Australian Gourmet hazelnuts in Mudgee, New South Wales | Farm
Australian Gourmet hazelnuts
Locality: Mudgee, New South Wales
Phone: +61 2 6372 3224
Address: 21 putta bucca rd 2850 Mudgee, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 A Gourmet appreciates food from the point of view of what pleases the palate and benefits the health. As CLem and I get older our diet has improved, increasingly resembling the Mediterranean diet. Weve been great fans of MUDgees extra virgin olive oils ever since we stocked many of them at Mudgee GOurmet, which we founded in 1996 as Heart ofMUdgee on our old home, MUdgges first convent at8 COurt street. WE sold our old home to estaBLish our 3000 tree hazeLnUT orcHARd, nur...sery and value adding plant at PUtta BUcca. THe role of extra virgin olive oil nin helping correct cholesterol imbalance seems well understood. LEss known is the role of hazelnuts amd tree nuts in maintaining heart health. SO it is really good news for all nutters that the results of a significant study, released this week, show that regular consumption of tree nuts improves endothelial function. The endothelium is the lining of blood vessels. it can malfunction due to arterioschlerosis, thickening of the arteries, and accumulation of plaque. MY Dad had terribly high blood pressure and died aged only 57 due to arterioschlerosis. I (Vanessa) was A smoker too, until about 4 years ago when I had a stroke. Fortunately, i gave up the fags and cleaned up my diet, with regular excercise, hazelnuts and olive oil, my blood pressure is 113 over 76, no medication and I am over 65. This short video - explains the results of the study on nut consumption. if you value your health its worth a look. Thank you Amanda WIlson, for the great compliment.. "You look so young I did not recognise you"!!! I must be doing something right! In health and hazelnuts, Find us at MUdgee MAkers MArket 8.30 - noon this SAturday in grounds of ST MaRY"S Church, MUdgee. See more
25.01.2022 VERy hot start to spring today here in MUDGee. Hazelnut variety BARCelona is in full leaf, all the others are unfurling tender light green leaflets. we started irrigating 10 days ago.Nearly time to put on 10 units of NItrogen per tree through the fertigation. ONce the leaves are a bit bigger we will spray copper and a whiteoil at insecticidal rate. we can add a foliar dose of boron and will try some zinc, as suggested by MIchael Treeby, NSW DPI.The hot sun is starting to hay the green grass and weeds. I keep the low ground cover flowering weedS in the grove. the little flowers provide pollen for small beetles and wasps, some wasps parasitise scale and other insects but have such tiny mouth parts they cannot feed from larger flower heads that have evolved largely to provide nectar and some pollen to honey bees. I am liking dead or purple nettles, shepherds purse, the blue flowered creeping mallow. yellow clover flowers. See more
24.01.2022 PRetty warm start to Autumn today. First time i have dressed in long pants for a while.The hot dry weather advanced the nut harvest by about two weeks, We have completed harvest in Orange for our growers there. the Nuts were already quite dry 5% moisture content so we do not have to spend so long drying them. Clem has been busy cracking. We had a good Easter Market at Mudgee Fine Foods and MUdgee Art Councils Art Vine MArket. CLem left forSydney and the last SMh GoodLiving... GRowersMarket aFteR LUNcH ON FRiday. Talk about the end of an era... i was delighted back in 2002 when our hazelnuts were accepted as being of sufficiently high standard by the original organisers of the growers market. for 8 years I, Vanessa,did the SMH Growers Market every month, We won our first wholesale customers through this market, and were soon juggling supply between four farmers markets a month, and burgeoning demand from wholesale clients; restaurants, cafes and chocolatiers. WE are now buying nuts from 5 growers to whom we sold trees this means the taste, quality and type of hazelnut is exactly the same as our own. WE have not finished pick up of our own crop yet. Post harvest cleaning and drying is not yet finished: Until all nuts are cleaned, dried and re-weighed we will not know our total supply for the coming year. Hopefully it will be more than last year, because we ran out of supply last November. See more
24.01.2022 We sold all the defatted hazelnut flour that we took to Mudgee Farmers Market last weekend. this flour is gluten free , being the cake left after hazelnut is pressed for hazelnut oil. the nutritional content is impressive; this table compares the defatted hazelnut flour with plain and wholemeal flour. Look at protein and dietary fibre contents! Because 40% of the oil content has been squeezed out, the percent concentration of what is left increases. The next table shows how much of the daily requirement, a 30g serve of the flour provides.
23.01.2022 CHANGE OF MARKET DATE Looking forward to our return to CArriageworks, and a change to our monthly presence, switching from every 2nd w/e to the 4th weekend in the month. WEe had a few weeks away from Carriageworks market as we have been harvesting our own crop and contract harvesting for four other growers in the Central West. NSW. WEE have newly harvested nut in shell, and freshly cracked raw, dry roast kernel and our MUdgee hazelnut dukkah/seasoning.
