ATAC Industries, Snake Removal & Animal Control Services Traralgon in Traralgon, Victoria | Pest control service
ATAC Industries, Snake Removal & Animal Control Services Traralgon
Locality: Traralgon, Victoria
Phone: +61 498 107 918
Address: Traralgon 3844 Traralgon, VIC, Australia
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25.01.2022 What did I say yesterday about leaving doors open? This was this afternoon/late today.... Species: notechis scutatus Tiger snake! (Of around 1mtr in length.) ... I know this species very well, its venom and the effects... This snake had entered a open door and was only spotted when already well inside the house. When it moved past the bedroom door and behind cabinet past the clients foot, it was then blocked in the room until I arrived as I advised them on the phone. On arrival and entering room then thoroughly checking the bedroom I found it sitting behind the waterbed.. looking back up at me and had to quickly extract it as the waterbed couldnt be moved due to its weight. Like I said yesterday, It happens every year... I get snakes in buildings and often in houses, even in built up areas! (Snake was safely caught and relocated.) -Rusty ATAC Industries Mob: 0498107918 24/7 callout & immediate response. See more
25.01.2022 Spring is now well and truely here... please take care and look out for our native wildlife on the roads during spring / summer. As they become more active and many species are bearing young at this time of the year, so they are moving around far more for available resources. Wombats when young follow their mother and if one is struck and is a female you should check the pouch. And also the surrounding area for young as they are not always only in the pouch. And echidnas are... slow due to poor eyesight and walking on claws and often freeze from vehicle vibration causing them to get struck by vehicles on roads. If you can slow or stop for them safely while crossing it's appreciated greatly, it saves me or others the issue of removing them from a roadway or them being hit. If required and you have a animal issue and it requires immediate rescue. You can call such organisations as Wires, DELWP , Local Council, or a certified licenced wildlife controller in your area. And they should be able to help you out with a solution, advice or point you in the right direction. Take care on those roads people & above all try stay safe. -Rusty ATAC Industries Mob: 0498107918 -24/7 callout.
25.01.2022 A small and very healthy Lowland copperhead for everyones Boxing Day.... I hope everyone had a safe Christmas Day. Species: austrelaps superbus Not exactly the best Christmas present, but thats what you get for being a animal and snake controller I guess. This one was at a house out at glengarry and fairly easily agitated, due to it being a hot day.... -Rusty ATAC Industries - 24/7 callout, even during the holiday period. Mob: 0498107918 See more
25.01.2022 Species: austrelaps superbus Lowland Copperhead, around 2ft long. I have had a large number of Lowland Copperhead callouts this snake season and far more reports of this species, than any other local species. Mainly due to the erratic and often cold weather and the different snake species that reside locally and preferred operating temperatures, as Copperheads are a snake species that are commonly active and highly adapted to survive and operate in colder weather regions a...nd periods. This was a callout today in the afternoon for this, slightly grumpy little guy... during a hailstorm at Toongabbie. The snake had moved up to a elderly residents house and was looking for any available shelter from the storm in the carport. I arrived during the hail storm he was trying to avoid, and he wasnt very happy to be stopped in his tracks on a cold day and disturbed by me taking photos. So decided to make use of the available cover and hide in my snake bag instead. (Dont think he likes cameras... snake was safely relocated and released during a slight break in the storm.) -Rusty Copeland ATAC Industries. Mob: 0498107918 24/7 callout and immediate response. See more
24.01.2022 White-lipped snake species: drysdalia coronoides -Rusty Copeland ATAC Industries Mob: 0498107918... 24/7 callout and fast response. See more
24.01.2022 Species: Lowland Copperhead- austrelaps superbus. Location: New toilet block under construction. Unfortunately this little guy (about 1-2ft in length) went into the new toilet block while it was being built and the floor was surfaced... leaving him just a little bit stuck! Due to the coating on the floor and snake probably going in to regulate its body temperature (cooler area) on a warm day. And getting in a bit of a snake issue and unwillingly waiting until being found the builder, and then helped out of the sticky situation by myself. -Rusty ATAC Industries Mob: 0498107918 24/7 callout for snakes and all native wildlife issues. See more
