Aussie Kids Karate Australia in Toowoomba, Queensland | Martial arts school
Aussie Kids Karate Australia
Locality: Toowoomba, Queensland
Phone: +61 438 111 423
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25.01.2022 A prestigious award from her school has gone to Aussie Kids Karate Assistant instructor, 17 year old Valhsala Naidu. Valhsala has been training in karate since she was 5 and holds a current grade of Junior 2nd Dan. She will undertake her Senior Black Belt grading on the 22nd November. A remarkable achievement.
25.01.2022 Another online training session is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon (11/5/20) at 5pm. Training in One Step sparring. Check your emails for the invitation and details.Another online training session is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon (11/5/20) at 5pm. Training in One Step sparring. Check your emails for the invitation and details.
24.01.2022 Day 3 of the teaching of the Kata Shinsei for our advanced students.
24.01.2022 The completion of the kata Shinsei for our senior students. Let me know any other topics that you would like me to cover.
23.01.2022 Lizard Race and Bridge of Death at the Dalby A.K.K. tournament 22/8/21.
23.01.2022 5 new Junior Black Belts produced by the Aussie Kids Karate Program.From left, Ty Edmunds(Warwick), Alex Riddell (Toowoomba), Alexandria Heaton ( Toowoomba), Shihan Mike Jordan, Ruby Noller (Clifton) and Jessie Walker (Warwick).
22.01.2022 Hi All, today we are back with some more training during our enforced break. Today the topic is Ido - combination techniques with movement. Now some may think that this is too basic for their level but if you are only thinking about the movement of the fists and feet, in the words of my Japanese instructor, you are missing something. When you perform these techniques at a grading, the instructors will not be focussed on your limbs but on your hips to ensure that you are developing an understanding that the body should be the weapon rather than the limbs. Do some work on these 4 techniques today, send me some video so I can provide some feedback and I will be back tomorrow to demonstrate the other 4 techniques required at the local gradings.
22.01.2022 Scarlett Sullivan Orange witg Rene Rogeveen at the QKA State Titles in Brisbane on 14/11/20,
22.01.2022 Finally received some feedback on the video that I have been posting on Facebook. Alex Heaton, a 1st kyu brown belt from our Honbu Dojo in Toowoomba has been following the progression of the kata Shinsei during the week and sent this back. Not perfect yet but extremely good considering the circumstances in which she has learnt the movements. Alex is in training for her Junior Black belt grading. You can see that the dedication to her training she is showing now is the reason she has risen to such a grade at such a young age.
22.01.2022 Day 2 of instruction for our advanced students. I trust that you have all been practicing the stance taught in yesterdays video and are now able to apply it to your performance of the kata, Shinsei. This kata is taught in a number of different karate styles, commonly under the name of Gekkisai Dai, with the usual style variances. It is a relatively modern kata, created in the 1940s and designed to formulate a kata that could be practiced by all karate exponents, irrespective of style. Please feel free to give me some feedback or ask any questions - mainly so I know that there is still someone out there.
21.01.2022 Lots of kids and even some higher grades don't know how to tie their belt properly. I trust that this may help.
21.01.2022 Remember Mums and Dads Kara-Fit Fitness Training ON THIS SATURDAY! with Sensei Dann... Come along improve you cardio, flexibility, mobility and more..... #akkaus2020 #karafit20 #karatefamily #karatelife #renbukandd Oss!
21.01.2022 I have had a couple of requests for video of training that kids can do from home. If I get enough requests, I will try to put something together.I have had a couple of requests for video of training that kids can do from home. If I get enough requests, I will try to put something together.
21.01.2022 Aussie Kids Karate, Australia Mt, Lofty Junior Dojo #AKKAus #mtloftydojo #aussieskidskarateaus20 #renbukandd #renbukanaus... LIKE/SHARE/FOLLOW EFFORT PATIENCE MODERATION RESPECT Oss!
20.01.2022 Grading candidates at Mt Lofty Dojo.
20.01.2022 Grading at Wilsonton Dojo 16/9/20. Jett Bloxsom 8th Kyu ,Tiana White 10th Kyu, and Elliot Rollason 10th Kyu.
19.01.2022 The first 5 of the Ido required for those attempting Black Belt gradings. Practice these today and I will present the final 5 tomorrow. Stay Well.
