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Australian Turkish Business Council in Coburg, Victoria, Australia | Non-profit organisation

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Australian Turkish Business Council

Locality: Coburg, Victoria, Australia

Address: PO Box 2 3058 Coburg, VIC, Australia


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25.01.2022 Izmir'de meydana gelen depremde yaamn yitiren vatandalarmza Allah'tan rahmet, yarallarmza da acil ifalar diliyoruz. Milletimizin ba sa olsun. #izmir #izmirgeçmiolsun #geçmiolsunizmir #prayforizmir

24.01.2022 Melbournede yasayan Tugba Yurt isimli ogrencimizden, tum ogrencilerimize ve toplumumuza mesaj var. #Sizinleyiz #WeStandByYou #melbourne #TurkishStudents #TurkOgrenciler #yardimkampanyasi

24.01.2022 All family & friends are welcome to attend my mother’s funeral & send off for Hayriye Mustafa Huseyin. Details as follows & please share as per COVID rules there is no attendance limit (social distancing applies): Date: Saturday 19 December 2020... - Viewing: 11.00am followed by cenaze namaz @ 12.30pm - Cyprus Turkish Camii (mosque), 618 Ballarat Rd Sunshine. - Burial @ 2.30pm Bunurong Memorial Park, 790 Frankston- Dandenong Rd, Bangholme, Vic - Mevlit:@ 7.00pm @ Cyprus Turkish Camii Additional mevlits on Sunday 20/12 & Monday 21/12 @ 7pm at the Cyprus Turkish Camii, 618 Ballarat Rd, Sunshine.

24.01.2022 What a proud act by one of our founding members!! Kahvecioglu International is providing $100 food vouchers for the first 100 Overseas Students who are finding it tough during this COVID-19 crisis. These students are not protected by the JobKeeper or JobSeeker support that is available to Australian residents. Be quick and get to 76 Barry Rd Campbellfield if you are an overseas student and in need.

21.01.2022 3 step roadmap to a COVIDSafe Australia with our aim to get through these steps and get Australia working again in July this year. States and territories will set their own pace and decide the timings for each step. #coronavirusaustralia #covid19au #australianbusiness #australianturkishbusiness

21.01.2022 The Reserve Bank has slashed interest rates to a record low of just 0.5 per cent as it seeks to contain the economic fallout from the escalating coronavirus crisis.

21.01.2022 23 Nisan Ulusal Egemenlik ve Cocuk Bayrami Kutlu Olsun #23nisan #ocukbayram #Atbc #Atatrk #Avustralya #ulusalegemenlik

20.01.2022 Please share and donate Every dollar counts. Thank you for your support.

18.01.2022 ATBC would like to invite you to join us for a COVID-19 Economic Update Virtual webinar by Mr Craig James, Chief Economist of CommSec. . . This valuable COVID-19 Economic Update has been organised by the Commonwealth Bank in partnership with the Australian Turkish Business Council.... Teams Link:

17.01.2022 Looks like the Australian Turkish Business Council may have started a great idea!! Our Shout food voucher program from City of Melbourne APPLICATIONS NOW OPEN... City of Melbourne partnered with Queen Victoria Market on the Our Shout program to help international students access fresh food and produce during this challenging period. This program aims to support international students who are impacted by job loss, housing insecurity or other financial difficulties associated with COVID-19. You can now apply for vouchers valued at $200 to purchase groceries and food from the Queen Victoria Market. The vouchers will be available for 1000 recipients. Food vouchers will be provided to international students in denominations of $5 to be redeemed from all food related stalls at the market. Change will be provided to any spend under the voucher value. To be eligible, you must: -be an international student -live and/or study in the City of Melbourne Municipality -provide a copy or photo of your valid and current student ID -provide a copy or photo of my valid and current student visa -be in genuine need of food assistance due to financial hardship. Complete and submit your application online from below link. Applications close Friday 22 May at 5pm.

17.01.2022 Citizens of six more European countries will be able to travel to Turkey without a visa starting next month.

17.01.2022 Turkish Economy Grew 5% in Fourth Quarter, 2019 Growth Just Above Forecast

17.01.2022 Phenomenal achievement from BioNTech founders, Ugur Sahin and Ozlem Tureci, both children of Turkish immigrants. It is a shining example of the valuable contribution that immigrants and their descendants can make. #covid19 #vaccine #turkishimmigrant #turkish

