Aurukun State School | Government organisation
Aurukun State School
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24.01.2022 Finishing the school term off strong out on Wik Country. Teachers and students from Koolkan Aurukun State School learnt from Elders about important Cultural kno...wledge surrounding "may at" (sugarbag). The students made a sustainable harvest of "may at" taking only enough materials as needed, sparing the tree and the sugarbag nest. Full-length film coming next school term...see you then.
24.01.2022 You are invited.....come and celebrate the achievment of our students!
23.01.2022 Term 3 starts on Monday July 13th! We are looking forward to seeing all of our students and staff back for another term!Term 3 starts on Monday July 13th! We are looking forward to seeing all of our students and staff back for another term!
23.01.2022 Happy Monday everyone! One of our grounds staff Lawrence loves to sing as he does his daily work. We hope you have a happy week 7!
22.01.2022 The mural is taking shape. We will share photographs as it progresses.
22.01.2022 BREAKING: Funding Boost for Cook Schools! Im thrilled to see $9.7 million being invested across schools in my electorate for infrastructure upgrades and ref...urbishments. These works form part of the Palaszczuk Governments $200 million investment in schools right across the state, which will support more than 720 local jobs. This is great news for our local school communities, and for our local tradies. The below schools will benefit from this investment. Hope Vale Campus, Cape York Aboriginal Australian Academy Kowanyama State School Aurukun State School Cooktown State School P-12 Lockhart State School Mossman State High School Mossman State School Northern Peninsula Area State College Tagai State College Wonga Beach State School Wonga Beach School P & C
21.01.2022 Hooray for holidays! Thanks for supporting us over term 2. We hope you have enjoyed learning about the things we do at our school. We wish all of our students and staff a relaxing and happy break. We look forward to seeing everyone again on July 13th!
21.01.2022 Happy Friday! For PBL rewards this week three students won Prank a Teacher on Spin the Wheel! Lucy and Dylan were the lucky teachers chosen for the pranks! It was a happy way to finish Thursday. We hope you all have a relaxing weekend.
20.01.2022 Students in the STEM elective group had an exciting time last Friday making Lava Lamps. To make them they used oil, water, colouring and Alka Seltzer tablets - how do you think they look?
20.01.2022 TERM 3 ASSEMBLY IS ON TODAY! 1030am Celebrating attendance, reading and great behaviour! See you there!
20.01.2022 This morning we were visited by Cynthia Lui MP - Member for Cook, Senator Anita Green, Senator Murray Watt and Aaron Faaosa. The group were visiting Aurukun and stopped in to learn about our work and to meet some staff and students. Here they are pictured with a group of our top attending students who have been at school 85% or higher so far this year. Thank you for visiting.
20.01.2022 Jamie Haskell from the Rural Fire Brigade visited us on Thursday afternoon and brought the Aurukun fire truck. We were taught about different types of fires and when they can be for good reasons like cooking and not so good like bush fires. We also learnt about the truck, heard the siren and some of us got to have a go at using the hose. Happy Friday everyone - we wish you a safe and relaxing weekend!
19.01.2022 Term 3 is finished but not before two final pranks! Well done Kendall and Dylan for playing along. Today we had a PBL rewards activity at the Splash Park and fun activities to finish the day. Wishing all staff and students a relaxing and happy holiday. See you on Tuesday the 6th of October for the start of term 4.
19.01.2022 What a great way to start our Thursday! This morning to support the National Walk Safely to School Day, school staff and a number of service providers walked around Aurukun to collect students for school. Our T-shirts carry an important message about school, learning and the community and were donated by Glencore. Back at school we shared breakfast and read with children. A huge thank you to the following agencies for your support today:... Glencore QPS DATSIP Child Safety The Dental Team O Hub T2S PCYC Aurukun Shire Council And staff from CYE for cooking our breakfast.
19.01.2022 Great learning from Ms Gina & Ms Ellie's Year 2/3 class and a little celebration for attendance for Ms Robyn's Prep Class! We are PROUD, HAPPY & PEACEFUL at Aurukun State School!
19.01.2022 Today is the final day of our student art exhibition. Come down to the church between 10am and 2pm. We are very proud of our students and thank Ms Robbie and all those who assisted in the exhibition.
18.01.2022 Have a great weekend everyone!
17.01.2022 Yesterday we were visited by Lisa and David from Maritime Safety Queensland and Senior Constable Joseph Moran and Sergeant Stingray from QPS. The group taught our students about keeping safe in boats and on the water. We got to see the Police boat and had flare demonstrations which everyone enjoyed. Thanks for visiting to share such important information with us all.
17.01.2022 Every morning at 8:15 we start the day with outdoor activities. Today some staff and students had a game of volley ball. Happy Wednesday everyone!
16.01.2022 It was a lovely start to today with pancakes and reading. It was great that a number of service providers came along to listen to reading or read to a child. Everyone is welcome to come and help students with reading any day!
