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23.01.2022 Bhujangasana . As a child I loved making this shape and I still do! . Cobra pose opens the heart and lungs, strengthens the spine, stimulates abdominal organs and relieves stress ... . Join me tomorrow 6pm at Mâché to open your heart and channel your inner serpent . #adelaideyoga #asana #hathayoga #meditation #pranayama #cobrapose #wednesdayyoga #adelaidecbd See more

22.01.2022 Anjali Mudra A grounding mudra that unites the left and right hemespheres of the brain and stiumates the anahata (Heart) chakra Bring the palms gently together infront of thw heart, fingers pointing upward. Take a deep breath in and bring length into the spine, exhale and send weight to the ground... Anjali Mudra can be used in meditation and standing postures such as Tadasana and Vrksasana (Tree) to aid the sense of grounding through the feet and cultivating an open heart Hatha Yoga - Wed 6pm at Mâché Prenatal Yoga - Thu 6.30pm online Send me a message or pop onto the website to book in

18.01.2022 Not only do I teach Hatha yoga but I also have the pleasure of spending my Thursday evenings with a group of beautiful yoga mums-to-be Hayley and Rashelle (who attend the class) have gone from IVF besties to pregnancy beauties and have a podcast about the highs and lows of pregnancy and their steps towards motherhood. I was honored when they asked to have me on for a chat about prenatal yoga! If you are interested in attending an online Prenatal class, send me a message The first class is free and everyone is welcome!

16.01.2022 Wednesdays are for yoga! . Join me tomorrow 6pm at @mache_coworking for a Hatha flow set to the gentle drumming of spring rain . #yogaeveryday #springyoga #yogaadeliade #hathayoga #mudra #riverland #grounding #riverbend #asana #breath

08.01.2022 Cultivating Sukha Sukha (joy, happy, light) is the balancing partner of Sthira (stong, steadfast, resolute). When partaking in a physical yoga class, you will often see people's Sthira, dedication, strength and sometimes even seriousness when executing a pose. This can take a lot of effort and energy to maintain, if Sukha is not also in play.... When Sukha is also practiced, the body feels aligned with gravity, playing with a sense of weight and lightness, muscles are free of strain, the breath flows freely and the practice feels joyful! But how do I introduce Sukha? Allow yourself to PLAY! Release your attachment to the outcome, feel through each asana rather than perfecting the look of it. On or off the mat, learning to balance effort with letting go allows us to move through life with greater steadiness and ease. Photos of me playing around at Mannum Falls, balancing on rocks (look, no hands ) . #sukha #asana #joy #yoga #play #adelaide

05.01.2022 A New Year is on the horizon! Take the positives and lessons learnt into the new. Allow yourself to view each year, month and day a fresh as each brings new adventures, decisions and possibilities Sending you all Love and wishing you a wonderful New Year! ... #nye #newyear #adventureawaits #change #possibilities #adelaide #yoga #atoneyoga #2021 #holidays

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