16.01.2022 Bykeli Marc Innes-Brown ve stanbul Bakonsolosumuz Jeffie Kaine, 11 Austos 2020 tarihinde DEK D Ekonomik likiler Kurulu webinarna katlmaktan memnuni...yet duydu. Ticaret ve yatrm balarmz gelitirmek iin i evrelerimizle birlikte almaya devam ediyoruz. #AustraliaInTurkey Ambassador Marc Innes-Brown and our Istanbul Consul-General Jeffie Kaine were pleased to join the Foreign Economic Relations Board (DEIK) webinar on 11 August 2020. We continue to work together with our business communities to expand our trade and investment links. T.C. Kanberra Bykelilii / Turkish Embassy in Canberra Australian Turkish Business Council Austrade

16.01.2022 2019 NMSBA Multicultural Impact Award winner Selvi Psychological Services has been featured on SBS Small Business Secrets. The story focusses on ATBC President Muradiye Selvis experience with how the coronavirus pandemic and the associated restrictions have affected people in her community. She talks about her familys journey to Australia as migrants from Turkey, and how this has shaped her multilingual business. It will be aired on Sunday 31 May at 7am and repeated at 5pm. Congratulations on this wonderful achievement!

15.01.2022 The one of a kind @cerclemusic festival that took place in Cappadocia. Cercle produces unique experiences, by organising, filming and broadcasting concerts in carefully selected locations around the world.

14.01.2022 Twenty-six countries have enlisted Ankaras expertise on the fight against the new coronavirus as Turkey continues to be virus-free despite seeing its neighbours from Iran to Greece report increasing numbers of confirmed cases

14.01.2022 Labor factional figure Jasvinder Sidhu caught making Islamophobic and anti-Turkish remarks over the weekend, according to Herald Sun. Please sign this petition and STAND AGAINST RACISM!

13.01.2022 Ramazan Bayraminiz Mubarek Olsun #ramazanbayrami #atbc #Avustralya #australianturkishbusiness

12.01.2022 !!PERMITTED WORKER SCHEME!! There are three ways to access the form: From midnight tonight, workplaces in Melbourne must be closed unless: - the workplace is part of a permitted activity, or - all employees are working from home. Permitted workplaces are listed generally here: For more detailed information on your specific workplace, please be in touch with my office who will get clarity on this for you. From 11:59pm on Wednesday 5 August, employers that require their staff to attend a work site must issue a worker permit to their employees this is the employers responsibility. Eligibility: Employers can issue a worker permit to their employee if: - the organisation is on the list of permitted activities - the employee is working in an approved category for on-site work, and - the employee cannot work from home. In rare circumstances an employee does not need a worker permit. This includes: - if an employee is at risk at home, such as at risk of family violence - law enforcement, emergency services workers or health workers who carry employer-issued photographic identification, which clearly identifies the employer. To issue a worker permit, employers will need: - name, ABN, company address and trading name - the name and date of birth of the employee - the employees regular hours and place of work - to meet all eligibility criteria, including that the business is a permitted activity - to meet all relevant legal obligations - to have a COVID-19 safe plan in place - to authorise a person or people to issue the worker permit. To issue a worker permit, employers must: - Download the template from this website page and fill it out. - Employers must use this template for all worker permits issued under this scheme. - Sign the worker permit. You can print and sign or sign it electronically. - Businesses must get an authorised person to sign the worker permit. This person might be the CEO, a HR manager, an operations manager or anyone else that is suitable. - They must be accountable for the details they provide. - They may be contacted by Victoria Police or other enforcement agencies to confirm the details. - Ask the employee to sign the worker permit. They can print and sign or sign electronically. - You can email or text the worker permit to your employee. * An employee may travel to work without a worker permit once to get their first permit.* See more

11.01.2022 14-16 Ekim tarihleri arasnda Türk mobilya ihracatçlarnn Avustralya pazarna giriine ön ayak olmak amac ile stanbul hracatçlar Birlii adna bir sanal B2B yapilacaktir Bu çerçevede ofis, hospitality, ev ve çocuk mobilyas alannda faaliyet gösteren yada faaliyet gostermek isteyen firmalarin asagidaki linkten kayit yaptirarak katilmasini rica ederiz.

11.01.2022 Uzun yillar ATBC baskanligi yapmis, ATBC kurucu uyelerinden Huseyin Mustafa'nin annesi Hayriye Huseyin Alaminyolu hakkin rahmetine kavusmus ve aramizdan ayrilmistir. ATBC ailesi olarak kendisine Allahtan rahmet yaknlarna basal ve sabrlar dileriz.

