Astrology for Personal Development | Businesses
Astrology for Personal Development
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25.01.2022 Astrology Tip for 19-21 Jan Birthday People: The current Great Conjunction ‘in the Sky’ is a ‘call’ for you to personally develop the ‘best’ of what these two planets represent to help you to achieve the Shining in Life of either your Capricorn or Aquarius Self-Creativity. This ‘call’ refers to aspiration guided by common sense; the development of new growth or expansion in Life which is well-structured/guided by methodical organisation; and self-discipline which enables you enthusiastically and optimistically manifest your Big Picture ‘imaginings’ with quiet confidence. Take notice of any inner stimulus that's about your ‘wanting’ of greater freedom or expansion in Life as this has the potential to lead to you responding in a very productive and prosperous manner towards building ‘secure structures’ in your Life which will support your Self-Creativity and increase your happiness and satisfaction. Be open to receiving generous and fortunate opportunities that come your well as taking a well-organized and systematic approach to acquiring any education or practical experience that’s required for you to reach your Goals. It’s time to ‘get to work’ on strengthening outcomes you ‘want’ in Life which are ready to ripen. Have faith in your abilities, look for the ‘lucky’ breaks that support both your intellectual and material ‘growth’ in Life well as the miraclesand remain optimistic knowing that there are no shortcuts to ‘real’ success. Learn how to pace yourself well as you continue on ‘responsibly’ attending to achieving your Self-Creativity Goals which will enable you to Shine your Self-Creativity in Life.
24.01.2022 Astrology Tip for May 28-30 Birthday People: Last night’s Lunar Eclipse denotes the beginning of an important six month period for developing Gemini Personalities. It involves the ‘call’ for the inner nature of the Human and Human emotional behaviour to be investigated in regard to responses these Aspects of the Psyche ‘evoke’ in Life. Investigating how your inner nature, which includes instincts and intuition, has been ‘working’ to support your Gemini Personality’s Self-Cr...eativity could lead to you developing a different perspective of how your emotions and your Gemini Personality need to develop to ‘work’ together better so that your Actions in Life ‘evolve’ to better support you ‘achieving’ the Self-Creative ‘outcomes’ that your ‘heart’ Desires. It’s a time to consider how well you are able to ‘balance’ your conscious reality with your subconscious or ‘innate’ ‘workings’, which includes your intuition. Compromise and negotiation between these two Aspects of the Psyche support a Human’s Mastery in Life. See more
23.01.2022 How's the development of your Sun Sign talents and Self-Creativity going? Think about which goals would be useful for supporting your 'Shining in Life' activities...then get to work on achieving them!
22.01.2022 Cos of virus 'scare' in South Australia = Gaming Room/hotels had to 'close' = thus giving me more time at home since Mar 22 2020 than would normally have I decided this would be good time for me to get serious about writing my Horse Books, which was something I decided by 1985 that i wanted to do = when I was 'working' full-time as a professional Equestrian Coach/horse trainer/horse 'agister' by that time = which was a result of my childhood Passion about riding/trainin...g horses...thus by beginning of two weeks ago was = I was half way thru my second Dressage Training related suddenly decide to 'put-together' the below book after having prepared what in this book to do an audio on re another Hobby I became interested in 1994 cos of Astrology which has now virtually turned into a 'profession' i.e. 'winning' via slots...[yes.. i know = is supposed to be impossible = but NOT for me! = check out the page below where post has come from] - so within two days = this book was 'done' and then online for sale etc.. When the reason I'm sharing this with you is that IF you are an Astrologer = it is easy to see the connections of all this behaviour to my Horoscope, which is in a Power Point Presentation that I talk about in this book/is on my thejackpotqueen website for sale... when my Esoteric Astrology book, Astrology for the Developing Personality, which describes astrology which covers this sort of ME-'behaviour'....which is basically to do with a person 'Shining' their Talents in Life..when astrology had became MY adult Hobby by end of 1980s...= Sooooo = lots of Hobby 'stuff' going on well as ME Shining my 'stuff'/talents in Life as i grew from child to adult to mature aged person...when one main flavor of the Esoteric Astrology that I 'work' with to Life Coach people refers to an individual's personal/Personality 'evolution' in Life - which is the purpose of the posts that i share with people on this page.... Except...Ive been busy for a while attending to other thing i do in Life..thus posts here have been lacking...but might get back to doing more of then some time soon...
19.01.2022 At a time when Transiting Pluto is in Capricorn, this Australian 'took the Path' of exposing those in position/s of Social/Public Authority who acted unethically etc. "Nasty" is the same word I use to describe the 'many' Gaming Industry 'workers' who similarly 'lied' about me and about 'what i get up to' in my 'gambling' Hobby see The Jackpot Queen ...and I also 'haven't' finished on the Path I've been on since end 2015 to expose this sort of thing..
17.01.2022 Dialogue I have with people on this page is about 'listening' to Heart and 'aligning' Self with Soul... My book, Astrology for the Developing Personality, explains more about this concept!