16.01.2022 Today we celebrated the achievements of our students at the end of term 3 assembly. The assembly was hosted by students from our senior boys class supported by their TA, Waynead. Mayor Keri Tamwoy attended and handed out the awards for attendance and PBL and shared lunch with all award winners. A highlight for everyone was to see that 35 of our students have improved in reading and gone up reading levels. Congratulations to all of our students for your efforts over term 3! ... One more day until school holidays. See more
15.01.2022 This afternoon we hosted another Getting Ready for Boarding School workshop with parents and students in year 6. It was great to see so many parents, carers and students come along to get ready for enrolment interviews. In preparation for boarding school, students need to attend our school all day, every day and continue their learning journeys. Thanks for participating.
15.01.2022 Wik Cultural teacher Perry Yunkaporta and Artists Garry and Lex Namponan of the Wik and Kugu Art Centre are leading a mural project with students at Koolkan Aur...ukun State School. The mural will form part of Woyan-min Biocultural Projects engagement within the school linking student learning with Wik Land, Language and Culture. The mural is supported by an Arts Queensland Grant in collaboration with The Aurukun Indigenous Knowledge Centre, Wik and Kugu Art Centre and Koolkan Aurukun State School Stay tuned for more stories as the project develops.
14.01.2022 This Saturday we’ll be celebrating the end of NAIDOC week with another Deadly Runner colour fun run! Meet us at the landing to start at 5:30pm . #RunSweatInspire #alwayswasalwayswillbe #NAIDOC2020 #indigenousmarathonfoundation
13.01.2022 Lovely to see our year 1 students hard at work in their literacy block today!
13.01.2022 Students in Prep, Year 1, 2 and 3 attended the "Ditto Show" today presented by Bravehearts. Students in Year 4,5,6 and Secondary attended the Speak Up - Be Strong presentation by QLD Police. Both presentations focus on being and feeling safe.
13.01.2022 Thank you Year 5T at St Peters Lutheran College Springfield for the Little Books donated through your community service program. We will be using these books for special prizes at our assembly next week.
13.01.2022 Colour Fun Run/walk tomorrow 5:30pm at the landing! Come down for some fun with friends and a bbq #alwayswasalwayswillbe #runsweatinspire
12.01.2022 If your child should be starting in prep next year please bring them to school today to visit. We look forward to seeing you there.
12.01.2022 Year 6 Graduation On Friday night we celebrated our Year 6 students and their teachers with a dinner. It was a lovely evening for students and their families to share dinner and the end of primary schooling. We wish our Year 6 students a successful transition to boarding and high school.
12.01.2022 And we are set for Wik Awards...our major end of year celebration. Buses will collect students and families from 4:45pm. The night commences at 5:30pm.
11.01.2022 Face painting is so much fun at Aurukun State School...we can be a shark, lady bug, snake....or maybe a rainbow!
11.01.2022 Term 4 starts on Tuesday 6 October 2020. Bus run commences from 730am. We finally have shade over our junior playground! Come and have some fun!
11.01.2022 Come and see the amazing art work of our students at the Aurukun Church. Visit between 10am and 2pm Monday and/or Tuesday this week. Light refreshments provided at our opening from 5pm Monday 7 Sept.
10.01.2022 We will celebrate NAIDOC on Monday 22 November. Activities in classrooms from 930am. Artist show casing work from 1045am. Rotating activities from 1130am. Cake cutting & photo 220pm.
10.01.2022 It's time to have some Kindy fun!!
10.01.2022 This afternoon we celebrated the achievements of our students. Awards were given out for attendance, improvements in literacy and numeracy and for students who follow our school values. We also said a sad goodbye to Miss Jacqui and to Josh Morris our RSAS Supervisor who are leaving tomorrow. One more day of term 2 to go and then a relaxing break for students and staff!
10.01.2022 Some fun at the Splash Park for our PBL reward today.
09.01.2022 Introducing the future....little Zeckirah taking on the role of Receptionist....ensuring late students had their Late Pass!
09.01.2022 Id like to share a positive story out of our Centre for Learning and Wellbeing in Atherton. Kendall Ryff moved to remote FNQ while he was finishing his degree... last year, landing a role as a teacher aide at Aurukun State School. Kendall is originally from the Gold Coast and had been living in London and WA before the big move. This year he took up a role as a year 4 teacher at the school and loves his job, the weather & people. Its not always an easy transition for our new teachers. Thats why we set up four Centres for Learning and Wellbeing across Qld, designed to help teachers in all stages of their career. Kendall has been getting support through the Atherton Centre where hes had access to professional development, resources & a mentor which he says has been invaluable. He couldnt thank the team enough for their support. Theres also Centres in Mt Isa, Roma and Emerald with smaller services dotted around these communities. Services like these are crucial in ensuring we attract and retain quality teachers in the regions. Well done Kendall & thank you to all the staff in our Centres for the work youre doing every day Cynthia Lui MP - Member for Cook