23.01.2022 YEAH it has been raining for about two hours. we have run-off in the hazelnut tree nursery. yeah, will not have to get up early tomorrow to water. YEah, our hazelnut oil has arrived from the artisan mill in OVens, victoria. YEah it is cool, so I can focus on some creative worK on our web-site and get the on-line shopping cart happening soon.
22.01.2022 Markets are closed but we are still open! Teach your kids to make hazelnut brownies or swap that bread crumb for gluten free, healthy hazelnut crumb with an extra crunch! Free delivery in Mudgee town or pick up available PM for prices or call 0400845984 and watch this space for recipe ideas This is one of my favorites!!
22.01.2022 Gained a few kilos at the weekend! Friday Tapas and a few carafes of lowes wines at Zinn House, with BEn Alexander Cox, Nicola Cox and Amanda Wilson with son,Harry.Harry adored the pigs, lambs, chickens before a storm threatened us inside and Amanda Home. see how cute harry and Bacon arebelow.
21.01.2022 Thanks to a break in the wonderful rain, we have harvested this week with our fabulously efficient tractor mounted Jolly 2800. 1300 trees in just 4 hours is a great rate of work.TOday CLem put them through an air leg to blow off trash, and they are now upstairs on racks in the mezzanine floor , drying in the hot summer up-draft. Natural drying, no cost for power. clever
20.01.2022 SAturday 7 November is Dubbo Farmers Market: Clem will be there with our full range of delicious, nutritious, freshly cracked and prepared hazelnuts. These are all grown in Australia, mostly on the central tablelands.THE crop is harvested in March, but hazelnuts keep really well in their shells. so we crack every week to provide delicious kernels at their peak flavour and nutritional content, yum yum.
20.01.2022 Nicola Cox recommends this hazelnut carrot cake. shes made it several times for friends birthdays. it uses 60g of hazelnuts which you will be able purchase online from our web site www.gourmet - when it is working I will notify via face book. until then Clem will be selling our nuts at SMH Good Living farmers market in Pyrmont Park this Saturday,7th FEb 7 am to 11 am. be early!! or ring me for a phone order 02 63 723224. cheers Vanessa.
19.01.2022 Look out for CLem Cox and his amazing hazelnuts at Saturdays Mudgee Farmers Market, and on SUnday morning outside the Globe Hotel, Rylstone for the relatively new Rylstone markets. Discover why so many people who visit Mudgee discuss Clems nuts. Sample freshly cracked locally grown raw and dry roast kernels, lightly roasted crumb (perfect for gluten free baking), and Clems Mudgee Hazelnut dukkah, a totally nutty spin on the middle Eastern version. Dont just sip hazelnut oil; rub it into your hands and neck, and discover why clems wife prefers hazelnut oil to calm irritating dry winter skin, AND does not have any wrinkles on her face... not bad for 66!!
19.01.2022 LOoking forward to the end of the month when Clem will have finished our harvest and also for three other growers. Getting very tired of long hot days with no rain. Running the pump every day is tedious and expensive but essential for keeping the catkins on the trees. By the end of the month we will also hear how our entries to the Delicious Produce Awards went in the NSW judging round. We entered a bottle of our most recent batch of hazelnut oil, and we did a special roast on our premium Dry Roast Hazelnuts, Yum. WEve picked UP some new customers this week, and we hosted a farm walk at the weekend, Sunday , for Mudgee Fine Foods.
18.01.2022 Clem nuts are a cracking legend legend at MUdgee Farmers Market, Now visitors to Sydneys original growers market are hanging out for these delicious hazelnuts. Australian Gourmet Hazelnuts, be there, buy them, eat them, want more. PYrmont growers market, tomorrow 8 til noon
18.01.2022 Vanessa is becoming Facebook Savvy!!
16.01.2022 A January day on our hazelnut farm - after good rain.
15.01.2022 A lot of people ask how hazelnuts are harvested. In Turkey the crop in orchards on steep mountainsides is hand picked by teams of women field workers. Hazelnut fall to the ground when they are ripe, so in australia, Italy, chile and USA, the ripe nuts are collected from the ground.That is a lot of raking, We imported this SUper JOlly 2800 mechanical ground fruit/nut collector from Italy. MAnufactured by G.F. Costruzione maccine agricole, it picks up 96% of the crop on the g...round and can cover nearly half a hectare an hour. PLus it is designed to work in a forward direction, so one does not run over nuts to be picked up. the video shows Clem harvesting the top block of grove no 1. Katie Fuller, mytalented young social media coach shot the video after work as the sun was preparing to set after another hot dry day. HEnce the image is dark against the western light, there appears to be a lot of dust, but actually this is minimal compared to harvest systems using vacuum as the pick up mechanism.With these a tower of dust can be observed from across a valley. observation verified nby Bob La Mont Jack RAbbit NUt HARVesting systems. bBob was our guest, lasrt Friday See more
12.01.2022 HEllo Sydney! it finally stopped raining here in the bush (central west NSW) long enough to complete harvest of our wonderful australian grown hazelnuts. BUMPER HAZELNUT CROP!!!