24.01.2022 "The old, Austrelaps superbus in the AC unit." This was one of todays call outs, Lowland copperhead at a house at Heyfield. Gently extracted and safely relocated out of the yard, far away from the cat. Species: Austrelaps superbus. -Rusty Copeland ... ATAC Industries. Mob: 0498107918 24/7 callout. See more
23.01.2022 Redbelly black snake... Species: Pseudechis porphyriacus This was a callout yesterday/last night just before sunset and a reason you shouldnt doors/open windows open. Even from adjoining garages during spring and summer and not the first time Ive had this happen. "This Redbelly went straight inside door and into the master bedroom." After one and a half hours of looking and searching for a very crafty snake and going through everything and slowly/systematically removing ...everything from the room (including contents of walk-in wardrobe) and looking on and under everything. He eventually was spotted under a cabinet after trying to exit the room from the disturbance and comotion of searching for him. I wasnt going to leave someone with a snake in the bedroom thats for sure as it was clearly spotted entering the house. I moved the cabinet and grabbed his tail and put him into the bag, he decided to get active at that point.. I didnt get back from this callout till late. -Rusty ATAC Industries Mob: 0498107918 24/7 callout See more
22.01.2022 A couple of my recent Lowland Copperhead photos from some local callouts, as I have had a few copperhead calls lately not to mention snakes in general.... when is someone going to call me about something freaking cute & cuddly to save like a koala? Not that snakes arent sexy.... Species: austrelaps superbus. One little guy even rested his head on my boot and licked it as he checked me out before sliding on past. The range of colours on lowland copperheads as a species I h...ave had over the years is impressive to say the least... some would even say superb If it was the 1800s or something. -Rusty ATAC Industries mob: 0498107918 24/7 callout and fast response. See more
21.01.2022 A few recent photos of two different Tiger snakes from local callouts. Species: Notechis scutatus. When releasing/relocating out in the sunlight, showing difference in colour and patterns. -Rusty ATAC Industries ... Mob: 0498107918 24/7 callout. See more
21.01.2022 This was yet another Tiger snake callout in a area with a lot of snake activity, this tiger snake had clearly lived around the house and under the shoe rack for quite some time. And trust me, its not the first time Ive had a callout for a snake living or residing at a back door under a shoe rack or in a shoe box. Always take care around the house if living in a snake habitat and honestly.. I keep my shoes inside my house. -remember its australia. -Rusty... ATAC Industries Mob: 0498107918 24/7 callout See more
21.01.2022 So yet another prime example of why you or your children shouldnt leave any shoes outside. This was a callout this afternoon, a Redbelly black snake decided to take shelter from the family dog in their sons Star Wars stormtrooper shoe as it was the nearest available cover.. Little Trooper So a question: How much snake can fit in a 8yr old boys shoe?About a 1 metre long redbelly, comfortably! He eventually decided to come out after a bit of me coaxing him too, f...ast. Please take care this snake season, and if needed give me a call and Im happy to advise or attend if needed. -Rusty ATAC Industries mob: 0498107918 24/7 callout. See more
17.01.2022 Redbelly black snake I had a callout for on Christmas Eve. Species: Pseudechis porphyriacus. This photo was taken when releasing/relocating him in a suitable area, he eventually decided to come out from under the log for a (good close up photo) and check if I was still around. tasting the air -Rusty ATAC Industries ... Mob: 0498107918 24/7 callout See more
17.01.2022 Spent my afternoon playing possum with this little guy... Lace monitor- species: Veranus varius (Photos taken and provided by: Robert Bonfield) -Rusty ATAC Industries ... Mob: 0498107918 See more
16.01.2022 So I have had it a few times in the past.. Please look after your pet snakes or they can end up as someone's fancy bracelet. This is a escaped pet, safely returned to original owner. If you do decide to keep a python as a pet, please make sure you always maintain a adequate enclosure for the reptile and it's size. And have the appropriate licence to keep the animal as a pet and keep it up to date. As they get very strong as they get bigger and tend to easily escape captiv...ity. And if released in the wrong area, can easily impact on other native local wildlife species. -Rusty ATAC Industries. See more
