ATR Leveling System | Other
ATR Leveling System
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25.01.2022 Posted @withregram - @roberts_designs_international Taking it to the streets, this is how we roll at #roberts_designs_international keep a look out for our new van and Rep Steve around northern Victoria and southern New South Wales, bringing all of our premium products and demonstrations to a store and job site near you #maxisil #siri #ghelfitilecutters #atrlevelingsystem #atrlevellippagesystem #tiling #tilingtools #italianmade #yougetwhatyoupayfor #premiumquality #sigmatilecutters #tasmanchemicals @ Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
25.01.2022 Another amazing project ATR Leveling System has encountered at Mercedes dealership All-in-one grout spacing & tile leveling system --- Great labour saving 4 to 1 ratio* ... Only one ATR cross plate is required for a 3 way tile intersection. --- Advantages Very simple and easy to use Creates a lippage free surface Keeps tiles in place while drying Professional finish every time Suitable for floors and walls Spindle removes cleanly and easily without any force applied Reusable spindle Great labour saving 4 to 1 ratio* Australian design and Australian made- Suitable for indoor and outdoor uses * - #atrleveling#atrlevellippagesystem #atrlevelingsystem#atrlevelingspacers Tileware Products ATR Tile Leveling System - USA , . . . . . . . #tiles#tilespacers#lippage #levelingclips#brickpattern#australianmade #tilelevelingsystem #bathroomreno#levellingsystem #tileplank#bathroomremodel #tileinstallation #ceramictiles#quality #reno #customshower #renovation #remodel#tilelove#homeshow #tilingideas #nolippage #tileporn #tileguy @roberts_designs_international See more
24.01.2022 PermaTile Rough-in Anchors
18.01.2022 Posted @withrepost - @tilingsolutionsgroup !locked down ready to roll ! - #goodtogo @tilingsolutionsgroup #60/60 #polishedporcelaintiles #atrlevelingsystem @atr_leveling_system #mainfloor #tsgrp - All-in-one grout spacing & tile leveling system... --- Great labour saving 4 to 1 ratio* Only one ATR cross plate is required for a 3 way tile intersection. --- Advantages Very simple and easy to use Creates a lippage free surface Keeps tiles in place while drying Professional finish every time Suitable for floors and walls Spindle removes cleanly and easily without any force applied Reusable spindle Great labour saving 4 to 1 ratio* Australian design and Australian made- Suitable for indoor and outdoor uses * - #atrleveling#atrlevellippagesystem #atrlevelingsystem#atrlevelingspacers @tileware_products @tier_one_solutions . . . . . . . #tiles#tilespacers#lippage #levelingclips#brickpattern#australianmade #tilelevelingsystem #bathroomreno#levellingsystem #tileplank#bathroomremodel #tileinstallation #ceramictiles#quality #reno #customshower #renovation #remodel#tilelove#homeshow #tilingideas #nolippage #tileporn #tileguy @roberts_designs_international See more
18.01.2022 Posted @withrepost @ins.tiling Work in Progress 800x400 Porcelein Tile layed as a Brick Pattern with 10mm Square Trim around Steps and ART Leveling System... - - #melbournetiler #morningtonpeninsulatiler #dandenongtiler #exteriortiling... - All-in-one grout spacing & tile leveling system --- Great labour saving 4 to 1 ratio* Only one ATR cross plate is required for a 3 way tile intersection. --- Advantages Very simple and easy to use Creates a lippage free surface Keeps tiles in place while drying Professional finish every time Suitable for floors and walls Spindle removes cleanly and easily without any force applied Reusable spindle Great labour saving 4 to 1 ratio* Australian design and Australian made- Suitable for indoor and outdoor uses * - #atrleveling#atrlevellippagesystem #atrlevelingsystem#atrlevelingspacers Tileware Products . . . . . . . #tiles#tilespacers#lippage #levelingclips#brickpattern#australianmade #tilelevelingsystem #bathroomreno#levellingsystem #tileplank#bathroomremodel #tile installation #ceramictiles#quality #reno #renovation #remodel#tilelove#homeshow #nolippage #tileporn #tileguy @roberts_designs_international See more