10.01.2022 Turk Ogrencilerimiz icin Yardim Kampanyasi ile ilgili Basin Aciklamamiz! Lutfen Okuyunuz! #TurkOgrenciler #yardimkampanyasi #YanindayizSeninleyiz #Avustralya #Atbc

10.01.2022 One of Australian Turkish communities most respected business owners and ATBC founder, Ali Fuat Kahveci and Grand Foods have very generously started a campaign to support International Turkish Students in Australia who have lost their part time jobs as a result of Coronavirus pandemic. Grand foods will provide 100 students with a $100 voucher to purchase groceries from Grand Foods. Students need to email [email protected] with their name, school and where they worked.

08.01.2022 Join us for a COVID-19 Economic Update Virtual webinar by Mr Craig James, Chief Economist of CommSec. This valuable COVID-19 Economic Update has been organised by the Commonwealth Bank in partnership with the Australian Turkish Business Council. Teams Link: #business #BusinessOwner #australia #economy #economicupdate #craigjames #COVID19 #impactbusiness #impacteconomy #australianturkishbusiness #freewebinar #commonwealthbank

08.01.2022 ATBC Baskani Muradiye Selvinin, Turk ogrencilerimiz icin baslattigimiz yardim kampanyasiyla ilgili aciklamasi.#Sizinleyiz #WeStandByYou #melbourne #TurkishStudents #TurkOgrenciler #yardimkampanyasi #YanindayizSeninleyiz #Avustralya #Atbc

08.01.2022 In a year during which global tourism grew by the slowest rate since 2016, Turkey managed to hit an all-time record and welcome over 52 million tourists in 2019.

08.01.2022 Covid 19 kstlamalarindaki deiikliklerin zeti

08.01.2022 Happy International Womens Day #womensday #womeninbusiness #womenempowerment #womensrights #amazingwomen

07.01.2022 "Ey yükselen yeni nesil! stikbal sizsiniz. Cumhuriyeti biz kurduk, onu yükseltecek ve yaatacak sizsiniz" #cumhuriyet #Atatürk #29ekim1923

07.01.2022 Please read the Following Press Release to understand how the ATBC Program will work:

06.01.2022 Lest We Forget

06.01.2022 dlibde ehit olan kahraman askerlerimize Allahtan rahmet, yaralanan askerlerimize acil ifalar dileriz. Milletimizin ba sa olsun.

06.01.2022 To all International Overseas Students who are unable to pay their rent because they have lost their jobs and have no way of paying rent please consider this template. Please download the file/s and make neccessary changes for your agent. Please share:...!AuNA9FM7x77NojuSSTAYksHa7uxu

06.01.2022 Tum Ailemize, Arkadaslarimiza ve Toplumumuza cok tesekkurler dun Annemin Cenazesine ve Mevlitine katildiginiza. Boyle aci gunumuzde bize destek olmaniz tum ailemi cok duygulandirdi Bu aksam aksam ki gibi Yine Annem icin Mevlitimiz var Kibris Turk Camisinde Sunshine da. Tum toplumuz davetlidir Big thank you to all our family and friends that attended my Mum’s Funeral and Mevlit last night. The entire family is touched by the number of attendance and condolences messages recei...ved from our community Similar to last nights Mevlit we are holding another Mevlit this evening and tomorrow evening at the Sunshine Mosque and all friends are welcome to attend

06.01.2022 We are proudly announcing a "Fund International Students from Turkey in Need Program" to raise much needed funds for Turkish International Students who have lost their jobs and will not be able to receive any benefits from the Australian or Foreign Governments. As business owners or members of our community we are asking all of you to dig deep into your hearts and help these international students who have no or little income. Please make contributions to Australian Turkish B...usiness Council: BSB: 063 009 Account Number: 1031 3596. ATBC olarak, Trkiyeden Avustralyaya okumaya gelmi Trk rencilerine yardm kampanyas balatlmtr. Toplum yelerimiz ve i sahiplerinden bu konuda yardmlarn rica ediyoruz. Yardmlarnz aadaki banka hesabna gnderebilirsiniz. Hesap Adi: Australian Turkish Business Council BSB: 063 009 Hesap Numarasi: 1031 3596. #WeStandByYou #Yaninizdayiz #TurkishStudents #Australia

05.01.2022 Victoria reintroduces stage 3 COVID restrictions (stay home order, unless shopping or exercising or giving care or going to work/school) until July 29 in postcodes 3038, 3064, 3047, 3060, 3012, 3032, 3055, 3042, 3021 and 3046 Stay safe everyone!

05.01.2022 ATBC yonetim kurulu uyemiz ve kardesimiz Meryem Apakin babasi Selahattin Apak hakkin rahmetine kavusmus ve aramizdan ayrilmistir. ATBC ailesi olarak kendisine Allahtan rahmet yaknlarna basal ve sabrlar dileriz.

05.01.2022 We are proudly announcing a "Fund International Students from Turkey in Need Program" Please read and it is now time to Stand Up!!

