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Australian Army Cadets in Keswick, South Australia, Australia | Community organisation

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Australian Army Cadets

Locality: Keswick, South Australia, Australia

Phone: +61 1800 333 362

Address: Level 1, Building 183, Keswick Barracks, Anzac Highway 5035 Keswick, SA, Australia


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25.01.2022 Hey team, only 4 days to go until AFX 2020! Make sure you are following the #AFX2020SA to keep up to date on all information coming soon.

25.01.2022 PHOTOGRAPHY SA AAC Brigade has expanded our Annual Field Exercise program with several new specialty courses for Cadets. This year one of the new courses is the Media Course. Photos taken of AFX will be taken by the Cadets on the Media Course. Meet the team on the Media Course:... CDT H. Jackson 44 ACU LCPL O. Gill 424 ACU LCPL L. Henman 412 ACU LCPL J. Threadgold 43 ACU CPL A. Edgar 411 ACU CUO N. Hall 49 ACU CUO Q. Kolin 49 ACU A picture tells a thousand words

25.01.2022 SWORD DRILL Learning sword drill is always a highlight for participants on the Warrant Officers/ Cadet Under Officers course. As soon as the swords were attached, the Cadets had a moment of realisation that they are fast becoming the senior most leaders of the Brigade. Whilst this comes with significant responsibilities, it also allows certain privileges such as the carriage of a sword whilst on parade.

24.01.2022 AFX 2020 Nominations are now open for attendance at AFX 2020! Scroll through the pictures, find a course that you are excited about (or several) and submit your preferences along with your consent form to your OC today to secure your spot. With several new courses this year, AFX 2020 is one not to be missed!

24.01.2022 Congratulations to Claire Gordon (CUO 41 ACU Whyalla) who has enlisted into the Australian Regular Army today. We wish you all the best with your new and exciting career!

24.01.2022 Australian flags are available on request from your Local and Federal Member of Parliament

23.01.2022 Leadership Last night we received a visit from the SA AAC Brigade Commander, Colonel Simon Ridgway and RSM Ian Jeisman. During the evening the Commander and RSM spoke with the parents, cadets and NCOs about COVID safety as well as the progression and expansion of the cadet Brigade.

22.01.2022 INTRODUCTION As 2021 kicks off, the senior Cadets at SA AAC BDE would like to express a warm welcome to those who are new to the AAC and those returning after a well earned break.

22.01.2022 SNEAK PREVIEW The Tier 1 Recruits are out at Woodhouse today learning to push themselves out of their comfort zone. Stay tuned to see more pictures from the Woodhouse activity

22.01.2022 CUO/WO Course 01/20 On the 17th of July, during the SA AAC Brigade's CUO/WO Course, the Cadet participants and staff participated in a formal dining night following detailed instruction delivered by the Brigade RSM - WO1 Jeisman. Whilst changes had to be made to several components of the dinner due to COVID-19 restrictions, all involved were able to enjoy their dinner in the company of each other.... Keep tuned for pictures and videos of the march out parades of the individual courses.

21.01.2022 RETURN TO FACE TO FACE PARADING In line with the SA Government announcements on new COVID restrictions, I am pleased to notify that SA AAC BDE Units are able to return to parading at their Units and other planned weekend activities with effect from 2 Dec 2020. The Grade 1 Course and CUO/WO’s Course Schedule for 12 19 Dec at RAAF Edinburgh is also confirmed as proceeding as planned. (All Cadets are to discuss with their Unit OC regarding their return to parading). There are ...some new requirements for Units that need to be in place in order to Parade. This includes: 1. Submission of a COVID Plan registered with the SA Government. 2. Displaying the approved SA Government COVID Plan QR Code at the place of parade to allow anyone attending the activity to provide the capability for people to electronically contact trace. Normal written contact tracing sheets are to remain for those not choosing to use the QR Code. 3. Density of 1 person per 4 square metres. The state-wide lockdown and recent COVID outbreak that caused a suspension of our Cadet program is a timely reminder of what can happen with regard to the COVID virus. While the SA Government is taking active steps to further contain the spread of the virus from Australians returning home, it is possible an outbreak could occur again and further disrupt our program. I thank you for your cooperation and patience during this difficult time. We are now fast approaching Christmas and while I hope to see many of you before the end of the year, I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for your service this year and wish you a safe and happy Christmas. SA AAC BDE will have a reduced tempo (rest) period from 20 Dec 2020 to 31 Jan 2021. Regards COL Simon Ridgway COMD - SA AAC Brigade

20.01.2022 ARMY BAND The SA AAC Brigade is very grateful to the Australian Army Band Adelaide who provided a Jazz Quintet for the Adult Leader Development Continuum Grade 1 formal dining in night. The support from the Army Band helped to provide a wonderful atmosphere for the participants on course.