18.01.2022 Posted @withrepost @tilingsolutionsgroup 30!60! Mixed Charcoal grain @tilingsolutionsgroup #elfresco #tilelevelingsystems #pregrout#atrlevelingsystem @atr_leveling_system #tsgrp #outdoorliving Tileware Products@roberts_designs_international @tier_one_solutions @do_it_right_bathrooms @craigneil01 @ Central Coast NSW
17.01.2022 TileWare Products Grab Bar installation video - ATR Tile Leveling System also used during the following Grab Bar installation Tileware Products ATR Tile Leveling System - USA
17.01.2022 Total game changer!! - Waterproofing anchor technology solution - Tileware Products
17.01.2022 All-in-one grout spacing & tile leveling system --- Great labour saving 3 to 1 ratio* Only one ATR cross plate is required for a 3 way tile intersection. ---... Advantages Very simple and easy to use Creates a lippage free surface Keeps tiles in place while drying Professional finish every time Suitable for floors and walls Spindle removes cleanly and easily without any force applied Reusable spindle Great labour saving 4 to 1 ratio* Australian design and Australian made- Suitable for indoor and outdoor uses * - #atrleveling#atrlevellippagesystem #atrlevelingsystem#atrlevelingspacers #tileware_products - . Repost . . , . . . . . . . #tiles#tilespacers#lippage #levelingclips#brickpattern#australianmade #tilelevelingsystem #bathroomreno#levellingsystem #tileplank#bathroomremodel #tileinstallation #ceramictiles#quality #reno #customshower #renovation #remodel#tilelove#homeshow #tilingideas #nolippage #tileporn #tileguy See more
16.01.2022 Posted @withrepost @tilingsolutionsgroup The only Leveling system on the market you can use as a external spacer @atr_leveling_system @tilingsolutionsgroup #comercialwork #google #facebook #data storage #sydneyolimpicpark #subwaytiles #beveled edge #tsg
14.01.2022 Posted @withrepost @ts_tiling_ @ Mercedes-Benz Ballarat Another amazing project ATR Leveling System has encountered at Mercedes - Benz dealership installed by @ts_tiling_ All-in-one grout spacing & tile leveling system... --- Great labour saving 4 to 1 ratio* Only one ATR cross plate is required for a 3 way tile intersection. --- Advantages Very simple and easy to use Creates a lippage free surface Keeps tiles in place while drying Professional finish every time Suitable for floors and walls Spindle removes cleanly and easily without any force applied Reusable spindle Great labour saving 4 to 1 ratio* Australian design and Australian made- Suitable for indoor and outdoor uses * - #atrleveling#atrlevellippagesystem #atrlevelingsystem#atrlevelingspacers @tileware_products . , . . . . . . . #tiles#tilespacers#lippage #levelingclips#brickpattern#australianmade #tilelevelingsystem #bathroomreno#levellingsystem #tileplank#bathroomremodel #tileinstallation #ceramictiles#quality #reno #customshower #renovation #remodel#tilelove#homeshow #tilingideas #nolippage #tileporn #tileguy @roberts_designs_international See more
13.01.2022 Spindle removes cleanly and easily without any force applied working with our ATR socket bit, and a simple cordless drill featuring a adjustable clutch tension setting. --- ---... #atrleveling#atrlevellippagesystem #atrlevelingsystem#atrlevelingspacers#atrlife - #contractorsofinsta --- Advantages Very simple and easy to use Creates a lippage free surface Keeps tiles in place while drying Professional finish every time Suitable for floors and walls Spindle removes cleanly and easily without any force applied Reusable spindle Great labour saving 4 to 1 ratio* Australian design and Australian made- Suitable for indoor and outdoor uses * - You only need 1 cross spacing plate for 4 tiles. Other tiling systems require 4 clips per 1 tile. #schluterditra#tiles#tilespacers#lippage #levelingclips#brickpattern#australianmade #tilelevelingsystem #bathroomreno#levellingsystem#tileplank#bathroomremodel #tileinstallation #ceramictiles#quality #reno #customshower #renovation#remodel#tilelove#homeshow #nolippage #tileporn #tileguy @atrleveling @roberts_designs_internation@Tileware Products