04.01.2022 Koronavirs (Covid-19) Salgn Balamnda Konsolosluk lemleri Hakknda Duyuru Deerli Vatandalarmz,... Koronavirs (Covid-19) salgnyla mcadele amacyla, halen olaanst hal ilan edilmi olan Viktorya Eyaletinde resmi makamlar tarafndan; -Tm i meknlarda 4 metrekareye en fazla 1 kii decek ekilde sosyal-mesafe (social-distancing) uygulamasnn yaplmas, - meknlardaki tm toplantlar ve dier etkinliklerin 100 kii ile snrlandrlmas, -Okullarn 24 Mart 2020 tarihinden itibaren tatil edilmesi, -Bar, kulp, gece kulb, jimnastik ve spor salonlar, ibadet yerleri, sinemalar ve elence meknlarnn kapatlmas, -Lokanta ve cafelerin mteri kabul etmemeleri ve sadece paket servisi hizmeti vermeleri, -Dier iletmelerin ise 4 metrekareye en fazla 1 kii decek ekilde sosyal-mesafe uygulamasnda bulunmalar artyla almalarn srdrmeleri ynnde kararlar alnmtr. Avustralya Dileri ve Ticaret Bakanl tarafndan, yabanc Bakonsolosluklarn da resmi makamlarn alm olduklar kararlar uymalar gerektii hususunda uyarda bulunulmutur. Koronavirs (COVID-19) salgnyla mcadele iin alnan bu tedbirler erevesinde vatandalarmzn acil olmayan ve hak kaybna uramalarna yol amayacak konsolosluk ilemleri iin Bakonsolosluumuza yapmay planladklar bavurular, kendileri ve yaknlarnn saln dnerek ileri bir tarihe erteleme seeneini deerlendirmeleri yararl olacaktr. Yine bu kapsamda, gerek Trkiye, gerekse Avustralya makamlarnca tm vize bavuru kabul ilemleri ikinci bir duyuruya kadar durdurulmutur. Bu srete, vatandalarmz haftaii 09:00-16:00 saatleri arasnda (03)9696 6066 ve (03)9696 6046 numaral telefondan ve [email protected] e-posta adresinden Bakonsolosluumuza ulamaya devam edebilirler. Mesai saatleri dndaki acil durumlarda ise 0406 536 186 numaral cep telefonu zerinden nbeti grevlimize ulalabilir. Dileri Bakanl Konsolosluk ar Merkezi ile +90 312 292 29 29 numaral telefon zerinden her zaman (7/24) irtibata geilebilir. Vatandalarmzn Koronavirs salgnna ilikin olarak lkemiz ve ilgili Avustralya makamlar tarafndan yaplan resmi aklamalar yakndan takip etmeleri ve iinde bulunduumuz bu hassas dnemde sosyal-mesafe kuralna titizlikle riayet etmeleri uygun olacaktr. Anlay ve duyarllnz iin teekkr eder, salkl gnler dileriz. Sayglarmzla.

03.01.2022 Viktorya Babakan Sayn Daniel Andrews tarafndan 29 Nisan 2020 tarihinde yaplan aklamada, Covid-19 salgn nedeniyle geici ilerini kaybeden ve maddi sknt yaayan uluslararas rencilere Eyalet Hkmetince yardm salanaca bildirilmitir. ( Szkonusu yardm hakknda bilgi almak amacyla aadaki web sitesinden kayt yaptrabilirsiniz. ...

03.01.2022 International students will receive a relief payment of up to $1,100 as part of a Victorian Government emergency support package that will help tens of thousands of people across our state.

03.01.2022 Please make sure you apply by Friday if you believe you are eligible!! In case you missed it, Hume City Council has established a quick response grant for businesses affected by Covid-19 Up to $5,000 is available businesses with up to 5 employees... Up to $10,000 is available for businesses with 6 to 10 employees And Up to $20,000 is available for businesses which have 11 to 20 employees Immediate funding will be provided with grants and applications closing this Friday (17 April) Please share with buisiness owners affected. For more details and how to apply visit #HumeTogether See Less Thank you Cr Naim Kurt

02.01.2022 Announcement on Suspension of Visa Services Due to the significant worldwide challenges related to Covid-19 pandemic, visa services of all Turkish Embassies and... Consulate Generals have been suspended until further notice. Therefore, all visa appointments at our Consulate General have been cancelled.

01.01.2022 We now provide you with the attached COVID 19 Special Update September 2020 Update which gives a detailed analysis of the financial concessions and impacts to your business and those who work with you. Part of the document is also dedicated to us as individuals & how certain announcements impacts us as financially.

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