15.01.2022 A few of my recent photos of local native animals for everyone, all the photos on my page are my own.. taken while in the field. I deal mainly throughout the year with local snake species, I also deal with all native and introduced animal species. With a aim to try and rebalance the local environment and maintain the way the habitat should be naturally for the future. Please remember we often or if you like "always" build on and around native animal habitat for our own or requirements. And the environment needs balance for all species to survive... including ourselves. Please always call a professional and a appropriately licensed - fully qualified and experienced animal controller when dealing with any native species for your own safety and the welfare of the animal. -Rusty Copeland ATAC Industries Mob: 0498107918 24/7 callout and fast response. See more
15.01.2022 Its Spring! Take care and remember... dont tread on me. Due to the time of year and erratic weather conditions the start of this snake season I have had calls about all local snake species becoming more active and being sighted already, including Redbelly, Tiger snakes, Lowland Copperheads & Eastern brown snakes in the local Gippsland area. This is a small but very comfortable Redbelly from Traralgon I had to relocate recently. The Redbelly didnt mind people passin...g by often and sighted daily in the same area near steps to building, I get this often especially with Redbelly black snakes. Remember to look where you walk.. take care with children and pets and be aware of your surroundings and environment, also your commonly found local snake species. (First aid kit in any vehicle at all times is the best advice I could ever give.. as your vehicle is usually always close by. (I carry mine on my belt.) Take care this snake season and if you have a snake or animal control issue and you require assistance or require any information due to any concerns... feel free to call me anytime 24/7. -Rusty Copeland ATAC Industries 24/7 callout - Traralgon based, covering gippsland/Latrobe area. Mob: 0498107918 See more
14.01.2022 Species: Tiger snake- Notechis scutatus. This was a callout today on the edge of Morwell and it was a decent sized tiger snake! Around one meter in length and very healthy that was almost accidentally stepped on in the driveway and hid in a drainage down pipe. (Closest available cover/shelter) Always take care at times of snake activity even around built up areas. (Safely relocated)... -Rusty ATAC Industries Mob: 0498107918 24/7 callout and immediate response. See more
13.01.2022 Redbelly black snake. Species: pseudechis porphyriacus As the weather recently has been very wet and is now starting to warm up in the local area. Far more frog eating snake species are becoming more active and often sighted. Take care with pets and children and around dense vegetation or water sources and wear adequate footwear. And remember, snakes often climb at the moment due to nesting birds and young as they have a varied diet. ... So think and look above ground level and take care when out in the garden, around home or while in the local environment. -Rusty ATAC Industries Mob: 0498107918 24/7 callout. See more
13.01.2022 Tiger snake callout I had on Friday, Species: notechis scutatus. I had to climb into the 6-5ft pigeon cage with birds flying around my head and shut the door so they didnt escape. And then gently dig out and extract a tiger snake with my hand from a mouse/rat hole... Cage match with a tiger! Just another average day at the office.... -Rusty ATAC Industries mob: 0498107918 24/7 callout & fast response. See more
13.01.2022 Lowland Copperhead... Species: austrelaps superbus This was a call out the other night at Rosedale... nearly stepped on! Snake activity can often be due to the storm activity, especially on warm nights.... and due to the warm weather the other night. And the recent nearby extreme fire activity causing a pyrocumulonimbus effect and raising the humidity and creating its own storm activity and weather patterns... frog eating snake species often become active to feed in these si...tuations! Tiger snakes, Black snakes and Lowland copperheads are usually active and out on very warm nights during and before storms.. And this is why I advise to always wear trousers, boots and have a good torch to light your path at night if out walking around, even in a residential yard. And if you have pets, take extra care with them if you are letting them outside at all on a warm night... as they may have a unexpected snake encounter if not supervised closely. (I always walk my dog on a lead in clear ground for his own safety.) -Rusty ATAC Industries. 24/7 callout and immediate response. Mob: 0498107918 See more