13.01.2022 Posted @withrepost @tier_one_solutions Even and level tile with @atr_leveling_system This system combines grout line spacing and leveling in one system. The time you spend with a traditional wedge system will be cut in half with only having to use one ATR leveler/spacer at each tile junction instead of three wedge style spacers. Go check this system out and give it a try you wont regret it I promise! ~ #tileshower #tile #tileinstallation #tilefloor #tiledesign #tilesetter #tilerspride #carpentry #bhamnow #marble #porcelain #waterproofing #showerdesign #customtile #custombathroom #tilework #showerrenovation #bathroomdesign #bathroomrenovation #shower #atrlevelingsystem #tileshower #showerdesign #diy #diytips #renovation #remodel #remodeling #renovationproject #photography
12.01.2022 Posted @withregram @unlimitedtile1 #atrlevelingsystem @atr_leveling_system @atrleveling @roberts_designs_international @flooringsupply @atrleveling @tileware_products @tileideal
11.01.2022 Posted @withrepost - @elegancetilesmitcham Are you getting ready for the holiday season with some DIY?! The ATR system is perefect for you! Avoid lippage and uneven spacing with this brilliant design! Re-use the red spindles, leave the spacers under the tiles and grout over them. Power drill your spindles on and off with the help of the ATR green socket sleeve and youll get the job done in no time!... LIMITED STOCK! Keep all your ATR levelling system in the one place with this handy orange duffle bag. @atr_leveling_system - #atrlevelingsystem #atr #spacers #spindles #thetileplace #elegancetilesmitcham @ Elegance Tiles
11.01.2022 Posted @withregram - @tier_one_solutions A quick shot of me removing the @atr_leveling_system on a job awhile back. ~ Its a very innovative system that I enjoy implementing into my installs.... ~ @tileware_products is a U.S. distributor that can be reached for additional information.
09.01.2022 Posted @withrepost @tilingsolutionsgroup !black diamonds@tilingsolutionsgroup #largeformat #renovation #atrlevelingsystem @bayset_aus #tsgrp
09.01.2022 Posted @withrepost @hedges3dtiling #atrlife @atr_leveling_system #600x600mm #floor2ceilingtiles
08.01.2022 Posted @withrepost @tier_one_solutions Setting these Hexs yesterday maxed me out mentally and physically! But dang do they look great!! ~ Have a great Friday and weekend everyone! ~ @grxgloves @brandedbills @recoilkneepads @flooranddecor @atr_leveling_system #atrlevelingsystem
07.01.2022 Posted @withrepost @ins.tiling - Using ATR Leveling System... cant go wrong @atr_leveling_system ... - - #melbournetiler #morningtonpeninsulatiler #dandenongtiler #exteriortiling - All-in-one grout spacing & tile leveling system --- Great labour saving 4 to 1 ratio* Only one ATR cross plate is required for a 3 way tile intersection. --- Advantages Very simple and easy to use Creates a lippage free surface Keeps tiles in place while drying Professional finish every time Suitable for floors and walls Spindle removes cleanly and easily without any force applied Reusable spindle Great labour saving 4 to 1 ratio* Australian design and Australian made- Suitable for indoor and outdoor uses * - #atrleveling#atrlevellippagesystem #atrlevelingsystem#atrlevelingspacers Tileware Products . . . . . . . #tiles#tilespacers#lippage #levelingclips#brickpattern#australianmade #tilelevelingsystem #bathroomreno#levellingsystem #tileplank#bathroomremodel #tile installation #ceramictiles#quality #reno #renovation #remodel#tilelove#homeshow #nolippage #tileporn #tileguy @roberts_designs_international See more
05.01.2022 Young gun - Posted @withrepost @tilingsolutionsgroup -... @atr_leveling_system easy removal @tilingsolutionsgroup #main floor #largeformat#porcelaintiles #tsgrp @tier_one_solutions @tileware_products @craigneil01 @roberts_designs_international See more