19.01.2022 The Deputy Chief of Army, Major General Anthony Rawlins, DSC, AM. Playing the drums along to the song ‘My Sharona’ by The Knack, with the Australian Army Band.

19.01.2022 Overnight weekend activities have started

19.01.2022 COMMUNITY SPIRIT Congratulations to 426 ACU Ceduna’s CDT K. Gurney who was awarded the Young Citizen of the Year award today. Your commitment is an inspiration to all young people in your community. Well done to all units who have participated in ceremonies across the South Australian community. Your devotion to South Australia is to be admired and we are looking to what you all achieve this year.... #inspiration #youthdevelopment See more

19.01.2022 MEDIC TRAINING Cadets from the AFX Medics course were able to receive and participate in medical training out field. Recently, the medics course had participated in a "mass-cas" or mass casualty incident. This was undertaken in a COVID safe manner where all Cadets applied PPE to keep each other safe. The mass casualty incident involved a different course who acted out pre-arranged injuries in order to test the Medics new knowledge in an environment that was challenging. The ...medics course quickly rushed to the scene, treated all injuries correctly, sent off a professional CASEVAC (Casualty Evacuation request) and saved the Tier 1 cadets who were playing the part of the casualty. The training that the AAC provides has helped to save many people around Australia when they are in need of medical help. "It was a good chance to test our new skills."

19.01.2022 Hi Mums, Dads and other family members. The Cadets have had a big day putting up heaps of tents and have now finished eating dinner. Lots of fun and happy faces. Tomorrow morning will start with a fun run and we will update you on the different activities they are doing 3 or 4 times a day.

18.01.2022 TEMPORARY STAND DOWN In line with the press release just issued from the South Australian Government regarding the recent Coronavirus Cluster Outbreak in Parafield, all Army Cadet Activities including parades, weekend activities and ACS meetings will cease for at least the next 2 weeks with effect from tonight. Whilst we understand this will cause disruption to planned activities, we have been through this situation before. The SA AAC Brigade has previously displayed it’s exc...ellence in creating a way to keep members engaged in the program from home. Although we hope this will be short, we must all display personal courage to stick together as a team as our community faces a time of uncertainty. We must maintain our integrity both on a personal level but also in our capacity as a citizen of South Australia through diligent efforts in social distancing, personal hygiene and understanding the impact of our actions. Our earnest service to the community in this instance will ensure the limiting of spread of COVID-19. The respect of our members to each other, whether it be from the highest of Officers down to the newest of Recruits, is testament of the professional conduct that is so often attributed to the SA AAC Brigade. We have led the nation this year in the way that we have conducted our activities in such a challenging environment. Although new challenges have arisen, we will all continue to work together to get past this challenge. We have succeeded in this before and we will do it again!

18.01.2022 MRUAS Drone Course interview

18.01.2022 Hi guys, the HQ team are busy finalising details for AFX, and you should be too! Make sure you check your packing list and those items often forgotten. #afx2020sa

17.01.2022 V5 TRAINING Calling all Cadets - did you know that CadetNet has recently changed? The process of nominating for activities is now online. This video will walk you through what you need to know about the new process.... If you have any questions, please speak to your unit staff.

17.01.2022 Only one sleep to go now until AFX 2020 begins. Make sure you get your family and friends to follow this page to see all of the action and exciting things you will be getting up to. #afx2020sa

17.01.2022 It’s great to see our last ACU back parading regularly. Their usual place of parade is being used by Army border protection personal.