12.01.2022 Species: austrelaps superbus A very large adult Lowland Copperhead I relocated safely yesterday at midday, from the centre of Morwell CBD. Caught and relocated from Commercial Road, running along the train line and garden beds through the centre of town. (Common species for Morwell area) Take care as the weather warms up and snakes and animals search for available resources such as water, food and available cover.. even in built up areas. Always call a licenced and qualifi...ed and also insured professional snake controller in the event that you require any assistance or advice. And especially when relocating a native animal as they are protected under the flora and fauna protection act and the laws are in place for public safety and protection of our environment. -Rusty ATAC Industries mob: 0498107918 24/7 callout and fast response. See more
12.01.2022 Species: Pseudechis porphyriacus... A small Redbelly black snake I relocated at mid-day today, the snake was well warmed up by the time I arrived as it was a bit of a drive to the site location. The Redbelly black snake had moved into cover under a large rock in a retaining wall, at the top of a drainage channel and I had to gently dig the snake out and extract it from under the rocks. I always make a honest judgement when I receive any snake call and whether the snake will... still be able to be caught when I arrive, despite the distance of travel. Its a acquired skill and after many years dealing with snakes in different states and regions and living in Gippsland most of my life, I can often judge off the information given on the phone. Other factors are the time of year and temperatures, location and species in area. The description of snake/colour and also weather conditions & sometimes even storm or bushfire activity. If you have a snake issue always call a qualified, liscenced and insured professional, even if only requiring advice as advice is always free. For both your own personal safety/ that of others and the welfare of the native animal. As our snake species are all protected under the flora and fauna conservation act. (Snake was safely relocated into the appropriate habitat, the photos were taken on release.) -Rusty ATAC Industries Mob: 0498107918 See more
12.01.2022 Tiger snake... of around 1.3 metres in length. Species: Notechis scutatus. This tiger snake I removed this afternoon from a front yard on the south side of Traralgon, It was reported originally by caller to be a Lowland copperhead. (I had my suspicions of the species identification and I am never complacent for this reason.)... And It ended up to be a decent sized and rather lively tiger snake around the same size as the one that got me on my hand, just over a year ago now... they are very deadly. (Another reason Identification is important.) This snake was active due to todays erratic weather - rain and also sunshine, and has obviously been around people for a while and very used to avoiding everyone in a built up area of town. It took a bit of work to locate and I took the first photo and identified it... (And then it moved in cover and I lost sight of it.) I persisted and eventually located the snake again and it was safely relocated far from town. -Rusty ATAC Industries. Mob: 0498107918 24/7 callout and immediate response. See more
11.01.2022 It's that time of year again, and snakes are becoming far more active lately and spotted more. Take care with children and pets and always call a qualified and licensed snake controller if you require assistance. Species: Lowland Copperhead - austrelaps superbus.... & Carpet python-Diamond python - morelia spilota. -Rusty ATAC Industries. See more
11.01.2022 Just spotted this little fella in my yard... Not your usual baby magpie that's for sure! One in a million. -Rusty
11.01.2022 Hope everyone has a safe Australia Day! (Or however you may refer to it.) Eastern brown snake, five foot in length that decided to stray into a backyard yesterday at Cowarr, and had a encounter with the families pet dogs... And unfortunately one of the poor dogs and also the snake had life threatening and possibly fatal injuries as a result of the encounter. (bites often occur in this way to pets.) As I always say.. take care and dont be complacent with children and p...ets at this time of year and during conducive weather for snake activity even around your yard and house. (Brown snakes prefer warmer, drier days and conditions then other local species.) If your dog or a pet has a close encounter with a snake or you suspect a bite has occurred, get veterinarian assistance for the animal immediately! (This is what I always advise over phone in this situation.) And if a bite occurs to a person, immediate snake bite first aid and dial 000 and get immediate further medical assistance. The snake in this instance can always be dealt with as a second priority, later if required. This is why I do my work, for peoples safety and the welfare of the animals.. pets and wildlife and the future of the local environment and species. (Im a dog person and a conservationist above all else!) Fortunately the Dog has survived the initial bite with antivenin and I am waiting to hear further, the snake did not survive due to its serious injuries. -Rusty ATAC Industries Mob: 0498107918. Immediate response- 24/7 callout. See more