04.01.2022 Posted @withrepost @unlimitedtile1 #atrlevelingsystem - - Spindle removes cleanly and easily without any force applied working with our ATR socket bit, a simple cordless drill featuring a adjustable clutch tension setting. ---... --- #atrleveling#atrlevellippagesystem #atrlevelingsystem#atrlevelingspacers#atrlife - #contractorsofinsta --- Advantages Very simple and easy to use Creates a lippage free surface Keeps tiles in place while drying Professional finish every time Suitable for floors and walls Spindle removes cleanly and easily without any force applied Reusable spindle Great labour saving 4 to 1 ratio* Australian design and Australian made- Suitable for indoor and outdoor uses * - You only need 1 cross spacing plate for 4 tiles. Other tiling systems require 4 clips per 1 tile. #schluterditra#tiles#tilespacers#lippage #levelingclips#brickpattern#australianmade #bathroomreno#levellingsystem#tileplank#bathroomremodel #tileinstallation #ceramictiles#quality #reno #customshower #renovation#remodel#tilelove#homeshow #nolippage #tileporn #tileguy @atrleveling @douglaslscalise @tileideal @love_create_celebrate #tilelevelingsystem
04.01.2022 Posted @withrepost @tilingsolutionsgroup fire in the hole @tilingsolutionsgroup #fireplace #artisantiles #artisantile #reversclip #atrlevelingsystem #tsgrp #tilerslife #tileware_products @tileimporter @roberts_designs_international #atrleveling
04.01.2022 Posted @withrepost @hedges3dtiling #lappatotiles #600x600rectifiededgetiles @atr_leveling_system @metro_tiles_toowoomba @arden_vale_homes All-in-one grout spacing & tile leveling system... --- Great labour saving 4 to 1 ratio* Only one ATR cross plate is required for a 3 way tile intersection. --- Advantages Very simple and easy to use Creates a lippage free surface Keeps tiles in place while drying Professional finish every time Suitable for floors and walls Spindle removes cleanly and easily without any force applied Reusable spindle Great labour saving 4 to 1 ratio* Australian design and Australian made- Suitable for indoor and outdoor uses * - #atrleveling#atrlevellippagesystem #atrlevelingsystem#atrlevelingspacers @tileware_products @tier_one_solutions , . . . . . . . #tiles#tilespacers#lippage #levelingclips#brickpattern#australianmade #tilelevelingsystem #bathroomreno#levellingsystem #tileplank#bathroomremodel #tileinstallation #ceramictiles#quality #reno #customshower #renovation #remodel#tilelove#homeshow #tilingideas #nolippage #tileporn #tileguy @roberts_designs_international See more
04.01.2022 Posted @withrepost @tilingsolutionsgroup 3060 on a bed of @screed_pro @tilingsolutionsgroup #atrlevelingsystem @atr_leveling_system #external #porcelain #tsgrp @ Sydney, Australia
03.01.2022 Posted @withrepost - @tilingsolutionsgroup Elfresco minimum outlay maximum profit using 100 atrleveling clips for less than $30 - @atr_leveling_system @bayset_aus charcoal 450 @tilingsolutionsgroup #elfresco #outdoorliving #tsgrp @ Sydney, Australia... - - - All-in-one grout spacing & tile leveling system --- Great labour saving 4 to 1 ratio* Only one ATR cross plate is required for a 3 way tile intersection. --- Advantages Very simple and easy to use Creates a lippage free surface Keeps tiles in place while drying Professional finish every time Suitable for floors and walls Spindle removes cleanly and easily without any force applied Reusable spindle Great labour saving 4 to 1 ratio* Australian design and Australian made- Suitable for indoor and outdoor uses * - #atrleveling#atrlevellippagesystem #atrlevelingsystem#atrlevelingspacers @tileware_products , . . . . . . . #tiles#tilespacers#lippage #levelingclips#brickpattern#australianmade #tilelevelingsystem #bathroomreno#levellingsystem #tileplank#bathroomremodel #tileinstallation #ceramictiles#quality #reno #customshower #renovation #remodel#tilelove#homeshow #nolippage #tileporn #tileguy @roberts_designs_international See more
03.01.2022 Posted @withrepost @tilingsolutionsgroup Buying of the plan doesnt always go to plan #kitchen extensions #hallway #tilelevelingsystems #dining#atrlevelingsystem #polishedporcelain @tilingsolutionsgroup #tsgrp #tileware_products #@roberts_designs_international @ Sydney, Australia
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