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Attachment Parenting Australia
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21.01.2022 Please invite your new momma friends A new term begins tomorrow for our Pregnancy Yoga & Support 6 wk Course at the Home of Yoga Family Nurturing Centre Places are available. To book message Sydel 04146236459 [email protected] Family Nurturing Centre teaching pregnancy yoga in Perth for over 30 years. Every term a new beginning - All Welcome
20.01.2022 Please share with new momma friends Our Pregnancy yoga term is starting this Saturday - Pregnancy Yoga, Mindful Birthing, Community and Support. To book email [email protected] or call 0414636459 #familynurturingcentre #pregnancyyoga #mindfulbirthing
19.01.2022 Hi Everyone, What an historical moment in the journey of the Home of Yoga Heart Place Family Nurturing Centre to close our doors indefinitely in line with go...vernment regulations. Know however that our hearts are opening even wider and on line offerings are being developed to keep you in your yoga practice. So stay safe, stay well and stay connected with this page for updates over the week ahead. If you are not receiving our newsletters can you please email [email protected] and ask to subscribe so we can keep you updated . If you have not LIKED Home of Yoga Heart Place Please do <3 and invite friends. help us to grow stronger over this time. Now more then ever we need to be connected and keep cohesive communities thriving. We can do this and we can thrive even more in the process -- its the Great Realignment with the Greater Good- <3 As our bodies are 'physically distancing' we can practice grounding in our bodies with present moment focus and expanding our hearts to fill the distances between. We have a heart energy field that extends metres around us and beyond now we are being invited to play with and deepen into awareness of our shared energy fields. This can be a deeply transformative time for us all. Spread love with a smile and a wave over social media and on needed trips out for vital supplies. Little acknowledgements of our shared humanity generate a field of love and reduce the fear contagion. All of us will have moments of awakening and a deepening sense of our humanity and then waves of fear this is only natural in times of rapid change and uncertainty. So lets find creative and innovative ways to reach out and take care of each other. In our loving kindness practices and wishing well lets keep sending loving embrace to the most vulnerable over this time and to those on the frontline of vital services keeping us safe. Immense gratitude to all our teachers and students at the home of yoga lets keep a strong vision of our present connectiveness and of future sharing in our hearts as we move about our days in the time period ahead. Keep your yoga practice up and over the week ahead ways to support you will emerge so stay posted! Here's a little song I wrote You might want to sing it note for note Don't worry, be happy In every life we have some trouble But when you worry you make it double Don't worry, be happy Don't worry, be happy now Also this is our little story we share and communication to our home of yoga community. I am aware of course all schools in WA are going through similar dynamics. Many hearts are feeling broken open with all the hard work and play put into our centres over years. The experiences and bonds we create in our respective communities are having a light of even more appreciation shone upon them. Many of our foundations are now shaky and incomes dissolved unless we already have a strong on line profile and supplementary income. My supplement was contract work. I can feel the momentum of our community wanting to stay connected and I am sure we will all find a way to keep our communities cohesive. I wish everyone well and feel all your hearts and efforts to adjust to the changing times. Its going to be quite an adventure and its great to feel we can all support each other.
16.01.2022 Hi Everyone, I often call our older bolsters at the Home of Yoga our 'Velveteen Rabbits' its a children's book, a classic. Here is a picture quote below. This ...week we held a Free Mums and Bubs Yoga Play and Support for Mental Health Week WA and to entertain our toddlers made a cubby house out of the bolsters like we have so many times since 1985 when the HOY was first established. Our bolsters's have had many children jump and play on them. As well they have provided comfort and support for countless adults over the years. They have become real because their loved! Do you get that feeling when you slow down at yoga and have time to feel? Yes we become aware of the stressed bits, the broken bits - yet we are giving time to feel, to let go, to integrate and just be. We become real. Here is a suggestion - come to restorative Yoga tonight with Jodie Howat 5.30pm and we will show you all the wonderful ways to slow down and refresh from your week. Never been to the @home of yoga before? Here is our GET INSPIRED starter deal. $50 for unlimited yoga one month. Our next beginners course starts NOV 6th and is booking now. Yoga for Beginners: a 6 week course Below vintage pic from the Swanbourne days and same bolsters with some new added in a pic from last weeks Yin-Yang with Rob Findlay
14.01.2022 Nurturing sessions and self care packages for over the holiday Season
13.01.2022 Explore Ayurvedic yoga practices, meditation and awareness as taught at the Deepak Chopra Centre and in Valentines own unique way.Learn the magic of Ayurvedic herbs, simple massage techniques and your Ayurvedic body type. To book contact [email protected] or call 0414636459 asap as places are limited and filling
