Australian Taxation Office | Government organisation
Australian Taxation Office
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25.01.2022 Tired of tracking down stray receipts when tax time rolls around? Save yourself some extra work at tax time! Use our myDeductions tool in the ATO app to snap photos of your work-related expense records and upload your info straight into your tax return. You can also keep your vehicle logbook and other records in the one place! Investigate it for yourself - download the app at
24.01.2022 Scammers want to get their hands on more than just your money. Your personal info is just as valuable. You might be familiar with scams that phish for personal and financial information - like your TFN, myGov details, address, or date of birth - by pretending to be government agencies like us. Criminals can use these details to drain your bank accounts, buy expensive goods and even scam your family and friends. Dont let a scammer be you! This Scams Awareness Week, take a... few minutes to make sure you can pick the savviest tax scams. We list some ways you can pick the fake ATO from the real deal at You can find other helpful resources at See more
24.01.2022 Members of the community are urged to be alert to illegal tobacco crop farms in their local area and report these to authorities immediately. Tobacco crops are ...often found in regional areas and usually involve the illegal sourcing of water, which undermines legitimate farmers and the Government’s sustainability measures, especially in times of drought. If you suspect that illicit tobacco is being grown you can report it anonymously to the Illicit Tobacco Taskforce through the Australian Taxation Office by calling 1800 060 062 or by completing a tip off form through the ATO website: See more
24.01.2022 Small businesses: You may be able to reduce your tax by up to $1,000 with the small business income tax offset. You may also be eligible for the low and middle income earner tax offset, which is for individuals and can be up to $1,080. You dont have to do anything for these offsets to apply just lodge your tax return and well work it out for you ... To find out more about concessions that apply to your small business, visit
23.01.2022 Hands up if you think its important to teach financial literacy in our schools? We do! Thats why we have developed the following resources to help Australian teachers teach tax and super: Paying It Forward - a primary school resource which focuses on values and actions to help establish strong foundations for tax and super. Tax, Super + You - a secondary school resource which teaches tax and super, with fun, animated and interactive elements designed to appeal to st...udents. To find out more about our resources, visit
23.01.2022 Need help doing your tax return? Our Tax Help program is here! If you earn $60,000 or less, our free service can help you do your tax. We have help available in multiple languages like Mandarin, Arabic, Cantonese, Vietnamese, Greek and more.... Its available, in person, over the phone or online from the comfort of your own home. For more info call us on 13 28 61 or, visit
23.01.2022 Employers: This is the final call to apply for the super guarantee amnesty. Catch up on past unpaid super once and for all! Payment plans are available if you want to apply but dont have the funds to pay right now. Any amnesty payments you make before it ends on 7 September 2020 are tax deductible. To make payments youll need the payment reference number well send you once weve processed your application. If you need it sooner you can... Request it through the Business Portal Phone us on 1800 815 886. To learn more about the benefits of the amnesty and to apply, visit
23.01.2022 Small businesses: Were here to help! We host free webinars where our specialists answer your questions on various essential business matters, such as Tax support during the pandemic Business viability Digital options: online services and systems available to you What to do if you have to close your business.... These sessions and more will be running throughout September. To view all of our topics and register for a session, go to
22.01.2022 Employers: Like many aspects of work, your fringe benefits tax (FBT) obligations relating to cars may have changed as a result of COVID-19. Are you confident that youre across them? If not, thats okay were here to help. Our new factsheet helps you determine if your obligations have been affected and calculate your FBT liability. Check it out at
22.01.2022 Businesses: Its time to make your JobKeeper monthly business declaration for August Remember - August has 3 fortnights, so dont forget to claim your eligible employees for all of them. If you have newly eligible employees include them in the claim from JobKeeper Fortnight 10 (which started 3 August).... Weve created a new fact sheet to explain the steps you need to take to add newly eligible employees, visit
22.01.2022 We understand people are facing a unique and ongoing set of challenges. Receiving a tax bill after lodging your tax return can add extra stress. If it’s the first time you’ve received a tax bill, or you’re worried you won’t be able to pay on time, we have a range of options to support you including payment plans. Contact us as soon as possible and for more information about the support available, visit
20.01.2022 Is your employer no longer participating in JobKeeper? Remember, if you’ve already agreed to be nominated for JobKeeper you may not be able to be nominated again by a different employer. For more info, visit
