves into Pisces connecting with Neptune to ground this Spiritual evolution. Saturn will restrict the collective for 2.5yrs with Jupiter expanding that restriction for a year. In that restriction Humanity will have another chance to go within and sit with Self like they did with Covid. Humanity will feel the pains being released from their ancestral DNA (if they haven’t voluntarily done this through meditation and detachment from busyness and listening to others fears on the social media platforms). Many protests will take place cz who wants to feel those pains and become whole, it is painful. Some will get sick and when Saturn squares Uranus 3 times some will go through financial losses that will effect their egos, they will suicide thinking their monies and stuff is them. Cancers and degenerative dis-eases will be activated due to the collectives fear of having nothing and thinking they are what they have. Earth quakes and crazy weather patterns will wipe out homes and communities leaving them with just themselves. Individuation is the goal here, relying on our inner guidance system, our higher Selves is the goal here, more that I haven’t been shown yet will take place. We have been warning Souls since before I was born that this is going to happen but no one wants to listen cz mark my words it’s very painful to Ascend and evolve, one must trust and be true to themselves, not fear, not be distracted with busyness and others sick patterns. I know this, I’ve done this, I have 3 years left of Pluto transforming my whole being, I have sat alone for 5 years, isolated. I have lost all, I have let go of parents, son, the new agers who think they are like minded and are just herded really. Individuation is the Aquarian Age, Love of Self beyond anything is the Aquarian Age, Service to Community is the Aquarian age. So much more pain to come, we need pain or we don’t grow. Humanity loves comfort, just look in peoples homes and their stuff. I am an observer now and I hold space for Adult Children who want to clear their ancestral junk through feeling it and releasing it not some sound therapy bs new agers believe works. To become whole we must embrace the shadows of the past and that freakin hurts. But hey there’s plenty to get addicted to and stuff these feelings(energies) down with. So much more to come and it ain’t rainbows and fairies that’s for sure. It is butterflies though, transformation, it’s time my Human brothers and Sisters, it’s now time See more
06.01.2022 JUPITER CONJUNCT PLUTO exposes Sexual Deception and False Power...In CAPRICORN it reflects integrity or lack thereof... It is sad to see Kaypacha has fallen however, the truth will set us free...
04.01.2022 Venus... reflecting on its left side, the light from crescent Moon. Crazy! 02.27.20
02.01.2022 Egoic manifestation is produced at individualisation. The causal body is that sheath of mental substance which is formed at the moment of individualisation the of the two fires. The force or energy that pours through from the higher planes (the breath of the Monad, if you care so to term it) produces a vacuum, or something analogous to a bubble in koilon, and the sheath of the causal bodythe ring-pass-not of the central Life is formed. Within this sheath are to be found three atoms, which have been termed the mental unit, the astral permanent atom and the physical permanent atom; they correspond individually to the seventh principle of each of the three persons of the microcosmic triad, a reflection (in the three worlds of the microcosm) of the three Persons of the logoic Trinity. . (A Treatise on Cosmic Fire/506- Leois connected with the astral permanent atom, for the reason that desire or the power to go forth and occultly touch that which is desired is the basis of all sense of awareness ; it is the keynote of the man who has achieved that true self-centred attitude which makes him an individual. The astral permanent atom blends with the physical and allows for the consciousness of form... followed by the soul awareness as a portal for the buddhic light. Neptune as soul ruler of Leo represents the Christ, in fact it is one of the names by which the Christ is known, referring to the first two initiations over which He presides. Leo though, is also a fiery mental sign. Its solar rulership is exoterically and esoterically along the Ray 2 line, via the Sun and Neptune. The integration of the individuality and soul - lets in the monadic energy. This fifth sign corresponds to the fifth principle of manas or mind (Leo’s mane mental aura), and Leo’s element of fire. Leo’s hierarchical rulership of Uranus is also along the mental ray line and related to the head centre. In the man who is ready for initiation you have, therefore, a dual control, i.e., the Sun itself and also the Sun as it veils the influences of these two planets, or rather, as it focusses and transmits them with intensity. This produces the following developments: 1. The SunFull self-consciousness. Thisthrough the influence of the physical Sun and the "heart of the Sun"produces awareness of the relation of the higher self and the lower self. Man becomes aware of his essential duality. 2. NeptuneMystical consciousness of the higher vision, plus the activity of the mediator. 3 UranusOccult consciousness or that intelligent, fusing condition which produces the scientific at-one-ment of the two factors, higher and lower self, through the intelligent use of the mind. You have, therefore, the conscious, integrated Self, functioning with full occult knowledge and also with mystical perception when the influences of Leo, focussed through the Sun, Uranus and Neptune, have been carried adequately forward in the life of the advanced disciple. This is one of the reasons why Leo is a sign of such paramount importance and why the intelligent Leo subject can usually attain his goal, once he accurately perceives that objective. Neptune governs this triangle as soul ruler of Cancer and Leo, and veiled by the Moon as hierarchical ruler of Aquarius. Before individual man can achieve initiation, he must be fully self-conscious, mystically oriented and occultly developed. He must be aware of himself as he essentially isa soul ; he must be a developed mystic, capable of pure vision; he must also be a trained occultist, mentally polarised and profoundly aware of the realities, forces and energies of existence . He is then governed by the physical Sun, motivated by the energies pouring from "the heart of the Sun" (via Neptune) and bringing about at-one-ment through the forces which are reaching him (via Uranus). fr. E.A A Bailey
01.01.2022 We are spinning faster than ever recorded before scientists report...