10.01.2022 2 Fledgling Pied Currawong's. Species: Strepera graculina At the moment many bird species have fledgling young, and are very protective of juveniles and nest's. If you do spot young or nesting birds it is best to leave them well alone and not disturb them or attempt to feed the birds, as it can often lead to other issues or even attacks in some instances.... Tip: When you hear a bird distress call when you are approaching from a adult Magpie, Butcher bird, Currawong, wattle bird, noisy minor etc. It is the best time to turn away from the immediate nesting/fledgling area. The same distress call is often used to alert for snakes when they spot them moving in the immediate area or other predatory threats that can often climb. Like lace monitors, snakes, predators.... So if you listen to the birds around you and can identify the distress calls. It can tell you a lot, and keep you far more aware and far safer. Whether in your backyard or general environment and ultimately increases your overall situational awareness. -Rusty ATAC Industries Mob: 0498107918
10.01.2022 Lowland Copperhead... Species: austrelaps superbus. A full size adult female copperhead snake around 1mtr long that I just relocated this morning. I found it to be gravid-bearing young fairly early in the season compared to other years. (usually mid spring to summer for copperheads) And very dark in colour due to shedding and was misidentified because of this factor as possibly a Redbelly or a tiger snake. ... Due to the snake shedding the copper band running down the flanks is not as bright and metallic as usual, and often can be mistaken and misidentified as a number of species.. including brown, redbelly black & tiger snake. Copperheads carry a nuerotoxic, cytotoxic and haemolytic venom and in the past human fatalities have been recorded from this species. Common to the local area, they are likely to avoid conflict if able. Although they will do a very similar display to other species such as standing up, flattening body and hissing and will bite if feeling threatened or cornered. And please remember, any suspected snake bite should be treated as venomous and immediate snake bite first aid applied with pressure and immobilisation technique and seek immediate medical assistance. Always call emergency services in this situation for any guidance and ambulance response if required. The common misidentification of our venomous snake species and the toxicity of their venom and often lack of knowledge of immediate first aid and the treatment is why fatalities often occur. Always treat any snake bite as if it is possibly deadly, especially If lacking identification knowledge of our snake species. -Rusty ATAC Industries. Traralgon and Gippsland/Latrobe valley area. mob: 0498107918 24/7 callout. See more
09.01.2022 Red belly black snake. Species: pseudechis porphyriacus. So it's perfect weather at the moment for Redbelly black snakes and Lowland copperheads. And we will see far more Tiger snake and eastern brown snake activity in the area as the weather gets warmer. ... This one was spotted by the family dog running along fence line and is around 4ft in length and a very healthy snake. And was not bothered by me approaching at all, due mainly to its size and living around human activity. Take care with pets and children, or while working out in the garden on a weekend. And if required or if you have any concerns, always call a qualified and licensed Snake controller or wildlife controller and don't try and deal with the issue yourself. As these are the situations when most snake bites often occur.. and all our native snake species are protected under conservation law. And generally they are best off left alone and not approached as that is when they often become defensive or aggressive in nature. Snake bite first aid kits are always a good idea and there's a few on the market, some have instructions for use included. I recommend keeping one in your vehicle, as it is usually close by anywhere you may be where you could possibly encounter any snake activity. (Stay safe!) -Rusty ATAC Industries. mob: 0498107918 24/7 callout.