14.01.2022 ASTROLOGY TIP for June 20-23 Birthday People: A new Yearly Cycle for the development of your Gemini or Cancer Personality is about to begin. This period is significant for emotionally ‘attuning’ yourSelf to how this Personality part of ‘you’ is meant to Shine in Life and how you are to achieve this task...with this fine-tuning of yourSelf especially highlighted during the next six months. This ‘call’ involves you expanding your Gemini or Cancer Personality’s Talents and Self Creativity in some way which enhances your ability to become more ‘structured’ and ‘in control’ in Life to then take on more responsibility for yourSelf re these Areas of your Life. To gain more clarity about how to improve these aspects of ‘you’, be guided by what ‘feels’ right!
10.01.2022 Astrology Tip for Dec 14-16 Birthday People: Today’s New Moon/Solar Eclipse ‘event’ denotes the beginning of an important six month period for developing Sagittarius Personalities. It’s a time of becoming more aware of how the inner nature of the Human and Human emotional behaviour ‘plays-out’ in Life by reflecting upon how your inner nature, which includes instincts and intuition, has been ‘working’ to support your Sagittarius Personality’s Self-Creativity. It ‘pays’ to good use of our innate and intuitive abilities when it comes to ‘achieving’ the Self-Creative ‘outcomes’ that our ‘hearts’ desire so that we can then Shine this creativity in Life. However, NOW is the time for you to ‘set’ intentions which will help you achieve any Self-Creative ‘outcome’ that you wantkeeping in mind that what supports you to Master this Aspect of your Life is a ‘healthy’ alignment of the conscious reality and subconscious or ‘innate’ Aspects of your Psyche. See more
09.01.2022 Sharing some interesting comments/ideas about Astrology in this video... with more 'ways' described, apart from MY experience of using Astrology to 'win' in MY 'gambling' Hobby i.e. see The Jackpot Queen, that help 'prove' Astrology does work! My book called Astrology for the Developing Personality is available at as is the PPP 'proof'... It's on this page that you can see how i use astrology in my Life Coaching business.
09.01.2022 Astrology Tip for May 25-27th Birthday People: The current Lunar Eclipse signifies a very ‘special’ 6 month period for the development of your Gemini Personality. It’s a period during which heightened ‘emotions’ could ‘work’ to help you to attune to what your Purpose in Life is and how your Gemini Personality is required to develop to achieve the goals which relate to this area of your Life. There is also the ‘stirrings’ of a ‘call’ for you to expand in Life in any way that s...upports the development of your Gemini Talents and Self-creativity and your ‘Shining’ of these things in Life. Matters to do with Self-healing, imagination, genius, and career are also indicated,, with it ‘paying' you to be open to positively attending to any situations of Self-transformation or 'empowerment' that arise. It’s a time to consider making choices based upon ‘what feels right’! See more
05.01.2022 ...some useful ideas here about connecting with your 'inner' Genius aka Self-Creativity/Shining in Life options!
03.01.2022 Wow...the below video show how my grandson/his 'personality' has developed skills to become a Professional Actor/teacher of Acting, when I did tell him when he was turning 29 that the first chapter of his Life was coming to and end..that this was a 'turning point' time re looking back on Life to decide where wanted to be/go in the future....
03.01.2022 Cos of virus 'scare' in South Australia = Gaming Room/hotels had to 'close' = thus giving me more time at home since Mar 22 2020 than would normally have I decided this would be good time for me to get serious about writing my Horse Books, which was something I decided by 1985 that i wanted to do = when I was 'working' full-time as a professional Equestrian Coach/horse trainer/horse 'agister' by that time = which was a result of my childhood Passion about riding/trainin...g horses...thus by beginning of two weeks ago was = I was half way thru my second Dressage Training related suddenly decide to 'put-together' the below book after having prepared what in this book to do an audio on re another Hobby I became interested in 1994 cos of Astrology which has now virtually turned into a 'profession' i.e. 'winning' via slots...[yes.. i know = is supposed to be impossible = but NOT for me! = check out the page below where post has come from] - so within two days = this book was 'done' and then online for sale etc.. When the reason I'm sharing this with you is that IF you are an Astrologer = it is easy to see the connections of all this behaviour to my Horoscope, which is in a Power Point Presentation that I talk about in this book/is on my thejackpotqueen website for sale... when my Esoteric Astrology book, Astrology for the Developing Personality, which describes astrology which covers this sort of ME-'behaviour'....which is basically to do with a person 'Shining' their Talents in Life..when astrology had became MY adult Hobby by end of 1980s...= Sooooo = lots of Hobby 'stuff' going on well as ME Shining my 'stuff'/talents in Life as i grew from child to adult to mature aged person...when one main flavor of the Esoteric Astrology that I 'work' with to Life Coach people refers to an individual's personal/Personality 'evolution' in Life - which is the purpose of the posts that i share with people on this page.... Except...Ive been busy for a while attending to other thing i do in Life..thus posts here have been lacking...but might get back to doing more of then some time soon...
02.01.2022 may be interested in what I 'talked' about at this meeting. And the 'Shining in Life' that I 'get up to' via this 'gambling' hobby relates well to what my Astrology for the Developing Personality book is about! To find out more about my 'gambling' hobby, this astrology book and the astrology in both of these books, visit
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