Australia On The Map | Community organisation
Australia On The Map
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25.01.2022 *Following the two voyages of Abel Tasman in 1642-1644, the mapping of the Australian Continent began to appear on small-scale world maps telling of the discoveries, but giving little away. When in 1659 the premier Dutch map-maker, Joan Blaeu, decided to create a wall map for the East Indies, he centred it on Australia, here named 'Holandia Nova', or New Holland. All subsequent maps of New Holland are based on Joan Blaeu's map, which is one of the best general maps depicting Dutch sea power in South East Asia, at the time when it was at its height. It is also the first to contain details of the sighting of Tasmania, by crew aboard the 'Zeehaen' on 24 November 1642.
23.01.2022 The year 2017 is 375 years ago that Abel Tasman landed in New Zealand. A series of commemorative events are being planned, most in the Nelson and Golden Bay area. See the NZ groups website:
23.01.2022 The Dirk Hartog Festival in October in Denham, WA (Shark Bay) was a great success. There were countless activities around the town, for kids, adults and families. The replica Duyfken ship was there (see photos) and celebrity Neil Oliver (of "Coast" TV program) was there too.
23.01.2022 Dear AOTM Members and Friends, As Chairman of Australia On The Map, it would be remiss of me not to bring to your attention World Hydrography Day (21st June). Every cause seems to have its own day, but this was initiated by the International Hydrographic Organisation (IHO); unanimously adopted by the UN General Assembly. It was ratified by yours truly (as then Chairman of the International Federation on behalf of industry and the general public) in 2006. ...Continue reading
21.01.2022 The Commemorative trip of the Duyfken started some time ago. In spite of nasty weather at Bunbury visitor numbers were impressive. At this writing, the Duyfken is on her way to Jurien Bay. By 19 October she will arrive in Denham. Rumour has it that the Dutch King and Queen wil be at Shark Bay and the opening ceremony on Cape Inscription. Denham will have a festival from 20 - 25 October. I will be there to take pictures and meet my relatives. Hope you can come too.
19.01.2022 Next meeting of AOTM committee will be on Thursday 7 July 2016 at 2pm at the National Library, 4th floor. All interested persons welcome.
18.01.2022 On 16 July, 2015, the official launch of the booklet, Early Encounters with Australian Shores took place at the residence of the Dutch Ambassador to Australia. The essays by Rupert Gerritsen were published by AOTM, with assistance from the Dutch Embassy in Canberra and AHS. The launch was supported by the Dutch subsea survey company Fugro. The booklet is available for the cost of postage. Just send us a SASE (self addressed stamped envelope) large enough to fit a B5 booklet (182 x 257 x 5 mm almost as large as A4), with $2.10 in stamps on it. You can fold the large envelope into a standard size one addressed to us at PO Box 40, Civic Square ACT 2608. The booklet is intended for the general public from age 8 and up.
16.01.2022 Thank you to the people who came to visit the AOTM stall on 3 April, 2016 in Yarralumla. It was a beautiful day, and our stall was well presented and visited. We also made 3 new members. Welcome, friends.
14.01.2022 Dear AOTM Members and Friends, On behalf of AOTM, I trust you and your families are safe and well. At recent AOTM Executive meetings weve been examining some restructuring and opportunities. In part, this is because the challenging circumstances the world has faced over recent months has meant weve all been driven to find new ways of doing business and communicating. Additionally, some of the key executive members, who have provided invaluable service in recent years, ha...Continue reading
10.01.2022 On 21 June, shortest day of the year in Australia, AHS (Australasian Hydrographic Society), organised a conference day at the NLA to celebrate World Hydrography Day. Speakers were: Dr. Chris Carson Antarctic GeoScience, GeoScience Australia; Paul Hornsby Chairman, Australia On the Map; Rear Admiral Peter Briggs AO CSC RAN (Rtd) Project Leader Chairman Find AE1 Ltd; Mr. Peter Reynders Chairman AOTM; Dr. Andrew Woods Curtin University; Commander Mike Pounder RAN Military Coordination Op SIO at ATSB. It was a very interesting day, finalised by drinkies at the NLA and dinner at the Commonwealth Club.