09.01.2022 Its that time of year again, and snakes are becoming far more active lately and spotted more. Take care with children and pets and always call a qualified and licensed snake controller if you require assistance. Species: Lowland Copperhead - austrelaps superbus.... & Carpet python-Diamond python - morelia spilota. -Rusty ATAC Industries. See more
09.01.2022 The old game of spot the Lowland Copperhead, species: Austrelaps superbus. Ive had a fair few copperhead calls lately, and redbelly black snakes also. Take care around the garden (as this photo shows) and if required Im always happy to advise over the phone, and always available 24/7 for immediate callout in regards to snake issues. -Rusty Copeland ATAC Industries... Mob: 0498107918 See more
08.01.2022 Species: Lowland Copperhead- (australaps superbus). Another snake from today, this 1mtr long Copperhead was camped out (took cover) under a swag after New Years that was set up in a back yard. Im guessing he had a hard night as he didnt put up much resistance while being detained and relocated. -Rusty ATAC Industries mob: 0498107918 24/7 callout.
08.01.2022 The first snake callout of 2020... is a little baby tiger snake! Tiger snake -species: notechis scutatus And its almost exactly one year on from when I was severely chewed on by a 1.2mtr long adult tiger snake and survived the episode. A very intelligent young girl today said it best... You mean you nearly died helping people just like us? ... Me: Yup! Theres a few perks to the job... I have ended up with some really messed up war stories for all the kids. I could personally tell you the effects of a bite from this species and how it felt as the venom travelled up my arm and neck... but trust me. You dont want to ever really experience it for yourself, if you survive it that is. Just treat every snake as possibly deadly - this is why I say species identification is very important. And the deadliest snake is always.. the one that has already bitten you! -very simple but vital information, as this is the only time that identification is really really important. With snake bite first aid & medical treatment carried out immediately always, if any bite occurs or is suspected. (As you wont necessarily feel the bite when it happens, or have the knowledge on treatment and necessarily know the snake species thats bitten you.) This is why you should always call a fully qualified and licensed, insured snake controller. And let them take the risk.. they should have the experience and the right equipment for the task and advice.. and even know the correct treatment for a bite. Instead of trying to ever deal with the issue yourself in any way, as all our snakes are native & protected species... and this is also why our wildlife protection laws exist. Its for everyones welfare.. including your own and that of your family, welfare of the animal.. and also the environment. - only qualified Wildlife people should approach or handle native species & dangerous animals... above all! - (stay safe!) -Rusty ATAC Industries Mob: 0498107918 24/7 callout and immediate response. See more
07.01.2022 All these snakes I relocated from around Traralgon today. One big unhappy Lowland Copperhead and one juvenile Copperhead and a juvenile Tiger snake. Today even being a fairly overcast day had the right temperatures and humidity with little wind and far less smoke in the air then we have had recently. (This type of weather always brings out the local frog eating snake species.) Take care on warm nights with high humidity, as Ive often said before and dont be complacent ...with pets and children and always use a torch outside at night if needed to light your path. (Complacency is a killer.) The young tiger didnt want to hang around for a photo... And I wasnt going to stand in the way of his freedom, as I know personally how deadly they actually are. (All safely relocated away from people, into the appropriate habitat.) -Rusty ATAC Industries. Mob: 0498107918 24/7 callout and immediate response. See more
07.01.2022 Two snakes when being released/relocated from a couple of todays snake callouts, a 2ft Redbelly black snake. Species: Psuedechis porphyriacus. And a 2ft tiger snake. Species: Notechis scutatas. Take care, and if needed give me a call for any snake issue if requiring advice or assistance. -Rusty Copeland ATAC Industries.... Mob: 0498107918 24/7 callout and fast response. See more
06.01.2022 Over 1000 likes and followers! Thankyou to each and every one of you for following and supporting my work & conservation efforts over the last few years. I will continue to keep calm and carry on as the Snake season is far from over yet. This was a callout early yesterday morning. White-lipped snake species: drysdalia coronoides... White-lipped snakes feed predominantly on small skink species and their eggs, not commonly seen or spotted due to this factor. Only grow to 40-50cm in total length and tend to avoid human contact and are not aggressive in nature but still carry a mild venom for disabling its prey species. Habitat is preferably heath, woodland or sclerophyll forests and sometimes found residing in rock retaining walls, banksides and dense cover or leaf litter and can operate during night time or cold conditions due to adaption for cool and dark environments. -Rusty Copeland ATAC Industries Mob: 0498107918 24/7 callout and fast response. See more