13.01.2022 Back at School week and a slow countdown to end of year. The time of year where we really need to go steady, balance work/life and our nervous system's. Move Br...eathe ..find the path of ease as we move through the day. Yoga can support you to find peace and ease in your day. CLASSES: Monday: Here is our timetable for this week: Matthew Yap is teaching tonight 5.30pm followed by Kirstie Peddersen 7pm with some spinal flow. Tuesday: Sydel Weinstein 9am Stefania Galliero 5.30pm and Bianca Lucas with Yin Tuesday 7pm. here is the timetable for the week ahead. Kate Bullow is teaching this SAT's 8am class. NEW TO YOGA? our last Beginners course of 2019 is starting soon and has a celebratory bonus week added on Yoga for Beginners: a 6 week course taking Bookings Now. COMING EVENTS: **Introduction to Ayurvedic Lifestyle Workshop is on this SAT 2pm start with Valentine Ferreira and is booking out so be quick to secure your place by emailing [email protected]. ** Oct 27th we begin a 12 hour training in Create your own Ayurvedic Lifestyle perfect for this time of year! Booking Now ** FOR NEW FAMILIES Pregnancy yoga term and Parent and baby is commencing shortly and booking now. Pregnancy Yoga & Support 6 wk Course Parent & Baby Yoga, Community & Support NOTE Sydel Weinstein is available for private sessions re baby massage, pregnancy massage, breastfeeding education WE ALSO HAVE A SALE ON all week for HeartSpace Body Therapy on Nurture Packs that combine massage yoga/ mental health/mindfulness education/breath awareness to suit your needs. Sydel is skilled in working with Trauma and Stress Reduction and sessions can be booked for simple good old fashioned nurturing massage. CALL SYDEL to book today 0414636459 GIFT VOUCHERS also available DID you know we are also the and can come out to your workplace or organisation to run a variety of trainings including Mental Health First Aid. Call Sydel to discuss today 0414636549 or email [email protected] Our NEXT MHFA in house training is also booking Mental Health First Aid Course Prioritise Mental Health and call today Coming in 2020 Cat Kabira Flow from the Source with Cat Kabira EARLY BIRD bookings coming in Don't worry Be Happy Do yoga See you on the mat Sydel and the Team of Happy teachers at Home of Yoga
13.01.2022 Looking forward to celebrating Mental Health Week WA this Wednesday 10.30am at our Free Mums and Bubs Yoga Play and Support. All welcome to come celebrate community and activities that support our mental health and well being. Mindfulness games for baby, toddler and parent, yoga, singing, dancing, massage, play & Chat. Please visit the event to sign up and register or email [email protected] / 0414636459
12.01.2022 Thank you Mental Health Week WA we had a great time celebrating community, connection and compassion with mindfulness games, songs, yoga and play. Big thanks to all the mums and bub's who came. Sydel
11.01.2022 Please share and invite your new mama friends: Spaces are available - to join our pregnancy term this Sat 10.30am at the Family Nurturing Centre / Home of Yoga. Email [email protected] or call 0414636459 Classes are a combination of pregnancy yoga, mindfulness, massage, community and support. We have been supporting new families in WA since 1985. Come and join us by booking today. Sydel is also available for private sessions for pregnancy yoga, Baby mass...age training, Mindfulness for birthing and transition into parenthood. As well Sydel is a trauma informed body therapist and can support with anxiety and stress through a variety of modalities to suit your needs HeartSpace Body Therapy GIFT VOUCHERS Available See more
10.01.2022 We're back ! Perth's Original Parent & baby yoga centre. Please SPREAD THE NEWS to your new parent friends and colleagues -invite to event below- add a comment ....share <3 **With 35 years of experience and momentum were looking forward to offering a new term of Pregnancy Yoga & Support 6 wk Course Facilitated by Sydel Weinstein teaching pregnancy yoga for over 30 years. Mindful Birthing Trainer, Baby Massage educator. **Our classes have a strong component of community to support you in navigating this important transition time. 1000's of new families have been through our centre over prior decades come and join us. **Note Sydel Weinstein is also available for HeartSpace Body Therapy Pregnancy massage, Breastfeeding education, Baby massage training, Mindfulness training for resilience, stress reduction and a mindfulness tool box that will support you in laying the foundations of a mindful home for the journey ahead. **GIFT VOUCHERS AVAILABLE **SALE of Family Nurturing Centre NURTURE PACKS for NEW MUMS this week. **[email protected] 0414636459 #pregnancy #familynurturingcentre #mindfulbirthing #babymassage See more
09.01.2022 Hi Everyone, holiday season is approaching. May we support you with an easy path to choosing presents and in sharing a gift of ease with family friends and colleagues. Yoga and HeartSpace Body Therapy a gift of wellness . We have lovely GIFT VOUCHERS that can be emailed or you can drop in and pick up a printed GIFT VOUCHER from our centre. Call sydel on 0414636459 if you would like a personalised package of Yoga, Mindfulness and HeartSpace Body Therapy. You can visit our ONL...INE SHOP to choose from our range of gift suggestions. Here are a few: >> >> >> >> Love and Light to you this holiday season Sydel & the Home of Yoga Team See more
09.01.2022 Infant Massage Educator training with Infant Massage Australia coming up early 2020 and Booking Now. Facilitated by Sydel Weinstein and Clare Thorp coming from Melb. Two early Kick Starter Specials available this week. To book contact [email protected] or call 0414636459 Become a Certified Infant Massage Educator... Our Certified Infant Massage Educator training is relationship focused centred on developing healthy bonds and secure attachment between babies and their care givers. Teaching Infant Massage is a rewarding opportunity, promoting well-being and enhancing bonding between infants and their caregivers. Infant massage assists the growth and development of baby’s body, mind and spirit. In addition it can bring relief to complaints of colic, constipation, respiratory disorders and sleeping difficulties. You can contribute to this essential communication by becoming a Certified Infant Massage Educator with Infant Massage Australia.