11.01.2022 Ive been gathering recipes to share with fellow hazelnut lovers, this one is from Not Quite NIgella, who visited our farm in January. Since then, the black dog Tacca, seen in photo with Clem and I, has demonstrated a liking for fresh hazelnut, and has worked out that she can collect and crack her own, without waiting to be given one from a bag of kernels. We had avoided teaching her to like hazelnuts.a) yield loss b) serial pest. MOst people do not realise that FOxes are se...rious hazel pests. Andrew at Stanley could not understand what was taking his nuts. until he saw through the night scope, MR reynard standing on his hind legs and deftly nipping a cluster off a low branch. Col and Lyn at Orange found 10 families of foxes were regularly feasting on their filberts. Tacca is supposed to keep foxes at bay - THere is a big dog fox around we find remnants of his last meal and other evidence, including paw prints investigating the BBQ on the verandah.Tacca is supposed to keep Mr fox at bay: not collaborate. Maybe she could just "like Mr Fox. and let CLem keep his nuts. See more
11.01.2022 We have launched hazelnut flour for all those gluten free bakers and the health conscious buy direct or the Mudgee Corner Store will be stocking it soon. Try this delicious recipe recommend by Simon Staines from Artisan on Lewis Simply substitute almond meal with our gluten-fee hazelnut flourl!! enjoy
11.01.2022 LIMITED, EXCLUSIVE OPPORTUNITY, EXPressions of interest sought. Green hazelnuts in husk, pick your own, this week only (16-20 January). IN traditional orchards, yummy nutrition packed hazelnuts are allowed to fully ripen, turn hazel brown and fall from the tree prior to pick up or harvest. Many mediterranean cultures regard unripe green hazelnuts as a delicacy; the kernels have a slightly milky astringent texture and crunch. DUring this period the shell and the leafy hus...k surrounding it is still green and the nut cluster is still attached to the tree. Many of the young trees in Australian Gourmet Hazelnuts tree nursery have clusters of nuts on them. THe young trees are too tightly packed to get a harvesting implement in, and the nuts need picking by hand before they ripen and fall to the ground, and attract vermin THe saplings are two and three years old, create a lot of shade and are home to flocks of fairy wrens, yellow rump thorn bills and double bar finches. ON these long hot days, picking in the cool shade of hazelnut trees might be an attractive outdoor activity for a family with children aged between 8 and 14. THe family keeps the nuts they picked. The nursery has running water, toilet and washing facilities and is right on the Mudgee town boundary. VIsitors Dogs are not permitted on the property. FOr further details call VAnessa COx 02 63723224 See more
11.01.2022 Nut harvest looks like being early this year. Spent two early mornings at the weekend cutting away suckers and getting grass under control for mechanical harvest. The young suckers grow so fast the chlorophyll cannot keep up so they appear red. at this size they are easy to cut off, or can be sprayed with a dessicant. like Sprayseed. If left they trap fallen nuts and rob the tree of nutrients for growth and the nut crop. the next photo show a young tree with excess suckers ...before and after I trimmed it to three trunks. Many Aussie hazelnut growers like to have one trunk. we have both a single trunk, and trees with several bearing units. the next image shows a tree with two live stems and one dead trunk. the dead stem was ring barked last year by fruit tree borer. We do not drench with insecticide to control borers, instead we run borer patrol every week and where we see frass ( sawdust and caterpillar silk on the trunk, we kill the borer with a piece of wire and a spray of household surface spray insecticide- and check there is no activity the following day. By maintaining control we have avoided a population explosion of these destructive pests and avoided insecticides that could harm the rich variety of birds in the orchard and windbreaks - like this mistletoe bird fledgling. We have many thorn-bills and superb Fairy wrens. See more
10.01.2022 Our campaign to gather recipes using hazelnuts is gathering momentum, followers and fans. you can buy aussie grown, freshly cracked hazelnuts from us at farmers Markets or direct through our web-site.