17.01.2022 Last night the Commander and RSM visited 49ACU Smithfield. Colonel Ridgway checked out first hand just why CUO Nick Hall was nominated and received a Bronze Commendation. His efforts in dramatically improving the training with in his Unit is to be commended. The Commander was very impressed with the tenacity, completeness and layout of CUO Hall’s training regime for the Unit. Well done.

17.01.2022 ADULT DEVELOPMENT The development of Adult Cadet Staff (ACS) is crucial for the AAC to run an exciting but safe youth development program. For all ACS, their first introduction to formal training in the AAC is the Grade 1 course. The Grade 1 course prepares the ACS to conduct low risk activities such a routine parade night. A key component to this course is providing instruction in basic military skills such as drill, navigation and sleeping in the field.

17.01.2022 VISITORS Yesterday our Senior Cadets hosted a VIP Day for Senior ranking ADF Commanders and their RSMs from supporting Battalions and Brigades in addition to school support staff. The day began with the two Senior cadets briefing the guests before heading off to tour the Engineer, Robotics, Patrol, Media, Tier 3 SNR CDT TRG, Drones and Recruit Courses. ... At each location the VIPs were greeted and briefed by the Senior Cadet about what training and activities their respective courses included. To conclude the day, School Support Staff from the School Bases Units were invited to shoot both the F88 and the F89 Rifles

16.01.2022 The 2020 AFX Robotics Course

16.01.2022 The Cadet 2020 AFX is all but done and the place is a hive of activity packing personal gear, tents and stretchers. Most of the Eyre Battalion units and a few of the Coorong Battalion units have already left to go home. The rest will leave before 2pm this afternoon. What a wonderful, exciting and action packed week it has been. Lots of very happy but tired Cadets.

16.01.2022 VIP CATERING Cadets from the Catering Course have participated in a specialised event on Thursday evening. Cadets from the Catering Course had gladly served VIPs with marvelous foods from entrees, main courses to desserts. The VIPs were FULL to the brim with amazement on how well the catering course had done with their food. Congratulations to the catering course and their accomplishments. "Had a great experience, I feel more than capable now to go home and cook for the famil...y" Stay tuned over the next 2 weeks for more photographs/videos from the SA AFX 2020

16.01.2022 ARE YOU READY FOR OPEN DAY?! Take a look at these throwback photos of ADFA Open Day over the last few years. ADFA Open Day will be going virtual this year! Keep... an eye out for the exciting posts and videos coming out on the ADFA Instagram and Facebook page about life at the Academy. #adfa #adfaopenday

16.01.2022 PIPES AND DRUMS The Cadets within the Pipes and Drums course get the chance to learn and experiment with a range of different musical instruments. They have gotten the chance to develop their knowledge and hone their skills either beginner or advanced. Developing an interest in music can develop into a lifelong passion. We like to enhance our Cadet's experience to allow them to have a clear picture as to how their chosen career may play out. We look forward to seeing how their skills develop over the next few days. It's fun, you get to learn new skills in music

15.01.2022 A big congratulations today to Captain (AAC) Steve Green on being promoted by LTCOL(AAC) Erickson to Major (AAC) and appointed as the new CO of 43 Battalion. Best wishes in your new role. Congratulations as well to Lieutenant (AAC) Noel Annear who was also promoted today to Captain (AAC). Well done

15.01.2022 PATROL Cadets from the Patrol Course had been all around the Murray Bridge Training Base during the course of AFX. They have walked far and wide, disrupted tier 3 communications (with the assistance of the Signals course), and had been keeping an eye out to keep our Cadets safe. The Patrol course is about Cadets learning about their surroundings and how to navigate the landscape, using fieldcraft skills effectively whilst keeping safe. Cadets from the Patrol course have successfully implemented their knowledge learnt from the CDC (Cadet Development Curriculum) to navigate their way through the bush. "Patrol was awesome, we get to interact with people in the Australian Army and hear a lot of interesting stories"

14.01.2022 TUG OF WAR The Tug of War event is one of the highlights of the Commanders’ Cup, where individual units got the chance to compete against other units within South Australian Army Cadets. Each unit competed with a team of five, as the rest of the brigade cheered on from the sidelines. Each team stepped up to the challenge and 43 ACU Warradale from Adelaide battalion came out winning the title. "It was fun to compete against the other units, it was great to support and cheer on my unit."

