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25.01.2022 Alan Jones is appalled by Greg Hunt MP's plan to further restrict #vaping nicotine, a lifesaving quit-smoking aid "The Therapeutic Goods Administration - TGA is going to ban a low-risk nicotine liquid designed to stop people from smoking but cigarettes are available everywhere" We are too!... Senator Matthew Canavan Senator Hollie Hughes Scott Morrison (ScoMo)

24.01.2022 Today's report from the ANU on #vaping commissioned by Greg Hunt MP is misleading, biased, omits important evidence and in places is just plain wrong But it is just what the Minister ordered Scott Morrison (ScoMo)Senator Matthew Canavan Senator Hollie Hughes

22.01.2022 A submission to the Senate Inquiry on #thr by Professor Emily Banks claims that vaping is no more effective than #NRT However, her analysis includes a study which is effectively nicotine-free - the device uses 0.01mg/mL. This study should not be included and it negates the effect of other studies. Professor Banks leads Greg Hunt MP's scientific inquiry into #vaping... Senator Hollie Hughes Senator Matthew Canavan Tony Sheldon - Senator for NSW Senator Anne UrquhartSenator Sarah Henderson Senator Stirling Griff Scott Morrison (ScoMo)

21.01.2022 #vapers are angry with the proposed nicotine restrictions and many like Olivia will not comply with this flawed policy. What about you? Have you rung or emailed your federal MP to tell them how you feel? via

20.01.2022 9am-5pm TODAY Live stream of the public hearing of the Senate Select Committee on #vaping and #THR ATHRA directors Colin Mendelsohn and Alex Wodak giving evidence at 4-5pm AEDT... Other experts and vapers also appearing listed below Watch the livestream here

18.01.2022 This is impossible Darren! Greg Hunt MP 's ANU report says #vaping does not help smokers quit It is so sad to see the loss of respect for the government. So many believe the Health Department is driven by $ and not public health and have lost confidence in our political system. Are they right?... Scott Morrison (ScoMo) Senator Matthew Canavan Senator Hollie Hughes Michael McCormack MP

17.01.2022 Good to see Bendigo vape shop Juice Cartel spreading the message about Australia's flawed policy on #vaping via The Bendigo Advertiser "We're a bit backward in this country. The vaping industry needed to be better regulated to allow nicotine-based vaping products to be sold in Australia" Other vape shops please contact your local newspaper.... ARVIA - Australian Retail Vaping Industry Association National Retail Association

16.01.2022 The Therapeutic Goods Administration - TGA is announcing a decision on nicotine regulation tomorrow. The details are unclear at this stage, but it is expected the prescription requirement will continue. A separate Customs Act amendment is under way to ban the importation of nicotine by vapers with a penalty of $220,000... How will vapers get their nicotine supplies as it is currently illegal to sell nicotine in Australia? Possibly pharmacies? but the Pharmacy Guild opposes that. What a mess! Vapers are furious. Retailers are not happy... via The Australian

16.01.2022 WEBCAST. The latest on the struggle to keep vaping alive in Australia ATHRA Director Colin Mendelsohn talks to the one-and-only Nick Green Please donate to our campaign to defend your right to keep #vaping PODCAST also available here

15.01.2022 Another success story from #vaping after 54 years of heavy smoking. Well done Les! Oh, that's right...only an anecdote. Nothing to see here. via Greg Hunt MP Senator Matthew Canavan Senator Hollie Hughes Scott Morrison (ScoMo) Chris Bowen MP Jason Falinski

13.01.2022 ATHRA challenges Greg Hunt MP's flawed #vaping report. The scientific evidence and real world experience clearly shows that vaping IS helping smokers quit The claim that vaping is a gateway to smoking is not supported by evidence... via Financial Review

12.01.2022 Important review of #vaping regulation concludes it should be based on the overall population health impact. Decisions need to balance competing considerations: Harms to non-smokers Effects on smoking initiation Reducing smoking... Importantly "ENDS policies should never be MORE restrictive than those for combustible tobacco or less restrictive than those for medicinal nicotine On this basis, Greg Hunt MP's policy is an abysmal failure Scott Morrison (ScoMo) Senator Matthew Canavan Senator Hollie Hughes Michael Johnsen MP - Nationals Member for Upper Hunter