08.01.2022 Is your child in Kindy or Prep for 2021? Read below...
08.01.2022 Well done everyone who braved the storm clouds and torrential rain for our Fun Run yesterday! 45 people managed to do 1.5km or more before the rain hit hard and... we moved to shelter. Congrats to Marco & Gabe for being our first through doing 3km in a quick pace. Big congrats and thanks to Waynead Wolmby for doing more than 3kms in the rain and for leading the event for NAIDOC week. Also biggest shout of to the volunteers who made it happen Aurukun State School, Aurukun Shire Council, Aurukun PCYC, QPS, Aurukun SES, OHUB, DATSIP, Island and Cape Store Aurukun #alwayswasalwayswillbe #NAIDOC2020 #RunSweatInspire See more
08.01.2022 Prep and Kindy Transition is on again tomorrow. Please bring your children along to join in with activities. We look forward to seeing you at school!
08.01.2022 This week our top 3 attenders (to date) for 2020 enjoyed a special lunch with Ms Paula and Ms 'O' for their amazing attendance for the year! The race is on for our Top 20!
08.01.2022 Come and join us next week for our Koolkan State School Art Exhibition!
08.01.2022 Students who attended our PBL reward today learnt how to make Sushi rolls. For the fillings they had a choice of Teriyaki Chicken, carrot, cucumber and avocado. Some students had the whole lot together and some mayonnaise. It was great to learn how to make something new. Happy weekend everyone!
07.01.2022 Under 8's Day was a great success! Children from playgroup, childcare, kindy, year 1 and 2 enjoyed bead making, face painting, kite making, biscuits with icing, getting messy with shaving lotion, playing with so many toys and having fun outside in the sun! The highlight was a yummy lunch enjoyed by all! Many thanks to all involved in planning and joining us today!
06.01.2022 NAIDOC 2020 - "Always was...always will be" We had a great day with our activities. Damper and chocolate cake were the highlights! Some joined in for the end of the day photo.
06.01.2022 Bullying is never ok! Today we were ready for our photo and a lil march....then down come the rain.....everyone ran! We laughed and everyone went home happy, peaceful and proud! #NDA2021 #BullyingNoWay #TakeActionTogether
06.01.2022 On Monday the team from Rio Tinto visited again to do STEM activities with classes. This time the activities focussed on engineering. Thanks for visiting - the activities were enjoyed by everyone. Happy Friday!
05.01.2022 This week the Wik Outdoor Living Classroom program at Koolkan Aurukun State School was out and about with Elders teaching about the local seasons. Teaching st...aff at the school are enjoying the opportunity for cross-cultural engagement with the Elders enhancing their appreciation of Aurukuns rich heritage. See more
04.01.2022 This evening Mayor Tamwoy officially opened our art exhibition. On display are examples of Aurukun students art works across all year levels. Everyone was impressed with the creativity on display. A special thank you to Mrs Robbie for organising the event and the staff and students who helped to prepare food and set up displays. The exhibition will be open on Tuesday and Wednesday. Please come along and take a look at the wonderful art work.
03.01.2022 Thanks Glencore for putting this movie together about our Walk Safely to School day. We hope you enjoy watching.
03.01.2022 Introducing our Year 5 class with Ms Charlane and Ms Amanda!
03.01.2022 Tomorrow is our Walk Safely to School day! Look out for teachers and service providers walking down your street and join in!
02.01.2022 Our new shade shelter is a big hit!! School has started for term 4! Hope to see you here!
02.01.2022 Koolkan Aurukun State School students have been learning how to collect bush dyes this week. A partnership between the Wik-Mungkan Language Program and the IKC ...Biocultural team, students are being supported around bush literacy based on the local seasons. Wik Indigenous Knowledge is rich with connections to Western Science and students engage well with their Heritage in this context.
02.01.2022 Yesterday Ministerial Champion Di Farmer and Government Champion Rachel Hunter (Under Treasurer) visited Aurukun State School. They met our top attenders and presented those with 100% attendance a special postcard that treated the family with a home delivered dinner! The Minister and visitors also visited our Prep class with Ms Robyn, Year 4 with Mr Kendall and our team in the Wik Mungkan Language Room.
01.01.2022 Today we had the first day of Nitro Athletics at school. Everyone had lots of fun. If you missed out make sure you are at school tomorrow so you can join in! See you there
01.01.2022 We are excited to announce our mural opening'Kaap Thonam' - Wik Seasons Calendar, part of an on-going partnership between Wik Elders, Koolkan Aurukun State School, Aurukun Shire Council and the State Library of Queensland. This mural will form part of the school's 'Learning on Wik Country Program' aimed at supporting student re-engagement with the local environment led by elders. Join us on Thursday from 10:45am outside the Art Room.
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