13.01.2022 Remembrance Day - Why is this day special to Australians? At 11 am on 11 November 1918 the guns on the Western Front fell silent after more than four years of continuous warfare. The allied armies had driven the German invaders back, having inflicted heavy defeats upon them over the preceding four months. In November the Germans called for an armistice (suspension of fighting) in order to secure a peace settlement. They accepted allied terms that amounted to unconditional sur...Continue reading

12.01.2022 Well done 423 ACU Victor Harbor

12.01.2022 The cover of the inaugural issue of the official journal of the Australian Cadet Corps, published January 1949. Article topics include: pursuing trades in the army, the history of radar, camping tips, and more. NAA: M1139, 11

11.01.2022 TIER 3 Tier 3 is the senior platoon on AFX each year. It is full of 16 plus year old cadets who have already demonstrated excellent knowledge in bushcraft throughout their time in Cadets. During the course of AFX, these Cadets head out field and are mentored by soldiers in the 7th Battalion Royal Australian Regiment in the art of navigating, observation, survival plus mateship. This is a physically but also mentally challenging week for the Cadets but, the Cadets develop bonds of friendship that have been proven to last beyond their time in the Australian Army Cadets. Tier 3 is a great way to prove what I have learnt in Cadets whilst being pushed beyond my comfort zones by professional soldiers. I have been looking forward to Tier 3 ever since I saw them as a recruit on my first AFX.

11.01.2022 AMPHIBIOUS COURSE Cadets from the Amphibious course had a challenge to create their own functioning raft. The cadets were able to put their creative minds to work to construct a raft that they thought would hold up against the forces of nature. Launching their craft into the Murray River, the Cadets soon learnt that whilst on land they looked great, mother nature had other thoughts. Although the craft were not successful, the Cadets had lots of fun when working together as a team whilst getting soaking wet. Today was a fun team building exercise, being able to test our rafts was fun

11.01.2022 MARKSMANSHIP Cadets have recently gone to the Murray Bridge Marksman Range to practice and enhance their shooting skills and capabilities with the F88 Austeyr. Throughout AFX, all the courses have received the opportunity to fire on the range. Whilst waiting for their appointed time slot, they were able to take part in team building activities and socialise with other courses. I really enjoyed shooting a weapon. I am thankful for the range control staff because they were able to give me helpful tips to improve my aim

10.01.2022 ENERGY Yesterday SA AAC Brigade conducted a 5-kilometre cross country run. With our largest attendance to date, we have a total of 476 cadets participating on the exercise. Well done to all those Cadets and Staff who participated in the cross-country run. More importantly though, when things got tough, everyone supported each other to get over the finish line. Congratulations to all of our place holders.... Male 1ST Place D. Shepherd 413 ACU 2nd Place R. Elston 412 ACU 3rd Place J. Cristancig 47 ACU Female 1ST Place A. Krop 412 ACU 2nd Place A. Carver 412 ACU 3rd Place E. Rhodes 44 ACU Great start to the week, all warmed up for an action packed week!"

10.01.2022 Welcome to the start of ADFA's Virtual Open Day - Join us for a week of virtual activities to get a taste of what a career with the Australian Defence Force can offer you. #ADFAOpenDay #ADFAOpenDay2020 #YourADF #OneDefence #FutureLeaders

10.01.2022 Last night, 43 ACU had the privilege of promoting some of our members who completed the SA AAC Brigade Leadership and Instructors courses. These cadets worked ...tirelessly by attending an eight-day course at their respective cadets Lance Corporals, Corporals, Sergeants, and CUO/Warrant Officer courses. We are pleased to announce the new senior appointments of Cadet Company Commander CUO McDonald and Cadet Company Sergeant Major SGT Archer and SGT Berge. Congratulations also to cadets: LCPL Day, LCPL Hornett, LCPL Macfarlane, LCPL Threadgold, LCPL Wojnar, LCPL Zelinski, CPL Canney, CPL Cook, CPL Gordon, and CPL Tichy Well done to our new cadet leadership team.

10.01.2022 Happy Father's Day To all the Dad's out there, to all those who have taken up the mantle of fatherhood even with those who are not their son/ daughter - the SA Brigade who like to wish you a Happy Father's Day. We really appreciate everything that you do to support your children!