20.01.2022 21% of Australians speak a language other than English at home which is why we have created tax time resources, including simple guides and checklists to help make doing your tax easier. Our resources are available in 19 languages. You can find them at
20.01.2022 Claim education expenses? Remember they must have a sufficient connection to your current job and maintain or increase the knowledge, capabilities or skills you need for your role. When completing your tax return, there are two types of claims you can make: Self-education expenses this can be a formal qualification at university or TAFE. If youre lodging your tax return using myTax, you can claim these expenses at the Work-related expense self education question. ... Seminars, training courses, education workshops or conferences - this may include formal education courses provided by professional associations. If youre using myTax, you can make these claims at Other work-related expenses label. You cant claim the repayment of loans you receive to help pay for your self-education or study expenses (like HECS or VETSL). Read more at,-conferences-and-training-courses/
20.01.2022 Holiday home owners: Renting out your property to family or friends at ‘mates rates’ over the holiday? Remember: If they’re only paying a percentage of what you’d normally charge for rent, you’ll need to apportion your deductions; usually equal to the amount of of rent received. Find all the details to help get your claims right at
20.01.2022 Attention rental property owners: Reminder that you can no longer claim deductions for the cost of travel to and from your property, unless youre carrying on a business. Made a mistake and claimed rental travel this tax time? Dont stress, you can request an amendment using our online services or contact your tax agent . Find out more at
19.01.2022 Thinking of buying a brand new house or apartment? You may have tax obligations to keep in mind. Your conveyancer, solicitor or registered agent can help, but its a good idea to stay in the know. Read up on the settlement process and watch our video at
19.01.2022 Hello, IT? Its IT Professionals Day a day to recognise all the hard work computer magicians do to keep our systems running If your business paid contractors to provide IT services over the last 12 months, you may need to lodge a Taxable payments annual report (TPAR). If you missed the 28 August TPAR lodgment deadline its not too late! Find out more:
19.01.2022 Calling all call centre operators You spend your day helping others, but what about your own tax questions? Whether you purchased new equipment for work or travelled to your second job, our tailored guide can answer all of your deduction questions without the need for another phone call Learn what you can claim this tax time at
19.01.2022 Pay as you go (PAYG) instalments help you manage your tax obligations over the financial year. We apply them if income you earned from your business and/or investment is expected to result in tax owing (over a certain amount) at the end of the year. COVID-19 has had an impact on income for many Australians, so weve taken steps to ensure youve got the flexibility to manage your PAYG instalments to suit your circumstances. Find out how at
18.01.2022 Employees: Are you being paid all the super you’re entitled to? If you’re not sure how to check or get it corrected, follow our four-step process at
18.01.2022 Businesses: Running out of time to do your monthly JobKeeper declaration? You’re in luck! The due date for December payments has been extended to 28 January 2021. You can find out more at
17.01.2022 Applications for COVID-19 early release of super close on 31 December 2020. If you’ve been financially affected by COVID-19 and need early access to your super by Christmas, apply online before 11 December. Check if you’re eligible at
17.01.2022 Contractors and consultants do you provide any of these services? Building and construction Cleaning Courier Delivery and road freight ... Information technology Security, investigation or surveillance Businesses who pay you to provide these services may need to include your payments to us as part of their annual reporting. Well use this info to prefill these payments in your tax return, making it easier for you to get tax time right! Learn more at See more
16.01.2022 Our online services will be unavailable from 11.30pm AEDT Friday 8 January until 11.30pm AEDT Sunday 10 January while we carry out essential system maintenance. We apologise for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience and understanding. For more info and to subscribe to system maintenance updates, visit
16.01.2022 Fraudster behind bars: After two years on the run, a man from Western Australia has been sentenced to two years and five months jail for trying to get his hands on $1 million in fraudulent refunds. The 28-year-old tried to beef up his tax returns by falsely claiming he’d been working for a meat company that had withheld significant amounts of tax from him. We have sophisticated systems in place to detect false claims, and we’ll continue to do all we can to make sure fraud isn’t worth the risk. Read about the case at
15.01.2022 Attention rental property owners! Wondering how the events of 2020 may affect your rental income? On our latest podcast, Assistant Commissioner Adam OGrady chats with Michael Yardney, CEO of Metropole Property Strategists about all things property. Find out what you can claim, how to avoid common mistakes, and information on recent law changes, at