18.01.2022 10 year old Assistant Instructor, Alexandria Heaton has won the Black Belt division in Kata at the Queensland Karate Ass. State Titles in Brisbane. Her good friend and team mate Scarlett Sullivan- Orange was also in the medal count with a bronze in the Kyu Grade kata event. Congratulations to both girls.
18.01.2022 Wilsonton grading 15/9/21 results. Meki Jones and Isaac Fesuk - 10th kyu Yellow belts. Lena and Lewis McNaught - 9th Kyu Yellow belts.
18.01.2022 Final Term 3 grading at Darling Heights. Results were: Gursaanj and Gursawan Randhawa 10th kyu Yellow belt. They Stephenson-Platen, CK Fitzakerley, Mostainur Tahan, Will Whittington and Kaelen Macgowan- 9th Kyu Yellow belts. Well done and congratulations.
16.01.2022 Grading in Dalby 5/12/20.
16.01.2022 For those above green belt level, i intend to commence by teaching a kata called Shinsei (which means New Birth, for unknown reasons). It is a reasonably short kata so may be easy for you to learn. It uses Sanchin stance extensively throughout the kata so a good starting point would be to ensure that you can perform the stance adequately. In the comments on the video, I failed to mention that the outside of the feet should be about shoulder width and then the knees should be drawn together to protect again groin kicks. Thus the common English name for this stance is "hourglass stance". Please practice it stationary and moving forwards and backwards and I will be back to show the first section of the kata.
16.01.2022 An invitation has been sent by email to our members in Toowoomba, Gatton and the Southern Downs to attend a Zoom training session on Monday at 5pm. I have sorted out a few of the problems from last week and expect Mondays to be vastly improved. I look forward to seeing your smiling faces.
15.01.2022 Aussie Kids Karate, Australia is a locally owned and operated business. We support other local businesses who provide exceptional service, professionalism and something more. Liebke Tyres is a perfect FIT! ... The new shoes look and drive excellent Go ahead give them a call and ask "Have you seen Sensie Danns spare tyre?" #supportlocalbusiness #liebketyres
15.01.2022 The next round of Fair Play vouchers is now open. $150 to cover training and/or joining fees from the Qld Dept. of Sport. If you didnt receive one at the start of the year, you may be eligible. Google Fair Play for more details and please send to anyone who might be thinking of joining.
15.01.2022 Grading Darling Heights 17/9/20. Finley Hernan 10th Kyu, Owen Hernan 9th Kyu and Baileigh Horatic 9th Kyu.
14.01.2022 In keeping with the Prime Ministers directive, all our Branches have now closed until further notice. My apologies to all our members who look forward to their training and particularly to those who have been preparing for a grading next weekend which will no longer proceed. Remember that we are all in this together and, if we do everything possible to reduce the spread, these troubled times will be a distant memory. Stay safe and healthy.
14.01.2022 Invitations have been sent for another online training session tomorrow (25/5/20) at 4.30 p.m. Tomorrows session will focus on Kali. Check you emails for the invitation and sign-on details. If you cant make the session at that time, let me know and I can send you the recorded version.
14.01.2022 This our first video for our lower grade students.(under green belt I would suggest) . It is a stance used a couple of times in a kata called Pinan Nidan which translates to "peace of mind 2nd level". The kata is the grading kata for students grading to green belt with a white stripe so while it may be a little advanced for beginners, it will do no harm to practice it now. Try to practice the stance, taking care to observe the points that I have made in relation to it, and I will be back with the first few moves of the kata for you to learn.
14.01.2022 Ok todays training for the lower grades is the first section of the kata Pinan Nidan. Please practice this section today and feel free to ask any relevant questions. I will be back tomorrow with a further section of the kata. Feedback is welcomed.
13.01.2022 Toowoomba's newest Junior Black belts Alex Riddell and Alexandria Heaton. At 10 years of age Alexandria is one of the youngest kids promoted to this rank it reflects the dedication that she has exhibited over the past 6 years. Well done to both.
12.01.2022 The starting line-up at the Dalby A.K.K. tournament 22/8/21.
12.01.2022 Highfields Grading 14/9/20. Christian Sullivan, 6th Kyu, Scout Zischke 9th Kyu, Skylee Zischke 8th Kyu and Mikah Morrison 10th Kyu.