10.01.2022 During a recent 3D seabed mapping exercise Australian scientists have discovered a reef more than 500 metres high at the northern end of the Great Barrier Reef. Video of the discovery from the robot, known as SuBastian, was live-streamed on U-tube. The 4-hr video can be seen on: Whole story:
08.01.2022 This year represents a landmark year in the history of Western Australia with the celebration of the arrival of Dirk Hartog on the west coast of Australia 400 years ago on 25th October 1616. When members of Hartogs crew stepped ashore at Cape Inscription on what we know now as Dirk Hartog Island, they were not to know then that they would be later recognised as the first Europeans to set foot on the West Coast of Australia. This landing followed a previous one by Willem Jan...szoon, the Captain of the ship the Duyfken, who in 1606 became the first European to set foot on Australian soil at a point on the Gulf of Carpentaria, near the town we now know as Weipa. As with past dates of an historical significance, the Western Australian Government has activated a community celebration via the Dirk Hartog 400th Anniversary Commemorations that will allow many thousands of West Australians to connect with this exciting event. To bring this event to life, the replica sailing ship Duyfken has been identified as the perfect medium to provide the connection to the community through an activation program that will see Duyfken visiting Bunbury, Mandurah, Hillarys, Jurien Bay, Dongara, Geraldton and Denham, before sailing to Cape Inscription for the formal ceremony on Tuesday, 25th October 2016. Duyfken will commence her voyage to Bunbury on Thursday, 18th August 2016 with a departure ceremony from the Fremantle Fishing Boat Harbour at 10.00am. This is an event of historic proportions, and the public is invited to attend the ceremonial departure. The Venue:is Sardine Jetty, 1 Mews Road, Fremantle Fishing Boat Harbour, Fremantle. Date: Thursday, 18th August 2016. Time: 9.00am 10.30am The WA Premier will be represented by Hon. Bill Marmion MLA, Minister for State Development; Finance; Innovation. The festival at Denham will run from 20 to 25 October, 2016.
04.01.2022 Issue 27 of Map Matters has come out. Only available on-line. Go to AOTM website and find the link.
04.01.2022 At the 7 July AOTM committee meeting member Phil Klein made a very interesting presentation about Captain Blighs journey to Timor after he was thrown off his ship. Next meeting will be Thursday, 4 August, 2pm, at the NLA.
04.01.2022 The Fremantle History Society has much pleasure in announcing a research scholarship to celebrate its 20th anniversary. The scholarship supports the Fremantle History Societys objectives and in particular encourages new research relating to Fremantles history. The scholarship is open to anyone interested in pursuing the highest level of research and writing and will require the completion of a written work, the format of which can be negotiated but will most likely take the form of a monograph of up to 10,000 words to be published by the Fremantle History Society. For further details and an application form visit Applications close Friday 12 September 2014. The recipient of the scholarship will be announced at Fremantle Studies Day, Sunday 26 October 2014.
01.01.2022 On Sunday 3 April, 2016, the National Trusts of Australia hold an Open Day in the ACT, 10am 3pm, at the grounds of the Yarralumla Forestry Precinct. The address is Banks Street, Yarralumla, ACT 2600. Entrance is a Gold Coin Donation. AOTM will be there with a stall with maps, books, leaflets and some promotional material. We will also have copies of the booklet, "Early Encounters with Australian Shores" by Rupert Gerritsen, which we published last year. This booklet is fre...e. If you are in the area, why not stop by and have a chat, with Peter Reynders or Marianne Pietersen. We look forward to a chance to discuss what we do, why we do it, who we are, and how to join us if you like. It is easy to find as Banks street is not long, the Forestry Building is set back from the street, with a large oval in front.
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