11.01.2022 THE AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT has continued its vendetta against Australian smokers, making vaping nicotine even more difficult to access. Under the new interim announcement by the Therapeutic Goods Administration - TGA today, #vapers will need to get a doctor’s prescription and visit a pharmacy for nicotine supplies. No other western country requires vapers to have a doctor’s prescription for nicotine liquid, yet alone visit a pharmacy to buy it... Meanwhile, deadly cigarettes are available everywhere and remain unregulated. Senator David Van Senator Matthew Canavan Senator Hollie Hughes Scott Morrison (ScoMo)

10.01.2022 Article in The Conversation on quitting smoking advises NRT and counselling, but omits the most effective quitting aid! #vaping nicotine is not even mentioned although it is 70% more effective than NRT (Grabovac. Nic Tob Res 2020) Vaping is also the most popular quit aid in Australia, the EU, UK and US. Also recommends Quitline. Works for some smokers, but in 2019 Quitline was used by 1.8% of AU smokers

09.01.2022 How irrational and unscientific is this? Making #vaping HARDER to access than deadly smoking Imagine if we applied this logic to other commercial products? Greg Hunt MP Tim Wilson - Federal Liberal Member for Goldstein Andrew Laming MP Senator Bridget McKenzie Senator Claire Chandler Senator David Van Senator Gerard Rennick Jason Falinski

07.01.2022 Please sign Michael Johnsen MP - Nationals Member for Upper Hunter's petition today if you have not already done so. Michael is fighting for your right to vape, but he needs your support. Anyone can sign, so ask your family and friends to support this lifesaving campaign before it is too late. Go to

07.01.2022 Why did the ANU report on #vaping get it so wrong? ATHRA Director Dr. Joe's DIY Health explains: "whoever pays the piper calls the tune"... Interview on 6PR Perth Tonight

04.01.2022 #vaping as a consumer product could reduce smoking and health inequalities in low socio-economic groups who have the highest smoking rates and are most at risk Prof Robert Beaglehole, former World Health Organization (WHO) adviser; chair of Action on Smoking and Health New Zealand... Video1m 53s Senator Hollie HughesSenator Matthew Canavan Tony Sheldon - Senator for NSW Senator Anne Urquhart Senator Stirling Griff Senator Sarah Henderson Scott Morrison (ScoMo)

03.01.2022 The proposed nicotine regulations are a 'de facto' ban for many smokers Geoff #vaped for many years and has now gone back to smoking. He won't be the only one Greg Hunt MP Scott Morrison (ScoMo) Senator Matthew Canavan Senator Hollie Hughes Michael McCormack MP

03.01.2022 Great question, Chelsea. Why can't we just regulate #nicotine liquid like any other adult product and let people make their own adult decisions? Or to be consistent, beer drinkers should visit their GP and then get supplies from the pharmacy?... via ATHRA website

02.01.2022 ATHRA director Alex Wodak argues that we need to stop punishing smokers and help them quit. "Australia looks like making it even harder for smokers to switch to vaping". #vaping has accelerated the decline in smoking in other countries and Australia is falling further behind via The Mercury Newspaper... Scott Morrison (ScoMo) Greg Hunt MP Senator Matthew Canavan Senator Hollie Hughes

01.01.2022 Australia can learn a lot about how to legislate #vaping from New Zealand. It balances the benefits of vaping to adult smokers against the risks of vaping to young people. Professor Robert Beaglehole is a former adviser to World Health Organization (WHO) and Chair of Action on Smoking and Health, New Zealand Senator Hollie Hughes Senator Matthew Canavan Senator Anne Urquhart Tony Sheldon - Senator for NSW Senator Stirling Griff Senator Sarah Henderson Scott Morrison (ScoMo) Michael Johnsen MP - Nationals Member for Upper Hunter Fiona Patten MP

01.01.2022 Legalise Vaping - Australia slams Greg Hunt MP's inquiry into #vaping as a masterpiece in cherrypicking "At best, this study is nothing more than a taxpayer funded exercise in confirmation bias. At worst, it is a sham.

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