15.01.2022 Protect yourself from scammers and dont share your myGovID details with others Your identity and business information is valuable to scammers. We use myGovID as a secure login to a range of our online services, like our Business Portal and Online services for agents, because it: uses the latest app technology plus the security features in your smart device... is your personal digital identity thats unique to you is used with Relationship Authorisation Manager, letting you control who can work on behalf of your business online. Find out more at
15.01.2022 Employers: Mistakes can happen from time to time Whether you’ve incorrectly self-assessed yourself for JobKeeper, or nominated your employees when they didn’t quite meet the eligibility criteria, it’s important to double check your applications and let us know if a mistake has been made. Noticed a problem with yours?... Give us a call and read what happens next at
15.01.2022 Running your own small business? If you received government grants or payments last financial year, you may need to include these as assessable income when you lodge your tax return. Assessable government payments include: JobKeeper payments Supporting Apprentices and Trainees wage subsidy Fuel tax credits Wine equalisation tax producer rebate ... Check out our small business tax time essentials to learn more - visit See more
14.01.2022 Running your business from home? Whether its a unique part of your 2020 experience or the way youve always worked, you may be able to claim a deduction for expenses like: electricity cleaning costs internet cost of repairs to your business equipment... mortgage interest or rent. In this video, Assistant Commissioner Andrew Watson runs you through the essentials of home-based business expenses. You can also read up on the finer details at
13.01.2022 If you purchased a rental property after 1 July 2017, your deductions could look a little bit different this tax time. If you decided to go with a second-hand option when you replaced the blinds and dishwasher, you may no longer be able to claim a deduction. Instead, these items will be taken into consideration when you sell the property down the track. For more information on how this could apply to you, go to
13.01.2022 Were here to help throughout this difficult time, regardless of whether youre an individual taxpayer or running a business. Assistant Commissioner Karen Foat talks about how we can help you this tax time in her latest video. Find more info on the ways we can support you at
11.01.2022 What do commission income, incentive payments and dividends from investments have in common? They’re all examples of assessable income that small businesses need to report in their tax return! Find out about the ins and outs of what you need to declare. Go to
10.01.2022 Businesses: Taxable payments annual report (TPAR) are due next week on 28 August. If you need to lodge, most of the info youll need should already be on hand from your monthly or quarterly reporting! Lodge on time so you dont miss the deadline! Find out more about your TPAR at
10.01.2022 Employers: The JobKeeper Payment is changing, so more employees can qualify. There are changes to: 1. the eligibility criteria 2. a payment extension to 31 August, and... 3. employers can nominate different employees if their employment has changed. For more details on the changes, see
09.01.2022 Pound, Yen, Peso, Euro.. Are you an Australian resident for tax purposes who received income from overseas last financial year? Whether you were paid in cash or earned interest from an overseas bank account, remember to include any foreign income in your tax return.... For more info about what income you need to declare in your tax return, visit
09.01.2022 The JobKeeper Payment has been extended! Changes include: an extension until 28 March 2021 a new turnover tests for eligible businesses... two rates for eligible employees based on average hours worked. If youre already getting JobKeeper or are eligible now with these changes, find out what you need to do in preparation for 28 September. For more info, visit
09.01.2022 A NSW man was handed a criminal conviction and fined $1,500 yesterday after claiming false work-related expenses on his tax return The bank exec claimed more than $15,000 in travel expenses for ‘overseas conferences’ even though he hadn’t left the country that financial year! If you’re thinking of claiming work-related deductions, remember to follow the three golden rules:... You must have spent the money yourself and weren’t reimbursed It must directly relate to earning your income You must have a record to prove it. To find out more about the case and why it’s important to double check your claims, head to
09.01.2022 Be your own super(annuation) hero and make the most of what you save! You can use our online services to: search and rescue any lost or unclaimed super you have combine your powers - consider consolidating your super into one account ... get briefed on your super fund account balance, contributions made by your employer and other essential info. To find out how our online services can help you keep track of your super, visit
09.01.2022 Employers: Did you hire new employees between 7 October 2020 and 6 January 2021? You may be able to claim the JobMaker Hiring Credit! Check the eligibility criteria and register now at
07.01.2022 Business owners: Did you know that if your business expenses have been greater than your income, you may be able to claim a loss? You can generally carry forward a loss and claim a deduction for your business in a future year, or you may be able to offset current year losses. Assistant Commissioner Andrew Watson explains what you may need to consider this tax time - watch our video and learn more at