11.01.2022 Grading at Gatton today. Tyson and Piper Eagle-Gleeson , 10th kyu Yellow belt, Mattia Harch, 8th Kyu Orange belt and Grace Linnan and Tung Nugyen, 7th Kyu Orange belt.
11.01.2022 Today we present the final 4 Ido techniques for our Junior Advanced grading. Great to see some feedback from our Dalby students. Please keep you comments, questions and suggestions coming in.
10.01.2022 LikeFollowShare Help us HIT 1000 Followers Kara-Fit Fitness Training... Functional Training Self Paced All Fitness Levels Improve CardioFlexibilityStrength Benefits include Stress Relief Health Well being Family Dynamics Come along Mums and Dads, let's show the kids we can get our CONDITIONING badge too Go to our event to book your space. COVID Safe For more details PM. #kara-fit #akkaustralia #renbukandd
10.01.2022 KARA-FIT Fitness Training 1st Session THIS SATURDAY Functional Training Total Body Workout All Fitness levels PAYG... Show your interest and attendance on the EVENT. "Keep up with the KIDS" #akkaustralia #karafit20 #karatelife #karatefamily
08.01.2022 A big evening for Aidan Harper from our Wilsonton Dojo, earning not only his 15 bout sparring trophy but also his third Tiger Concentration Badge. Well done Aidan.
08.01.2022 Over 60 members attended Gradings held in Toowoomba and Dalby over the weekend of 5-6th December - a surprising number considering the many disruptions to training during 2020. Highest grades on the day were recorded by Hayley Leeson and Eduardo Moraes who were both graded to 1st Kyu brown belt and to Alan and Adhin Peter who achieved 2nd Kyu brown belt and Darcy Noller who also earnt 1st Kyu brown belt. Star of the day was Namiya Luker who double graded from 10th Kyu yellow belt to 8th Kyu Orange belt. Thanks to all instructors and congratulations to all candidates.
07.01.2022 Ok Day three of the teaching of the kata, Pinan Nidan, directed towards our lower graded students. Still no questions or feedback but I hope that some one is benefitting from my efforts.
07.01.2022 Fair Play voucher applications open this Wednesday (20/1/21). Log on for $150 towards joining and/or training fees for eligible parents.Fair Play voucher applications open this Wednesday (20/1/21). Log on for $150 towards joining and/or training fees for eligible parents.
07.01.2022 10 Reasons for Your Kids to Learn Martial Arts. Confidence: When you’re confident you can defend yourself, and don’t come across as an easy target that most bullies look for. Also, if you have accomplished something a little difficult then you have confidence that you can move onto a new level, not just in martial arts but in any area of your life. Defense: My boys may not be able to take on any opponent in the world. However, they have learned techniques to help them defend ...themselves in hostile situations. Learn How to Take a Punch: This is a difficult concept for a mother to get her head around let alone accept. The best defense in most situations is to run, flee or remove yourself from the situation. If there is some reason you have not left the situation it usually means your opponent has thrown the first punch and is on top of you or has attacked you in some way. If you know what it feels like to take a punch and keep your wits about you, you’re chances of survival are much greater. Discipline: This is another point that ripples throughout a child’s life. However, to master the different levels of any martial art you’ve got to have physical and mental discipline. Martial arts give children practice using the body and mind in harmony. Endurance: Martial arts is a sport, you build strength and endurance. Leadership: Part of becoming a black belt and higher is teaching beginning students. My older son is now teaching younger students and this is part of his training. Health: We have an epidemic of childhood obesity in this country. Martial Arts is a great way to get moving and burn off calories. Fight in a Controlled Environment: This one was hard for me as a mother. Of course at first it was cute. My little five year old child sparing with another five year old was nothing more than two clumsy kids trying to hit each other. My oldest son sparing during his black belt test was stomach turning. But my boys have the experience of fighting and they’ve learned it in a controlled environment without getting hurt. (at least hurt too badly) Situational Awareness: This goes along with confidence and defense but studying martial arts requires that you always be aware of your environment. Ability to Assess an Opponent: If you can determine that your opponent is weak in an area you can use that to your advantage in any hostile environment. This is an invaluable capacity. _____________________________________________
06.01.2022 Just over a month to go until the 2021 Aussie Kids Karate Camp. Scheduled for Gatton on the 23rd and 24th October. The camp will feature weapons, self defence, kata, sparring, basics and fitness training. 5 sessions with some of Qld's top instructors for just $20. See your branch instructor for the application form.Just over a month to go until the 2021 Aussie Kids Karate Camp. Scheduled for Gatton on the 23rd and 24th October. The camp will feature weapons, self defence, kata, sparring, basics and fitness training. 5 sessions with some of Qld's top instructors for just $20. See your branch instructor for the application form.