05.01.2022 Species: Lowland Copperhead- Austrelaps superbus. This was a callout late this afternoon from Traralgon East. A decent adult Lowland Copperhead of around one meter in length and very healthy and calm when handled and removed. This shows me it has probably lived around people and the housing for quite some time, and fairly used to human activity in close proximity. -Rusty ATAC Industries ... Mob: 0498107918 24/7 callout and immediate response. See more
04.01.2022 Happy New Year from ATAC Industries! First snake of the new year caught by lunch time today young tiger snake species: notechis scutatus I had a few calls today because of weather and temp being conducive to reptile activity. not too cold, not too hot.. just right.... If needed immediately for a snake or wildlife issue, feel free to give me a call anytime even on public holidays. Day or night, as snakes dont have calendars, celebrate Christmas or New Years or take off public holidays. (photo taken on release) -Rusty ATAC Industries mob: 0498107918 24/7 callout See more
04.01.2022 Redbelly black snake taking up refuge in a rat hole, when relocating after a recent snake callout. Species: Pseudechis porphyriacus This photo demonstrates why black can be a good camouflage dependant on the animals behaviour and adaption to its surroundings, such as living in holes opened up by other burrowing animals. -Rusty ATAC Industries ... Mob: 0498107918 24/7 callout. See more
03.01.2022 These guys do the best snake bite first aid kits hands down... (you can bet your life on it!) It even comes with snakebite first aid instructions, for those people that are not first aid qualified or trained. I recommend a snakebite first aid kit be kept in your vehicle glovebox if you live in a area with snake activity, as your vehicle is usually close by or on your way out the door. And it can always be carried if required on your belt or in a pack if you are out in a area. (The kit I always carry!) -Rusty ATAC Industries Mob: 0498107918 24/7 callout and fast response. See more
03.01.2022 Species: austrelaps superbus This was a callout today in Traralgon, and easily the biggest Lowland Copperhead of the season yet and would be a bit longer, if it had the tip of its tail still. This is a healed past injury from possibly the dog at the property I removed it from, where the dog has grabbed the snakes tail as its moved into cover for safety. (How bites on pets commonly occur, as the snake will often turn to protect their tail when pulling it into cover past i...ts head.) Around 1.2-1.3mtrs in total length and a very healthy size and weight, the snake hardly wanted to hang around for a photo next to my snake stick for a size comparison. The snake knew it could throw its weight around at this size and was no doubt experienced on how to deal with a fight or flight situation, and moved off into cover (fast) during release. (I wasnt going to stand in its way.) -Rusty ATAC Industries Mob: 0498107918 24/7 callout and fast response. See more
02.01.2022 A Redbelly female of about 1.2 meters in length from a backyard in residential Morwell. This was a callout late this afternoon around 5:00 spotted just before rain and I caught the snake as the storm and rain hit... and it wasnt my only snake call during the storm activity tonight. Please remember to take care during stormy and warm weather in yards, and at night.. even in built up city and town areas and around dense vegetation like agapanthus. Use a good torch on these nig...hts, and even leads with dogs and take real care with children and your pets. As reptile eating snakes are out feeding on frogs, and if you have the right plants and frog activity.. you will often likely get snake activity. I flushed this large Redbelly from a downpipe on the side of the house with a hose from the top, and then safely relocated her out of town and away from people and pets. -Rusty ATAC Industries. Mob: 0498107918 24/7 callout. See more
01.01.2022 This is a good reason not to leave doors open during spring and summer! Species: pseudonaja textilis Eastern brown snake with very prominent stripes of just over a meter in length, I caught and relocated safely today. The snake came straight in through the open office door and into the void behind/underneath the shelving cabinet. After a little bit of D.I.Y I was able to easily remove the snake and relocate it back into its habitat. And remember identification is important w...hen dealing with snake species, and just because it may have stripes it is not necessarily a tiger snake. As eastern brown snakes can often have stripes, due to past breeding/adaption and as a form of camouflage. -Rusty ATAC Industries Mob: 0498107918 24/7 callout and immediate response. See more
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