10.01.2022 Exclusive, limited time Green hazelnuts, pick your own. details 0263723224
09.01.2022 Yesterday, i received a claim the date invitatioN TO THE 50th DElicious Awards NIght at Bennelong , Sydney Opera House. Seriously exciting... particularly as some of the judges tasted our nuts nearly two decades ago, when we did not have enough supply to take them on as a customer. Now we do. (however if the current rate of new customers continues we will have to either increase our supply base or knock some new customers increase our supply base we are looking for e...xpressions of interest from growers in CEntral West NSW or N E victoria, who have 2 - 5 hectares of arable land or flat or slightly sloping pasture and acess to irrigation water. we supply the trees, know-how and end market and will buy the resulting crop at above hazelnut market prices. the system we have developed increasers efficiencies for growers. the trees start croppibnnfg in year 3 and increase annually. by year 10 you should be getting a gross margin of $12,000/hectare. hazel trees continue cropping for years. i ave seen 120 year old productive orchards in Kent and a 300 year old tree with fallen nuts in the Trossochs north of Edinburgh, Scotland. whether you want to eat them or grow them, hazelnuts are about healthy. call 02 73 723224 and let us know your interest. See more
08.01.2022 Looking forward to some tasty Tapas tonight with the family over looking the beautiful Mudgee country side! what treats do they have in store???
07.01.2022 wonderrful rain, but nearly a disaster for the bottom rows of our hazel trees. amazing no damage, some litter on the fence lines, but no erosion. thick grass cover and soon even thicker. cant wait for spring and pruning /tree training in the sunshine.
06.01.2022 AFter a harvest delayed by wonderful rain, we have new season hazelnuts in stock. TOday we arebusy cracking for the Easter Mudgee Makers Market on SATurday morning in the grounds of ST Marys Catholic CHUrch, MUdgee, and to fill mail orders. IF you are not yet eating fresh locally grown hazelnut on a regular basis, read the opinion of famous nutritional whole food advisor DR Axe and start to improve your diet and health. the link is here:- Many of the restaurants, cafes and even wineries in MUDGEE use our hazelnut, eg ZInn HOUse, Lowe FAmily WInes, LOGan WINes, mudgee; ARTIsan on LEWis, MUdgee COrner STOre, KArrabool Blue Shed CAfe. IF you would like to make a retail purchase of our fresh hazelnuts you can download the mail order form for our vacuum packed economy bulk packs here
06.01.2022 With the change inn the season our cold pressed hazelnut oil is proving very popular, Its selling as strongly as a natural remedy for dry itchy skin as it is for culinary use.ITS warm nutty fragrance is quite pleasant and it is not sticky, penetrates fast, leaving a light sheen on the skin - glowing with health! All through summer, I used my hazelnut oil every 3 days on arms, shoulders, neck, hands. as a result i did not need to use a cortisol cream to combat skin irritation that kept me awake at night. Hazelnut oil contains vitamin E, mostly monounsaturated fatty acid, oleic acid, and 11% essential poly unsaturated fatty acid, linolenic acid.
05.01.2022 I am standing on the bank surrounding the old sand quarry at Putta Pucca, from which we draw water for our 3000 hazelnut trees. this photo shows the older half of the orchard mid-distance and the benefit of recent rain in the green grass. the roof of our house and the top story of theprocessing shed are just visible above the trees
05.01.2022 Looking for something to relieve the boardom??
03.01.2022 CAlling our customers at CArriageworks growers market, management asked us to switch from 2nd weekend to 4th weekend in the month, so having finished harvest, Saturday will be our first market at the end of the month... looking forward to meeting fellow stallholders and a fresh bunch of customers. REmember, IF you cannot switch weekends to buy our award winning hazelnuts and oil, we accept phone orders 63723224.
02.01.2022 On saturday I called into Fairview Art Space, i had an early lunch of delicious lamb curry and cauliflower rice.Helen has gone Paleo, so the cafe has too. Most of the time I eat very Little carb, but love sour dough and enjoy rolled oats both raw and as porridge.i make my porridge in water with pinch of salt and knob of butter.i am following beyond diet - I started two fat busting supplements this morning that cannot have caffeine in the diet. so i went to Go vita in ...Mudgee and bought roobust tea AND roasted dandelion/ roasted chickory- ersatz coffee. I loved the ersatz coffee, reminded me of growing up in England. Rationing was still on when i was born, vouchers for really thick orange juice dispensed at the Clinic at the Winters Bridge Village Hall in long necked square medicine bottles.Also on vouchers was Marmite. This is slightly different from vegemite, and very different from Bovril, a meat extract.Bovril was initially made probably under another brand from the tongues of Bison. I love Pressed beef tongue, but to kill herds of bison just to cut out the tongues was and still is extremely wasteful, To come back to the start, I left a pack of AGH hazelnut flour with Helen and asked her to trial it in her gluten free baking and share the recipe.Helen is very creative, and has many old family favorites up her sleeve. i am sure i will love her recommendation. See more
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