10.01.2022 Level 6 training As we are less then 4 weeks away until AFX, this video is a great way to instruct new cadets as to how to complete their mandatory training. If you know a new cadet - share this to them to get this done ASAP! Thanks to our friends at 132 ACU who put this fantastic video together.

10.01.2022 MEDIA COURSE Since the start of AFX, every AFX related post on Facebook has featured photos & stories created by the Cadet Media course. Each day, the Media team went out to different courses to capture the essence of each course to showcase here on Facebook. With the tutelage of CAPT(AAC) Barrow in social media and WO2 Prince in photography, each cadet was able to gain a new appreciation on what it means to run a Facebook page inclusive of engaging posts. In addition to phot...ography, the Cadets had an introduction into post-production editing and videography. CUO Hall was also able to express his enthusiasm and share his experiences in this field within the Australian Army Cadet environment. This course not only allows these Cadets to assist in the running of their unit’s Facebook page but also provides an insight into a career in the photography/ public relations field. "It was great to be able to working with the different courses, capturing moments of mateship and courage across the week

10.01.2022 BATTLE OF THE BOTS At the end of AFX, the Robotics course looks forward to their annual Battle-Bots competition. Members of the Robotics course are put into teams of two and are tasked with creating a robot that is made for battle. The Robotics Course had been preparing for this competition since the beginning of the day and were extremely excited to partake. Once the competition had come to an end, all the bots were dismantled ready for the next Robotics course. Teams and Members: The Third Imposter: Freeman and Oakey 5 points (NSBB) Not So Beefy Boi: Singh and Maceachern 4 points The Immortal Goblins: Ray and Sellick 2 points The Zapper Trap: Golding and Garbutt 1 point Battle Royale Winner: Not So Beefy Boi

09.01.2022 Remembrance Day On November 7th, 1920, in strictest secrecy, four unidentified British bodies were exhumed from temporary battlefield cemeteries at Ypres, Arras, the Asine and the Somme. None of the soldiers who did the digging were told why. ... The bodies were taken by field ambulance to GHQ at St-Pol-Sur-Ter Noise. Once there, the bodies were draped with the union flag. Sentries were posted and Brigadier-General Wyatt and a Colonel Gell selected one body at random. The other three were reburied. A French Honour Guard was selected and stood by the coffin overnight of the chosen soldier overnight. On the morning of the 8th November, a specially designed coffin made of oak from the grounds of Hampton Court arrived and the Unknown Warrior was placed inside. On top was placed a crusaders sword and a shield on which was inscribed: "A British Warrior who fell in the GREAT WAR 1914-1918 for King and Country". On the 9th of November, the Unknown Warrior was taken by horse-drawn carriage through Guards of Honour and the sound of tolling bells and bugle calls to the quayside. There, he was saluted by Marechal Foche and loaded onto HMS Vernon bound for Dover. The coffin stood on the deck covered in wreaths, surrounded by the French Honour Guard. Upon arrival at Dover, the Unknown Warrior was met with a nineteen gun salute - something that was normally only reserved for Field Marshals. A special train had been arranged and he was then conveyed to Victoria Station, London. He remained there overnight, and, on the morning of the 11th of November, he was finally taken to Westminster Abbey. The idea of the unknown warrior was thought of by a Padre called David Railton who had served on the front line during the Great War the union flag he had used as an altar cloth whilst at the front, was the one that had been draped over the coffin. It was his intention that all of the relatives of the 517,773 combatants whose bodies had not been identified could believe that the Unknown Warrior could very well be their lost husband, father, brother or son... THIS is the reason we wear poppies. We do not glorify war. We remember - with humility - the great and the ultimate sacrifices that were made, not just in this war, but in every war and conflict where our service personnel have fought - to ensure the liberty and freedoms that we now take for granted. Every year, on the 11th of November, we remember the Unknown Warrior. At the going down of the sun, and in the morning, we will remember them.

09.01.2022 Hi, my name is Patrick McCourt from 48 Army Cadet Unit Mount Gambier. Its time to cut my hair and its a good opportunity to raise a bit of money towards cancer research. My head will be shaved on Friday evening 02/10/2020 at the Murray Bridge Cadet Annual Field Exercise. It would be great if you could support me towards my fundraising goal either here on GoFundMe or on the night to those attending....