07.01.2022 If youve been financially affected as a result of COVID-19, you now have more time to access some of your super. Applications for COVID-19 early release of super have now been extended to 31 December 2020. Remember You can still only apply once in this financial year. Check if youre eligible at... See more
07.01.2022 Businesses: Do you have new employees who will now be eligible for the JobKeeper Payment? You now have until 31 August to pay your new employees for the fortnights commencing on 3 and 17 August 2020. For more details on the changes, see
05.01.2022 Emergency services workers! We know youre busy keeping the country safe, so weve developed a guide to help you out with your tax return. Whether youre a fire fighter, police officer or paramedic, weve covered everything from laundry expenses to your heavy-vehicle permit, over-time meals and education expenses. Get all the answers for your industry at
05.01.2022 Have you graduated this year? If you have a student loan, remember to declare it when you start working. You can declare your loan by completing: the TFN declaration form when you start a new job... a withholding declaration if you are already working and being paid. Declaring your loan will help ensure your employer withholds the right amount of tax. For more info, visit
05.01.2022 SCAM ALERT Were seeing a growing number of people making large payments for fake tax debts. Dont get caught! These phone calls will tell you that you owe money and need to pay it straight away or youll be arrested. The scammer will try to keep you on the line until you pay, often by unusual methods such as bitcoin, pre-paid credit cards or gift cards. If you get a call like this, hang up and dont provide any info. Well never: threaten you with immediate arrest se...nd unsolicited pre-recorded messages to your phone keep you on the line until a payment is made request payment of debts via bitcoin, gift cards or other vouchers. Warn your family and friends to stay alert and visit our scams page to learn more:
04.01.2022 First aid kit Torch and batteries Australian business number (ABN) details up-to-date We know that your ABN is the last thing on your mind when disaster strikes. ... But from sourcing masks during COVID-19, to helping firefighters locate the nearest petrol station, your ABN details are used to keep our community safe. If you’ve changed your business address, activity or contact info, now is the time to update your ABN details. Find out how at
03.01.2022 Businesses: Do you pay contractors? You may need to lodge a taxable payments annual report (TPAR) by 28 August if your business provides and pays contractors for these services: building and construction cleaning courier, delivery or road freight information technology ... security, investigation or surveillance Lodging online is simple and secure. Watch our video or visit See more
03.01.2022 Supporting tax professionals and their clients remains a top priority for the ATO. Commissioner Chris Jordan outlines how were committed to working with tax professionals through these tough times. We have a range of practical support options available, including: lodgment deferrals for upcoming dates payment deferrals and flexible payment plans... payment arrangements for the superannuation guarantee amnesty Read the Commissioners full statement to Victorian tax professionals at
03.01.2022 Small businesses: If you’ve lodged your return but realised you’ve made a mistake or forgotten something, don’t worry! It’s easy to fix Before you rush to get it done, wait until you’ve received the notice of assessment for your original tax return. This will help reduce a potential processing delay For more information on how you can amend your return, go to
03.01.2022 Work rosters Payroll Super guarantee payments Remember If you’re an employer, your next super guarantee payments need to be received by super funds by 28 January.... Having difficulty meeting your super obligations? Contact us to discuss your options on 1800 806 216. For more info, visit
02.01.2022 The application date has been extended for our 2021 Evergreen Program for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander peoples! Apply by 11.00pm AEDT Sunday 17 January 2021 to kick start your career:
02.01.2022 Businesses: Do you provide employees with a car for private use? Fuel your knowledge on car fringe benefits by registering for one of our 1-hour virtual introductory sessions. During the session, well explain the different ways you can calculate the taxable value of benefits walk you through record-keeping obligations ... help you determine the best options for your business. Secure your spot at
01.01.2022 R U OK day is a national reminder to check in with friends, family, and those around you. Asking the question is an excellent first step, but its important to make sure you know how to find help and support resources if they (or you!) need them. If youre facing financial difficulty and struggling to manage your tax and super affairs, were here to help. ... Phone us on 13 28 61 and we can work with you to find a solution. Find more resources at
01.01.2022 Do you use your car for work purposes? For a smooth ride this tax time, ensure you have accurate records to support your claims! If you claim a work-related car expense using the cents per kilometre or logbook method, remember you cant claim any further deductions in the same tax return for the same car. Find out more at
01.01.2022 Businesses: Are you receiving JobKeeper payments? If you are, it’s time to make your monthly business declaration You have until 14 December 2020 to submit your declaration, but the sooner you get it in, the sooner you’ll be reimbursed! Find more info at
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