06.01.2022 Just a quick update on our progress towards getting back to the Clubs. We are still planning on returning in the first week after the school holidays. We still have not been given the go-ahead by the lessors of any of our halls but are hopeful that we will be right by the week beginning 13/7/20.Just a quick update on our progress towards getting back to the Clubs. We are still planning on returning in the first week after the school holidays. We still have not been given the go-ahead by the lessors of any of our halls but are hopeful that we will be right by the week beginning 13/7/20.
05.01.2022 2 new Senior Black Belts as a product of starting in the art in the Aussie Kids Karate Program. Valhsala Naidu and Beth Liddle were both awarded 1st Dan at a grading on the Gold Coast on 22/11/20. Valhsala has trained for 12 years to achieve this goal,commencing as a 5 year old at the Rangeville Dojo . .Beth has trained and assisted at the Dalby Dojo for many years. Well done, girls.
05.01.2022 All classes recommence this week following the long break from training. Dust off the old dogi and get yourself along.All classes recommence this week following the long break from training. Dust off the old dogi and get yourself along.
05.01.2022 1st Session this SATURDAY with Sensei Dann PAYG NO LOCK-IN CONTRACT AFFODABLE CONVIENT ... Exclusive to AKK Families Family Discounts AKK Friends Welcome Family Fitness For more details PM "Keep up with the KIDS" #akkaustralia #akkaus2020 #karafit20
05.01.2022 Alex Riddell and Alexandria face off in the kumite section of the grading on 22/11/20.
05.01.2022 Gatton Grading 15/9/20. Lachlan ODea 10th Kyu, Cruze Anderson 10th Kyu, Angus Frew 10th Kyu, Zachary Fairley 10th Kyu.
04.01.2022 On line training this afternoon at 4.30pm on Zoom. Topic will be Sparring Drills. Check your email for the invitation.On line training this afternoon at 4.30pm on Zoom. Topic will be Sparring Drills. Check your email for the invitation.
04.01.2022 The completion of the kata Pinan Nidan for our lower graded srudents. If you would like some feedback on how you are going, send me some video and I will help where needed. Still canvassing topics for future video. Let me know what you would like to see.
04.01.2022 Just a quick update on our return to our Clubs. At this stage we intend to resume at all branches in the week beginning Monday 13th July. Will update later.Just a quick update on our return to our Clubs. At this stage we intend to resume at all branches in the week beginning Monday 13th July. Will update later.
04.01.2022 55 members took part in our first regional AKK competition held in Dalby on 22/8/21. Oakey emerged as Star Wars winners and Dalby won the Club Championship.Well done to all competitors. Next competition scheduled for Toowoomba on 14/11/21.55 members took part in our first regional AKK competition held in Dalby on 22/8/21. Oakey emerged as Star Wars winners and Dalby won the Club Championship.Well done to all competitors. Next competition scheduled for Toowoomba on 14/11/21.
03.01.2022 The final 5 Ido techniques required for Black belt grading.
03.01.2022 Aussie Kids Karate classes resume at all venues this week.
03.01.2022 Serious training in the 1970s
03.01.2022 Another on-line training session has been scheduled for tomorrow (18/5/20) at 4.30pm. This time we will work some basic Bo techniques. Check your emails for the invitation. Please bring a Bo or broomstick.
02.01.2022 Today's Grading at Highfields produced the following results : Eloise Box and Sysha Dua - 10th kyu yellow belts. Paige Rice - 9th Kyu Yellow belt. Alex French - 8th Kyu Orange belt. Skylee Zischke - 6th Kyu Green belt.... Well done to all. See more
02.01.2022 3 year old Vincent French shows how it is done at Highfields.
01.01.2022 Such commitment and determination. Alex Riddell is pictured below with his sister Maddison as a 5 year old starting his karate career at our Wilsonton Aussie Kids Karate Dojo in 2013 and on the right with Shihan Mike Jordan on the occasion of his promotion to the rank of Junior Black Belt. My feelings are that Kids that can work consistently to achieve goals like this are assured of a great future
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