08.01.2022 PROMOTION It has been recently announced that our very own CUO Nick Hall has been successfully selected for the position of National Regimental Sergeant Major. CUO Hall has been an integral member of the SA AAC Brigade not only in his primary position of Adjutant at 49 ACU Smithfield but also with helping to develop robust training plans to assist other units. He has shown a true flair for media which has been showcased many times here on this Facebook page. With achievement...s ranging from a Bronze commendation, DUX of the Sergeant/ Advanced Instructor course in 2019 to the Rising Sun award on CUO/WOs course in July we are very excited to see what he achieves at the systemic level at National. Good luck to the newly minted CDTNATRSM N. Hall you truly embody the values of the AAC & will be a wonderful advocate for all Cadets in Australia!

07.01.2022 SURVIVAL The Survival course has been a part of the SA AAC brigade’s Annual Field Exercise for years, and today, the media course had a chance to see into the adventure. The cadets were introduced into survival situation via a scenario, this year’s being that their vehicles had broken down. Cadets then have to utilize the skills taught to them throughout the week to construct sleeping areas and base camps while awaiting rescue. In order to survive, cadets have to build fires to prepare and cook basic foods, as well as building signal fires. It’s fun and enjoyable

06.01.2022 MEDIC COURSE The Medic Course have already participated in a range of different first aid training and practical exercises. All Medic Cadets have completed their Provide First Aid course which is a nationally recognised qualification. They have done multiple scenarios and have been involved in live demonstrations. The Cadets are all proud of their new-found medical knowledge and are all looking forward to more first aid training. "First Aid lessons are fun and very interesting, loving the course so far and very practical"

05.01.2022 It’s fantastic being back to face-to-face Parade nights and even better when we get to see Cadets promoted as a result of their hard work on Courses and dedicat...ion to their training. On Wednesday night we saw ten Cadets promoted and we look forward to promoting more in the next few weeks!! Congratulations to CUO Krop, CDTWO2 Elston, CDTWO2 Roberts, CDTSGT Dalton, CDTSGT S Moularadellis, CDTSGT W Moularadellis, CDTSGT Rourke, CDTCPL Juttner, CDTCPL Townley and CDTCPL Windle.

05.01.2022 Thank you for your service. This year, thousands of #YourADF personnel have served with distinction in supporting Australians through the many challenges we hav...e confronted as a nation. 8,236 personnel served for many months on #OpBushfireAssist helping communities through the devastating Black Summer bushfires. But as soon as the fires were out, #COVID19 arrived. So far, over 3,000 personnel, at peak, have been helping states and territories in the fight against the virus. Assisting with contract tracing, at border check-points and even manufacturing facemasks. Men and women across Defence Australia have given so much to our nation whilst being away from their loved ones for extended periods of time. On behalf of all Australians, I say thank you for your service and for being there for Australians during such challenging times. And thank you to all #Defence families for your love and support. I encourage you all to share this video to show your support and to say thank you. Defence Families of Australia (DFA)

05.01.2022 TIER 1 During the course of AFX all new Recruits and first year Cadets participate in Tier 1. This helps to build the foundations of being a successful Cadet. Not only do these Cadets learn the foundations of Cadets following the Cadet Develop Continuum but also learn the importance of Service, Courage, Respect, Integrity and Excellence. These are the new values of the AAC. Understanding and displaying these values will not only assist these Cadets in their time in the AAC bu...t will help them make a positive impact in their general communities. A key part of Tier 1 is to ensure that the Cadets participate in fun activities to balance out the large amount of learning that happens. The Cadets were fortunate to be able to attend the Woodhouse Activity Centre’s high ropes course. This has been my favourite activity. I was really pushed beyond what I thought I was able to do!

04.01.2022 AFX 2020 After many hours of trawling through all of the footage, here is a quick video that demonstrates some of what we have on offer for all Cadets in the Australian Army Cadets - SA Brigade. Video credit - CUO N. Hall

04.01.2022 WEAPONS In addition to the several new courses that SA Brigade introduced this year, the Weapons course was highly anticipated by the Cadets. They learned how to correctly handle the F88 Austyer under the close supervision of the Australian Defence Force instructors. This helps to teach the Cadets self-discipline, safety awareness as well marksmanship. This knowledge of handling a weapon will also allow the Cadets to learn weapon drill which is important for ceremonial activities such as ANZAC Day. I have enjoyed the weapons a lot, we have learnt field striping, how the rifle works and I have loved every minute of it.