05.01.2022 We're back after a little break with a new term and looking forward to mums and bubs walking through the door of the Family Nurturing Centre Home of Yoga Please Spread the news and invite your new parent friends. The Home of yoga / FNC pioneered Baby Yoga & Support in WA and Sydel Weinstein is super excited to be offering this next term as a warm up to a big re- launch in 2020. Who would like to join? Email [email protected] to book or call 0414636459
04.01.2022 Hi everyone, we had fun for our Saturday Mexican Breakfast 2019 as you can see from pictures below. This has been our tradition over 34 years for the last Sat. ...before Christmas during Community Chai & Chat time. 2019 is not over yet!! **WE Are OPEN MON & TUES and again FRI to NYE. Visit our Timetable for classes over the holiday season: **Our Home of Yoga Shop is open online: There are lots of great present ideas there of GIFT VOUCHERS for yoga or HeartSpace Body Therapy. To a ticket for NYE Empty Sky: Chant & Sing in the New Year with Kavisha or a Healing Immersion with Cat Kabira. You can also pop into class or call Sydel for an apt to visit our shop. If your interested in Healing Crystals we have some special pieces available from our Gallery collection -just for a short window so be quick for this opportunity. ***Sydel is available for HeartSpace Body Therapy by apt. and there are some great SELF CARE PACKAGES available at the moment check out below or look at the HeartSpace Body Therapy menu currently on the face book page. ** COMING EVENTS: See out the Decade at the Home of Yoga Chant, sing and dance for Peace and Love with Empty Sky: Chant & Sing in the New Year with Kavisha .Welcome Kavisha Paola Mazzella back to Perth -lots exciting news ahead here. Limited tickets be quick to visit our eventbrite ( follow the link on our website) **To begin the new year with mindful intent and an opportunity to hold space for your self and each other we have JAN 5th Heart Place New Year Meditation Workshop with Sydel BOOK Now to secure your place. ** LOTS new YEAR COURSES Coming up from Essentials of Restorative Yoga Essentials of Mindful Yoga Yoga Essentials for Beginners: a 6 week course Pregnancy Yoga & Support 6 wk Course Parent & Baby Yoga, Community & Support *** BIG NEWS Cat Kabira arrives at the Home of Yoga FEB and is booking well - to secure your place see Healing Immersion with Cat Kabira and for our weekend training Flow from the Source with Cat Kabira See more
03.01.2022 Calling all pregnant mums come join us <3 [email protected] 0414636459 Tell your new mama friends and spread the news!
03.01.2022 Lots of Good Things happening at Home of Yoga Check out below
02.01.2022 HI Everyone, I have one space available this moment for a weekend morning time slot for HeartSpace Body Therapy SELF CARE PACK. Restorative massage weekly Plus you receive handouts and practices from our RESILIENCY Took kit spread over the 5 weeks to your inbox. Spaces are also available durning the week. Be Quick if you interested in the weekend time it is the most popular. To book email [email protected] or call Sydel 0414636459 You can also go directly to our website to book
01.01.2022 Yoga tonight at home of yoga: 5.30pm with Matthew Yap 7.00pm with Kirstie Peddersen Spinal Flow ***Time to get your tickets for New Years Eve Empty Sky: Chant & Sing in the New Year with Kavisha... *** Book now for early 2020 Cat Kabira is coming to Perth! Healing Immersion with Cat Kabira and weekend training Flow from the Source with Cat Kabira ***We start January with some exciting offerings Close to half full Essentials of Restorative Yoga early booking recommended. *** Prioritise Mental Health 2020 Mental Health First Aid Course *** check out our sessions on offering for HeartSpace Body Therapy Booking spots available over December to keep you calm and cool See more
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