04.01.2022 SIGNALS Cadets from the Signals course had the chance to improve their radio skills throughout the week. Signals had learnt many new things about radios, such as how they work, how to use them effectively, and they had been partnered with the patrol course to observe Cadets in Tier 3. Cadets who had participated in the Signals course were very pleased that they had done Signals, proving their newfound skill set to be effective out field. "Honestly, this course has given me an insight on the real army. I loved this course and recommend Patrol & Signals to anyone who is interested in someday joining the Army."

04.01.2022 AFX 20 is only 2 days away! As you are all getting ready for a fantastic week away, please make sure you read the packing list carefully. You do not want to leave anything behind. Here are some helpful pictures to help guide you when you are packing. Don't forget your lip balm, some zip lock bags and for the ladies - sanitary pads. If you have some cam cream - pack that as well!... We are very excited to seeing you all very soon!

04.01.2022 COURSE’S CAMP The SA AAC Brigade is pleased to be currently running two Courses at RAAF Edinburgh this week. The Warrant Officer/ Cadet Under Officer course has 17 participants from right across the Brigade. The Cadets on this course will be stepping up into the senior positions at the beginning of next year either at the unit or at Battalion positions. With both senior Cadets, Army Cadet Staff (ACS) and members of the ADF supporting this course, these Cadets are learning wha...t it means to be a senior leader within the organisation. The Adult Leader Development Continuum Grade 1 Module 2 course has 26 participants. The Grade 1 course is the foundation course for new ACS members to learn about the AAC, how to manage youth in a fun and safe manner as well the planning and conduct of activities to support the delivering of the Cadet Program. Even with the restrictions of COVID-19, the SA AAC Brigade has demonstrated its ability to be flexible and dedicated to the quality training of both Cadets and ACS alike. Stay tuned for more posts during the course of this week.

03.01.2022 Father's Day 2020 As Father's Day approaches, the Brigade will be releasing videos of Cadets who want to wish their Dad a Happy Father's Day. Australian Army Cadets would not be able to function without those Dad's out there who support their Children in Cadets. Stay tuned for more videos leading up to Father's Day 2020.

02.01.2022 AFX 2020 Draw down crew, MAJ Tamassy, the RSM, RQMS, OPSWO, SGT Didge, SGT Barney, LT (AAC) Arnold and Wilson have just spent the last two days and a night of re-packing the exercise stores. What a massive job team. Well done on a huge effort. Tentage: 11x11 ends: 90 11x11 extension: 70... 14x14 ends: 24 14x14 extension: 12 11x11 poles: 1,790 14x14 poles: 384 Knuckles: 1,005 Feet: 668 Large Pegs: 567 Small Pegs: 2,010 Stretchers: 740 FS tables: 50 And lots more gear. See more

02.01.2022 Was a great night back at cadets on Wednesday. To ensure everyone's safety we have put in place social distancing rules. There was also a number of promotions with a big congratulations to CDT CPL Athanassiou for achieving the student of merit with the bronze commendation.

02.01.2022 This week at 423 we were lucky enough to have the SA AAC BDE Commander Colonel Simon Ridgeway come to inform us about AFX and the upcoming Cadet Ball. The night was then finished off with some fun team building games.

02.01.2022 Tonight, the Commander, Assistant Commander and the RSM visited 45ACU Murray Bridge. During the evening the Commander talked to the Cadets, ACS and parents and the AComd promoted CDT SGT Alicia Donhardt to CDT Warrant Officer Class Two. Lots of familiar faces, well done 45ACU.

01.01.2022 Senior Cadets, applications for Battalion and Brigade appointments close this Thursday. Best of luck to all candidates.

01.01.2022 Unit visits COL Ridgway (COMD SA AAC BDE) has been visiting many units within the Brigade in recent times. Pictured here are 430 ACU Cardijn College and 413 ACU Pipes & Drums.

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